
Consumer Price Index


A statistical metric that measures changes in the prices of a stable market basket of goods and services.


Adult Skills and Learning Survey


This survey examines skills and learning for adults (aged 15+) and workplaces, gathering information on skill development across the population based on demographic characteristics. It tracks educational progress from school and evaluates the education system as a whole. Key areas covered include educational attainment, literacy levels, IT skills, participation in various forms of education and training, and employment outcomes related to educational activities.


Foreign Direct Investment


An investment that reflects a long-term relationship and a permanent interest of economic entities that exist in economiesy other than the Saudi economy. This means that the foreign investor owns 10% or more of the shareholders' equity, which enables the foreign investor to exercise some kind of influence on the decision-making process in a way that serves its interests. Thus, this process is described as foreign direct investment.


ICT Access and Usage of Establishments


The ICT Access and Usage Survey of establishments presents data on recent statistics and indicators on the extent of access and usage of ICT for establishments in Saudi Arabia, as determined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).


Business Sentiment Index


It is a leading indicator that provides perceptions and expectations of future developments in the private sector, based on surveys on output, inputs, manpower, business development or expansion.


Consumer Sentiment Index


The value of the general index of consumer sentiment number is between (zero - 200), when the index reaches the value (200 points), then the opinions of all participants in the sample are positive which indicates the consumer optimism toward economic conditions. The index reaches the level of neutrality when the value of the index reaches (100 points). If the value of the index is less than (100 points), this indicates pessimism about the economic situation.


Education and Training Survey


The survey targets young people aged 8 to 19, focusing on their educational experiences, preferences, outcomes, home environment, engagement, and transition to the labor market. It aims to capture a broad spectrum of educational aspects, from formal education to informal learning and training opportunities. This effort seeks to understand the evolving education landscape in Saudi Arabia and ensure it meets the developmental, social, and academic needs of young learners.


Child labor


A household survey targeting children aged (5 to 17) years to assess the prevalence and impact of child labor.


Saudi Society Values and Behaviors Survey


Measuring the extent to which Saudi citizens demonstrate principles and values in their daily lives and interactions, such as honesty, determination, discipline, etc.


Food security survey


The Food Security Survey measures the moderate or severe difficulties faced by the head of the household (family leader) and their family in obtaining food.


Short-term business statistics


Short-term business statistics are economic statistics and data used in the short term to measure the performance of various economic sectors and to monitor development and growth rates on a monthly basis. They provide indicators that reflect the key monthly changes in targeted economic activities.


Labor Force Survey


The Household Survey is conducted by the General Authority for Statistics, where data is collected through communication with a representative sample of Saudi and non-Saudi residents in all administrative regions of the Kingdom.


Digital economy

Annual survey

It is a statistical survey that helps identify establishments that rely on digital inputs or are significantly enhanced through the use of digital inputs, including digital technologies, digital infrastructure, digital services, and data.


Quality of Personal life


Understand people’s assessment of their overall well-being and quality of personal life and know the specific areas that contribute to their satisfaction and happiness.


Household Environment Survey


The survey contributes to the measurement of services provided to households and supports decision-makers in developing the infrastructure of basic services benefiting the household. It is a household survey that collects data on the availability of water and sanitation services, methods of waste disposal, and the most significant pollutants surrounding the household. Additionally, it assesses the household's awareness of environmental hygiene. Given the importance of environmental statistics in the household sector, most countries globally provide official statistics on the environment. These statistics play a crucial role in shaping environmental policies and providing international environmental indicators. Thus, the necessity arose to provide precise and comprehensive statistical data that addresses the needs of decision-makers, data users, and researchers.


Non-profit Sector Organizations Survey


The Non-profit Sector Surveys an annual survey that provides statistics and economic data related to non-profit sector organizations in Saudi Arabia.


International Trade in Services


Measuring international trade transactions between residents and non-residents to obtain payments and receipts for services and to provide statistical data that enriches the services item of the main accounts in the balance of payments of Saudi Arabia.


Research and Development Survey


Research and Development is an annual survey concerned with research and development fields in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It aims to provide economic indicators of research and development.


National Health Survey


The survey targets adults aged 15 and above, and it addresses questions regarding health status, healthcare needs, and health behaviors of the population of Saudi Arabia, including the workforce. This comprehensive survey aims to collect and analyze data on a wide range of health-related topics to enrich public health policies, workforce safety programs, and healthcare services.


Women and Child Health Survey


The survey targets women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years old) and children (0 to 14 years old) aiming to assess and analyze their health status, access to healthcare, needs, and relevant social and economic factors affecting these two groups in Saudi Arabia.


Survey of Producing Individuals (Outside Establishments)


It is a survey that provides statistics on economic activities undertaken by individuals outside establishments and not captured by statistical and tax entities, to measure their economic impact on the gross domestic product (GDP).


Economic Survey


It is a survey that targets a sample of establishments practicing different economic activities. It aims to provide the requirements of updating the GDP base year, provide necessary data for the Structural Business Statistics Publication, in addition to enhancing and updating the statistical work record.


Housing survey


The Housing survey is a field survey that relies on sampling techniques to study the housing characteristics of households at the national and administrative region levels.


Household Energy Survey

Annual Survey

The Home Energy Survey seeks to provide accurate and comprehensive statistical data covering the needs of decision makers, data users and researchers on the sources, forms, uses and consumption patterns of energy in the domestic sector.


Comprehensive Agricultural Survey


A comprehensive inventory of agricultural holdings that provides up-to-date data on agricultural production (both plant and animal), including information on cultivated areas, production quantities, quantities sold, and their value according to each crop group.


Producer price index


Producer price indices are a set of statistical indicators that measure the average change in product prices. The index is based on a fixed basket of commodity products – a wide range of representative products – whose prices are collected monthly from local companies and factories (locally produced goods), where the prices of industrial production are represented in a period of time called the comparison period attributed to another period called the base period.


Education and Training Survey


It is a survey that collects information about the participation of individuals aged 15 and older in various educational and training activities. It includes aspects such as enrollment status in education and training, academic achievement, self-learning, literacy, and language proficiency. It also aims to identify the difficulties that hinder individuals from engaging in education and training activities.


Construction and Building survey


Annual survey that targets construction activities, including building construction, civil engineering, and specialized construction activities. The survey provides data and statistics on operating facilities in the sector and contributes to calculating the sector's contribution to the gross domestic product.


Disability survey


It is a social survey that aims to identify the Categories of disabilities in the Kingdom, the degree of their severity, and the extent of their prevalence among members of society.


Health and Safety at Work Survey 2023


This survey aims to provide information about health and safety at work including occupational accidents, injuries, work-related health problems and topics related to healthcare services


ICT Access and Use Survey for Households and Individuals


Information and communication technology is a key axis of development in all different economic and social fields for being one of the most important measures of the development and progress of nations. The survey of ICT Access and Usage of Households and Individuals plays a critical role in providing statistics and data on ICT in Saudi Arabia.


Tourism Statistics (Establishments)

Annual survey

It is a specialized survey that provides data on all tourism activities to prepare indicators that help in identifying the growth rates of each tourism activity. It also provides data for extracting indicators in calculating the contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product.


Culture and Household Entertainment Survey


Culture and entertainment sector is one of the most important drivers of national transformation towards human development. Individuals' participation in cultural and entertainment activities reflects the level of awareness towards this field and the quality of the services provided.


Non-Profit Sector Organizations

Annual survey

The non-profit sector is an annual survey that provides statistics and economic data related to the non-profit sector organizations in Saudi Arabia.


International Trade in Services


Measuring international trade transactions between residents and non-residents to obtain payments and receipts for services and to provide statistical data that feeds the services item of the main accounts in the balance of payments of Saudi Arabia.


Digital Economy Survey 2022


It is a statistical survey aims to measure the activities of economic establishments that largely depend on technology and data in Saudi Arabia. Data for the year 2022 will be collected by surveying a sample of these establishments representing various economic sectors and activities as well as different governorates in Saudi Arabia.


Research and Development Statistics Survey


It is an annual statistics report that focuses on the fields of research and development in Saudi Arabia, with the aim of providing economic indicators for research and development.


National Identity Index Survey


The Saudi National Identity Survey aims to measure the depth of national identity and the pride citizens feel for their country and its leaders within the community.


Women Health and Reproductive Care Survey


Information on women's health, including health status, reproductive status, and other topics related to health-care services


Waste and Water Economic Industrial Survey


It is an economic survey through which environmental statistical data is collected on establishments that use waste, in addition to reduce waste of materials, commodities and energy to capitalize on them as much as possible, and to reduce the resulting pollution. This data also meets the requests of beneficiaries from internal agencies and international organizations.


Structural Business Statistics Survey


It is considered one of the most important economic statistics conducted by GASTAT, as this survey provides statistics on establishments that are engaged in various economic activities along with the structure of the economic sector in Saudi Arabia. These statistics include the number of employees and their compensation, expenses, revenues, and capital formation.


Violence Against Children Survey


This survey, which covers all thirteen administrative regions of Saudi Arabia, is an essential source for obtaining a number of child protection indicators that meet local, regional and international needs and the needs of planners, development policy-makers and decision-makers.


Child Health and Wellbeing Survey 2023


This survey aims to provide the public, decision-makers, researchers, and other relevant stakeholders with needed information about child's health condition (e.g., health status, well-being, and other health determinants) to help in shaping effective policies to improve the well-being of children and adolescent in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


National Health Survey 2023


The purpose of this survey is to provide health-related data on the Saudi population , such as, health status, health determinants (e.g., family history of certain diseases, access to health care, and environment), and other relevant topics.


Household Income and Expenditure Survey


Household Income and Expenditure Survey is one of the household sample field surveys conducted in the field of social statistics and provides data on income and expenditure patterns in society and the impact of demographic, social and economic factors on households.