
The General Authority for Statistics Starts the Second Phase of Updating the Guidebook for the Populated Areas, in Preparation for the 2020 Population Census


Including Aseer Region, Al baha, Jazan and Najran The General Authority for Statistics Starts the Second Phase of Updating the Guidebook for the Populated Areas, in Preparation for the 2020 Population Census In preparation for the population and houses census project (2020- 1441 AH) GaStat started to work according to a series of steps and in coordination with a number of government agencies on the technical arrangements of the implementation “for updating the populated areas guidebook”. It is considered the first field steps proceeding the census 2020 project. These steps are according to a timetable that includes all the stages of updating the guidebook for the populated names for different regions of the Kingdom and it includes: Aseer Region, Al baha Region, Jazan Region and Najran Region. In addition, there will be a number of stages that covers all the Kingdom regions during this year 2018. This project aims to update the guidebook for the populated areas in the field and to process its data by observing all the changes occurred in the guidebook. Moreover, during the updating process, the number of dwellings and establishments in the populated areas are considered and distributed to statistical work areas, also linking the populated areas to the national address, identifying the populated areas on maps and making any necessary divisions.  As well as counting the rugged areas, Badia areas and areas requiring prior coordination. On the other hand, the General authority for statistics (GaStat) has recently held the first specialized workshops to discuss the census form (2020) within a series of workshops related to the form. And that was with the participation of some experts and specialists from the GaStat, and a number of relevant government agencies. The project of population and housing census (2020- 1441 AH) aims to collect and publish the demographic, social and economic data of the population to provide the requirements of the government of basic data on population and housing to build the development plans, also the needs of researchers and planners, and to provide a new framework for all of the specialized statistical researches that are conducted based on the sample method. Additionally, finding a broad base of data and using it as a reliable source to conduct studies and researches required by the development programs, providing the data and indicators of population periodically to measure the population characteristics changes over the time, making local, regional and international comparisons, and to review, evaluate the population estimates in the future.

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