
General Authority for Statistics: Over 95 million Hajj pilgrims hosted and served by KSA over the last 50 years


From 1390 H until last year 1439 H   General Authority for Statistics: Over 95 million Hajj pilgrims hosted and served by KSA over the last 50 years The task of counting the numbers of pilgrims every year is one of the most important tasks assigned to the General Authority for Statistics (GAS). The task was entrusted to GAS in 1390 H back when it still operated under the designation of Department of Statistics and Information. This aimed at providing accurate information to assist all government entities in the planning and development of everything related to the service of the guests of Allah. The task continued throughout these years, witnessing year after year developments in counting and inventory methods and statistical outputs including data and indicators. The Authority is tasked with completing three statistical projects during every Hajj season (inventory of the numbers of pilgrims, statistics of services offered to pilgrims, and Hajj work management indicators) with the goal of providing the largest amount of data needed to support decision- and policy-makers in achieving the highest levels of accuracy and comprehensiveness. The Authority indicated that the total number of pilgrims served by the Kingdom during the last 50 years amounted to 95,853,017 pilgrims, noting that the numbers exceeded 2 millions in 19 Hajj seasons, while the numbers of pilgrims during the last 25 years reached 54,465,253 pilgrims.  Moreover, the numbers of pilgrims during the last 10 years reached 23,796,977 pilgrims, as per the GAS official statistics. The hajj statistics program is aimed at complementing all other future plans and programs in order to provide necessary services for the Hajj pilgrim, including social, health, security, food, and transport services.This is done by producing timed and accurate data on the numbers of pilgrims and estimated size of workforce needed to serve pilgrims and maintain their security and comfort during the Hajj season every year. The pilgrims data and numbers are also used by entities entrusted with studying basic installations and facilities in Mecca and holy sites and are taken into consideration when preparing necessary plans for this end. Accurate information and data on Hajj statistics is also provided to researchers, academics, beneficiaries, and those interested in the field and is used as well in the evaluation of activities and events held by pilgrim service entities and for learning about trends and patterns of national and foreign pilgrims. GAS will publish the final and official number of Hajj pilgrims on the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah in the evening through the bulletin of Hajj statistics which will include the following detailed results: Number of national pilgrims, number of foreign incoming pilgrims, number of pilgrims by gender, nationality, and country of departure, numbers and models of vehicles transporting pilgrims, and other detailed data.

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