
The terms and expressions set out in this regulation shall have the following meanings assigned to them:

Article One


Regulation of the General Authority for Statistics.


General Authority for Statistics’ Board of Directors.

Public entities

Ministries, authorities, institutions, and central departments including wholly state-owned companies.

Private establishments

All companies including the companies in which the country own  some shares, private individual enterprises, associations, private institutions, and the like.


Numbers and descriptive characteristics that are related to statistical areas with respect to  the society’s conditions and activities. They can be individual data or a group thereof.

Individual data

Data that determines the legal person’s identity, where s/he provides such data by request.

Statistical fields

The main three statistical fields; social statistics which include (population structure, social conditions, education, housing, and others), economic statistics which include  (national accounts, commercial business, industry, trade and others), and spatial statistics which include (environment, tourism, agriculture, and others).

Administrative records

Paper or electronic records in which data or information are preserved  in various public entities or private establishments and related to statistical areas with respect to the society’s conditions and activities, in addition to these entities or establishments’ production processes records.


Data that are processed through classification, analysis, summarization, or any other method to become relevant to the statistical fields.


A statistical indicator is a data element that represents statistical data for a specified time, place, and other characteristics.


Data, information and indicators on the society’s conditions and activities that are  collected using scientific methods, classifications, and concepts in order to come up with results, expectations and decisions in accordance with specific variables.

Statistical work

Any study, research, survey, or any other related activity that is fully or partially relevant to statistical areas.


The process of collecting data from their sources based on a set of specified variables  or questions. This could be done through comprehensive inventory method, statistical sample selection processes, or any other statistical methods.

Statistical services

Detailed statistical work, including the provision of statistical consultancy  services on the preparation of surveys, research, and studies, as well as samples selection, analysis, and interpretation of results, and so on.

Statistical documents

Maps, charts, records, guides, methodologies, sample lists, and other  tools used in statistical work.

Coordinating committee

A standing committee formed to coordinate statistical work that is carried out by relevant public entities.

The Authority’s freelancers

People who are not employed within the General Authority for Statistics but hired to implement surveys.

Article Two

The General Authority for Statistics shall enjoy a public juridical personality, and a financial and administrative independence. It is organizationally linked to the Minister of Economy and Planning.

The General Authority for Statistics shall be headquartered in the city of Riyadh and set up branches and offices in any of the Kingdom’s regions.

Article Three

The regulation process aims at organizing and activating the Kingdom’s statistical work through  the creation and implementation of comprehensive, accurate and unified statistical system, as  well as development of necessary plans and programs to meet statistical needs, and elaborate development plans, scientific research and various activities.

Article Four

The General Authority for Statistics shall be the entity in charge of statistical affairs, the only official reference to implement statistical work, and technical supervisor and regulator thereto. Therefore, in order to achieve its desired objectives, it shall.

Prepare and follow up on the implementation of a national strategy for statistical work in coordination with relevant public entities once approved and suggest periodical amendments there to.

Carry out statistical work in accordance with recognized international standards, including the need to:

  • Identify the statistical work methodology.
  • Prepare and implement surveys.
  • Conduct studies and research.
  • Analyze data and information.
  • Document and save data and information in statistical documents.

Collect, record and compile data and information that cover all aspect of life in the Kingdom  from different sources, as well as gather, classify and analyze data and information from public entities and private establishments’ administrative records and extract their indicators.

Prepare, use, update and develop national statistical guides and classifications in accordance with national standards when needed

Prepare statistical publications and reports of surveys and research.

Create a comprehensive system of national statistical databases for different statistical areas.

Create a central information system at the national level that can be automatically associated with all public entities.

Provide public entities and private establishments with statistical work, and statistics-related consultancy and technical services.

Provide public entities with suggestions and proposals to develop and transform all statistical work and information systems into a comprehensive, accurate and unified statistical system.

Produce and develop official statistics independently, publish them inside the Kingdom, and provide public entities, private establishments, individuals, and international authorities with official statistics in accordance with statutory procedures.

Coordinate and cooperate with counterparts in other countries, and regional and international organizations and authorities with respect to statistical aspects in accordance with statutory procedures.

Prepare and implement statistical work-related programs and courses, as well as train and qualify specialized cadres.

Represent the Kingdom internally and externally with respect to the General Authority for Statistics competencies in accordance with statutory procedures.

Raise statistical awareness, as well as prepare and implement the necessary plans and programs to ensure community interaction with statistical work.

Publish the statistics for all beneficiaries at the same time and enable advance access to statistics for specific and documented reasons, in a way that would not affect the statistics’ content or date of publication.

Article Five

The General Authority for Statistics shall proceed with collecting statistical plans and programs related data through its employees or representatives, if necessary, in accordance with the applicable regulations and procedures.

Article Six

The General Authority for Statistics shall provide official statistics for free.

Without prejudice to paragraph (1) of this article, the General Authority for Statistics shall  conduct surveys, prepare statistical research and studies, and provide statistical services, consultations, and training courses in a commercial manner, subject to fees and costs.

Article Seven

Article seven was amended by virtue of resolution No. (212) dated 15/03/1441H corresponding to 12/11/2019 regarding the amendment of the General Authority for Statistics’ regulation, which stated that the Authority’s president shall be appointed and dismissed by a Board’s resolution, and the president shall organizationally be linked to the Minister of Economy and Planning who chairs the Authority’s Board.

The Board consists of the following members:

A. Minister of Economy and Planning - Board Chairman
B. Minister of Energy - Member
C. Minister of Finance - Member
D. Minister of Human Resources and Social Development - Member
E. Minister of education - Member
F. Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources - Member
G. Director of National Information Center - Member
H. President of the general Authority for Statistics - Member
I. Two specialists in the field of the Authority’s business (appointed by Council of Ministers’ resolution based on the nomination of the Board Chairman) - Two members 

The Board Chairman selects a vice chairman from the members referred to in paragraphs (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) of paragraph (1) of this article. (In accordance with the Council of Ministers resolution No. (745) dated 23/11/1441H

Article Eight

The Board supervises the management of the Authority’s affairs. It makes necessary decisions to achieve the Authority’s objectives within the limits of this regulation provisions. It particularly has the following functions:

Adoption of the General Authority for Statistics’ general policies, plans and operational 

Adoption of the General Authority for Statistics’ organizational structure.

Adoption of internal and technical regulations, procedures, rules and standards that are related to the General Authority for Statistics’ activity.

Adoption and submission of the General Authority for Statistics’ draft budget in accordance with statutory procedures.

Adoption of the General Authority for Statistics’ final accounts, auditor’s report and annual report in preparation for submission and in accordance with statutory procedures.

Formation of the Coordinating Committee and appointment of its members based on the candidacy of their entities, as well as the adoption of relevant regulations.

Adoption of the General Authority for Statistics’ delegates and freelancers’ bonuses in agreement with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Civil Service.

Adoption of any financial amounts, statistical work assignments, statistical services, consultations, and training courses implemented by the Authority, in addition to data supply.

Acceptance of donations, grants, endowments, bequests, and assistance provided to the General Authority for Statistics in accordance with statutory procedures.

Appointment of an external auditor and an internal financial controller.

Formation of committees and grant them necessary powers to carry out specific tasks. The board shall delegate some of these tasks to the appropriate General Authority for Statistics’ officials as maybe necessary for the operation of the Authority.

Adoption of the administrative and financial bylaws – regulating the Authority’s affairs– provided that the adoption of financial bylaws and administrative bylaws’ provisions that have a financial impact shall be agreed with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the Council of Ministers' Resolution No. (198) dated 24/3/1442H)

Article Nine

Board meetings shall be held in the General Authority for Statistics’ headquarters or elsewhere within the Kingdom when deemed appropriate.

The Board shall convene at least three times a year, or whenever deemed appropriate, upon the request of at least five of its members and the invitation of the Chairman who, in turn, shall prepare the meeting’s agenda. Hence, the majority of members shall attend the meeting, including the Chairman or his deputy, and decisions shall be taken by the majority of the attendees’ votes. In the event of equality of votes, the Chairman’s side shall prevail. Hence, the objecting member shall specify the objection reasons in the meeting minutes.

The Board’s deliberations and decisions shall be proved in minutes signed by the Chairman and attendees, and the General Authority for Statistics shall notify relevant entities of these decisions immediately and appropriately.

Members may not abstain from voting, nor authorize another member to vote on their behalf during their absence.

Members may not disclose any of the General Authority for Statistics’ secrets.

The Board may invite any person it deems fit to attend Board meetings in a non-voting capacity to provide information, opinion, or clarifications.

Article Ten

The first paragraph of this article has been amended in accordance with the Council of Ministers’ resolution No. (212) as follows: The Authority shall have a president who is appointed and dismissed by a Board decision.

Supervise the General Authority for Statistics’ employees by virtue of the powers vested in him and provisions of regulations

Supervise the Authority’s technical, administrative and financial activities, and provide public entities with statistical feedback.

Approve the methods and procedures of statistical programs implementation that are related to: 
a) Collecting, classifying, analyzing, and disseminating statistical information issued by the 
b) Statistical publications content, timing, and methods of dissemination.

Propose and submit the General Authority for Statistics’ plans and programs to the Board.

Propose and submit the General Authority for Statistics’ organizational structure to the Board.

Preside over the Coordinating Committee and propose regulations related there to.

Propose and submit the General Authority for Statistics’ delegates, employees, and freelancers’ bonuses to the Board.

Propose and submit executive working mechanisms with respect to financial costs of statistical work and data provision to the Board.

Command the General Authority for Statistics’ expenses in accordance with the approved annual budget.

Follow up on the implementation of the Board’s decisions.

Submit periodic reports on the General Authority for Statistics’ work, achievements, and activities to the Board.

Submit proposals to the Board regarding matters and topics falling within its jurisdiction and competence.

Supervise the preparation of the General Authority for Statistics’ draft budget, annual report, and final accounts, and present them to the Board.

Represent the General Authority for Statistics in courts.

Issue the necessary decisions to implement the provisions of the adopted regulation, regulations, rules and procedures by virtue of the powers vested in him.

Implement the competencies identified by Board’s decisions and General Authority for Statistics’ regulations.

Implement any other task assigned by the Board, and the president may delegate some of his powers to other General Authority for Statistics’ employees.

Article Eleven

The General Authority for Statistics shall have an independent budget, issued by a royal decree.

Article Twelve

The General Authority for Statistics’ resources shall consist of the following:

a. An allocated budget from the general state budget.
b. All movable and immovable properties allocated from other government entities.
c. Fixed and movable assets at its disposal.
d. The revenues of its financial resources’ investments. 
e. Financial returns in exchange for the services provided.
f. Financial fines and penalties.
g. Donations, grants, endowments, bequests, and assistance provided.
h. Any other resources approved by the Board.

The General Authority for Statistics’ funds shall be deposited in a special account in the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency and spent in accordance with the adopted budget.

Article Thirteen

The General Authority for Statistics’ fiscal year shall be the same as that of the Kingdom. 
However, as an exception, the first fiscal year shall begin from the date of the present regulation’s 
effectiveness and end at the end of the Kingdom’s fiscal year.
Article thirteen bis:
The Authority’s employees shall be subject to the labor law and social insurances system (in 
accordance with the Council of Ministers’ resolution No. (198) dated 24/03/1442H).

Article Fourteen

The General Authority for Statistics shall submit its annual final account to the Council of Ministers within ninety days starting from the date of end of the fiscal year and provide the General Auditing Bureau with a copy thereof.

Article Fifteen

The General Authority for Statistics shall submit an annual report on the achievements that have been made, compared to the provisions of the general development plan implemented over the past year, as well as the difficulties it faced and proposed suggestions to improve the workflow, to the Prime Minister within ninety days starting from the date of end of the financial year.

Article Sixteen

Without prejudice to the right of the General Auditing Bureau to monitor the General Authority for Statistics’ accounts, the Board shall appoint one or more external auditors of a natural or legal personality, licensed to work in the Kingdom, as well as determine their fees. In the event of multiplicity of auditors, they shall be held jointly liable for their actions in favor of the General Authority for Statistics. The auditor’s report shall be therefore submitted to the Board and General Auditing Bureau.

Article Seventeen

The present regulation shall be published in the Official Gazette, enter into force after ninety days from the date of publication, and hence cancel all what contradicts with its provisions.