General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT): Stability in Wholesale Price Index, December 2018
General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT): Stability in Wholesale Price Index, December 2018
On Wednesday, the 17th of Jumada al-Awwal 1440H corresponding January 23, 2019, The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly indicator for Wholesale Price Index (December 2018) on its official website www.stats.gov.sa.
The wholesale price index stabilized at (116.9) in December 2018, and did not record any change compared to the previous month (November 2018).
The indicator includes five sections, which are: agriculture and fishery products section, ores and minerals section, food and beverages products, tobacco and textiles section, mineral products, machines and equipment section and other goods.
Today’s report attributed the index’s stability of the wholesale prices of December to the changes of the five sections composing the index, where two of them have increased; which are: mineral products, machines and equipment section (0.5%) and other goods (0.1%).
In turn, three sections went down, which are: agriculture and fishery products section (1.4%), food, beverages, tobacco and textiles (0.4%), raw materials and metals (0.1%).
Wholesale price index in Saudi Arabia measures average changes in goods prices and services sold in primary markets taking into consideration that the change is only in price, so consequently, all changes resulting from variation in qualities or discount in quantities or variation in method of shipping and other influential factors are excluded to get only net price after excluding all the mentioned indicators. This number is for everyone and it is prepared based on Saudi Arabia
Additionally, wholesale price index is used to monitor changes in the prices of local or imported goods, which are dealt with in the market, consequently to identify price trends and market conditions. The wholesale price index is an important tool to prepare national accounts, by saving income and national accounts from the impact of price change.

GASTAT: Consumer Price Index (CPI) Decreases by 0.3% in December, 2018
GASTAT: Consumer Price Index (CPI) Decreases by 0.3% in December, 2018
On Tuesday, Jumada al-Awwal 16th, 1440 H (corresponding to January 22th, 2019), The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly report of Saudi Arabia’s Consumer Price index (CPI) for December. The report was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa.
(CPI) went down 0.3% in December compared to the previous month (November 2018).
(CPI) in Saudi Arabia decreased to (106.2) index points in December from (106.5) points in November of 2018 with 0.3% change, report showed.
The report attributed the monthly decline of the index to the declines in six of the main sections of the consumer price index, which are: food and beverage by 0.5%, housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuel by 0.5%, transport by 0.2%, home furnishing and equipment by 0.1%, communications by 0.1% and finally miscellaneous goods and services by 0.1%.
Tobacco, clothes, footwear, health, culture and entertainment, education, restaurants and hotels remained stable with no change.
On the other hand, annual change of the general CPI increased 22.2% compared to the same month last year reaching (106.2) points in December 2018 compared to (103.9) points in December 2017 with 2.2% change.
The ten sections composing the CPI contributed to the annual change, which are: transportation 12.0%, tobacco 10.2%, restaurant and hotels 7.3%, food and beverages 7.1%, home furnishing and equipment 5.0%, entertainment and culture 4.6%, health 4.0%, telecommunication 1.1%, personal goods and services 0.8% and education 0.2%.
On the other hand, two of the main sections witnessed a decline, which are: housing, water, electricity and gas section and with 5.1% as well as clothing and footwear with 3.2%.

(Saudi and Non-Saudi) Unemployment Rate Drops to 6%, and Stabilizes at 12.9% for Saudi Citizens
GASTAT Releases Labour Market Bulletin Q2, 2018
(Saudi and Non-Saudi) Unemployment Rate Drops to 6%, and Stabilizes at 12.9% for Saudi Citizens
On Thursday 9th of Safar corresponding to October 18, 2018, GASTAT releases the Labour Market Bulletin for the 2nd quarter of 2018 on its official website (www.stats.gov.sa); the bulletin is based on the estimates of the Labour Market Survey that is conducted by GASTAT on a quarterly basis as well as the administrative records available at the related entities (Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Ministry of Civil Affairs, General Organization for Social Insurance, Human Resources Development Fund, and National Information Center).
The Bulletin’s results showed a decrease in the number of total employees in the 2nd quarter based on the administrative records available in Saudi Arabia where the number reached (13.018.066) individuals compared to (13.333.513) individuals in the previous quarter; about (315.447) individuals from the previous quarter. The number of Saudi employees based on the administrative records edged down by (25.066) individuals where it reached (3.125.343) individuals compared to (3.150.409) individuals in the previous quarter. On the other hand, the number of Saudi male employees decreased by (14.787) individuals and the number of Saudi female employees edged down by (10.279) individuals.
According to the estimates of 2nd quarter 2018 survey, the economic participation rate of total population (15 years and above) rose to (56.2%) compared to (55.5%) in the previous quarter. Saudi economic participation increased by (42.0%) compared to (41.9%) in the previous quarter. Saudi male economic participation rate stabilized at (63.5%); on contrary, Saudi female economic participation edged up to (19.6%) compared to (19.5%) in the previous quarter.
Furthermore, the data of the Labour Market Bulletin Q2,2018 showed a stability in the unemployment rate for total Saudis (15 years and above) based on the survey’s estimates compared to the previous quarter where it reached (12.9%). On the other hand, the results also showed a decrease in the unemployment rate for the total population where it reached (6.0%) compared to (6.1%) in the first quarter of 2018; a decrease of (0.1%). In contrast, the unemployment rate of Saudi females edged up to (31.1%) compared to (30.9%) in the previous quarter; however, the unemployment rate of Saudi males stabilized at (7.6%).
The number of Saudi jobseekers for the 2nd quarter of 2018 rose to (1.118.801) individuals based on the administrative records available in Saudi Arabia compared to (1.072.162) individuals in the previous quarter; with an increase of (46.639) individuals most of them are bachelor holders (42.894) individuals. On the other hand, the number of Saudi female jobseekers reached (34.238) jobseekers. It is worth mentioning that the criteria of measuring the number of jobseekers will be updated in the coming Labour Market Bulletin (Q3,2018) and that is based on a study that was conducted for job applicants through (Jadarh, Sa’ed, Taqat) by distributing a survey to job applicants in order to update their data.
GASTAT has defined jobseekers as Saudi individuals (males and females) registered in job seeking programs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs (Jadarh and Sa’ed) as well as Human Resources Development Fund (Hafez) where they entered their personal data, qualifications, experiences, and CVs electronically.
In fact, jobseekers included in the administrative records are not subjected to the internationally recognized criteria and conditions of the International Labor Organization (ILO); hence, not all of them are considered unemployed individuals. Therefore, not every jobseeker is an unemployed individual; they may be look for a work while still working in another job, as in the case of jobseekers in the government sector where they work for their own business and not registered as employees in the governmental administrative records (Civil Affairs, Social Insurance, commercial registers, and municipal licenses) such as those who work for their own business outside the establishments.

GASTAT Releases the Manual of Statistical Definitions, Concepts and Terms
Coinciding with the Gulf Statistics Day
GASTAT Releases the Manual of Statistical Definitions, Concepts and Terms
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) will participate in the events of the gulf statistical day which occurs on December 24th of each year. The slogan of this year is “Statistics Towards Sustainable Development”. It emphasizes the role of the statistical centers and authorities of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in the sustainable development industry through providing accurate data of statistical indicators. The aim of the Gulf Statistics day is to highlight the achievements and challenges of the statistical work in the region, raise awareness of the importance and role of statistics in the social and economic development of GCC countries, emphasize the importance of the society cooperation with statisticians, highlight the importance that GCC countries attach to statistical work.
GASTAT official spokesman, Mr. Taiseer Almofarrej, explained that coinciding with this occasion, GASTAT releases the Manual of Statistical Definitions, Concepts and terms used in GASTAT. The manual includes more than 1200 definitions. It is a rich scientific work presenting the key terms and concepts of the statistical products issued by GASTAT to facilitate handling these products.
This guide is based on the standardization of definitions, concepts and statistical terminology used in the GCC countries. GASTAT updated and added some new concepts in order to contribute in enhancing transparency in statistical work, as well as to raise awareness to all producers and users of statistical data, information and indicators.
Mr. Almofarrej added that the manual covers the concepts and terms used in the field of statistics including, terms related to the general population and housing census, agricultural census and its concepts, population and vital statistics, government services statistics, geographic statistics, National concepts accounts statistics concepts, foreign trade, prices statistics, business and industry statistics and other statistical terms and concepts used in GASTAT.
It is worth mentioning that GASTAT is keen to enhance and enrich the statistical arabic content, provide statistical linguistic culture to interested individuals and specialists and disseminate vital statistical information and indicators about Saudi Arabia.
You can view the Manual of Statistical Definitions, Concepts and Terms on this link:

“GASTAT’’ Releases Results of (Industrial Economic Environment) Survey 2017
“GASTAT’’ Releases Results of (Industrial Economic Environment) Survey 2017
GASTAT released the results of Industrial Economic Environment Survey 2017 which was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. The survey includes results related to the amount of consumed water in (industrial economic establishments) with its different sources as well as wastes produced due to economic industrial activities and ways of disposal. The results also include types of energy used in industrial economic establishments.
97% of industrial economic establishments purchase the water they consume. The amount of purchased water consumed in these establishments reached (978 million cubic meter) in 2017. On the other hand, results showed that wastes resulted from activities of (industrial economic establishments) reached (20.2) tons, as follows: solid chemical wastes are the largest among them with 36% followed by liquid chemical wastes with 12%, then ferrous metal wastes with 10%, lastly, non-ferrous metal wastes with 6% .
The most used energy in industrial economic establishments during 2017 were natural gas (66%), diesel (18.7%), and gasoline 91 (10.3%), results showed.
In addition, types of energy used in industrial economic establishments include natural gas (66%), diesel (18.7%), gasoline 91 (10.3%), cooking gas (2.2%), crude oil (1.9%), and gasoline 95 (0.7%).

GASTAT: Consumer Price Index (CPI) Decreases and Annual Index Rises in November 2018
GASTAT: Consumer Price Index (CPI) Decreases and Annual Index Rises in November 2018
General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly report of Saudi Arabia's Consumer Price Index (CPI) for November. The report was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa . (CPI) went down to 0.2% in November compared to the previous month (October 2018).
(CPI) in Saudi Arabia decreased to (106.5) index points in November from (106.8) in October of 2018 with 0.2% change, (GASTAT) report showed.
On the other hand, the report attributed the monthly decrease of the index to the declines of the five main sections composing it, which are: housing, water, electricity and gas section with 0.8%, restaurants and hotels sections with 0.2%, food and beverages sections with 0.1%, clothing and footwear sections with 0.1%, and finally telecommunication section with 0.1%.
In contrast, two of the main sections witnessed an increase, which are: home furnishing and equipment section, and transportation section with 0.2%. Tobacco, health, culture and entertainment, education, and personal goods and services sections remained unchanged.
The year-over-year (YOY) of CPI registered an increase of 2.4% in November 2018 compared to the same month last year reaching (106.5) in November 2018 compared to (103.6) in November 2017 with 2.8%.
This increase was ascribed to the ten sections composing the CPI, which are: transportation 12.0%, tobacco 10.2%, restaurants and hotels 8.6%, food and beverages 7.7%, home furnishing and equipment 4.6%, health 4.0%, culture and entertainment 3.8%, telecommunication 1.3%, personal goods and services 0.6%, and finally education 0.2%,
On the other hand, two of the main sections witnessed a decline, which are: clothing and footwear section as well as housing, water, electricity and gas section by 4.5% and 3.1% respectively.

(SESRIC) board of directors holds its 41st meeting
With the participation of GASTAT
(SESRIC) board of directors holds its 41st meeting
As a representative of Saudi Arabia, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) participated in the 41st meeting of the Board of Directors of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) on 18th December 2018 in Ankara city.
Saudi Arabia is a board member of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), which includes nine member states, seven of which are elected for 3- year period.
Saudi Arabia participation reflects the positive role of GASTAT in the different statistical programs. It also shows the progress achieved by Saudi Arabia in the statistical field, which highlights the effective role of Saudi Arabia in the international statistics map. In addition, it reflects the results of the statistical sector’ strategic transformation in Saudi Arabia, which the country always supports as it has a crucial role in making national development decisions.
The vice president of GASTAT, Mr. Abdullah Albatil said that this meeting discussed all the center works conducted in 2018 in many activities and events such as providing statistical data and information about the member states, facilitating the cooperation projects and statistical integration plans between the member states, enriching the center’s statistical database and expand its coverage, being up-to –date with all digital developments in the field of statistical publication and presentation, in addition to strengthening and enhancing the performance of the national statistics system in all member states in order to produce high-quality national statistics, for the purpose of supporting and assisting decision and policy makers, and enhancing the technical capabilities of the national statistics offices in the member states.
Albatil added that many studies and research about the challenges facing all member states have been prepared. Furthermore, two reports have been published about the services trade and the e-government services as a part of the Islamic Cooperation Organization related reports.
Regarding the technical training and cooperation, GASTAT vice president stated that technical cooperation has been enhanced between all member states. Moreover, many programs have been launched and implemented to strengthen their capabilities within a number of social and economic fields. The efforts of these states have been also supported to enhance the potentials of their human resources and national institutions by exchanging experts, holding workshops, and making study visits.
Albatil also said that the 41st SESRIC board of directors’ meeting shed light on all completed activates that GASTAT participated in such as attending a meeting with the representatives of the national statistics offices of ICO member states in the United States of America last March, which was held as part of the events of the 49th session of the United Nations Statistical Committee in New York.
As for the activities of the member states ‘statistical capacity building, Albatil mentioned that the results of a statistics course titled (Analyzing data in Saudi Arabia) have been reviewed, along with the results of many study visits to some member states including: a study visit to Brunei about (labor statistics), a study visit to Malaysia about (Population and migration statistics), a study visit to Indonesia about (Education statistics), a study visit to Egypt about (Income and consumption statistics), and other visits to benefit from the most outstanding statistical experiences.
GASTAT vice president confirmed that the project of peer review of the national statistical offices of the ICO member states was established and that there is a memorandum of understanding between GASTAT and (SESRIC), within the project implementation in collaboration with SESRIC.
It is worth noting that SISREC is the most important statistical institution at the level of Islamic countries. It provides various services in the field of capacity building and the exchange of statistical expertise, and exerts efforts to strengthen relations of mutual cooperation and exchange visits between member states. It also prepares lists of all experts and technicians in order to develop mechanisms of the visits between those experts according to the needs of the states, in a way that serves the building of their statistical capacities.

Dr.Fahad AL-Tukhaifi: the budget adopts an “organized planning’’ as a new approach for development
Congratulating the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his crown prince on announcing the largest budget in the history of Saudi Arabia
Dr.Fahad AL-Tukhaifi: the budget adopts an “organized planning’’ as a new approach for development
On his behalf and on behalf of all GASTAT’s employees as well as all the statistical sectors in Saudi Arabia, president of GASTAT, Dr.Fahad Bin Sulaiman AL-Tukhaifi congratulates the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz and his crown prince HRH Prince Mohmmad Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz on announcing the budget of 1440/1441 H as the largest expenditure budget in the history of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, it reflects the directions of the wise leadership in the country that helped to reduce the budget’s deficit by (4.2%) of GDP.
AL-Tukhaifi confirmed that the budget proves that organized planning is the adopted approach used for development in Saudi Arabia at the present time and for the future as well. In addition, numbers that were included in the budget were achieved by organized planning, remarkable procedures, and a clear vision and aim. He added that the speech of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques during the budget’s announcement emphasized the ongoing support to boost the economic growth in Saudi Arabia, enhance the expenditure’s quality, and to attain financial sustainability and balance. Moreover, this can be reached by accomplishing Saudi Arabia’s 2030 vision objectives through increasing the size of the national economy and keeping its growth. Also, by heading towards economic reform, financial management and control, enhancing transparency and enabling the private sector. The custodian of the Two Holy Mosques directs all officials to quickly start the implementation of the budget which reflects his constant concern that all government entities will be able to meet citizens’ expectations and moving from only providing services to surpassing in providing these services.
Dr. AL-Tukhaifi said:” the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques concludes his words by affirming that the comprehensive development will continue and will cover all regions of Saudi Arabia and that is his main concern; this shows the commitment of the leadership that the development covers all the regions of Saudi Arabia and in all fields as well’’. On the other hand, GASTAT’s president confirmed that the parts included in the budget will guarantee an effective contribution to enhance the government expenditure, also to enhance the quality, accuracy and transparency of financial accounts. Therefore, financial efficiency level will increase and benefit of projects will be maximized and that will be reflected on what is obtained by the citizen from the outputs of these projects. May God protect this country and keep its safety and prosperity, he concluded.