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 الاِتِّصالُ الجَوِّيُّ Air Connectivity
مُلَوِّثاتُ الهَواءِ Air Pollutants
 التَلَوُّثُ الهَوائِيُّ Air Pollution
مُكافَحَةُ تَلَوُّثِ الهَواءِ Air Pollution Control
مُؤَشِّرُ تَلَوُّثِ الهَواءِ Air Pollution Index (API)
مَصادِرُ تُلَوِّثِ الهَواءِ Air Pollution Sources
المَسارُ الجَوِّيُّ Air Route
دَرَجَةُ حَرارَةِ الهَواءِ Air Temperature
نَقْلٌ جوِّيٌّ Air Transport
حَرَكَةُ الطائِراتِ Airplane Traffic
المَطارُ Airports
المَجالُ الجَوِّيُّ Airspace
البانطُون Albunton
الكُحُولُ Alcohol
خَدَماتٌ جَوِّيَّةٌ مُخَصَّصَةٌ لِلشَحْنِ وَالبَرِيدِ All-Freight and Mail Air Service
مَجْمُوعَةُ المُؤَسَّساتِ المُقِيمَةِ All-resident enterprise group
 المُنْتَجاتُ العُضْوِيَّةُ الحَيَوانِيَّةُ Animal Organic Products
الإِنْتاجُ الحَيَوانِيُّ Animal Production
التَغَيُّرُ السَنَوِيُّ Annual Change
مَحاصِيلٌ سَنَوِيَّةٌ Annual Crop

About the Glossary of Statistical Terms

Statistics play a vital role in the planning process and are essential for informed decision-making across all sectors. GASTAT prepared this glossary to provide a complete list of all statistical terms and definitions found in the methodologies, reports, and statistical publications of the General Authority for Statistics, in both Arabic and English.

This glossary is invaluable as it consolidates all the terms used by the General Authority for Statistics, promoting consistent terminology wherever they are applied. Moreover, by being available on the GASTAT’s official portal, it ensures that all relevant agencies and organizations can easily access and utilize these terms when needed.

We aim for this glossary to enhance transparency in statistical work and improve statistical awareness among all users of data, information, and indicators. GASTAT will continue to develop and update it regularly to meet evolving needs and circumstances.


The glossary includes more than 800 statistical terms and will be updated periodically to keep up with developments and advancements in the field of statistics.



The General Authority for Statistics adopted the following methodology in compiling this glossary:

  • Collecting statistical terms used in the methodologies and reports of the General Authority for Statistics, including terms related to social statistics, economic statistics, and spatial and resources statistics.
  • Gathering statistical terms from official statistical sources, such as the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the International Labour Organization, and others.
  • Aligning the terms collected from internal and external sources, filtering them, and selecting the most relevant and appropriate terms for GASTAT’s work.
  • Translating untranslated terms into English and reviewing the translation of previously translated terms, whether into Arabic or English.
  • Validating the terms and their definitions with the relevant statistical departments of the General Authority for Statistics.
  • Structuring and formatting the glossary in collaboration with the King Salman Global Academy for the Arabic Language.
  • Terms are divided into three sections: Social Terms, Economic Terms, and Spatial & Resource Terms.
  • Terms are listed alphabetically under each section.
  • Publishing the glossary on the official portal of the General Authority for Statistics and the Sawar platform for linguistic glossaries, affiliated with the King Salman Global Academy for the Arabic Language.