
Saudi Arabia and Estonia discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the statistical field


Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, received Mr. Jan Reinhold, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, in a meeting held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023,in Riyadh, to discuss ways to enhance joint work in the statistical sector and opportunities for developing cooperation in the field of statistical data. During the meeting, the two sides discussed enhancing the level of joint coordination between the their countries in the field of statistical data, working on continuous development of bilateral relations, and using modern technology in disseminating indicators, organizing statistical data and its governance, as well as a number of topics of mutual interest in the statistical field between the two countries. Dr. Fahad Al-Dossari emphasized the importance of the joint relations between the two countries and the importance of cooperation in the field of statistics. He opened broader and more welcoming prospects for cooperation with European countries, in addition to effective cooperation in the field of statistical information and data between the two countries. It is worth mentioning that the trade exchange between Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Estonia amounted to 133 million SAR until September 2023, with total exports to Estonia reaching 59 million SAR, while Saudi Arabia’s imports from Estonia amounted to 73 million SAR.

Under the presidency of Kingdom 48th meeting of Board of Trustees of Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research holds in Jeddah


The 48th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) was held in Jeddah. Heads of official Arab statistical centers participated in the meeting. In the opening session, Dr. Fahad Abdullah Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, delivered an opening speech welcoming the participating delegations and wishing them successful meetings and a pleasant stay in their second home, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The 48th meeting began with a review of the activities carried out by the Institute during the year 2022, including training courses, studies, and technical consultations provided by the Institute to various Arab statistical agencies in the field of statistical work. The Board of Trustees discussed the Institute's work plan and budget for implementation during the fiscal year 2023/2024. In addition, discussions were held on statistical activities and initiatives in Arab countries and common statistical issues to contribute to providing accurate data necessary for implementing comprehensive economic and social development plans at the Arab regional level. It also aimed to support official statistical systems in Arab countries in fulfilling their developmental duties at both the national and regional levels by providing accurate data and indicators that contribute to enhancing opportunities for better policymaking. It is worth mentioning that the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics plays an important role in developing and building the capacities of human resources in Arab statistical agencies. This is achieved by meeting their training and technical consultation needs in the field of methodologies, concepts, and tools for managing official statistical work. The Institute also develops and implements research and statistical studies relevant to the interests of statistical agencies, in line with their needs. Additionally, it contributes to raising awareness of statistical work by participating in various seminars and conferences held at the regional and international levels.
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GASTAT signs a cooperation agreement with Health Insurance Council


General Authority for Statistics and Health Insurance Council signed a cooperation agreement between the two parties at the headquarters of the Health Insurance Council. The agreement was signed by Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, and Dr. Shabab Al-Ghamdi, Secretary-General of the Health Insurance Council. The collaboration is a continuation of the significant role that both entities have played in supplying indicators and statistical data. The statistical data and indicators related to the health sector are of high importance to policymakers and decision-makers. Integrating the efforts of both entities enhances the quality and reliability of the data and indicators. Additionally, the agreement includes the exchange of technical and knowledge expertise and working together to improve statistical products and provide technical support in the statistical aspects related to the services of the Health Insurance Council. It also aims to enhance the level of joint coordination in the field of exchanging statistical data, which contributes to providing information and enhancing the services provided to beneficiaries of health insurance.
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BOD of GASTAT holds its 26th meeting


The Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics held its 26th meeting, chaired by His Excellency the Minister of Economy and Planning, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics, Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim. Several topics were discussed related to the development of statistical work and enhancing the role of the Authority. The Board reviewed the progress made in the projects and strategic initiatives that the Authority is currently working on as part of its strategic transformation. They also discussed the statistical products that will be developed and issued in the coming phase, which will meet the requirements of government and private entities and align with international standards. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for Statistics is in charge of designing and implementing field surveys, conducting statistical studies and research, collecting and analyzing data, documenting and tabulating it, and extracting indicators. It is also responsible for all activities related to documenting and preserving statistical information and data, as well as preparing national statistical manuals and classifications according to international standards.
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GASTAT signs MoC with Saudi Broadcasting Authority


General Authority for Statistics has signed a memorandum of cooperation(MoC) with Saudi Broadcasting Authority, aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two entities and promoting coordination and integration of efforts in their respective fields. The (MoC) was signed by Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, and Mr. Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority. It includes several areas of collaboration, including the exchange of support and technical and scientific expertise, cooperation in conducting statistical surveys related to providing statistical data and indicators for the media and advertising market, viewership rates, and viewer satisfaction. It also includes the exchange of advice, including research and studies, and the provision of opportunities for employees of both parties to participate in training courses, seminars, scientific conferences, and workshops organized by each party. In this context, Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, emphasized that the statistical work carried out by the Authority is an important component in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 by building statistical indicators and measuring them. He pointed out that the media sector receives great attention due to its pivotal role and its effective contribution in enhancing knowledge and building awareness among society towards various sectors and their work, including the General Authority for Statistics and its role in providing statistical data and indicators. He added that this (MoC) will support both entities in fulfilling their roles. Mr. Mohammed bin Fahd Al-Harithi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, affirmed that this (MoC) emphasizes the importance of integration between government entities, which positively reflects on the success of joint work. It also supports the strategy of the Authority in enhancing cooperation with other government entities to keep up with the process of development and change that the Authority is going through. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for Statistics is the statistical Authority in the Kingdom, and the only official reference for implementing statistical work, as well as its technical and regulatory supervisor. It has multiple tasks, including collecting statistical data and information from public and private entities and individuals, analyzing and studying this data to calculate various statistical indicators, as well as providing statistical consultations and reports for surveys, research, and other data and statistical services within its scope of work. The Saudi Broadcasting Authority has recently been working on strengthening cooperation with government entities in various sectors, keeping pace with the development witnessed by the Kingdom in all fields. The Authority is dedicating all its efforts to anything that enhances the Kingdom's position and highlights the continuous work to achieve the ambitious Vision 2030, which is inseparable from the roles of active media entities.
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GASTAT discusses ways of joint cooperation with Kingdom of Bahrain


His Excellency Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, met with Mr. Mohammed Ali AlQaed CEO of the Information & eGovernment Authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain, on the sidelines of the 9th Global Conference on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX). They discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the statistical sector and reviewed opportunities to develop collaboration in the field of statistical data and various topics of mutual interest in the statistical field between the two countries. At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Fahad Aldossari congratulated the Kingdom of Bahrain on the successful hosting of the (SDMX) conference, commending the efforts of the Information & eGovernment Authority, which contributed to the success of the first-ever hosting of the event in the Middle East. He expressed his hopes that the conference would achieve its objectives and contribute to the international efforts aimed at developing the exchange of statistical data and metadata. During the meeting, both sides discussed enhancing the level of coordination in the field of statistical data and metadata, as well as working on the continuous development of bilateral relations. They also discussed developing methods and techniques for calculating indicators, including household income and expenditure surveys, and providing up-to-date statistical data to enhance joint efforts in sustainable development goals between the two countries. This includes the continuous development of mechanisms for calculating indicators, exchanging statistical data and metadata, and governing them, as well as developing cloud computing techniques and continuously benefiting from modern technologies. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, visited the Kingdom of Bahrain leading a statistical delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the 9th Global Conference on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX), organized by the Information & eGovernment Authority in Bahrain. The conference is a global event held every two years under the Global SDMX Initiative, launched in 2002, and managed by a group of international organizations with the aim of unifying and updating mechanisms and processes for exchanging statistical data and metadata between international organizations and official statistical agencies.
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GASTAT holds meeting with its Korean counterpart


The General Authority for Statistics and the Korean Statistical Office held a bilateral meeting with the participation of several statistical officials from both sides, in order to activate the joint cooperation program in the statistical field between the General Authority for Statistics and the Korean Statistical Office, whose signature was witnessed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince - may God protect him - and the Korean President, and signed by the Kingdom's Minister of Economy and Planning, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics, Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim, and from the Korean side, the Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Finance of South Korea, Mr. Cho Kyung-Ho. The meeting discussed the mechanism for activating joint cooperation and implementing the statistical work program between the two countries, in addition to enhancing the level of joint coordination in the field of statistical data and working on the continuous development of bilateral relations. It also discussed the development of methods and techniques for calculating indicators and providing accurate and up-to-date statistical data to enhance the goals of sustainable development in all fields. The President of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad Aldossari, drew attention to the gracious care received by the joint cooperation program in the statistical field from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince - may God protect him - and in the presence of the Korean President. This confirms the care for the statistical sector and its role in providing data and indicators that support decision-makers and policy-makers in both countries. He praised the fruitful cooperation between the Authority and its Korean counterpart, which has lasted for more than six years, during which the two sides exchanged knowledge and technical expertise in the statistical field, leading to the enhancement of joint cooperation in the coming stage. It should be noted that the joint cooperation program aims to implement evidence-based policies and enhance cooperation in the field of official statistics through the exchange of expertise to produce various indicators and statistics using modern technologies that are in line with global developments in the field of data. It also includes the exchange of statistics that support economic activities and the provision of scientific participation and training opportunities through the organization of joint seminars and workshops between the two countries.
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KSA participates in 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participated in the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians, which was held at the headquarters of the International Labour Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, in October 2023. The delegation of the Kingdom was headed by His Excellency the President of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari. The conference aims to establish new statistical standards for measuring the informal economy and update the previous standards related to the informal sector and employment. It also discussed several topics related to labour market statistics, including standards for voluntary work, child labor, the International Classification of Status in employment, statistics on digital platform work, and more. Experts from government sectors representing the ministries of labour, national statistical offices, employers' organizations, and workers' organizations participated in the conference. Dr. Fahad Aldossari emphasized the importance of the conference's agenda, which included reviewing the International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE), updating the implementation of the resolution on labour and employment statistics, statistical standards for measuring labour migration, and youth integration in the labour market. He also highlighted the monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals indicators under the auspices of the International Labour Organization, which measure the level of progress in achieving sustainable development targets. In addition, he mentioned the updating of decisions and guidelines related to measuring income associated with work and the impact of cooperation with the Organization on the statistical indicators issued by the Authority within the framework of international methodologies. He commended the International Labour Organization's initiatives in supporting the capabilities of statistical agencies and its role in preparing for the International Conference of Labour Statisticians along with its excellent organization, which succeeded in bringing together a large number of experts, specialists, and institutions in the field of labour market statistics. It is worth mentioning that the International Labour Organization organizes the International Conference of Labour Statisticians once every five years, to set standards in the field of labour statistics at the international level, issue specific recommendations on selected topics in the field of labour statistics, and formulate decisions and guiding principles that are subsequently approved by the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization.
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GASTAT issues number of health status indicators in Kingdom


General Authority for Statistics announced, on its official website (stats.gov.sa), a number of health status indicators in the Kingdom, as it issued 3 specialized statistical publications that included many indicators related to the general health status, women’s health and reproductive care, in addition to comprehensive health care for the year 2023. In 2023, the percentage of adults aged (15 years and above) and children aged (under 15 years old)  in the Kingdom who have private health insurance to cover basic healthcare expenses recorded 37.5% and 19.5%, respectively. The percentage of adults aged (15 years and above) in the Kingdom who pay healthcare on their own was 21.8%, while the percentage of children whose parents pay their healthcare on their own was 9.7%. The percentage of adults aged (15 years and above) who undergo annual regular check-ups was 47%, according to the publication’s results.  On the other hand, the results of the publication on the health status of the population in the Kingdom in 2023 showed that the percentage of adults aged (15 years and above) who rated their health quality as good or very good was 53%, while the percentage among children and adolescents aged 4 to 14 years was 71%. The percentage of women who had a negative perception of their health status was 30%, compared to 25% among adult men (15 years and above). Regarding women's health, the results of the publication on women's health and reproductive care in 2023 showed that the percentage of health coverage provided by private health insurance during pregnancy and childbirth for recent births in the Kingdom was 26%, while the percentage of those who pay the costs of providing healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth on their own was 13.5%. The percentage of mothers who had at least four visits to a healthcare provider before childbirth reached 88.8%. The percentage of births attended by skilled health specialists was 99.8%, out of total births in the Kingdom during 2023, while the percentage of c-section births was 34.5%, out of total births in the Kingdom during 2023. On the other hand, the percentage of married women of reproductive age who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern method was 54%.
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GASTAT participates in the 9th Global Conference on (SDMX)


The General Authority for Statistics participated in the 9th Global Conference on (SDMX), which is being held in the Kingdom of Bahrain under the title of “Empowering Data Communities.” His Excellency Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, headed the Authority’s delegation participating in the conference with the aim of discussing the latest developments in the field of statistical data and metadata and benefiting from techniques and tools that contribute to enhancing cooperation, knowledge and exchange of metadata through an international initiative to exchange statistical data and metadata between international organizations and a number of statistical offices. The President of the General Authority for Statistics gave a speech at the conference in which he expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Kingdom of Bahrain for hosting this important conference and for the good organization and hospitality. He also extended his appreciation to the Bahrain Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA), statistical offices, participating international organizations and SDMX sponsors for co-hosting this event with the support of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) and Banca d’Italia.  During his speech, Dr. Fahad Aldossari said that SDMX international initiative was launched in response to the continuing level of rapid developments and the ongoing demand for large and informative data sets to empower the data community and update and unify the mechanisms within this field, whether at a national or international level. He also pointed out that SDMX frameworks and standards are intended to help national statistical offices organize and exchange data and metadata. Additionally, our office uses SDMX to upload KSA’s data on platforms run by the International Monetary Fund and ESCWA. The areas covered include statistics of GDP, labor market, price, export, import, and relevant indicators of sustainable development goals through advancements in the application and use of SDMX rules at the international level, to facilitate the exchange of statistical data with regional and international organizations. He confirmed that over the recent years the volume of statistical work has expanded, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's statistics sector has seen substantial transformations through statistical initiatives and projects led by the General Authority for Statistics, in order to produce statistical data and indicators  and to use the most sophisticated infrastructures for integrating various data sources and best in class infrastructures for data management and governance. In addition to the newly constructed data lake, it makes use of cloud computing techniques, and this technology is continuously being improved as part of the digital transformation initiative that supported development plans, programs, and policies including Vision 2030. In addition to the actively and successfully participates in international workshops and conferences to prepare and enable the national staff to transfer knowledge to the team leading the statistical transformation process in the Kingdom. On the other hand, the 9th Global Conference on (SDMX) will be held over five days, from 29 October 2023 to 2 November 2023, and includes several key sessions on the importance of using new technologies for the (SDMX ) and utilizing artificial intelligence techniques as an enabling tool to facilitate access to official statistics. A number of workshops are also held with the aim of strengthening international relations and cooperation between major international organizations and benefiting from the technical expertise shared to develop statistical work among statistical offices. It is noteworthy that the 9th Global Conference on (SDMX) is organized by the Bahrain Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA) and is a major international event in the statistical sector and indicators. It is organized every two years through the international initiative (SDMX), which was launched in 2002 and is managed by a group of international organizations with the aim of unifying and modernizing mechanisms and processes for exchanging statistical data and metadata between international organizations and a number of statistical offices.
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GCC Permanent Committee for Statistical Work holds its 10th meeting in Muscat


The General Authority for Statistics participated in the 10th meeting of the Permanent Committee for Statistical Work, held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, with the attendance of heads of statistical centers in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The committee aims to enhance joint Gulf statistical work, providing statistical data to support development plans and exchanging experiences among member states. During their meeting, the committee members discussed the continued implementation of the recommendations from the previous meeting held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and reviewed the orientations regarding the Gulf Statistical Work Development Initiative, which aims to enhance cooperation with the Gulf Standardization Organization. They also studied statistical indicators to measure the implementation of decisions by the Supreme Council on the ground. Additionally, they discussed a decision by the Financial and Economic Cooperation Committee to entrust member states with building databases for the common Gulf market. They also discussed global developments and common challenges facing statistical work in the Gulf countries. Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dosari, The President of the General Authority for Statistics and a member of the Permanent Committee for Gulf Statistical Work, presented the experience of Saudi Census 2022 and the phases it went through. He highlighted the integration of administrative data with field data, which contributed to improving the quality of outputs, and the activation of geographic maps. He also mentioned the steps taken by the authority to enhance innovation in statistical work, expand accurate data, and provide open-source data for beneficiaries.
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IMF says The Saudi‘s Economic & Fiscal Position are Strong Due to Ongoing Reforms Under Saudi Vision 2030


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a positive report on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after the conclusion of their 2023 Article 4 Consultation discussions with the Kingdom. The IMF report affirmed that the Saudi economy is in a state of prosperity and growth, and that the Kingdom's fiscal position is strong. The IMF also praised the progress Saudi Arabia has made in implementing its Saudi Vision 2030 reform agenda. Additionally, the IMF lauded the acceleration of the Kingdom's digital transformation, the increase in female participation in the labor market, reforms in the regulatory and the business environment, ongoing efforts to invest in human capital, and the continuous growth of non-oil GDP. The report commended the Kingdom's continuing efforts to complete economic and financial reforms and achieve Saudi Vision 2030 targets, noting that the Kingdom was the fastest-growing G20 economies in 2022 with a rate of 8.7%, and with non-oil GDP growing at about 4.8%, while unemployment rates among Saudis declined to their lowest historical level at 8%. The participation of Saudi women in the labor market has reached record levels at about 37% (from 18% in 2017), exceeding the target of 30% envisioned by Saudi Vision 2030. The report also welcomed the ongoing national efforts to enhance women's contribution to supporting the national economy. In addition, the report praised the Kingdom's efforts to contain inflation that has cast a shadow over the global economy, explaining that it was contained through domestic subsidies/price cap on certain products, as well as the strength of the U.S dollar, which led to the consumer price index (CPI) reaching just 2.5% in 2022. The report noted that although the average index increased in early 2023 to 3.4%, it decreased again to 2.8% by May 2023. The IMF report emphasized that the continuation of Saudi Vision 2030 reforms represents progress in advancing the country's economic diversification programs to reduce its dependence on oil. It projected a continuation of the strong momentum of non-oil GDP growth, and that average growth will reach 4.9% in 2023, driven by strong consumption spending, increase private investment through projects and programs that enhance the growth of the private sector in addition to the accelerated projects implementation, which will reflect positively on the growth of non-oil GDP, the IMF said. The report also welcomed the ongoing reform efforts within the framework of the Fiscal Sustainability Program, including improving non-oil revenues, rationalizing spending, and strengthening the public finance framework. It also noted the low and sustainable debt levels and the availability of a strong fiscal space, while praising the remarkable progress in public finance transparency through the expanded budget statement and other detailed reports. The IMF stressed that the Kingdom's monetary policy (fixed exchange rate) is appropriate and serves the Kingdom's economy, and that the performance of the banking sector remains strong during the current year, thanks to the continuous efforts of the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) to modernize the regulatory and supervisory frameworks. This contributed to the achievement of high profitability rates (higher than pre-pandemic levels), in addition to high capital adequacy ratios and low non-performing (NPL) loan ratios. The report also welcomed the efforts of the Saudi Central Bank to promote the Kingdom as a fintech hub. The report praised the continuing efforts by the Kingdom's government to enhance governance, fight corruption, and confront the challenges of climate change. It also praised the plans being implemented to increase renewable energy, the Kingdom's goal to become the largest producer of clean hydrogen in the world, and the tangible role of the Saudi Green Initiative (SGI) in reducing carbon emissions, expecting that these efforts will contribute to reducing emissions to the target level for the year 2030, and indicating that the Kingdom recorded the second-lowest emissions globally per unit  produced. The report noted the positive transformation in the Saudi housing sector through a number of programs that contributed to an increase in the percentage of home ownership to 60.6% in 2022, in pursuit of the Vision 2030 goal of 70% by 2030. It also noted the importance of industrial policies in the success of the Kingdom's efforts toward structural transformation and diversification under Saudi Vision 2030. With regard to the Kingdom's digital transformation, the report indicated that the Kingdom ranks high in a number of global digitization rankings for example digital infrastructure and the maturity of digital government transformation. Also, the strong digital development in Saudi Arabia has improved financial inclusion, the resilience of the financial sector, and enhanced government effectiveness, pointing out that Saudi Vision 2030 played a pivotal role in accelerating the pace of digital transformation.
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To Exchange technical and cognitive expertise and support The General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities signs a memorandum of cooperation with the General Authority for Statistics


The General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities and the General Authority for Statistics signed a memorandum of cooperation on Monday, 20 Muharram 1445 AH, corresponding to August 7, 2023, in Riyadh. The memorandum aims to enhance the level of joint coordination in the field of statistical data, which contributes to providing data and information and improving the quality of services provided to persons with disabilities, as well as ensuring their necessary care and rehabilitation. The memorandum was signed by Dr. Hisham bin Mohammed Al-Haidari, the CEO of the General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities, and Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dosari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics. The agreement aims to enhance integration between the two entities in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030, through the exchange of relevant official statistics for persons with disabilities. The General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities is responsible for serving them and working towards integrating efforts to improve statistical products for this category. Additionally, the agreement includes providing technical support to the General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities in statistical aspects related to handling and exchanging data and information, issuing reports and publications, and monitoring social variables for persons with disabilities. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities aims to be the comprehensive umbrella for all matters related to persons with disabilities, granting them their full rights and empowering them in collaboration with relevant entities. It seeks to ensure their rights related to disabilities and contribute to enhancing their independence and empowerment through their participation in various activities and full inclusion in all aspects of life, to achieve an inclusive and harmonious society.

To enhance statistical cooperation Organization of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission meets in Jeddah


The General Authority for Statistics hosted on Tuesday the 12th Session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission in Jeddah, with the participation of 56 countries represented by the heads of the official statistical centers in the member states, and in the presence of six international organizations. The Commission 's meetings will continue for two consecutive days and are organized by the Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC). In his opening speech, Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, welcomed the participating delegations and expressed his sincere wishes for the success of the 12th session. He also mentioned the efforts exerted by SESRIC to enhance cooperation among Islamic countries in the field of statistical exchange and training, reaffirming GASTAT’s support for all efforts aimed at developing statistical services. It is worth mentioning that the 12th Session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission aims to enhance the technical and scientific capabilities of statistical personnel in the official statistical agencies of the member states, and to exchange statistical experiences and knowledge in order to produce high-quality statistics, guided by specific objectives and principles to enhance solidarity and cooperation among Islamic countries. The agenda includes several sessions aimed at enhancing the production and dissemination of accurate and up-to-date statistical data and indicators in accordance with internationally recognized methodologies and standards. It also focuses on developing a strategic vision to improve the level of statistical systems and implementing and monitoring short, medium, and long-term plans to achieve this vision, in order to enhance the technical capabilities of national statistical agencies in Islamic countries.
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GASTAT Population’s unemployment rate decreases to 4.9% in Q2/2023


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued today, Thursday, 13/3/1445 H, corresponding to September 28, 2023, through its official website www.stats.gov.sa, "Labor Market ؛Publication for the second quarter of 2023." According to the results of this Publication, the overall unemployment rate (for Saudis and non-Saudis) decreased to 4.9% compared to the first quarter of 2023. The unemployment rate for Saudis also decreased, reaching 8.3% for the second quarter of 2023, compared to 8.5% in the first quarter of the same year. Similarly, the unemployment rate for Saudi females decreased to 15.7% for the second quarter of 2023, compared to 16.1% in the previous quarter. It is worth noting that the unemployment rate for Saudi males remained stable at 4.6% during the second quarter of 2023. During the second quarter of 2023, labor force indicators showed a decline in the overall labor force participation rate (for Saudis and non-Saudis), reaching 60.8% compared to the first quarter of 2023. The labor force participation rate for Saudis also decreased to 51.7% in the second quarter of 2023, compared to the previous quarter. The results of the Labor Market Publication for Q2/2023 indicated a decrease in the labor force participation rate for Saudi females, reaching 35.3% compared to the previous quarter. The labor force participation rate for Saudi males also fell to 67.5% during the second quarter of 2023, compared to 68.3% in the previous quarter. It is noted that the Labor Market Publication, as indicated by the General Authority for Statistics, relies on a household survey conducted by GASTAT under the category of "Social Statistics." It collects information through a sample of households that represent the population in various administrative regions in Saudi Arabia. An electronic questionnaire is filled out, containing a number of questions. Through this survey, estimates and indicators related to the labor force of the population in working age group (15 years and above) residing in Saudi Arabia are provided. It also estimates the population (within and outside the labor force) and calculates the most important labor market indicators, such as the unemployment rate and labor force participation rate, among others.
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GASTAT:Non-oil activities grow by 6.1% in Q2 2023 and drive the Saudi economy to achieve growth of 1.2%


During the second quarter of 2023, the Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by (1.2٪) compared to the same period of last year 2022. According to GASTAT's estimates in Thursday.  The report results indicated that the non-oil activities registered a positive growth by (6.1٪) during the second quarter of 2023 compared to the percentage registered in the same period of last year 2022.  The government activities achieved an increase of (2.3٪) compared to the same period last year. However, oil activities decreased by (4.3٪) in quarter 2, 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year. The results of the report showed that the seasonally adjusted real GDP decreased by 0.2 % during the second quarter of 2023, compared to the first quarter of 2023. It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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With the aim of exchanging support and sharing statistical indicators ADF signs MoC with GASTAT


Agricultural Development Fund and General Authority for Statistics signed today, Thursday, 1 Safar 1445 , corresponding to 17 August 2023, in Riyadh, a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) to enhance the level of joint coordination in the field of statistical data, which contributes to providing statistical data and information and integration to achieve common goals between the two parties. The MoC was signed by Mr. Munir bin Fahad Alsahali, Director General of the Agricultural Development Fund and Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics. The MoC aims to exchange and share statistical data, information and indicators that serve economic activities supervised by the Agricultural Development Fund in accordance with the controls and specifications of data sharing and protection of personal data issued by National Data Management Office.  It is also intended to exchange advice, support, and technical and knowledge expertise in various areas of common interest including research and studies on a regular and continuous basis and to provide the opportunity for employees of both parties to participate in attending developmental courses, seminars, scientific conferences and workshops presented by both parties. The Agricultural Development Fund seeks through conducting cooperation agreements with other parties to enhance the developmental and financing role in supporting the agricultural sector and the importance of sustainable rural agricultural development in Saudi Arabia.
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Inflation rate in KSA is stable during July 2023


Consumer Price Index (CPI) reached 2.3% over July 2023, down from June 2023, remaining relatively stable on a monthly basis for 2023. This stability is due to the strength of the Saudi economy along with the early economic procedures and measures taken by Saudi Arabia to counter the global rise in inflation rates. It is worth noting that the inflation rates in Saudi Arabia maintain a reasonable standard and balanced rates compared to most countries in the world. During July 2023, the inflation rate recorded a slight increase of 2.3%, compared to the same month of last year 2022. It is noteworthy that the economies of many countries of the world, including developed countries, have been suffering from sharp increases in inflation rates for several months. Economic experts and analysts confirm that reasonable and balanced inflation rates that any society may witness are part of the dynamism and vitality of the economy in this society and its ability to protect itself from any potential crises. However, unreasonable and unbalanced increase in inflation rates is a negative indicator of the existence of economic recession or serious economic challenges in societies that are witnessing a drop in inflation rates.
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GASTAT Issues Saudi Women's Report 2022


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued the Saudi Women's Report 2022 today. The report aims to provide many indicators relating to Saudi women aged 15 and above in different fields, such as education, health, sports, and technology, as well as other statistics, relying on available official sources. The sources include data from surveys carried out by GASTAT and data from the administrative register available to other official bodies.  According to the report, young women in the age group 15-19 years old represent the highest number among the other age groups, with 916,439 women, followed by 850,780 women in the age group 20 to 24 years old.  The report showed the leading indicators of the Women's Labor Force Survey, which has seen a marked improvement in recent years as the unemployment rate among Saudi women declined, especially in the fourth quarter of 2022, to 15.4% compared to 2021, 2020 and 2019.  In line with the decline in women's unemployment, the expansion of their economic participation and the increase and growth of their employment in various areas, the ratio of employed women to the population rose to 30.4% from the fourth quarter of 2021, where the rate was 27.6%. Women's participation in the labour market was 36%, up slightly from 35.6% in the fourth quarter of 2021.  According to the report, the number of freelance certificates issued to women in 2021 reached 961,189 compared to 105,518 issued in 2020 and 7,997 issued in 2019, which is the lowest.  The report showed that the stock market had witnessed a great turnout from women recently, as the number of Saudi women investors in the stock market in 2021 reached 1,516,995, which is higher than the previous two years, 2019 and 2020.  According to the report, young women aged 15 years and above engaged in physical activity for at least 30 minutes per week, reaching 38.7% in 2021, the highest percentage compared to 2018 and 2019. The highest age group of women engaged in physical activity for at least 30 minutes a week is the age group 20–24 with 43.13%, followed by the age group 25-29 with 42.88%.  GASTAT is the only official reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all statistical work, as well as the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, and documents and archives all works containing information and statistical data on all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia. It gathers, classifies and analyzes data, and extracts indicators from it.

GASTAT Launches Economic Data Platform


As part of its efforts to enhance its digital services in line with the objectives of Vision 2030, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) has launched the Economic Data Platform, which enables researchers and those interested to follow up with the Saudi economic sphere. Moreover, the platform provides the national and international organizations with economic data and statistics. It also presents the most important statistical data and indicators related to price, energy, GDP, international trade, labor market, and business statistics, in addition to other economic statistical data.  The General Authority for Statistics demonstrated that the launch of this platform facilitates access to economic data and indicators by beneficiaries. The platform displays such data using interactive maps, where users can download them with different formats.  This would help the process of conducting studies and research by providing updated and high-quality data that enables users to follow up with the Saudi economic sphere.  The launch of the Economic Data Platform represents the crucial role of GASTAT in providing all types of statistical data in order to support sustainable development plans and utilize statistical indicators and metadata through statistical classifications that conform with international standards and meet the users requirements. GASTAT invites those wishing to benefit from such statistical information and indicators provided by the Platform to visit (https://economics.stats.gov.sa/). It also welcomes all inquiries and suggestions via its unified number: (920020081), its customer support email  (cs@stats.gov.sa) and its website: (www.stats.gov.sa).
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GASTAT issues the Industrial Production Index for June 2023


The General Authority for Statistics announced that the Industrial Production Index (IPI) has increased by 0.5% during the month of June 2023 compared to May 2023.  On the other hand, the results indicates that IPI registered a Y-O-Y decrease by 1.6% influenced directly by the mining and quarrying activity, where the index's sub-indicator of mining and quarrying declined by 6.5% compared to the same month of last year.   However, the activities of manufacturing and electricity and gas supply achieved annual increases by 10.1% and 25% respectively during June 2023 compared to June 2022. It is noteworthy the Industrial Production Index (IPI) is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the Industrial Production Survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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GASTAT publishes The Real Estate Price General Index for quarter 2 of 2023


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced that Real Estate Price Index increased by 0.8% during the second quarter of 2023 compared to the same quarter of last year (Quarter 2 2022). This increase is boosted by the slight increase in residential real estate prices by 1.1%.   According to the publication results, the residential sector prices increased by 1.1% as a result of the increase of residential lands by 1.2%, on a yearly basis during the second quarter of 2023. In addition, the prices of apartments increased by 1.0%, whereas the prices of buildings decreased by 0.9%, prices of villas by 5.0%, and prices of houses by 0.1% On the other hand, the commercial sector recorded an increase of 0.2% driven by the increase of commercial lands prices by 0.2%. However, the prices of stores decreased by 1.1%, while the prices of commercial buildings and centers remained stable and did not record any percentage change during the second quarter of 2023.   The agricultural sector registered a decline by 0.3% influenced by the decrease of agricultural lands prices by 0.3%.  The Real Estate Price General Index rely on the Ministry of Justice’s administrative data on real estate transactions. This index is an important tool that helps all concerned entities to make relevant economic and statistical decisions on the real estate prices movement and future anticipations over different periods of time. The index includes three main sectors that consist of several real estate categories:  residential sector, which consists of the following categories: (Land, building, villa, apartment, and house), commercial sector which consists of:  (Land, building, store/shop, and commercial center), and the agricultural sector which includes one category only (Agricultural lands).
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Saudi economy grows by 1.1% driven by the growth of non-oil activities by 5.5% in quarter 2 of 2023


The General Authority for statistics (GASTAT) released the GDP Flash Estimates Publication for the second quarter of 2023. According to the publication, real GDP increased by (1.1%) during the second quarter of 2023 compared to the same period of last year 2022.    The publication activities showed that non-oil activities positively grew by (5.5%) in quarter 2, 2023 compared to the same period of last year 2022. However, oil activities decreased by (4.2%) compared to the same period of last year.   The results also demonstrated that the seasonally adjusted real GDP declined by (0.1%) during the second quarter of 2023, compared to the first quarter of the same year.  It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Merchandise Exports Record SAR 97.1 B in May 2023


Merchandise exports in May 2023 amounted to SAR 97.1 billion, compared to SAR 143.0 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 45.9 billion or 32.1%, according to GASTAT's report.   The publication indicated that the value of oil exports in May 2023 recorded SAR 72.0 billion compared to SAR 115.5 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 43.5 billion by 37.7%. On the other hand, the decline of non-oil exports was the main driver of merchandise exports decline. According to the publication's results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-export) in May 2023 amounted to SAR 25.1 billion, compared to SAR 27.5 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 2.4 billion, by 8.7%.  However, the value of merchandise imports of Saudi Arabia in May 2023 amounted to SAR 67.7 billion, compared to SAR 56.0 billion in May 2022, with an increase of SAR 11.7 billion, by 20.9%.  It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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GASTAT releases the Industrial Production Index for May 2023


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced that during the month of May 2023, the Industrial Production Index reached 1.2% compared to the same month of last year, with a slight decrease that resulted from the decline of mining and quarrying activity, which contributed directly to the decrease of the general index.   the Industrial Production Publication revealed the increase of the sub-index of manufacturing activity by 10.3% compared to the same month of last year (May 2022). However, the sub-index of electricity and gas supply activity increased by 12.0%.  The publication also indicated a decrease on the sub-index of mining and quarrying activity during the month of May 2023 by 5.5% compared to the same month of last year (May 2022).  It is noteworthy the Industrial Production Index (IPI) is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the Industrial Production Survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Merchandise Exports Record SAR 97.1 B in May 2023


Merchandise exports in May 2023 amounted to SAR 97.1 billion, compared to SAR 143.0 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 45.9 billion or 32.1%, according to GASTAT's report.   The publication indicated that the value of oil exports in May 2023 recorded SAR 72.0 billion compared to SAR 115.5 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 43.5 billion by 37.7%. On the other hand, the decline of non-oil exports was the main driver of merchandise exports decline. According to the publication's results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-export) in May 2023 amounted to SAR 25.1 billion, compared to SAR 27.5 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 2.4 billion, by 8.7%.  However, the value of merchandise imports of Saudi Arabia in May 2023 amounted to SAR 67.7 billion, compared to SAR 56.0 billion in May 2022, with an increase of SAR 11.7 billion, by 20.9%.  It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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GASTAT releases the Industrial Production Index for May 2023


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced that during the month of May 2023, the Industrial Production Index reached 1.2% compared to the same month of last year, with a slight decrease that resulted from the decline of mining and quarrying activity, which contributed directly to the decrease of the general index.   the Industrial Production Publication revealed the increase of the sub-index of manufacturing activity by 10.3% compared to the same month of last year (May 2022). However, the sub-index of electricity and gas supply activity increased by 12.0%.  The publication also indicated a decrease on the sub-index of mining and quarrying activity during the month of May 2023 by 5.5% compared to the same month of last year (May 2022).  It is noteworthy the Industrial Production Index (IPI) is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the Industrial Production Survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Total Number of Pilgrims in 1444 H Reaches (1,845,045)


General Authority for Statistics announced today that the total number of pilgrims for this year amounted to (1,845,045) pilgrims. Number of external pilgrims arriving from various ports was (1,660,915), while the number of internal pilgrims reached (184,130) citizens and residents. According to its statistical results for Hajj 1444 H, GASTAT indicated that the number of male pilgrims out of the general total number of internal and external pilgrims amounted to (969,694) pilgrims, while the number of female pilgrims reached (875,351). Regarding the statistics of external pilgrims, GASTAT indicated that the number of pilgrims from Arab countries reached (346,214) or (21%). Number of pilgrims from African countries other than Arab countries was (221,863) or (13.4%), while the number of pilgrims from Europe, America, Australia and other unclassified countries reached (36,521) or (2.1%). As for the ways of arrival, (1,593,271) pilgrims arrived through airports, (60,813) pilgrims arrived through land ports, and (6,831) pilgrims arrived through seaports. GASTAT noted that the number of countries benefiting from Makkah Route initiative was 7 countries, where the number of beneficiaries from this initiative reached (242,272) pilgrims. Travel procedures for all pilgrims benefiting from the initiative have been completed after checking health requirements, and their luggage has been transported directly from their countries of departure to their place of residence. It should be noted that GASTAT relied on administrative records data to issue statistical data and indicators for Hajj season 1444 AH / 2023, as a main source of data represented by all government and private entities concerned with serving pilgrims to provide data according to a unified form that includes a number of elements as an extension of the statistical approach that was followed during the past three years. Hajj statistics publication shows the total number of pilgrims, and their distribution according to sex, nationality, and way of arrival. It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well. On the other hand, GASTAT's President, Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dossari, on behalf of all GASTAT's employees, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and to His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister - may Allah protect them - for everything that was provided to pilgrims, asking Allah Almighty to accept their Hajj, and to help all government entities in Saudi Arabia to provide distinguished services to pilgrims. To view the executive summary of Hajj statistics 1444 AH, please visit the following link: https://www.stats.gov.sa/system/tdf/file_manger/Hajj%20Report%201444H-EN...
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GASTAT Organizes webinar on Saudi Census 2022


The General Authority for Statistics organized a virtual webinar on the Saudi Census 2022, with the participation of a number of GASTAT employees and international experts, to introduce the census methodology and the efforts made in its implementation, after announcing the results of the first phase of the Saudi Census 2022, which included demographics, households and housing. In the course of the webinar, the participating international experts confirmed that the Saudi census 2022 is one of the most powerful population censuses that have been implemented recently in the Arab region and the Middle East due to the combination between register-based data and field enumeration. They pointed out that the high level of integration and participation between government entities, and the development of digital infrastructure in Saudi Arabia contributed to achieving data quality, making it a pioneering experience in the framework of combining and comparing multiple sources. The webinar addressed several axes, most notably the statistical methodology that was used in the Saudi census 2022, which international experts described as a professional methodology. It went through several stages, beginning with the preparation of the census project, then collecting, analyzing, and processing statistical data, and finally extracting and publishing the results in line with international best practices. The webinar discussed the technical aspect of the Saudi census 2022, and the impact of the great development in the digital infrastructure witnessed by Saudi Arabia with the launch of Vision 2030. This helped in raising GASTAT’s technical capabilities, as the latest modern technologies were used in the census project, such as self-enumeration. Field enumeration process relied on geospatial data, using satellite images with the aim of improving geographical coverage, accuracy of sorting addresses, and ensuring that no dwelling was overlooked during enumeration. Satellites have also contributed to verifying dwellings data with high accuracy. The webinar included a discussion of the main quality standards that were applied in the data collection phase to ensure coverage of the entire population, and comparisons between what was applied in the Saudi census 2022 and the procedures used in a number of countries of the world, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Australia, in addition to talking about the pivotal role GASTAT undertakes to maintain the highest levels of confidentiality and privacy for individuals and to protect their personal data that they provided during the data collection phase. The webinar revealed that GASTAT has allocated an integrated team to review and audit the data, and made more than a million calls to ensure the quality of work, in addition to carrying out (900,000) additional field visits to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data collected. It also compared five different sources of data and reviewed them through 200 indicators of data quality. This had a great impact in providing an accurate population database that will be used as a reliable basis for developing economic and social policies. The webinar emphasized that this reflects the importance of the census project in providing accurate and reliable data and various statistical indicators on the demographics of Saudi Arabia that support decision-makers and contribute to the development of plans and policy-making in all sectors and fields.
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GASTAT announces total number of Umrah performers and pilgrims for 1443 /2022


General Authority for Statistics announced that the total number of pilgrims during 2022 reached (24,715,307), including 9,517,829 pilgrims who performed Umrah for one time. Total number of external Umrah performers reached (8,372,429), where males reached 3,700,785, by 44.20%, and female reached (4,671,644), representing 55.80%. However, total number of internal Umrah performers reached (16,342,878), where the number of Saudis among them recorded (6,642,881), representing 40.65%, and the number of non-Saudi pilgrims reached (9,699,997), representing 59.35%. Total number of internal male pilgrims made up(11,033,994) with a percentage of 67.52%, while the number of female pilgrims reached (5,308,884) with a percentage of 32.48%. April was the most intense month during the year in terms of the number of pilgrims, recording (5,479,637). However, Makkah region was the largest in terms of the total number of internal pilgrims, recording (10,270,637). Regarding Hajj statistics during the past year (1443 / 2022), the total number of pilgrims reached (926, 062), where external pilgrims, who came through various ports, recorded (781,409) with a percentage of 84.4%, while the number of internal pilgrims reached (144,653) representing 15 ,6%. GASTAT’s statistics indicated- in its statistical results for Hajj season during the past year 1443- that the number of internal male pilgrims reached (77,776) pilgrims, while the number of females reached (66,877) pilgrims. However, the number of external male pilgrims and female pilgrims reached (421,999) and (359,410), respectively.  According to GASTAT, the percentage of pilgrims coming to KSA via air transportation amounted to 94.7%, and land transportation accounted for 4.5%, out of total pilgrims . However, sea transportation was least used by external pilgrims by 0.8%. GASTAT indicated that the total number of workforce participated to service pilgrims and Umrah performers during the past year 1443  from various government and private sectors exceeded 236 thousand male and female employees, including 73,556 from public services sector, 26,392 from medical services sector, 19,421 from transportation services sector and 3,728  from telecommunications sector. With regard to medical services provided to pilgrims during Hajj season last year 1443, the number of medical facilities and teams within the scope of Makkah, Madinah, and Holy Sites reached 900 that provided emergency and inpatient services to more than 22,000 pilgrims. Moreover, cardiac catheterization services, kidney dialysis and other surgical operations were conducted to 1,904 pilgrims, and vaccination campaigns were implemented to pilgrims, workers and residents of Makkah region with 120,423 thousand doses. It should be noted that GASTAT relied on administrative records data that are used as main source of data while issuing statistical data and indicators of Hajj and Umrah for 1443 /2022 and represented in all government and private entities, including data for Hajj permits for internal pilgrims and for those hold Hajj visa to count the number of pilgrims. Data was also provided according to a unified form that includes a number of elements such as data of workforce and medical services of entities participated to service pilgrims and Umrah performers, according to temporal and spatial reference.
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Industrial Production Index Increases by 3.2 % in April 2023


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website the results of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) for April 2023. (IPI) increased by 3.2% in April 2023. This increase resulted from the increase in mining, quarrying, manufacturing, in addition to electricity and gas supply activity. The mining and quarrying activity index increased by 0.2 % in April 2023, compared to the same month of the previous year (April 2022). Manufacturing activity also increased by 10.5% in April 2023, compared to April 2022. However, electricity and gas supply went up by 25.5%, compared to April 2022. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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GASTAT: Saudi Economy Grows by 3.8% in Q1/2023


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued the report of Gross Domestic Product and National Accounts Indicators for the first quarter of 2023. According to estimates, the real GDP increased by 3.8% in Q1/2023 compared to the same period of last year 2022. During the first quarter of 2023, non-oil activities achieved a growth of 5.4% compared to the same period of last year 2022, according to the report’s results. Government activities increased by 4.9%, and oil activities also increased by 1.4% compared to the same period of last year.  The seasonally adjusted real GDP decreased by 1.4% in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the fourth quarter of 2022, the publication indicated.  It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all statistical information and data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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GASTAT Publishes International Trade Report for Q1 of 2023


General Authority for Statistics issued Saudi Arabia's International Trade Publication for Q1 of 2023. According to the publication, the value of merchandise exports of Saudi Arabia during Q1 of 2023 amounted to SAR 313.5 billion, compared to SAR 367.1 billion during Q1 of 2022, with a decrease of SAR 53.6 billion, by 14.6%. The publication indicated that the value of oil exports in March 2023 recorded 245,4 billion SAR compared to 288,5 billion SAR in March 2022 during Q1, with a decrease of 43,1 billion SAR by 14.9%. On the other hand, the decline of non-oil exports was the main driver of merchandise exports decline. According to the publication's results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-export) during March 2023 amounted to SAR 68,1 billion SAR, compared to SAR 78,6 billion SAR during March 2022, with a decrease of SAR 10,5 billion SAR, by 13.3%. While the value of imports during Q1 of 2023 amounted to 186.4 billion SAR, compared to 157.9 billion SAR during Q1 of 2022 , with an increase of (28.5 billion) twenty-eight billion five hundred million SAR, by (18.0%). It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Industrial Production Index Increases by 4.1% during March 2023


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa, the results of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) for March 2023. (IPI) increased by 4.1% in March 2023, compared to March 2022, according to the publication. This increase mainly originated from the increase in mining, quarrying,  manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply activity. Mining and quarrying activity index increased by 1.6% in March 2023, compared to the same month in the previous year (March 2022). Manufacturing activity also increased by 10.5% in March 2023, compared to March 2022. Electricity and gas supply went up by 16.6% compared to March 2022, according to the monthly publication. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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GASTAT Publishes International Trade Report for Q1 of 2023


General Authority for Statistics issued Saudi Arabia's International Trade Publication for Q1 of 2023. According to the publication, the value of merchandise exports of Saudi Arabia during Q1 of 2023 amounted to SAR 313.5 billion, compared to SAR 367.1 billion during Q1 of 2022, with a decrease of SAR 53.6 billion, by 14.6%. The publication indicated that the value of oil exports in March 2023 recorded 245,4 billion SAR compared to 288,5 billion SAR in March 2022 during Q1, with a decrease of 43,1 billion SAR by 14.9%. On the other hand, the decline of non-oil exports was the main driver of merchandise exports decline. According to the publication's results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-export) during March 2023 amounted to SAR 68,1 billion SAR, compared to SAR 78,6 billion SAR during March 2022, with a decrease of SAR 10,5 billion SAR, by 13.3%. While the value of imports during Q1 of 2023 amounted to 186.4 billion SAR, compared to 157.9 billion SAR during Q1 of 2022 , with an increase of (28.5 billion) twenty-eight billion five hundred million SAR, by (18.0%). It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Industrial Production Index Increases by 6.8% in January 2023


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa, today, March 9, 2023, the results of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) for January 2023. Industrial Production Index (IPI) increased by 6.8% in January 2023, compared to January 2022, according to the publication. This increase mainly originated from the increase in mining, quarrying, and manufacturing activity. Mining and quarrying activity index increased by 3% in January 2023, compared to the same month in the previous year (January 2022). Manufacturing activity also increased by 19.2% in January 2023, compared to January 2022. Electricity and gas supply decreased by 3.4% compared to January 2022, according to the monthly publication. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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GASTAT: Industrial Production Index Increases by 7.3% in December 2022


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa, today, February 9, 2023, the results of the industrial production index (IPI) for December 2022. The publication results showed that during December 2022, IPI increased by 7.3% compared to the same month in the previous year (December 2021), as a result of the increase in mining, quarrying, and manufacturing activity. The results of the index's monthly publication revealed that the mining and quarrying activity index for December 2022 increased by 4.1% compared to the same month in the previous year (December 2021). Manufacturing activity also increased by 18.5% in December 2022 compared to the same month in the previous year (December 2021), while electricity and gas supply activity decreased by 6.5% compared to December 2021. According to the report's results, the industrial production index recorded positive growth rates during the year 2022, due to the increase in mining and quarrying activity as well as manufacturing activity. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Total expenditure on research and development in Saudi Arabia reaches 14.5 billion in 2021


General Authority for Statistics issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 8 February 2023, the research and development statistics publication for 2021. Based on the results of the publication, total expenditure on research and development amounted to 14.5 billion SAR, while the numbers of workers in this field reached 30,220 workers, and the number of researchers recorded 24,808 researchers during 2021. The government sector recorded the highest percentage in terms of expenditure on research and development by (50%) of total expenditure, followed by the private sector by (35%). As for the education sector, the percentage of expenditure reached (15%). However, the workers in the education sector achieved the largest percentage in the field of research and development, reaching (83%), with 25,178 workers. At the level of the government sector, the number of workers recorded 2,967 workers, with (10%) of total workers; while the private sector ranked last with 2,075 workers by (7%) during 2021, according to the publication. GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Saudi Economy Grows by 8.7% in 2022 and 5.4% in Q4/2022


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 31 January 2023, the flash estimates report on GDP growth rate for the year 2022 and flash estimates of GDP for the fourth quarter of 2022. According to flash estimates, the real GDP during the fourth quarter of 2022 grew by 5.4% compared to Q4/2021, and the real GDP during the year 2022 grew by 8.7% compared to the previous year 2021. The results of the report indicated that the real GDP of oil activities grew by 6.1% during the fourth quarter of the year 2022, compared to the same quarter of the previous year 2021. Real GDP of oil activities during the year 2022 grew by 15.4% compared to the previous year 2021.  Real GDP of non-oil activities grew by 6.2% compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Real GDP of non-oil activities during the year 2022 grew by 5.4% compared to the previous year 2021. The results of the report showed that the seasonally adjusted real GDP increased by 1.5% during the fourth quarter of 2022, compared to the third quarter of 2022. It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.

GASTAT joins Gulf statistical agencies in celebrating Gulf Statistics Day


The GCC countries celebrate the Gulf Statistics Day, which is marked on 24 December 2022 under the theme "Statistics for Sustainable Opportunities". The event comes within the framework of enhancing the statistical work aimed at providing statistical data that support development plans and achieve the goals of development visions of the GCC countries. The GCC Statistics Day is an important occasion in which the statistical bodies, centers and offices of the GCC countries renew their interest in statistical work and confirm its vital role in setting plans and programs for comprehensive sustainable development. It is worth mentioning that the Saudi statistical work has started in a very early era of the Saudi development history. It has started in 1349H /1930 and became an organized work that refers technically and administratively to the General Statistics System issued by the Royal Decree No. (23) dated 7/12/1379H -1/6/1960. The General Statistics System has played a vital role to organize the statistics sector by controlling the relationship between the Central Department of Statistics and Information and other agencies, until the issuance of the Royal Decree in 1436H to transform the Central Department of Statistics and Information into a public authority called the General Authority for Statistics which enjoys a legal personality, and financial and administrative independence. In 1437H, the organization of the General Authority for Statistics was approved, whose articles stated that the General Authority for Statistics is the entity that shall be responsible for technical and organizational supervision of the statistics sector and shall form a comprehensive system of national statistical databases for various fields. The Authority has been entrusted with organizing and supervising the statistical sector, in order to enable it and enhance its awareness. During the 141st session of the Ministerial Council of GCC which was held in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain in 24 November 2016, a day for the Gulf Statistics Day was allocated to be held every year. The importance of this day is emphasizing the partnership of society in all its categories with statisticians, and shedding light on the vital role played by statistics in achieving sustainable development in the GCC countries. It also shows the strategic role played by the Gulf statistical system in making decisions and building development policies.

Saudi Arabia and Estonia discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the statistical field


Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, received Mr. Jan Reinhold, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, in a meeting held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023,in Riyadh, to discuss ways to enhance joint work in the statistical sector and opportunities for developing cooperation in the field of statistical data. During the meeting, the two sides discussed enhancing the level of joint coordination between the their countries in the field of statistical data, working on continuous development of bilateral relations, and using modern technology in disseminating indicators, organizing statistical data and its governance, as well as a number of topics of mutual interest in the statistical field between the two countries. Dr. Fahad Al-Dossari emphasized the importance of the joint relations between the two countries and the importance of cooperation in the field of statistics. He opened broader and more welcoming prospects for cooperation with European countries, in addition to effective cooperation in the field of statistical information and data between the two countries. It is worth mentioning that the trade exchange between Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Estonia amounted to 133 million SAR until September 2023, with total exports to Estonia reaching 59 million SAR, while Saudi Arabia’s imports from Estonia amounted to 73 million SAR.

Under the presidency of Kingdom 48th meeting of Board of Trustees of Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research holds in Jeddah


The 48th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) was held in Jeddah. Heads of official Arab statistical centers participated in the meeting. In the opening session, Dr. Fahad Abdullah Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, delivered an opening speech welcoming the participating delegations and wishing them successful meetings and a pleasant stay in their second home, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The 48th meeting began with a review of the activities carried out by the Institute during the year 2022, including training courses, studies, and technical consultations provided by the Institute to various Arab statistical agencies in the field of statistical work. The Board of Trustees discussed the Institute's work plan and budget for implementation during the fiscal year 2023/2024. In addition, discussions were held on statistical activities and initiatives in Arab countries and common statistical issues to contribute to providing accurate data necessary for implementing comprehensive economic and social development plans at the Arab regional level. It also aimed to support official statistical systems in Arab countries in fulfilling their developmental duties at both the national and regional levels by providing accurate data and indicators that contribute to enhancing opportunities for better policymaking. It is worth mentioning that the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics plays an important role in developing and building the capacities of human resources in Arab statistical agencies. This is achieved by meeting their training and technical consultation needs in the field of methodologies, concepts, and tools for managing official statistical work. The Institute also develops and implements research and statistical studies relevant to the interests of statistical agencies, in line with their needs. Additionally, it contributes to raising awareness of statistical work by participating in various seminars and conferences held at the regional and international levels.
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GASTAT signs a cooperation agreement with Health Insurance Council


General Authority for Statistics and Health Insurance Council signed a cooperation agreement between the two parties at the headquarters of the Health Insurance Council. The agreement was signed by Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, and Dr. Shabab Al-Ghamdi, Secretary-General of the Health Insurance Council. The collaboration is a continuation of the significant role that both entities have played in supplying indicators and statistical data. The statistical data and indicators related to the health sector are of high importance to policymakers and decision-makers. Integrating the efforts of both entities enhances the quality and reliability of the data and indicators. Additionally, the agreement includes the exchange of technical and knowledge expertise and working together to improve statistical products and provide technical support in the statistical aspects related to the services of the Health Insurance Council. It also aims to enhance the level of joint coordination in the field of exchanging statistical data, which contributes to providing information and enhancing the services provided to beneficiaries of health insurance.
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BOD of GASTAT holds its 26th meeting


The Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics held its 26th meeting, chaired by His Excellency the Minister of Economy and Planning, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics, Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim. Several topics were discussed related to the development of statistical work and enhancing the role of the Authority. The Board reviewed the progress made in the projects and strategic initiatives that the Authority is currently working on as part of its strategic transformation. They also discussed the statistical products that will be developed and issued in the coming phase, which will meet the requirements of government and private entities and align with international standards. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for Statistics is in charge of designing and implementing field surveys, conducting statistical studies and research, collecting and analyzing data, documenting and tabulating it, and extracting indicators. It is also responsible for all activities related to documenting and preserving statistical information and data, as well as preparing national statistical manuals and classifications according to international standards.
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GASTAT signs MoC with Saudi Broadcasting Authority


General Authority for Statistics has signed a memorandum of cooperation(MoC) with Saudi Broadcasting Authority, aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two entities and promoting coordination and integration of efforts in their respective fields. The (MoC) was signed by Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, and Mr. Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority. It includes several areas of collaboration, including the exchange of support and technical and scientific expertise, cooperation in conducting statistical surveys related to providing statistical data and indicators for the media and advertising market, viewership rates, and viewer satisfaction. It also includes the exchange of advice, including research and studies, and the provision of opportunities for employees of both parties to participate in training courses, seminars, scientific conferences, and workshops organized by each party. In this context, Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, emphasized that the statistical work carried out by the Authority is an important component in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 by building statistical indicators and measuring them. He pointed out that the media sector receives great attention due to its pivotal role and its effective contribution in enhancing knowledge and building awareness among society towards various sectors and their work, including the General Authority for Statistics and its role in providing statistical data and indicators. He added that this (MoC) will support both entities in fulfilling their roles. Mr. Mohammed bin Fahd Al-Harithi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, affirmed that this (MoC) emphasizes the importance of integration between government entities, which positively reflects on the success of joint work. It also supports the strategy of the Authority in enhancing cooperation with other government entities to keep up with the process of development and change that the Authority is going through. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for Statistics is the statistical Authority in the Kingdom, and the only official reference for implementing statistical work, as well as its technical and regulatory supervisor. It has multiple tasks, including collecting statistical data and information from public and private entities and individuals, analyzing and studying this data to calculate various statistical indicators, as well as providing statistical consultations and reports for surveys, research, and other data and statistical services within its scope of work. The Saudi Broadcasting Authority has recently been working on strengthening cooperation with government entities in various sectors, keeping pace with the development witnessed by the Kingdom in all fields. The Authority is dedicating all its efforts to anything that enhances the Kingdom's position and highlights the continuous work to achieve the ambitious Vision 2030, which is inseparable from the roles of active media entities.
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GASTAT discusses ways of joint cooperation with Kingdom of Bahrain


His Excellency Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, met with Mr. Mohammed Ali AlQaed CEO of the Information & eGovernment Authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain, on the sidelines of the 9th Global Conference on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX). They discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the statistical sector and reviewed opportunities to develop collaboration in the field of statistical data and various topics of mutual interest in the statistical field between the two countries. At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Fahad Aldossari congratulated the Kingdom of Bahrain on the successful hosting of the (SDMX) conference, commending the efforts of the Information & eGovernment Authority, which contributed to the success of the first-ever hosting of the event in the Middle East. He expressed his hopes that the conference would achieve its objectives and contribute to the international efforts aimed at developing the exchange of statistical data and metadata. During the meeting, both sides discussed enhancing the level of coordination in the field of statistical data and metadata, as well as working on the continuous development of bilateral relations. They also discussed developing methods and techniques for calculating indicators, including household income and expenditure surveys, and providing up-to-date statistical data to enhance joint efforts in sustainable development goals between the two countries. This includes the continuous development of mechanisms for calculating indicators, exchanging statistical data and metadata, and governing them, as well as developing cloud computing techniques and continuously benefiting from modern technologies. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, visited the Kingdom of Bahrain leading a statistical delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the 9th Global Conference on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX), organized by the Information & eGovernment Authority in Bahrain. The conference is a global event held every two years under the Global SDMX Initiative, launched in 2002, and managed by a group of international organizations with the aim of unifying and updating mechanisms and processes for exchanging statistical data and metadata between international organizations and official statistical agencies.
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GASTAT holds meeting with its Korean counterpart


The General Authority for Statistics and the Korean Statistical Office held a bilateral meeting with the participation of several statistical officials from both sides, in order to activate the joint cooperation program in the statistical field between the General Authority for Statistics and the Korean Statistical Office, whose signature was witnessed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince - may God protect him - and the Korean President, and signed by the Kingdom's Minister of Economy and Planning, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics, Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim, and from the Korean side, the Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Finance of South Korea, Mr. Cho Kyung-Ho. The meeting discussed the mechanism for activating joint cooperation and implementing the statistical work program between the two countries, in addition to enhancing the level of joint coordination in the field of statistical data and working on the continuous development of bilateral relations. It also discussed the development of methods and techniques for calculating indicators and providing accurate and up-to-date statistical data to enhance the goals of sustainable development in all fields. The President of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad Aldossari, drew attention to the gracious care received by the joint cooperation program in the statistical field from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince - may God protect him - and in the presence of the Korean President. This confirms the care for the statistical sector and its role in providing data and indicators that support decision-makers and policy-makers in both countries. He praised the fruitful cooperation between the Authority and its Korean counterpart, which has lasted for more than six years, during which the two sides exchanged knowledge and technical expertise in the statistical field, leading to the enhancement of joint cooperation in the coming stage. It should be noted that the joint cooperation program aims to implement evidence-based policies and enhance cooperation in the field of official statistics through the exchange of expertise to produce various indicators and statistics using modern technologies that are in line with global developments in the field of data. It also includes the exchange of statistics that support economic activities and the provision of scientific participation and training opportunities through the organization of joint seminars and workshops between the two countries.
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KSA participates in 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participated in the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians, which was held at the headquarters of the International Labour Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, in October 2023. The delegation of the Kingdom was headed by His Excellency the President of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari. The conference aims to establish new statistical standards for measuring the informal economy and update the previous standards related to the informal sector and employment. It also discussed several topics related to labour market statistics, including standards for voluntary work, child labor, the International Classification of Status in employment, statistics on digital platform work, and more. Experts from government sectors representing the ministries of labour, national statistical offices, employers' organizations, and workers' organizations participated in the conference. Dr. Fahad Aldossari emphasized the importance of the conference's agenda, which included reviewing the International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE), updating the implementation of the resolution on labour and employment statistics, statistical standards for measuring labour migration, and youth integration in the labour market. He also highlighted the monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals indicators under the auspices of the International Labour Organization, which measure the level of progress in achieving sustainable development targets. In addition, he mentioned the updating of decisions and guidelines related to measuring income associated with work and the impact of cooperation with the Organization on the statistical indicators issued by the Authority within the framework of international methodologies. He commended the International Labour Organization's initiatives in supporting the capabilities of statistical agencies and its role in preparing for the International Conference of Labour Statisticians along with its excellent organization, which succeeded in bringing together a large number of experts, specialists, and institutions in the field of labour market statistics. It is worth mentioning that the International Labour Organization organizes the International Conference of Labour Statisticians once every five years, to set standards in the field of labour statistics at the international level, issue specific recommendations on selected topics in the field of labour statistics, and formulate decisions and guiding principles that are subsequently approved by the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization.
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GASTAT issues number of health status indicators in Kingdom


General Authority for Statistics announced, on its official website (stats.gov.sa), a number of health status indicators in the Kingdom, as it issued 3 specialized statistical publications that included many indicators related to the general health status, women’s health and reproductive care, in addition to comprehensive health care for the year 2023. In 2023, the percentage of adults aged (15 years and above) and children aged (under 15 years old)  in the Kingdom who have private health insurance to cover basic healthcare expenses recorded 37.5% and 19.5%, respectively. The percentage of adults aged (15 years and above) in the Kingdom who pay healthcare on their own was 21.8%, while the percentage of children whose parents pay their healthcare on their own was 9.7%. The percentage of adults aged (15 years and above) who undergo annual regular check-ups was 47%, according to the publication’s results.  On the other hand, the results of the publication on the health status of the population in the Kingdom in 2023 showed that the percentage of adults aged (15 years and above) who rated their health quality as good or very good was 53%, while the percentage among children and adolescents aged 4 to 14 years was 71%. The percentage of women who had a negative perception of their health status was 30%, compared to 25% among adult men (15 years and above). Regarding women's health, the results of the publication on women's health and reproductive care in 2023 showed that the percentage of health coverage provided by private health insurance during pregnancy and childbirth for recent births in the Kingdom was 26%, while the percentage of those who pay the costs of providing healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth on their own was 13.5%. The percentage of mothers who had at least four visits to a healthcare provider before childbirth reached 88.8%. The percentage of births attended by skilled health specialists was 99.8%, out of total births in the Kingdom during 2023, while the percentage of c-section births was 34.5%, out of total births in the Kingdom during 2023. On the other hand, the percentage of married women of reproductive age who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern method was 54%.
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GASTAT participates in the 9th Global Conference on (SDMX)


The General Authority for Statistics participated in the 9th Global Conference on (SDMX), which is being held in the Kingdom of Bahrain under the title of “Empowering Data Communities.” His Excellency Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, headed the Authority’s delegation participating in the conference with the aim of discussing the latest developments in the field of statistical data and metadata and benefiting from techniques and tools that contribute to enhancing cooperation, knowledge and exchange of metadata through an international initiative to exchange statistical data and metadata between international organizations and a number of statistical offices. The President of the General Authority for Statistics gave a speech at the conference in which he expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Kingdom of Bahrain for hosting this important conference and for the good organization and hospitality. He also extended his appreciation to the Bahrain Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA), statistical offices, participating international organizations and SDMX sponsors for co-hosting this event with the support of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) and Banca d’Italia.  During his speech, Dr. Fahad Aldossari said that SDMX international initiative was launched in response to the continuing level of rapid developments and the ongoing demand for large and informative data sets to empower the data community and update and unify the mechanisms within this field, whether at a national or international level. He also pointed out that SDMX frameworks and standards are intended to help national statistical offices organize and exchange data and metadata. Additionally, our office uses SDMX to upload KSA’s data on platforms run by the International Monetary Fund and ESCWA. The areas covered include statistics of GDP, labor market, price, export, import, and relevant indicators of sustainable development goals through advancements in the application and use of SDMX rules at the international level, to facilitate the exchange of statistical data with regional and international organizations. He confirmed that over the recent years the volume of statistical work has expanded, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's statistics sector has seen substantial transformations through statistical initiatives and projects led by the General Authority for Statistics, in order to produce statistical data and indicators  and to use the most sophisticated infrastructures for integrating various data sources and best in class infrastructures for data management and governance. In addition to the newly constructed data lake, it makes use of cloud computing techniques, and this technology is continuously being improved as part of the digital transformation initiative that supported development plans, programs, and policies including Vision 2030. In addition to the actively and successfully participates in international workshops and conferences to prepare and enable the national staff to transfer knowledge to the team leading the statistical transformation process in the Kingdom. On the other hand, the 9th Global Conference on (SDMX) will be held over five days, from 29 October 2023 to 2 November 2023, and includes several key sessions on the importance of using new technologies for the (SDMX ) and utilizing artificial intelligence techniques as an enabling tool to facilitate access to official statistics. A number of workshops are also held with the aim of strengthening international relations and cooperation between major international organizations and benefiting from the technical expertise shared to develop statistical work among statistical offices. It is noteworthy that the 9th Global Conference on (SDMX) is organized by the Bahrain Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA) and is a major international event in the statistical sector and indicators. It is organized every two years through the international initiative (SDMX), which was launched in 2002 and is managed by a group of international organizations with the aim of unifying and modernizing mechanisms and processes for exchanging statistical data and metadata between international organizations and a number of statistical offices.
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GCC Permanent Committee for Statistical Work holds its 10th meeting in Muscat


The General Authority for Statistics participated in the 10th meeting of the Permanent Committee for Statistical Work, held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, with the attendance of heads of statistical centers in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The committee aims to enhance joint Gulf statistical work, providing statistical data to support development plans and exchanging experiences among member states. During their meeting, the committee members discussed the continued implementation of the recommendations from the previous meeting held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and reviewed the orientations regarding the Gulf Statistical Work Development Initiative, which aims to enhance cooperation with the Gulf Standardization Organization. They also studied statistical indicators to measure the implementation of decisions by the Supreme Council on the ground. Additionally, they discussed a decision by the Financial and Economic Cooperation Committee to entrust member states with building databases for the common Gulf market. They also discussed global developments and common challenges facing statistical work in the Gulf countries. Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dosari, The President of the General Authority for Statistics and a member of the Permanent Committee for Gulf Statistical Work, presented the experience of Saudi Census 2022 and the phases it went through. He highlighted the integration of administrative data with field data, which contributed to improving the quality of outputs, and the activation of geographic maps. He also mentioned the steps taken by the authority to enhance innovation in statistical work, expand accurate data, and provide open-source data for beneficiaries.
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IMF says The Saudi‘s Economic & Fiscal Position are Strong Due to Ongoing Reforms Under Saudi Vision 2030


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a positive report on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after the conclusion of their 2023 Article 4 Consultation discussions with the Kingdom. The IMF report affirmed that the Saudi economy is in a state of prosperity and growth, and that the Kingdom's fiscal position is strong. The IMF also praised the progress Saudi Arabia has made in implementing its Saudi Vision 2030 reform agenda. Additionally, the IMF lauded the acceleration of the Kingdom's digital transformation, the increase in female participation in the labor market, reforms in the regulatory and the business environment, ongoing efforts to invest in human capital, and the continuous growth of non-oil GDP. The report commended the Kingdom's continuing efforts to complete economic and financial reforms and achieve Saudi Vision 2030 targets, noting that the Kingdom was the fastest-growing G20 economies in 2022 with a rate of 8.7%, and with non-oil GDP growing at about 4.8%, while unemployment rates among Saudis declined to their lowest historical level at 8%. The participation of Saudi women in the labor market has reached record levels at about 37% (from 18% in 2017), exceeding the target of 30% envisioned by Saudi Vision 2030. The report also welcomed the ongoing national efforts to enhance women's contribution to supporting the national economy. In addition, the report praised the Kingdom's efforts to contain inflation that has cast a shadow over the global economy, explaining that it was contained through domestic subsidies/price cap on certain products, as well as the strength of the U.S dollar, which led to the consumer price index (CPI) reaching just 2.5% in 2022. The report noted that although the average index increased in early 2023 to 3.4%, it decreased again to 2.8% by May 2023. The IMF report emphasized that the continuation of Saudi Vision 2030 reforms represents progress in advancing the country's economic diversification programs to reduce its dependence on oil. It projected a continuation of the strong momentum of non-oil GDP growth, and that average growth will reach 4.9% in 2023, driven by strong consumption spending, increase private investment through projects and programs that enhance the growth of the private sector in addition to the accelerated projects implementation, which will reflect positively on the growth of non-oil GDP, the IMF said. The report also welcomed the ongoing reform efforts within the framework of the Fiscal Sustainability Program, including improving non-oil revenues, rationalizing spending, and strengthening the public finance framework. It also noted the low and sustainable debt levels and the availability of a strong fiscal space, while praising the remarkable progress in public finance transparency through the expanded budget statement and other detailed reports. The IMF stressed that the Kingdom's monetary policy (fixed exchange rate) is appropriate and serves the Kingdom's economy, and that the performance of the banking sector remains strong during the current year, thanks to the continuous efforts of the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) to modernize the regulatory and supervisory frameworks. This contributed to the achievement of high profitability rates (higher than pre-pandemic levels), in addition to high capital adequacy ratios and low non-performing (NPL) loan ratios. The report also welcomed the efforts of the Saudi Central Bank to promote the Kingdom as a fintech hub. The report praised the continuing efforts by the Kingdom's government to enhance governance, fight corruption, and confront the challenges of climate change. It also praised the plans being implemented to increase renewable energy, the Kingdom's goal to become the largest producer of clean hydrogen in the world, and the tangible role of the Saudi Green Initiative (SGI) in reducing carbon emissions, expecting that these efforts will contribute to reducing emissions to the target level for the year 2030, and indicating that the Kingdom recorded the second-lowest emissions globally per unit  produced. The report noted the positive transformation in the Saudi housing sector through a number of programs that contributed to an increase in the percentage of home ownership to 60.6% in 2022, in pursuit of the Vision 2030 goal of 70% by 2030. It also noted the importance of industrial policies in the success of the Kingdom's efforts toward structural transformation and diversification under Saudi Vision 2030. With regard to the Kingdom's digital transformation, the report indicated that the Kingdom ranks high in a number of global digitization rankings for example digital infrastructure and the maturity of digital government transformation. Also, the strong digital development in Saudi Arabia has improved financial inclusion, the resilience of the financial sector, and enhanced government effectiveness, pointing out that Saudi Vision 2030 played a pivotal role in accelerating the pace of digital transformation.
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To Exchange technical and cognitive expertise and support The General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities signs a memorandum of cooperation with the General Authority for Statistics


The General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities and the General Authority for Statistics signed a memorandum of cooperation on Monday, 20 Muharram 1445 AH, corresponding to August 7, 2023, in Riyadh. The memorandum aims to enhance the level of joint coordination in the field of statistical data, which contributes to providing data and information and improving the quality of services provided to persons with disabilities, as well as ensuring their necessary care and rehabilitation. The memorandum was signed by Dr. Hisham bin Mohammed Al-Haidari, the CEO of the General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities, and Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dosari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics. The agreement aims to enhance integration between the two entities in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030, through the exchange of relevant official statistics for persons with disabilities. The General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities is responsible for serving them and working towards integrating efforts to improve statistical products for this category. Additionally, the agreement includes providing technical support to the General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities in statistical aspects related to handling and exchanging data and information, issuing reports and publications, and monitoring social variables for persons with disabilities. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities aims to be the comprehensive umbrella for all matters related to persons with disabilities, granting them their full rights and empowering them in collaboration with relevant entities. It seeks to ensure their rights related to disabilities and contribute to enhancing their independence and empowerment through their participation in various activities and full inclusion in all aspects of life, to achieve an inclusive and harmonious society.

To enhance statistical cooperation Organization of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission meets in Jeddah


The General Authority for Statistics hosted on Tuesday the 12th Session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission in Jeddah, with the participation of 56 countries represented by the heads of the official statistical centers in the member states, and in the presence of six international organizations. The Commission 's meetings will continue for two consecutive days and are organized by the Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC). In his opening speech, Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, welcomed the participating delegations and expressed his sincere wishes for the success of the 12th session. He also mentioned the efforts exerted by SESRIC to enhance cooperation among Islamic countries in the field of statistical exchange and training, reaffirming GASTAT’s support for all efforts aimed at developing statistical services. It is worth mentioning that the 12th Session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission aims to enhance the technical and scientific capabilities of statistical personnel in the official statistical agencies of the member states, and to exchange statistical experiences and knowledge in order to produce high-quality statistics, guided by specific objectives and principles to enhance solidarity and cooperation among Islamic countries. The agenda includes several sessions aimed at enhancing the production and dissemination of accurate and up-to-date statistical data and indicators in accordance with internationally recognized methodologies and standards. It also focuses on developing a strategic vision to improve the level of statistical systems and implementing and monitoring short, medium, and long-term plans to achieve this vision, in order to enhance the technical capabilities of national statistical agencies in Islamic countries.
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GASTAT Population’s unemployment rate decreases to 4.9% in Q2/2023


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued today, Thursday, 13/3/1445 H, corresponding to September 28, 2023, through its official website www.stats.gov.sa, "Labor Market ؛Publication for the second quarter of 2023." According to the results of this Publication, the overall unemployment rate (for Saudis and non-Saudis) decreased to 4.9% compared to the first quarter of 2023. The unemployment rate for Saudis also decreased, reaching 8.3% for the second quarter of 2023, compared to 8.5% in the first quarter of the same year. Similarly, the unemployment rate for Saudi females decreased to 15.7% for the second quarter of 2023, compared to 16.1% in the previous quarter. It is worth noting that the unemployment rate for Saudi males remained stable at 4.6% during the second quarter of 2023. During the second quarter of 2023, labor force indicators showed a decline in the overall labor force participation rate (for Saudis and non-Saudis), reaching 60.8% compared to the first quarter of 2023. The labor force participation rate for Saudis also decreased to 51.7% in the second quarter of 2023, compared to the previous quarter. The results of the Labor Market Publication for Q2/2023 indicated a decrease in the labor force participation rate for Saudi females, reaching 35.3% compared to the previous quarter. The labor force participation rate for Saudi males also fell to 67.5% during the second quarter of 2023, compared to 68.3% in the previous quarter. It is noted that the Labor Market Publication, as indicated by the General Authority for Statistics, relies on a household survey conducted by GASTAT under the category of "Social Statistics." It collects information through a sample of households that represent the population in various administrative regions in Saudi Arabia. An electronic questionnaire is filled out, containing a number of questions. Through this survey, estimates and indicators related to the labor force of the population in working age group (15 years and above) residing in Saudi Arabia are provided. It also estimates the population (within and outside the labor force) and calculates the most important labor market indicators, such as the unemployment rate and labor force participation rate, among others.
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GASTAT:Non-oil activities grow by 6.1% in Q2 2023 and drive the Saudi economy to achieve growth of 1.2%


During the second quarter of 2023, the Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by (1.2٪) compared to the same period of last year 2022. According to GASTAT's estimates in Thursday.  The report results indicated that the non-oil activities registered a positive growth by (6.1٪) during the second quarter of 2023 compared to the percentage registered in the same period of last year 2022.  The government activities achieved an increase of (2.3٪) compared to the same period last year. However, oil activities decreased by (4.3٪) in quarter 2, 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year. The results of the report showed that the seasonally adjusted real GDP decreased by 0.2 % during the second quarter of 2023, compared to the first quarter of 2023. It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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With the aim of exchanging support and sharing statistical indicators ADF signs MoC with GASTAT


Agricultural Development Fund and General Authority for Statistics signed today, Thursday, 1 Safar 1445 , corresponding to 17 August 2023, in Riyadh, a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) to enhance the level of joint coordination in the field of statistical data, which contributes to providing statistical data and information and integration to achieve common goals between the two parties. The MoC was signed by Mr. Munir bin Fahad Alsahali, Director General of the Agricultural Development Fund and Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics. The MoC aims to exchange and share statistical data, information and indicators that serve economic activities supervised by the Agricultural Development Fund in accordance with the controls and specifications of data sharing and protection of personal data issued by National Data Management Office.  It is also intended to exchange advice, support, and technical and knowledge expertise in various areas of common interest including research and studies on a regular and continuous basis and to provide the opportunity for employees of both parties to participate in attending developmental courses, seminars, scientific conferences and workshops presented by both parties. The Agricultural Development Fund seeks through conducting cooperation agreements with other parties to enhance the developmental and financing role in supporting the agricultural sector and the importance of sustainable rural agricultural development in Saudi Arabia.
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Inflation rate in KSA is stable during July 2023


Consumer Price Index (CPI) reached 2.3% over July 2023, down from June 2023, remaining relatively stable on a monthly basis for 2023. This stability is due to the strength of the Saudi economy along with the early economic procedures and measures taken by Saudi Arabia to counter the global rise in inflation rates. It is worth noting that the inflation rates in Saudi Arabia maintain a reasonable standard and balanced rates compared to most countries in the world. During July 2023, the inflation rate recorded a slight increase of 2.3%, compared to the same month of last year 2022. It is noteworthy that the economies of many countries of the world, including developed countries, have been suffering from sharp increases in inflation rates for several months. Economic experts and analysts confirm that reasonable and balanced inflation rates that any society may witness are part of the dynamism and vitality of the economy in this society and its ability to protect itself from any potential crises. However, unreasonable and unbalanced increase in inflation rates is a negative indicator of the existence of economic recession or serious economic challenges in societies that are witnessing a drop in inflation rates.
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GASTAT Issues Saudi Women's Report 2022


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued the Saudi Women's Report 2022 today. The report aims to provide many indicators relating to Saudi women aged 15 and above in different fields, such as education, health, sports, and technology, as well as other statistics, relying on available official sources. The sources include data from surveys carried out by GASTAT and data from the administrative register available to other official bodies.  According to the report, young women in the age group 15-19 years old represent the highest number among the other age groups, with 916,439 women, followed by 850,780 women in the age group 20 to 24 years old.  The report showed the leading indicators of the Women's Labor Force Survey, which has seen a marked improvement in recent years as the unemployment rate among Saudi women declined, especially in the fourth quarter of 2022, to 15.4% compared to 2021, 2020 and 2019.  In line with the decline in women's unemployment, the expansion of their economic participation and the increase and growth of their employment in various areas, the ratio of employed women to the population rose to 30.4% from the fourth quarter of 2021, where the rate was 27.6%. Women's participation in the labour market was 36%, up slightly from 35.6% in the fourth quarter of 2021.  According to the report, the number of freelance certificates issued to women in 2021 reached 961,189 compared to 105,518 issued in 2020 and 7,997 issued in 2019, which is the lowest.  The report showed that the stock market had witnessed a great turnout from women recently, as the number of Saudi women investors in the stock market in 2021 reached 1,516,995, which is higher than the previous two years, 2019 and 2020.  According to the report, young women aged 15 years and above engaged in physical activity for at least 30 minutes per week, reaching 38.7% in 2021, the highest percentage compared to 2018 and 2019. The highest age group of women engaged in physical activity for at least 30 minutes a week is the age group 20–24 with 43.13%, followed by the age group 25-29 with 42.88%.  GASTAT is the only official reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all statistical work, as well as the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, and documents and archives all works containing information and statistical data on all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia. It gathers, classifies and analyzes data, and extracts indicators from it.

GASTAT Launches Economic Data Platform


As part of its efforts to enhance its digital services in line with the objectives of Vision 2030, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) has launched the Economic Data Platform, which enables researchers and those interested to follow up with the Saudi economic sphere. Moreover, the platform provides the national and international organizations with economic data and statistics. It also presents the most important statistical data and indicators related to price, energy, GDP, international trade, labor market, and business statistics, in addition to other economic statistical data.  The General Authority for Statistics demonstrated that the launch of this platform facilitates access to economic data and indicators by beneficiaries. The platform displays such data using interactive maps, where users can download them with different formats.  This would help the process of conducting studies and research by providing updated and high-quality data that enables users to follow up with the Saudi economic sphere.  The launch of the Economic Data Platform represents the crucial role of GASTAT in providing all types of statistical data in order to support sustainable development plans and utilize statistical indicators and metadata through statistical classifications that conform with international standards and meet the users requirements. GASTAT invites those wishing to benefit from such statistical information and indicators provided by the Platform to visit (https://economics.stats.gov.sa/). It also welcomes all inquiries and suggestions via its unified number: (920020081), its customer support email  (cs@stats.gov.sa) and its website: (www.stats.gov.sa).
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GASTAT issues the Industrial Production Index for June 2023


The General Authority for Statistics announced that the Industrial Production Index (IPI) has increased by 0.5% during the month of June 2023 compared to May 2023.  On the other hand, the results indicates that IPI registered a Y-O-Y decrease by 1.6% influenced directly by the mining and quarrying activity, where the index's sub-indicator of mining and quarrying declined by 6.5% compared to the same month of last year.   However, the activities of manufacturing and electricity and gas supply achieved annual increases by 10.1% and 25% respectively during June 2023 compared to June 2022. It is noteworthy the Industrial Production Index (IPI) is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the Industrial Production Survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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GASTAT publishes The Real Estate Price General Index for quarter 2 of 2023


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced that Real Estate Price Index increased by 0.8% during the second quarter of 2023 compared to the same quarter of last year (Quarter 2 2022). This increase is boosted by the slight increase in residential real estate prices by 1.1%.   According to the publication results, the residential sector prices increased by 1.1% as a result of the increase of residential lands by 1.2%, on a yearly basis during the second quarter of 2023. In addition, the prices of apartments increased by 1.0%, whereas the prices of buildings decreased by 0.9%, prices of villas by 5.0%, and prices of houses by 0.1% On the other hand, the commercial sector recorded an increase of 0.2% driven by the increase of commercial lands prices by 0.2%. However, the prices of stores decreased by 1.1%, while the prices of commercial buildings and centers remained stable and did not record any percentage change during the second quarter of 2023.   The agricultural sector registered a decline by 0.3% influenced by the decrease of agricultural lands prices by 0.3%.  The Real Estate Price General Index rely on the Ministry of Justice’s administrative data on real estate transactions. This index is an important tool that helps all concerned entities to make relevant economic and statistical decisions on the real estate prices movement and future anticipations over different periods of time. The index includes three main sectors that consist of several real estate categories:  residential sector, which consists of the following categories: (Land, building, villa, apartment, and house), commercial sector which consists of:  (Land, building, store/shop, and commercial center), and the agricultural sector which includes one category only (Agricultural lands).
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Saudi economy grows by 1.1% driven by the growth of non-oil activities by 5.5% in quarter 2 of 2023


The General Authority for statistics (GASTAT) released the GDP Flash Estimates Publication for the second quarter of 2023. According to the publication, real GDP increased by (1.1%) during the second quarter of 2023 compared to the same period of last year 2022.    The publication activities showed that non-oil activities positively grew by (5.5%) in quarter 2, 2023 compared to the same period of last year 2022. However, oil activities decreased by (4.2%) compared to the same period of last year.   The results also demonstrated that the seasonally adjusted real GDP declined by (0.1%) during the second quarter of 2023, compared to the first quarter of the same year.  It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Merchandise Exports Record SAR 97.1 B in May 2023


Merchandise exports in May 2023 amounted to SAR 97.1 billion, compared to SAR 143.0 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 45.9 billion or 32.1%, according to GASTAT's report.   The publication indicated that the value of oil exports in May 2023 recorded SAR 72.0 billion compared to SAR 115.5 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 43.5 billion by 37.7%. On the other hand, the decline of non-oil exports was the main driver of merchandise exports decline. According to the publication's results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-export) in May 2023 amounted to SAR 25.1 billion, compared to SAR 27.5 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 2.4 billion, by 8.7%.  However, the value of merchandise imports of Saudi Arabia in May 2023 amounted to SAR 67.7 billion, compared to SAR 56.0 billion in May 2022, with an increase of SAR 11.7 billion, by 20.9%.  It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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GASTAT releases the Industrial Production Index for May 2023


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced that during the month of May 2023, the Industrial Production Index reached 1.2% compared to the same month of last year, with a slight decrease that resulted from the decline of mining and quarrying activity, which contributed directly to the decrease of the general index.   the Industrial Production Publication revealed the increase of the sub-index of manufacturing activity by 10.3% compared to the same month of last year (May 2022). However, the sub-index of electricity and gas supply activity increased by 12.0%.  The publication also indicated a decrease on the sub-index of mining and quarrying activity during the month of May 2023 by 5.5% compared to the same month of last year (May 2022).  It is noteworthy the Industrial Production Index (IPI) is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the Industrial Production Survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Merchandise Exports Record SAR 97.1 B in May 2023


Merchandise exports in May 2023 amounted to SAR 97.1 billion, compared to SAR 143.0 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 45.9 billion or 32.1%, according to GASTAT's report.   The publication indicated that the value of oil exports in May 2023 recorded SAR 72.0 billion compared to SAR 115.5 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 43.5 billion by 37.7%. On the other hand, the decline of non-oil exports was the main driver of merchandise exports decline. According to the publication's results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-export) in May 2023 amounted to SAR 25.1 billion, compared to SAR 27.5 billion in May 2022, with a decrease of SAR 2.4 billion, by 8.7%.  However, the value of merchandise imports of Saudi Arabia in May 2023 amounted to SAR 67.7 billion, compared to SAR 56.0 billion in May 2022, with an increase of SAR 11.7 billion, by 20.9%.  It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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GASTAT releases the Industrial Production Index for May 2023


The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced that during the month of May 2023, the Industrial Production Index reached 1.2% compared to the same month of last year, with a slight decrease that resulted from the decline of mining and quarrying activity, which contributed directly to the decrease of the general index.   the Industrial Production Publication revealed the increase of the sub-index of manufacturing activity by 10.3% compared to the same month of last year (May 2022). However, the sub-index of electricity and gas supply activity increased by 12.0%.  The publication also indicated a decrease on the sub-index of mining and quarrying activity during the month of May 2023 by 5.5% compared to the same month of last year (May 2022).  It is noteworthy the Industrial Production Index (IPI) is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the Industrial Production Survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Total Number of Pilgrims in 1444 H Reaches (1,845,045)


General Authority for Statistics announced today that the total number of pilgrims for this year amounted to (1,845,045) pilgrims. Number of external pilgrims arriving from various ports was (1,660,915), while the number of internal pilgrims reached (184,130) citizens and residents. According to its statistical results for Hajj 1444 H, GASTAT indicated that the number of male pilgrims out of the general total number of internal and external pilgrims amounted to (969,694) pilgrims, while the number of female pilgrims reached (875,351). Regarding the statistics of external pilgrims, GASTAT indicated that the number of pilgrims from Arab countries reached (346,214) or (21%). Number of pilgrims from African countries other than Arab countries was (221,863) or (13.4%), while the number of pilgrims from Europe, America, Australia and other unclassified countries reached (36,521) or (2.1%). As for the ways of arrival, (1,593,271) pilgrims arrived through airports, (60,813) pilgrims arrived through land ports, and (6,831) pilgrims arrived through seaports. GASTAT noted that the number of countries benefiting from Makkah Route initiative was 7 countries, where the number of beneficiaries from this initiative reached (242,272) pilgrims. Travel procedures for all pilgrims benefiting from the initiative have been completed after checking health requirements, and their luggage has been transported directly from their countries of departure to their place of residence. It should be noted that GASTAT relied on administrative records data to issue statistical data and indicators for Hajj season 1444 AH / 2023, as a main source of data represented by all government and private entities concerned with serving pilgrims to provide data according to a unified form that includes a number of elements as an extension of the statistical approach that was followed during the past three years. Hajj statistics publication shows the total number of pilgrims, and their distribution according to sex, nationality, and way of arrival. It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well. On the other hand, GASTAT's President, Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dossari, on behalf of all GASTAT's employees, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and to His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister - may Allah protect them - for everything that was provided to pilgrims, asking Allah Almighty to accept their Hajj, and to help all government entities in Saudi Arabia to provide distinguished services to pilgrims. To view the executive summary of Hajj statistics 1444 AH, please visit the following link: https://www.stats.gov.sa/system/tdf/file_manger/Hajj%20Report%201444H-EN...
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GASTAT Organizes webinar on Saudi Census 2022


The General Authority for Statistics organized a virtual webinar on the Saudi Census 2022, with the participation of a number of GASTAT employees and international experts, to introduce the census methodology and the efforts made in its implementation, after announcing the results of the first phase of the Saudi Census 2022, which included demographics, households and housing. In the course of the webinar, the participating international experts confirmed that the Saudi census 2022 is one of the most powerful population censuses that have been implemented recently in the Arab region and the Middle East due to the combination between register-based data and field enumeration. They pointed out that the high level of integration and participation between government entities, and the development of digital infrastructure in Saudi Arabia contributed to achieving data quality, making it a pioneering experience in the framework of combining and comparing multiple sources. The webinar addressed several axes, most notably the statistical methodology that was used in the Saudi census 2022, which international experts described as a professional methodology. It went through several stages, beginning with the preparation of the census project, then collecting, analyzing, and processing statistical data, and finally extracting and publishing the results in line with international best practices. The webinar discussed the technical aspect of the Saudi census 2022, and the impact of the great development in the digital infrastructure witnessed by Saudi Arabia with the launch of Vision 2030. This helped in raising GASTAT’s technical capabilities, as the latest modern technologies were used in the census project, such as self-enumeration. Field enumeration process relied on geospatial data, using satellite images with the aim of improving geographical coverage, accuracy of sorting addresses, and ensuring that no dwelling was overlooked during enumeration. Satellites have also contributed to verifying dwellings data with high accuracy. The webinar included a discussion of the main quality standards that were applied in the data collection phase to ensure coverage of the entire population, and comparisons between what was applied in the Saudi census 2022 and the procedures used in a number of countries of the world, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Australia, in addition to talking about the pivotal role GASTAT undertakes to maintain the highest levels of confidentiality and privacy for individuals and to protect their personal data that they provided during the data collection phase. The webinar revealed that GASTAT has allocated an integrated team to review and audit the data, and made more than a million calls to ensure the quality of work, in addition to carrying out (900,000) additional field visits to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data collected. It also compared five different sources of data and reviewed them through 200 indicators of data quality. This had a great impact in providing an accurate population database that will be used as a reliable basis for developing economic and social policies. The webinar emphasized that this reflects the importance of the census project in providing accurate and reliable data and various statistical indicators on the demographics of Saudi Arabia that support decision-makers and contribute to the development of plans and policy-making in all sectors and fields.
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GASTAT announces total number of Umrah performers and pilgrims for 1443 /2022


General Authority for Statistics announced that the total number of pilgrims during 2022 reached (24,715,307), including 9,517,829 pilgrims who performed Umrah for one time. Total number of external Umrah performers reached (8,372,429), where males reached 3,700,785, by 44.20%, and female reached (4,671,644), representing 55.80%. However, total number of internal Umrah performers reached (16,342,878), where the number of Saudis among them recorded (6,642,881), representing 40.65%, and the number of non-Saudi pilgrims reached (9,699,997), representing 59.35%. Total number of internal male pilgrims made up(11,033,994) with a percentage of 67.52%, while the number of female pilgrims reached (5,308,884) with a percentage of 32.48%. April was the most intense month during the year in terms of the number of pilgrims, recording (5,479,637). However, Makkah region was the largest in terms of the total number of internal pilgrims, recording (10,270,637). Regarding Hajj statistics during the past year (1443 / 2022), the total number of pilgrims reached (926, 062), where external pilgrims, who came through various ports, recorded (781,409) with a percentage of 84.4%, while the number of internal pilgrims reached (144,653) representing 15 ,6%. GASTAT’s statistics indicated- in its statistical results for Hajj season during the past year 1443- that the number of internal male pilgrims reached (77,776) pilgrims, while the number of females reached (66,877) pilgrims. However, the number of external male pilgrims and female pilgrims reached (421,999) and (359,410), respectively.  According to GASTAT, the percentage of pilgrims coming to KSA via air transportation amounted to 94.7%, and land transportation accounted for 4.5%, out of total pilgrims . However, sea transportation was least used by external pilgrims by 0.8%. GASTAT indicated that the total number of workforce participated to service pilgrims and Umrah performers during the past year 1443  from various government and private sectors exceeded 236 thousand male and female employees, including 73,556 from public services sector, 26,392 from medical services sector, 19,421 from transportation services sector and 3,728  from telecommunications sector. With regard to medical services provided to pilgrims during Hajj season last year 1443, the number of medical facilities and teams within the scope of Makkah, Madinah, and Holy Sites reached 900 that provided emergency and inpatient services to more than 22,000 pilgrims. Moreover, cardiac catheterization services, kidney dialysis and other surgical operations were conducted to 1,904 pilgrims, and vaccination campaigns were implemented to pilgrims, workers and residents of Makkah region with 120,423 thousand doses. It should be noted that GASTAT relied on administrative records data that are used as main source of data while issuing statistical data and indicators of Hajj and Umrah for 1443 /2022 and represented in all government and private entities, including data for Hajj permits for internal pilgrims and for those hold Hajj visa to count the number of pilgrims. Data was also provided according to a unified form that includes a number of elements such as data of workforce and medical services of entities participated to service pilgrims and Umrah performers, according to temporal and spatial reference.
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Industrial Production Index Increases by 3.2 % in April 2023


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website the results of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) for April 2023. (IPI) increased by 3.2% in April 2023. This increase resulted from the increase in mining, quarrying, manufacturing, in addition to electricity and gas supply activity. The mining and quarrying activity index increased by 0.2 % in April 2023, compared to the same month of the previous year (April 2022). Manufacturing activity also increased by 10.5% in April 2023, compared to April 2022. However, electricity and gas supply went up by 25.5%, compared to April 2022. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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GASTAT: Saudi Economy Grows by 3.8% in Q1/2023


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued the report of Gross Domestic Product and National Accounts Indicators for the first quarter of 2023. According to estimates, the real GDP increased by 3.8% in Q1/2023 compared to the same period of last year 2022. During the first quarter of 2023, non-oil activities achieved a growth of 5.4% compared to the same period of last year 2022, according to the report’s results. Government activities increased by 4.9%, and oil activities also increased by 1.4% compared to the same period of last year.  The seasonally adjusted real GDP decreased by 1.4% in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the fourth quarter of 2022, the publication indicated.  It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all statistical information and data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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GASTAT Publishes International Trade Report for Q1 of 2023


General Authority for Statistics issued Saudi Arabia's International Trade Publication for Q1 of 2023. According to the publication, the value of merchandise exports of Saudi Arabia during Q1 of 2023 amounted to SAR 313.5 billion, compared to SAR 367.1 billion during Q1 of 2022, with a decrease of SAR 53.6 billion, by 14.6%. The publication indicated that the value of oil exports in March 2023 recorded 245,4 billion SAR compared to 288,5 billion SAR in March 2022 during Q1, with a decrease of 43,1 billion SAR by 14.9%. On the other hand, the decline of non-oil exports was the main driver of merchandise exports decline. According to the publication's results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-export) during March 2023 amounted to SAR 68,1 billion SAR, compared to SAR 78,6 billion SAR during March 2022, with a decrease of SAR 10,5 billion SAR, by 13.3%. While the value of imports during Q1 of 2023 amounted to 186.4 billion SAR, compared to 157.9 billion SAR during Q1 of 2022 , with an increase of (28.5 billion) twenty-eight billion five hundred million SAR, by (18.0%). It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Industrial Production Index Increases by 4.1% during March 2023


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa, the results of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) for March 2023. (IPI) increased by 4.1% in March 2023, compared to March 2022, according to the publication. This increase mainly originated from the increase in mining, quarrying,  manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply activity. Mining and quarrying activity index increased by 1.6% in March 2023, compared to the same month in the previous year (March 2022). Manufacturing activity also increased by 10.5% in March 2023, compared to March 2022. Electricity and gas supply went up by 16.6% compared to March 2022, according to the monthly publication. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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GASTAT Publishes International Trade Report for Q1 of 2023


General Authority for Statistics issued Saudi Arabia's International Trade Publication for Q1 of 2023. According to the publication, the value of merchandise exports of Saudi Arabia during Q1 of 2023 amounted to SAR 313.5 billion, compared to SAR 367.1 billion during Q1 of 2022, with a decrease of SAR 53.6 billion, by 14.6%. The publication indicated that the value of oil exports in March 2023 recorded 245,4 billion SAR compared to 288,5 billion SAR in March 2022 during Q1, with a decrease of 43,1 billion SAR by 14.9%. On the other hand, the decline of non-oil exports was the main driver of merchandise exports decline. According to the publication's results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-export) during March 2023 amounted to SAR 68,1 billion SAR, compared to SAR 78,6 billion SAR during March 2022, with a decrease of SAR 10,5 billion SAR, by 13.3%. While the value of imports during Q1 of 2023 amounted to 186.4 billion SAR, compared to 157.9 billion SAR during Q1 of 2022 , with an increase of (28.5 billion) twenty-eight billion five hundred million SAR, by (18.0%). It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Industrial Production Index Increases by 6.8% in January 2023


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa, today, March 9, 2023, the results of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) for January 2023. Industrial Production Index (IPI) increased by 6.8% in January 2023, compared to January 2022, according to the publication. This increase mainly originated from the increase in mining, quarrying, and manufacturing activity. Mining and quarrying activity index increased by 3% in January 2023, compared to the same month in the previous year (January 2022). Manufacturing activity also increased by 19.2% in January 2023, compared to January 2022. Electricity and gas supply decreased by 3.4% compared to January 2022, according to the monthly publication. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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GASTAT: Industrial Production Index Increases by 7.3% in December 2022


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa, today, February 9, 2023, the results of the industrial production index (IPI) for December 2022. The publication results showed that during December 2022, IPI increased by 7.3% compared to the same month in the previous year (December 2021), as a result of the increase in mining, quarrying, and manufacturing activity. The results of the index's monthly publication revealed that the mining and quarrying activity index for December 2022 increased by 4.1% compared to the same month in the previous year (December 2021). Manufacturing activity also increased by 18.5% in December 2022 compared to the same month in the previous year (December 2021), while electricity and gas supply activity decreased by 6.5% compared to December 2021. According to the report's results, the industrial production index recorded positive growth rates during the year 2022, due to the increase in mining and quarrying activity as well as manufacturing activity. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Total expenditure on research and development in Saudi Arabia reaches 14.5 billion in 2021


General Authority for Statistics issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 8 February 2023, the research and development statistics publication for 2021. Based on the results of the publication, total expenditure on research and development amounted to 14.5 billion SAR, while the numbers of workers in this field reached 30,220 workers, and the number of researchers recorded 24,808 researchers during 2021. The government sector recorded the highest percentage in terms of expenditure on research and development by (50%) of total expenditure, followed by the private sector by (35%). As for the education sector, the percentage of expenditure reached (15%). However, the workers in the education sector achieved the largest percentage in the field of research and development, reaching (83%), with 25,178 workers. At the level of the government sector, the number of workers recorded 2,967 workers, with (10%) of total workers; while the private sector ranked last with 2,075 workers by (7%) during 2021, according to the publication. GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Saudi Economy Grows by 8.7% in 2022 and 5.4% in Q4/2022


General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 31 January 2023, the flash estimates report on GDP growth rate for the year 2022 and flash estimates of GDP for the fourth quarter of 2022. According to flash estimates, the real GDP during the fourth quarter of 2022 grew by 5.4% compared to Q4/2021, and the real GDP during the year 2022 grew by 8.7% compared to the previous year 2021. The results of the report indicated that the real GDP of oil activities grew by 6.1% during the fourth quarter of the year 2022, compared to the same quarter of the previous year 2021. Real GDP of oil activities during the year 2022 grew by 15.4% compared to the previous year 2021.  Real GDP of non-oil activities grew by 6.2% compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Real GDP of non-oil activities during the year 2022 grew by 5.4% compared to the previous year 2021. The results of the report showed that the seasonally adjusted real GDP increased by 1.5% during the fourth quarter of 2022, compared to the third quarter of 2022. It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.

GASTAT joins Gulf statistical agencies in celebrating Gulf Statistics Day


The GCC countries celebrate the Gulf Statistics Day, which is marked on 24 December 2022 under the theme "Statistics for Sustainable Opportunities". The event comes within the framework of enhancing the statistical work aimed at providing statistical data that support development plans and achieve the goals of development visions of the GCC countries. The GCC Statistics Day is an important occasion in which the statistical bodies, centers and offices of the GCC countries renew their interest in statistical work and confirm its vital role in setting plans and programs for comprehensive sustainable development. It is worth mentioning that the Saudi statistical work has started in a very early era of the Saudi development history. It has started in 1349H /1930 and became an organized work that refers technically and administratively to the General Statistics System issued by the Royal Decree No. (23) dated 7/12/1379H -1/6/1960. The General Statistics System has played a vital role to organize the statistics sector by controlling the relationship between the Central Department of Statistics and Information and other agencies, until the issuance of the Royal Decree in 1436H to transform the Central Department of Statistics and Information into a public authority called the General Authority for Statistics which enjoys a legal personality, and financial and administrative independence. In 1437H, the organization of the General Authority for Statistics was approved, whose articles stated that the General Authority for Statistics is the entity that shall be responsible for technical and organizational supervision of the statistics sector and shall form a comprehensive system of national statistical databases for various fields. The Authority has been entrusted with organizing and supervising the statistical sector, in order to enable it and enhance its awareness. During the 141st session of the Ministerial Council of GCC which was held in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain in 24 November 2016, a day for the Gulf Statistics Day was allocated to be held every year. The importance of this day is emphasizing the partnership of society in all its categories with statisticians, and shedding light on the vital role played by statistics in achieving sustainable development in the GCC countries. It also shows the strategic role played by the Gulf statistical system in making decisions and building development policies.