The application of GOSI's staff regulations and pay scale on the staff of GaStat H.E. the President of GaStat appreciates the approval of the Cabinet and confirms the continuation of the statistical work to support development decisions H.E. the President of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad Bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi, appreciated the approval of the Cabinet in its meeting on Monday, 30th of Muharram 1438H on the application of GOSI's staff regulations and pay scale on the staff of GaStat. H.E. expressed his gratitude to His Highness the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Highness the deputy Crown Prince for the support given to all government entities to achieve its objective in national development. It reflects the care of the prudent leadership for developing the infrastructure of all development resolutions, considering the statistical products and services provided by GaStat as a solid bases to support national development decisions, and support decision makers with information that is considered the compass of development work. H.E. stressed that the application of GOSI's staff regulations and pay scale helps GaStat to adapt to next phase requirements and allows them to attract specialized national talents in the statistical and administrative work in an effort to complete the transformation, which started after the Royal Decree No. (64283), dated 26/12/1436H, approving the transformation from (Central Department of Statistics and Information) into an independent Authority. This transformation helped in enhancing the environment to provide a wider range of statistical information and data and its dissemination to support decision making. Since the Royal Decree issuance, GaStat worked on the preparation of a transformation road map in statistical work including a number of projects and initiatives that are consistent with the 2020 National transformation Program, and the 2030 Saudi Vision. It is worth mentioning that the modification, on which the cabinet has agreed, was listed as ( the second) item of the cabinet resolution of the General Authority for Statistics organization, number (11) in 13/01/1437 H. The resolution was modified to be as following " except the authority president, GOSI regulations, pay scales, and modifications are applied on GaStat staff". The organization included (17) terms covering a group of organizational rules, the most important of which are: stressing on the authority's legal personality, administrative and financial independency, and asserting that it is the only statistics- concerned entity. Moreover, it is the only official reference that supervises and organizes the statistical work. The authority's affairs are managed by a board that contains (18) entities, (13) of which are government entities including the authority, in addition to the council of Saudi chambers, and two independent statistics specialists. The board is headed by HE minister of economy and planning, and has been given the description of " the dominant authority" which means implementing its resolutions on the level of statistical sector and all its components in Saudi Arabia. The organization has charged the authority with the responsibility of forming a coordination committee that constantly coordinate the statistical work between the authority and the other related entities. The authority will also carry out the responsibility of founding an information central system in the authority that is automatically linked with all concerned entities. Furthermore, the organization included many tasks in addition to implementing the statistical works such as: applying the recognized international standards which include the statistical work methodology, designing and implementing surveys, conducting research and studies, analyzing data and information, documenting data, collecting, recording, classifying, and analyzing statistical data ,which cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia, from its different sources either from surveys, censuses, or administrative records in the public and private establishments. Moreover, the tasks include preparing, using, and updating the national statistical guides and classifications according to international standards, preparing and publishing the surveys and researches' statistical reports and bulletins, providing statistical services, conducting surveys, preparing statistical studies and researches to provide the establishments and business sector with statistical data from its databases. In addition to the tasks of exchanging knowledge, providing the entities with recommendations to improve all information systems and statistical work methodology, so that they can have a unified, accurate, and comprehensive statistical system. The tasks also cover raising awareness about the importance of statistics, recording and following any statistics related to Saudi Arabia published by the national and international authorities, and coordinating with the concerned entities.
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"الإحصاء" ارتفاع الرقم القياسي للإنتاج الصناعي بنسبة %1.3 خلال شهر يناير 2025
أصدرت الهيئة العامة للإحصاء اليوم نتائج مؤشر الرقم القياسي للإنتاج الصناعي لشهر يناير من عام 2025 ووفقاً لنتائج النشرة ارتفع مؤشر الرقم القياسي لكميات الإنتاج الصناعي بنسبة 1.3 % مقارنةً بالشهر المماثل من العام السابق (يناير 2024)، مدعومًا بارتفاع نشاط الصناعة التحويلية، ونشاط إمدادات المياه والصرف الصحي وأنشطة إدارة النفايات ومعالجتها.
وأظهرت نتائج النشرة انخفاض الرقم القياسي الفرعي لنشاط التعدين واستغلال المحاجر بنسبة 0.4 %على أساس سنوي، وارتفاع الرقم القياسي الفرعي لنشاط الصناعة التحويلية بنسبة 4%، فيما سجل الرقم القياسي الفرعي لنشاط إمدادات الكهرباء والغاز والبخار وتكييف الهواء انخفاضاً بنسبة 1.7%، بينما سجل الرقم القياسي الفرعي لنشاط إمدادات المياه والصرف الصحي وأنشطة إدارة النفايات ومعالجتها ارتفاعًا بنسبة 12.8%.
وفقًا للأنشطة الاقتصادية الرئيسية، فقد أشارت النتائج إلى ارتفاع مؤشر الرقم القياسي للأنشطة النفطية في شهر يناير 2025 بنسبة 0.4 % وارتفع مؤشر الرقم القياسي للأنشطة غير النفطية بنسبة 3.6 %مقارنة بنفس الشهر من العام السابق.
يذكر أن الهيئة العامة للإحصاء تصدر مؤشر الرقم القياسي للإنتاج الصناعي بشكل شهري، وهو مؤشر اقتصادي يعكس التغيرات النسبية في حجم كميات الإنتاج الصناعي اعتمادًا على بيانات مسح الإنتاج الصناعي، الذي يتم تنفيذه على عينة من المنشآت الصناعية تعمل في الأنشطة الصناعية المستهدفة والمتمثلة في نشاط التعدين واستغلال المحاجر، ونشاط الصناعة التحويلية، ونشاط إمدادات الكهرباء والغاز والبخار وتكييف الهواء، وأنشطة إمدادات المياه، والصرف الصحي، وإدارة النفايات، ومعالجتها.
" GASTAT " Saudi economy grows by 1.3% in 2024, achieving the highest quarterly growth rate in two years
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued today the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) report and National Accounts Indicators for 2024 and the fourth quarter of 2024. According to the results of the publication, the real GDP achieved a growth rate of 1.3% in 2024 compared to the previous year. Non-Oil Activities and Government Activities grew by 4.3% and 2.6%, respectively, while Oil Activities saw a decline of 4.5%.
In terms of quarterly estimates, the real GDP achieved a growth of 4.5% in the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to the same quarter of the previous year. This growth is attributed to the increase across all economic activities, with Non-Oil Activities growing by 4.7%, Oil Activities growing by 3.4%, and Government Activities growing by 2.2% year-on-year.
In the same context, the results of the report stated that during the fourth quarter of 2024, seasonally adjusted real GDP grew by 0.5% compared to the third quarter of 2024.
It is worth noting that most economic activities achieved positive growth rates in 2024, in line with the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to achieve a prosperous economy. This reflects the success of the Vision's programs, legislative reforms, and the progress made in major projects and national strategies.
GASTAT participates in the UN Statistical Commission meeting
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT), participated in the 56th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission meeting held over four days in New York City, USA. This meeting included heads of official statistical agencies and their representatives from across the world . GASTAT’s involvement was in response to an invitation from the United Nations, aiming to highlight Saudi Arabia's preparations for hosting the sixth UN World Data Forum in Riyadh from November 9 to 12, 2026. The participation also focused on engaging in both internal and international discussions to align the forum's date with other events on the statistical and international calendar.
GASTAT’s delegation was led by Vice President Mr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Alrasheed. He commended the committee's high-level working group for its report on partnership, coordination, and capacity building in statistics to monitor the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and its strategic leadership in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. He also highlighted the role of GASTAT in strengthening business and trade statistics over the last three years.
On the sidelines of the meeting, GASTAT took part in the high-level group meeting and the side meeting of the UN Statistical Commission. During these meetings, GASTAT reaffirmed its commitment to the report of the Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting and expressed support for the overall program of the commission's working groups and technical committees. Additionally, GASTAT welcomed participation in key initiatives, including topics related to the circular economy, biodiversity, sustainable tourism, and climate change.
It's noteworthy that the United Nations Preparatory Committee meeting is recognized as the most prominent statistical organizational framework worldwide. This committee is responsible for establishing international statistical standards and promoting the use of reliable data. It also develops statistical policies and addresses issues related to methodologies and data collection. Furthermore, it tracks the progress made in the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The United Nations Statistical Commission convenes its meetings annually in late February and early March in New York City, USA.
Inflation rate in Saudi Arabia reaches 2.0% in January 2025
The annual inflation rate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reached 2.0% in January 2025 compared to the previous year. The inflation rate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered one of the lowest inflation rates among the G20 countries.
It is worth mentioning that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reflects changes in prices paid by consumers for a fixed basket of goods and services consisting of 490 items. This basket was selected based on the results of a household expenditure and income survey conducted in 2018. Prices are collected through field visits to sales points, and statistics of CPI in the Kingdom are published on a monthly basis.
GASTAT participates in the conference announcing the results of the Population and Housing Census in Iraq
In response to an invitation from the Authority of Statistics and Geographic Information System (ASGIS), Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT), participated in the national conference to announce the core results of the general population and housing census 2024 in the Republic of Iraq. The conference, held in Baghdad, was part of the announcement of the opening of the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Ali Tamim, about the results of the first national census of the population in Iraq. This event is of great national importance and will shed light on Iraq's economic, social and political future, as well as provide an accurate picture of population distribution to help in developing better plans and policies for sustainable development, supporting decision-making, and achieving the targeted future visions of the Republic of Iraq.
During his participation in a dialogue session titled "Turning Census Results into Work: Lessons Learned from Global Experiences," Dr. Aldossari explained that GASTAT has strived to keep pace with the comprehensive transformations witnessed by the Kingdom under Saudi Vision 2030. Since the launch of the vision, data quality and accuracy have significantly improved, integration and collaboration among government entities have increased, and the digital infrastructure in the Kingdom has evolved, enabling GASTAT to follow the best global methodologies and benefit from the latest technologies in implementing the Saudi Census of 2022 using satellite imagery, self-counting technology, and modern methods for issuing statistical data.
In the same context, Dr. Fahad Aldossari stated that the focus on modernizing statistical systems aligns with Saudi Vision 2030, prioritizing technological innovation and data-driven governance. He emphasized that Saudi Arabia's investment is based on the belief that technological advancement is not just a means to improve efficiency and accuracy, but a fundamental pillar in transforming statistical centers into strategic tools that support decision-makers in developing data-driven economic and social policies.
It is worth noting that the Kingdom is participating in the national conference to announce the core results of the general census of population and housing in 2024 in the Republic of Iraq, hosted in Baghdad by GASTAT, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning of the Republic of Iraq, His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Ali Tamim, the Minister of Planning for the Kurdistan Regional Government, His Excellency Dr. Dara RashId, along with several ministers, parliament members, heads of authorities, the representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, international agencies, accredited ambassadors in Iraq, Arab statistical agencies' heads, experts, and speakers in statistical fields. The significance of the population census for the Republic of Iraq lies in being the first of its kind after 37 years, a significant step in providing an accurate statistical database used as a reliable basis for shaping economic and social policies, supporting decision-makers in developing developmental plans for various sectors in the Republic of Iraq, and providing local and international investors with accurate data to encourage investment in line with Iraq's future goals and visions.
Furthermore, a delegation from the Authority of Statistics and Geographic Information SVystem (ASGIS) had visited GASTAT in June 2024 to learn about the Saudi statistical experience, especially regarding the general population and housing census (Saudi Census 2022). The visit aimed to discuss enhancing opportunities for cooperation in statistical fields and other areas of mutual interest. The visit confirmed the fraternal relations and efforts to exchange experiences in statistical work between the two countries and benefit from Saudi Arabia's leading experience in the population census, emphasizing the desire to develop mutual statistical cooperation and strengthen ties to maximize the benefits of advancements in statistical work.
GASTAT: Non-oil exports increase by 18.1% in December 2024
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued the International Trade Statistics Publication for December 2024. According to the results, non-oil exports recorded an increase of 18.1% compared to December 2023. The value of re-exported goods also increased by 23.4% during the same period. However, merchandise exports decreased by 2.8% in December 2024, while imports increased by 27.1% compared to December 2023.
The results indicated that "chemical industry products" are among the most important non-oil export goods, accounting for 25.9% of total non-oil exports.
Furthermore, the results of the International Trade Publication for Q4 of 2024 showed a 17.3% increase in non-oil exports (including re-exports) compared to Q4 of 2023. National non-oil exports (excluding re-exports) increased by 8.2%, while the value of re-exported goods increased by 47.3% during the same period. However, merchandise exports in Q4 of 2024 decreased by 6.1% compared to the same period in 2023, mainly due to a 13.3% decrease in oil exports. The share of oil exports in the total exports decreased from 76.4% in Q4 of 2023 to 70.5% in Q4 of 2024.
Regarding imports, there was a 15.5% increase in Q4 of 2024. In terms of trade balance, the surplus decreased by 52.4% from Q4 of 2023.
It is worth noting that international trade statistics rely on administrative records from the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority (non-oil) and the Ministry of Energy (oil). The Kingdom's merchandise exports and imports are classified according to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 2022.
GASTAT President discusses cooperation opportunities with the UN Statistics Division Director
Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, received Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the United Nations Statistics Division, at GASTAT’s headquarters in Riyadh. The discussions focused on strengthening collaboration in statistical data and addressing several shared interests.
The meeting covered GASTAT’s participation in the 56th session of the Statistical Commission in March 2025, along with its preparations to host the Sixth United Nations World Data Forum in Riyadh in 2026. They also reviewed GASTAT’s initiatives to enhance Saudi Arabia’s statistical database, its leading role in developing statistical products, methodologies for calculating indicators, and governance frameworks.
This meeting was part of the GASTAT’s efforts to enhance cooperation and exchange expertise with regional and international statistical centers and organizations, facilitate knowledge transfer, showcase the progress of the statistical sector in Saudi Arabia, and explore strategies for developing human and institutional statistical capacities. It also aimed to highlight key statistical activities and improve their quality in line with best international practices.
It is worth noting that the United Nations Statistics Division is committed to advancing the global statistical system. It collects and publishes international statistical data, develops standards and frameworks for statistical activities, and supports countries in strengthening their national statistical systems. The division also provides support to the United Nations Statistical Commission, which serves as the principal body of the global statistical system.
GASTAT: Saudi Arabia among the world safest countries in 2023
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranked first among the G20 countries according to the data of those countries in the Global SDG Indicators Database, compared to the results of the Safety Index for the year 2023, issued by the General Authority for Statistics today. The results showed that 92.6% of the total population feels safe when walking alone at night in their residential areas.The released results underscored the contributions of relevant government sectors in maintaining the safety experienced by residents across all regions and governorates of the Kingdom. This aligns with ongoing initiatives to enhance security, stability, and quality of life in Saudi Arabia across various domains, including economic, food, environmental, health, social, political, intellectual, technological, and cybersecurity safety, and others. Additionally, these efforts aim to improve service quality in line with Saudi Vision 2030.
Notably, Saudi Arabia topped the G20 countries in the 2020 Sustainable Development Report for achieving the highest Safety Index. The Neighborhood Safety Index Publication is a key output of the 2023 Household Socio-economic Survey, which includes various indicators covering economic, social, and household aspects in the Kingdom. It also measures the rate of residents who feel safe walking alone in their residential areas.

Chaired by Saudi Arabia: GCC Permanent Committee for Statistical Affairs holds its ninth meeting in Jeddah
The ninth meeting of the GCC Permanent Committee for Statistical Affairs was held today in Jeddah, chaired by Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) in Saudi Arabia. The meeting aimed to strengthen joint efforts among GCC member states in the field of statistics.
On the sidelines of the meeting, a joint workshop was organized to enhance performance in terms of the availability and exchange of statistical data among member states and to advance the implementation of the strategic statistical plan.
During the meeting, the committee members discussed several topics aimed at promoting cooperation among GCC countries to advance the statistical sector. They emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts to achieve strategic support and coordination in statistical activities. The agenda included a review of the progress in implementing recommendations from the previous meeting, continued study of statistical indicators to measure the implementation of Supreme Council decisions, and the importance of fostering knowledge development for staff in statistical agencies. The discussion also focused on enhancing skills, sharing expertise, activating joint cooperation mechanisms, and addressing global developments and common challenges facing statistical work across the GCC countries.

GASTAT welcomes a delegation from various government entities in the Sultanate of Oman
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) hosted a delegation from the Sultanate of Oman at its headquarters in Riyadh. The delegation included representatives from the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, the Ministry of Labor, the National Center for Statistics and Information, and the National Center for Records and Data. The visit aimed to explore GASTAT's expertise in its areas of specialization. Both parties emphasized the importance of exchanging expertise, strengthening complementary roles among governmental institutions and sectors, and sharing knowledge to achieve the objectives of joint Gulf cooperation.
The visit provided an opportunity for the delegation to meet with experts and learn about GASTAT’s role in tourism sector statistics, mechanisms of collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the tourism ecosystem, and methods of data collection, analysis, and dissemination to support policymakers, decision-makers, and those interested in tourism activities in both countries. Additionally, the delegation explored the modern technologies used in the field of statistics and discussed ways to localize these technologies within the relevant agencies in both countries.
GASTAT launches Innovation Lab
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) launches the Innovation Lab today, Monday, January 20, 2025, as the first specialized innovation lab in statistics in the Kingdom. The lab aims to enhance community partnerships with researchers and stakeholders in the statistics and data science fields from universities, statistical associations, research centers, and innovation hubs. This initiative empowers the engagement in statistical innovation, reflecting GASTAT’s efforts to keep pace with economic and social changes in society and continuously innovate in metrics and indicators. This supports the delivery of high-quality and accurate statistical readings and products to help achieve the comprehensive and sustainable development goals that align with Saudi Vision 2030.
The Innovation Lab focuses on identifying statistical topics for research and sharing them with the target groups by inviting participation requests. These requests are reviewed by specialized teams, who work together with the GASTAT’s team to create an initial project proposal and evaluate its outcomes, aiming to incorporate it into the statistical production process. After receiving research applications through the statistical innovation platform and selecting the candidates, joint teams are formed between the applicants and the GASTAT’s experts to refine the project idea within six weeks. To strengthen this collaboration, the Innovation Lab will include an innovative solution in statistical products after evaluation by the technical committee.
The Innovation Lab projects will play an effective role in the development of statistical work in the Kingdom. This will be reflected in advancing statistical methodologies, coming up with data, indicators and products that read the current economic and social reality, and enabling community innovation in GASTAT’s products.
GASTAT invites those interested in applying for the proposed projects to review all details and the participation mechanism through its official portal (Statistical Innovation Platform) by visiting the following link:https://www.stats.gov.sa/web/guest/innovation-platform.
It welcomes all inquiries and requests for information through contacting the representatives at the unified statistical phone number (199009) or via email at customer support (info@stats.gov.sa) or the Innovation Lab email (innovationlab@stats.gov).
GASTAT: Real GDP grows by 4.4% in Q4 2024
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the flash estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the fourth quarter of 2024. According to GASTAT’s estimates, the real GDP achieved a growth of 4.4% in the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to the same period of the previous year, marking the highest growth rate in the last two years, supported by the growth of key economic activities. Non-oil activities recorded an increase of 4.6%, while oil activities grew by 3.4%. Additionally, government activities rose by 2.2% compared to the same period of the previous year. The results also showed that the seasonally adjusted real GDP increased by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to the third quarter of the same year.
It is worth mentioning that the quarterly flash estimates of GDP provide an assessment of the real growth rates shortly after the reference quarter ends, even when the data for that quarter is still incomplete. GASTAT will publish the actual real GDP results for the fourth quarter of 2024 in March 2025.
President of GASTAT heads the delegation participating in 13th session of OIC Statistical Commission
President of the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) Dr. Fahad Aldossari led GASTAT’s delegation participating in the 13th session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Statistical Commission, (OIC-Stat), in Ankara, Turkey, on October 15 and 16, 2024. This session brought together heads of official statistical centers from OIC member states to exchange experience, discuss best practices, and enhance statistical capabilities within the organization. while guided by specific goals and principles to strengthen the spirit of solidarity and cooperation among Islamic countries.
Participants in the meetings discussed the follow-up on the implementation of the OIC Statistical Commission 2021-2025 work plan, along with other topics included in the current session's agenda. These topics included reviewing indicators related to the second goal of the Global Sustainable Development Goals and the role of official statistical agencies and offices in Islamic countries in supporting development plans in member states and enhancing the exchange of experiences among them.
It is noteworthy that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosted the 12th session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom) last year, which took place in Jeddah over two days (October 3 and 4, 2023). Heads of official statistical centers from OIC member states participated in discussions. This was the first time that the committee's meetings were held outside the headquarters country (Turkey), reflecting the Kingdom’s international status and its Arab and Islamic position, and affirming its keenness to enhance communication and joint work among Islamic countries in all fields.
Saudi Arabia chairs the work of the 42nd Session of the Permanent Technical Committee for Statistics for Arab States
The 42nd meeting of the Permanent Technical Committee for Statistics of the Arab Economic and Social Council was held in Jeddah on November 6–7, 2024, under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia, represented by the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT). Over two days, representatives from official statistical agencies of Arab countries convened to share expertise, exchange statistical knowledge, and strengthen capacities to advance collaborative Arab statistical work.
Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, President of GASTAT, opened the meeting by welcoming the participating delegations and expressing gratitude to the Arab League and the Statistics and Data Management Division for their efforts in fostering cooperation among member states. He emphasized the critical role of member states in advancing Arab statistical collaboration and the importance of providing accurate and comprehensive data for sustainable development indicators. Discussions included data monitoring, collaboration with regional and international organizations, and the production of tourism sustainability indicators, as well as enhancing mechanisms for data exchange among official statistical agencies in Arab countries.
The meeting addressed various topics over two sessions. The first session reviewed the implementation of recommendations from the 41st meeting, explored the activities of the Statistics and Data Management Division, and discussed the use of modern technology in statistical work. The second session focused on work plans for 2025, updates on population censuses, tourism statistics, and other topics related to shared statistical efforts across Arab countries. Experiences from member countries were also shared, including Saudi Arabia’s comprehensive agricultural survey and Egypt’s study on labor supply and demand and the labor market’s need for technical skills.
The Permanent Technical Committee for Statistics was established in 1972 and held its first meeting in Cairo. The committee’s mission is to develop official statistical systems in Arab countries, enhance their capacity across various stages of statistical activity, and facilitate the implementation of technical programs supported by the Arab League’s General Secretariat. This meeting continues the committee’s efforts to promote the development of statistical capabilities in support of shared Arab goals.
GASTAT: Non-Oil exports increase by 19.7% in November 2024
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released today the International Trade Statistics Publication for November 2024. According to the results, non-oil exports recorded an increase of 19.7% compared to November 2023. Additionally, the value of re-exports increased by 82.9% during the same period. However, the total exports of goods decreased by 4.7% in November 2024 compared to November 2023, whereas imports increased by 13.9% in November 2024.
The publication’s results showed that "chemical products" were among the main non-oil export goods, accounting for 24.0% of total non-oil exports. However, it decreased by 1.6% compared to November 2023. Next, "rubber, plastics and their products", accounting for 21.7% of non-oil exports, with a 4.0% increase from November 2023. On the import side, the largest imported goods were "electrical machinery, equipment, and parts," which constituted 28.1% of total imports, showing a 22.4% increase compared to November 2023. Following them were "transport equipment and parts," which made up 14.2% of total imports, increasing by 22.0% compared to November 2023.
GASTAT: 100% of Saudis have basic healthcare coverage
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced today the results of Healthcare Statistics Publication 2024 for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. According to the publication, 100% of Saudi citizens had basic healthcare coverage in 2024, while the coverage rate for the entire population of the Kingdom was 95.9%.
The publication also highlighted that the rate of visits to healthcare providers by residents of the Kingdom over the past 12 months was 1.9 visits per person. Furthermore, 13.1% of the population consulted a dentist within the same period, with 55.6% rating their most recent dental visit as excellent.
The results of the publication released by GASTAT revealed that 94.8% of adults in Saudi Arabia (15 years and above) had basic healthcare coverage, whether through government healthcare programs or private insurance.
Additionally, the publication highlighted that 96.1% of children under 15 years in the Kingdom were covered by basic healthcare services, either through government health coverage or private insurance.
These results highlight the Kingdom's progress in providing comprehensive access to healthcare for all segments of society.
The results of the publication indicated that the rate of visits to a healthcare provider over the past 12 months among the adult population (15 years and above) in the Kingdom was 1.9. This rate was higher among Saudis, reaching 2.6, compared to1.2 for non-Saudis. The rate was also higher among females at 2.5, compared to 1.6 among males.
The publication results also indicated that the rate of visits to a healthcare provider over the past 12 months among children and adolescents was 2. This rate was higher among Saudis at 2, compared to 1.6 for non-Saudis.
Based on the publication, 55.6% of the population rated their last visit to a dentist as excellent, while 30.4% rated their experience as good.
The publication results indicated that 24.3% of adults (15 years and above) accessed their electronic medical records online, 20.5% used the internet to obtain health-related information (such as illness, disease, nutrition, and health improvement), and 4.5% used teleconsultation services to consult with healthcare providers.
It is worth noting that the Healthcare Statistics Publication is a valuable source for understanding healthcare indicators for both the adult and child populations in the Kingdom, based on the results of the National Health Survey and the Women and Child Health Survey 2024, as well as population estimates provided by the General Authority for Statistics for the same year.
GASTAT and UNICEF Sign a Memorandum of Understanding
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen cooperation in the field of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), enhance coordination, and integrate efforts between the two entities. The MoU was signed by Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, President of GASTAT, and Mr. Eltayeb Adam, Regional Representative for UNICEF’s Gulf Area Office in Saudi Arabia, at the headquarters of GASTAT in Riyadh.
The MoU aims to foster collaboration in conducting the MICS, exchange expertise and information between the two parties, organize visits between experts and specialists in related fields, and host conferences, seminars, and workshops related to the survey.
In this context, Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of GASTAT, emphasized that GASTAT's statistical work is driven by Saudi Arabia's regional leadership in the field of statistics, achieved through the development and measurement of statistical indicators. He also noted that collaboration with UNICEF supports efforts in conducting relevant surveys and achieving the objectives of national visions and sustainable development. This is accomplished through joint efforts to enhance performance, particularly in the exchange of statistical data, and to promote cooperation between the two organizations.
It is worth mentioning that GASTAT serves as the official body responsible for statistical activities in Saudi Arabia, acting as the sole authoritative reference for conducting statistical work and overseeing its technical and organizational aspects. GASTAT's duties include collecting statistical data and information from public and private entities and individuals and analyzing and studying this data to calculate various statistical indicators. Additionally, GASTAT provides statistical consultations, reports, and services related to surveys, research, and other statistical functions as part of its mandate.
GASTAT launches accurate data provision service for its clients
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) has launched a new service through its Microdata Center aimed at providing precise statistical data and information. This service is designed to empower decision-makers, policymakers in government and private sectors, academics, and individuals interested in statistical matters to utilize data for purposes such as data analysis, building data models, identifying opportunities, and addressing future challenges in economic and social activities. The service also contributes to supporting comprehensive and sustainable development goals.
GASTAT clarified that the Microdata Center will provide data in a new manner by enabling access to various types of data, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, across multiple fields. The center will facilitate data analysis through both descriptive and predictive methods, enhancing GASTAT’s role as a provider of official statistics. It aims to supply researchers with high-quality, accurate data, meet the increasing demand for data, and support the development of strategies, development plans, and performance programs and indicators. This is achieved through an integrated framework with all relevant government entities to provide precise data that assess various dimensions and contribute to achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030.
Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, emphasized that GASTAT’s statistical work is a cornerstone in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030. It promotes the principle of transparency by granting specialists and stakeholders access to statistical data while preserving the privacy of data providers, whether individuals or governmental and private entities. He noted that the statistics provided by GASTAT are among the most important resources relied upon in studies and analyses. These help in measuring progress and making strategic decisions that align with the goals of national visions and sustainable development. Dr. Aldossari also stressed the importance of collaboration with relevant entities to enhance performance in statistical data exchange and to continue implementing the strategic statistical plan, ensuring the accuracy and quality of the data provided by the Microdata Center.
Dr. Aldossari added: "Through continuous institutional planning and development, we have enhanced the services provided by the Microdata Center as part of the comprehensive transformation the authority is undergoing across all areas. This aims to achieve the highest standards of quality in serving various sectors and individuals."
It is noteworthy that all the information and data provided by the Microdata Center to public and private sectors, individuals, and international organizations are kept strictly confidential and protected, ensuring their use is strictly for statistical purposes. The services of the center can be accessed by submitting a visit request through the link https://www.stats.gov.sa/micro-data or by contacting its representatives via the unified statistical phone number 199009 or through the customer support email info@stats.gov.sa.
Gulf Statistical Agencies Celebrate Gulf Statistics Day: "The Future of Statistics Towards Sustainable Gulf Development"
The President of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Aldossari, extended his congratulations to the members of the Statistical Center for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC-Stat) on Gulf Statistics Day, which falls on Tuesday, December 24, 2024. He commended the center's role in promoting statistical work and supporting national statistical and planning agencies in the GCC countries. Dr. Aldossari emphasized the importance of precise statistical data and indicators provided by statistical agencies, which play a vital role in supporting decision-makers and policymakers to make informed decisions and build successful national development policies.
Dr. Aldossari highlighted that statistical work is one of the fundamental pillars that contribute to enhancing strategic plans in GCC countries and achieving their sustainable development goals. This is due to the accurate statistical data, information, and indicators it provides, which aid in policy formulation and the analysis of indicators to achieve shared visions.
He further explained that by developing statistical work, overcoming its challenges, and removing obstacles, it is possible to provide a wealth of accurate data and statistical indicators. These resources enable the measurement of progress toward achieving future visions and contribute to the economic and developmental integration that the GCC countries aspire to achieve.
The President of the General Authority for Statistics expressed Saudi Arabia's aspiration to strengthen Gulf statistical work and strategic cooperation across various statistical fields. He also stressed the importance of continuous coordination among GCC countries to advance their economies and build a solid economic foundation supported by high-quality statistical data and information. These resources serve as a reliable reference for making critical decisions within the GCC, aiming for greater economic prosperity and well-being for its people.
It is noteworthy that the Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), during its 141st session held in Manama, Bahrain, on November 24, 2016, approved the designation of an annual Gulf Statistics Day. The significance of this day lies in emphasizing the community's partnership with statisticians and shedding light on the vital role that statistics play in achieving sustainable development in the GCC. Furthermore, it highlights the strategic role of the Gulf statistical system in decision-making and the formulation of developmental policies in the region.
Saudi Arabia, as the first GCC country to implement a statistical system in 1349H (1930), recognized early on the importance of statistics and information as a cornerstone for building and development. This foundational approach supports any aspiring country seeking progress on solid and strong bases. The General Authority for Statistics joins other statistical agencies in the GCC in celebrating this year's Gulf Statistics Day under the theme: "The Future of Statistics Towards Sustainable Gulf Development."
82.33% of children (24-59 months) are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the Early Childhood Development and Child Well-Being Statistics Publication for 2024. According to the results of the publication, the percentage of children aged (36-59 months) enrolled in early childhood education programs is 9.54%, with males representing 10.68% compared to 8.35% for females.
The publication also indicated that the participation rate in organized learning, one year before the official enrollment in primary education, is 64.03%. This rate has seen an increase among Saudi females aged 5 years, reaching 65.58% compared to other groups.
The results showed that 32.07% of children aged (5-7) use digital technology devices for one to two hours each day, while 25.78% of these children use these devices for less than one hour daily. Additionally, the publication revealed that 82.31% of males are on the right growth path in the areas of health, learning, psychological well-being, and social development, while 82.35% of females are on the right path in these areas.
The results also indicated that a positive and stimulating home environment for children aged (36-59 months) involves their mothers, fathers, or any other adult family member participating in activities such as reading or looking at picture books, storytelling, singing and nursery rhymes, taking children outside, playing with them, naming objects and counting, and drawing.
The percentage of children aged (36-59 months) living in a positive and stimulating home environment for learning is 82.90%. By sex, females achieved a rate of 83.40% compared to 82.42% for males.
The results showed that 23.56% of children under the age of five own one or two children's books, while the percentage of those owning three or more books drops to 9.89%. It is worth noting that early childhood development is a multidimensional process that results in gradual growth in children's motor, cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and organizational skills and abilities during the first few years of life.