
GaStat: Wholesale Price Index Increases in September


GaStat: Wholesale Price Index Increases in September On Tuesday, the 24th  of Muharram 1438 H/ 25th  of October 2016 AD, the General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) issued the monthly indicator of Saudi wholesale price index for the month of September. It is now published on its website www.stats.gov.sa . The indicator recorded (163.1) with  0.3% increase in September 2016, compared to last month (August) in which it recorded (162.6).The indicator includes ten main sections; Food and living animals section, beverages and tobacco section, raw materials except fuel, mineral fuel and related products section, Fats and oils section, chemical materials and related products, manufactured commodities classified by material section, transportation equipment and machines section, diverse manufactured commodities section, and other commodities section.The report attributed that increase to the rise of three main sections that constitute this indicator; transportation equipment and machines section with (0.9), Food and living animals section with (0.6%), manufactured commodities classified by material section with (0.1%).On the other hand, six sections have decreased: raw materials except fuel section with (1.4%), diverse manufactured commodities section with (0.4%), beverages and tobacco section with (0.3%), Fats and oils section with (0.3%), chemical materials and related products with (0.1%), other commodities with (0.1%), However, the sections of mineral fuel and related products did not change and remained stable.The authority indicated that the Saudi wholesale index measures the average of change in the prices of commodities and services that are sold in the primary markets. What matters here is the price change only. Therefore, the changes that result from the differences in quality, quantity, shipping method, or any other influencing factor in order to get the net price are excluded. This index is provided to everyone, and conducted all over Saudi Arabia.It is worth mentioning that the wholesale price index is used to record any change in the prices of local or imported commodities. In addition to monitoring the price directions and the  status of markets and costs of living. Furthermore, it is used in preparing the national accounts by protecting the income and national aggregates from the influence of price change.

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