
"statistics" the accurate information provided by citizens is essential for governmental resolutions and projects


Updating the general framework of population and housing paves the way for a new labor force survey "statistics" the accurate information provided by citizens is essential for governmental resolutions and projects Media center- Riyadh Supporting the resolutions of nationalization and reduction of "unemployment",  the General Authority for Statistics ( GaStat ) stresses the importance of information accuracy provided by citizens in the activities of  labor force surveys as these information are essential for the development resolutions and can determine many national programs and projects. During his participation in the first Saudi conference for job creation held in Riyadh, GaStat chairman, dr. Fahad Altukhaifi stated that the citizen is considered the base for  development building , that is through the information that he/she provides during the process of conducting surveys done by GaStat crew. As for the survey of labor force, dr. Fahad confirmed that it is one of the most important household surveys conducted by GaStat . it provides fundamental data about the labor force and its characteristics, which helps in setting the plans to develop the labor market in Saudi Arabia, analyzing and evaluating the economic policies, and helping the decision makers in setting the labor market policies with all the related issues such as unemployment and training. The labor force survey results are very important too as they collaborate in building a data base for the Saudi labor market in order to cope with the interest and anticipations of the labor force statistics nationally, regionally, and internationally. The results also support all tendencies and efforts exerted by the public and private sectors  in the process of nationalization. Moreover, they give an opportunity to collaborate in building a base for these information  that can be beneficial in preparing and planning the future economic and social development programs. The authority conducts this survey every six months , it intends to conduct it every three months in 2016 according to the latest international standards and methodologies. The authority chairman added that providing detailed data about the national and non-national labor force ,classified by their economic, social, and demographic characteristics, is one of the main objectives of the survey, in addition to its role in measuring the averages of economic collaboration, economic support, and employment and unemployment by many variables. It should also provide data about some training programs for job seekers, and be familiar with the vocational structure and the economic activity of employed people by  a number of variables and the average of their salaries. Dr. Altukhaifi thanked all governmental entities who work with GaStat . he assured that the authority is working with all governmental entities which are related to the Saudi labor market ( ministry of labor, human resources development fund, general organization for social insurance, ministry of civil services, and the national information center in the ministry of interior) in order to develop the survey on one hand and benefit from its results on the other hand. The authority is working with them also to unify the efforts so that they can get accurate data of the most important indicators in the Saudi labor market. It is worth mentioning that the labor force survey results depend on the data and information of (33.500) households, distributed among all Saudi administrative regions, as a sample that represents the society. The households are chosen according to international and scientific fundamentals applicable in the population and housing censuses all over the world . GaStat has started preparing for the next survey after updating the general framework of population and housing which depends on the 1431 framework as it is considered the main source from which samples are collected to conduct  future researches.

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