
GASTAT: A decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis to (12.3%) and an increase in the economic participation rate of Saudi females to (23.2%)

According to the results of the labour market bulletin for the second quarter of 2019, the unemployment rate of the total population decreased to (5.6%) GASTAT: A decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis to (12.3%) and an increase in the economic participation rate of Saudi females to (23.2%) On Thursday, Muharram 13th, 1441H. (September 12th, 2019), GASTAT released the Labour Market Bulletin for the second quarter of 2019 on its official website www.stats.gov.sa . The bulletin is based on the estimates of the Labour Force Survey conducted by GASTAT on a quarterly basis as well as the labour market data from the administrative records of the relevant entities (Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Ministry of Civil Service, General Organization for Social Insurance, Human Resources Development Fund, and National Information Center). The results of the second quarter of 2019, based on the estimates of the labour force Survey, showed a decrease in the unemployment rate of total population (15 years and above) which reached (5.6%) compared to (6%) in the first quarter of 2019. With regard to Saudis’ unemployment rate, the results showed a decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis (males and females who are 15 years old and above) reaching (12.3%) based on the estimates of the Labour Force Survey (2019, Quarter 2) compared to (12.5%) in the first quarter of the same year. The results of the survey also showed an increase in the economic participation rate of total Saudis (males and females (15+)) reaching (45.0%) in the second quarter of 2019 compared to (42.3%) in the previous quarter. The economic participation rate among Saudi females increased to reach (23.2%) compared to (20.5%) in the previous quarter.  Based on the data of the administrative records of the second quarter of 2019, the results of the bulletin also showed that the total number of employed Saudis (males and females) recorded a decrease reaching (3.090.248) employee in the second quarter of 2019 compared to (3,112,029) in the first quarter. According to the results of the bulletin and based on the data from the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarah and Sa’ed) and the data from the Human Resources Development Fund (Taqat), the total number of Saudi job seekers reached (1.002.855) based on the administrative records in Saudi Arabia during the second quarter of 2019. GASTAT has defined jobseekers as Saudi individuals (males and females) registered in job seeking programs of the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarh and Sa’ed) as well as Human Resources Development Fund (Taqat) where they entered their personal data, qualifications, experiences, and CVs electronically. Jobseekers included in the administrative records are not subjected to the internationally recognized criteria and conditions of the International Labor Organization (ILO); hence, not all of them are considered unemployed individuals. Therefore, not every job seeker is an unemployed individual; they may be looking for a work while still working in another job, as in the case of job seekers in the government sector where they work for their own business and not registered as employees in the governmental administrative records (Civil Service, Social Insurance, commercial registers, and municipal licenses).

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GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for July,2019

GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for July,2019 General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly report of Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Saudi Arabia for July, 2019. The report was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. CPI increased by (%0.1) compared to last month (June,2019). In fact, the increase was from (105.9) in June,2019 to (106.0) in July,2019 with (%0.1) change, report showed. As a matter of fact, the report attributed this increase to the increase of the six sections composing it, which are: home furnishing and equipment with (%0.8), health section with (%0.8), transportation section (%0.7), goods and personal services section with (%0.6), culture and entertainment with (%0.5), and restaurants and hotels section with (%0.1). In contrast, two of the main sections witnessed a decline, which are: food and beverages section with (%0.3) as well as clothing and shoes section with (%0.2). On the other hand, tobacco, housing, water, electricity and gas, telecommunication, education sections remained stable with no change. As a matter of fact, consumer price index CPI is one of the significant economic statistics that is related to individuals’ daily life and provide the necessary information to monitor goods and services prices in Saudi Arabia’s retail market.

GASTAT: More than (2 billion) litres of milk is produced by specialized cow farms, and more than (2,500) fish ponds in Saudi Arabia

Within the results of the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey 2018 GASTAT: More than (2 billion) litres of milk is produced by specialized cow farms, and more than (2,500) fish ponds in Saudi Arabia On Monday 25/12/1440 H corresponding 26/8/2019, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the results of the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey, 2018 on its official website (www.stats.gov.sa). It is a field survey through which data are collected by visiting all specialized agricultural projects’ holdings including (specialized cow farms, fish farms, farms of broiler chickens, ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons, and farms of laying hens and hatcheries) in all administrative regions of Saudi Arabia. The survey has been implemented during the fourth quarter of 2018. It provides data and indicators that are related to production of specialized agricultural projects to support decision and policy makers, and those concerned with the agricultural sector.  According to the results, the capacity of specialized cow farms reached (364,389) cows in 2017. The results also showed that cow milk production reached (2,074,562,485) liters in the specialized cow farms. However, calves’ production in the specialized cow farms reached (31,883) calves in 2017. As for specialized fish farms, number of ponds registered (2,508) ponds in 2017, whereas the size of ponds in the specialized fish farms recorded (8,848,456) square meter. The survey results also demonstrated that the total production of fish and shrimps in the specialized fish farms registered (61,381) tons in 2017, where shrimps recorded (71.7%) out of total production in the specialized fish farms.  Moreover, the survey included data on broiler chickens, ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons, where the capacity of broiler chicken farms reached (135,180,100) birds, while the production of ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons registered (2,849) tons in 2017.  Regarding the farms of laying hens and hatcheries, survey results revealed the total capacity of these farms as it registered (45,542,408) birds. The number of eggs produced by laying hens reached (224,169,150) eggs, while the number of chicks in these farms registered (222,440,150) birds.  It is worth mentioning that the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey, 2018 is the second agricultural survey implemented by GASTAT during the month of Thu Al-Hijjah. GASTAT plans to release the results of the Agricultural Production Survey by the beginning of next Hijri year 1441 H.
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رئيس هيئة الإحصاء: نقف على أعتاب مرحلة جديدة لنتحدث عن منجزات وطننا بلغة الأرقام الإحصائية

GASTAT: A decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis to (12.3%) and an increase in the economic participation rate of Saudi females to (23.2%)

According to the results of the labour market bulletin for the second quarter of 2019, the unemployment rate of the total population decreased to (5.6%) GASTAT: A decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis to (12.3%) and an increase in the economic participation rate of Saudi females to (23.2%) On Thursday, Muharram 13th, 1441H. (September 12th, 2019), GASTAT released the Labour Market Bulletin for the second quarter of 2019 on its official website www.stats.gov.sa . The bulletin is based on the estimates of the Labour Force Survey conducted by GASTAT on a quarterly basis as well as the labour market data from the administrative records of the relevant entities (Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Ministry of Civil Service, General Organization for Social Insurance, Human Resources Development Fund, and National Information Center). The results of the second quarter of 2019, based on the estimates of the labour force Survey, showed a decrease in the unemployment rate of total population (15 years and above) which reached (5.6%) compared to (6%) in the first quarter of 2019. With regard to Saudis’ unemployment rate, the results showed a decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis (males and females who are 15 years old and above) reaching (12.3%) based on the estimates of the Labour Force Survey (2019, Quarter 2) compared to (12.5%) in the first quarter of the same year. The results of the survey also showed an increase in the economic participation rate of total Saudis (males and females (15+)) reaching (45.0%) in the second quarter of 2019 compared to (42.3%) in the previous quarter. The economic participation rate among Saudi females increased to reach (23.2%) compared to (20.5%) in the previous quarter.  Based on the data of the administrative records of the second quarter of 2019, the results of the bulletin also showed that the total number of employed Saudis (males and females) recorded a decrease reaching (3.090.248) employee in the second quarter of 2019 compared to (3,112,029) in the first quarter. According to the results of the bulletin and based on the data from the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarah and Sa’ed) and the data from the Human Resources Development Fund (Taqat), the total number of Saudi job seekers reached (1.002.855) based on the administrative records in Saudi Arabia during the second quarter of 2019. GASTAT has defined jobseekers as Saudi individuals (males and females) registered in job seeking programs of the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarh and Sa’ed) as well as Human Resources Development Fund (Taqat) where they entered their personal data, qualifications, experiences, and CVs electronically. Jobseekers included in the administrative records are not subjected to the internationally recognized criteria and conditions of the International Labor Organization (ILO); hence, not all of them are considered unemployed individuals. Therefore, not every job seeker is an unemployed individual; they may be looking for a work while still working in another job, as in the case of job seekers in the government sector where they work for their own business and not registered as employees in the governmental administrative records (Civil Service, Social Insurance, commercial registers, and municipal licenses).

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GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for July,2019

GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for July,2019 General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly report of Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Saudi Arabia for July, 2019. The report was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. CPI increased by (%0.1) compared to last month (June,2019). In fact, the increase was from (105.9) in June,2019 to (106.0) in July,2019 with (%0.1) change, report showed. As a matter of fact, the report attributed this increase to the increase of the six sections composing it, which are: home furnishing and equipment with (%0.8), health section with (%0.8), transportation section (%0.7), goods and personal services section with (%0.6), culture and entertainment with (%0.5), and restaurants and hotels section with (%0.1). In contrast, two of the main sections witnessed a decline, which are: food and beverages section with (%0.3) as well as clothing and shoes section with (%0.2). On the other hand, tobacco, housing, water, electricity and gas, telecommunication, education sections remained stable with no change. As a matter of fact, consumer price index CPI is one of the significant economic statistics that is related to individuals’ daily life and provide the necessary information to monitor goods and services prices in Saudi Arabia’s retail market.

GASTAT: More than (2 billion) litres of milk is produced by specialized cow farms, and more than (2,500) fish ponds in Saudi Arabia

Within the results of the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey 2018 GASTAT: More than (2 billion) litres of milk is produced by specialized cow farms, and more than (2,500) fish ponds in Saudi Arabia On Monday 25/12/1440 H corresponding 26/8/2019, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the results of the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey, 2018 on its official website (www.stats.gov.sa). It is a field survey through which data are collected by visiting all specialized agricultural projects’ holdings including (specialized cow farms, fish farms, farms of broiler chickens, ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons, and farms of laying hens and hatcheries) in all administrative regions of Saudi Arabia. The survey has been implemented during the fourth quarter of 2018. It provides data and indicators that are related to production of specialized agricultural projects to support decision and policy makers, and those concerned with the agricultural sector.  According to the results, the capacity of specialized cow farms reached (364,389) cows in 2017. The results also showed that cow milk production reached (2,074,562,485) liters in the specialized cow farms. However, calves’ production in the specialized cow farms reached (31,883) calves in 2017. As for specialized fish farms, number of ponds registered (2,508) ponds in 2017, whereas the size of ponds in the specialized fish farms recorded (8,848,456) square meter. The survey results also demonstrated that the total production of fish and shrimps in the specialized fish farms registered (61,381) tons in 2017, where shrimps recorded (71.7%) out of total production in the specialized fish farms.  Moreover, the survey included data on broiler chickens, ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons, where the capacity of broiler chicken farms reached (135,180,100) birds, while the production of ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons registered (2,849) tons in 2017.  Regarding the farms of laying hens and hatcheries, survey results revealed the total capacity of these farms as it registered (45,542,408) birds. The number of eggs produced by laying hens reached (224,169,150) eggs, while the number of chicks in these farms registered (222,440,150) birds.  It is worth mentioning that the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey, 2018 is the second agricultural survey implemented by GASTAT during the month of Thu Al-Hijjah. GASTAT plans to release the results of the Agricultural Production Survey by the beginning of next Hijri year 1441 H.