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Saudi Arabia adopts new methodology for calculating FDI data


In consultation with IMF, Saudi Arabia worked on a new methodology for calculating FDI statistics through cooperation between the Ministry of Investment, the General Authority for Statistics and the Saudi Central Bank. Saudi Arabia indicated that this methodology aims to improve the quality and transparency of its FDI data according to global best practices, explaining that its final data will be published this year. UNCTAD, the World Investment Report's issuer, has confirmed that the new methodology follows international standards, according to the IMF Balance of Payments Manual. The World Bank also agreed with and welcomed the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund in its report on the Kingdom, which in turn forms the basis of the new methodology. In a statement on this occasion, His Excellency the Minister of Investment Engineer Khaled bin Abdulaziz Al Falih, stated that the new methodology is part of a series of ongoing reforms and improvements to improve the quality and transparency of data in the Kingdom, under Vision 2030, and to achieve the objectives and initiatives of the National Investment Strategy, launched by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. He emphasized that improving the transparency and quality of FDI statistics in the Kingdom would contribute to investors' empowerment and decision makers to make their decisions better, which supports improving the attractiveness of the Kingdom's investment environment and attracting investors from all over the world in line with the Kingdom's objectives by launching the National Investment Strategy, the development of special economic zones, the national initiative of global supply chains and the launch of mega-projects. He stated that the data confirmed the improved performance of the Kingdom in the formation of fixed capital and foreign direct investment, thereby enhancing the Kingdom's position as a leading investment destination, adding that the Kingdom is keen to keep investors up to date on the most important indicators and data in the Saudi economy, and the availability of many quality investment opportunities, through a platform "Invest in Saudi Arabia", which offers investment opportunities across the Middle East. President of the General Authority for Statistics Dr. Fahad Aldossari said that the methodology for calculating the FDI index was adopted after technical consultations with the IMF. The methodology is one of the best international practices in calculating FDI statistics, in line with the IMF Balance of Payments manual. The methodology would contribute to enhancing the accuracy, detail and comprehensiveness of FDI indicators, noting that FDI statistics would serve decision makers in designing policies that would create an attractive investment environment and highlight the Kingdom's investment opportunities. Through this methodology, GASTAT sought to diversify data sources, increase reliance on register-based sources and provide and disseminate more detailed statistics such as FDI stock and flows by economic activity and the Kingdom's investing States. It also provides FDI indicators more periodically through specialized quadrennial surveys. The President of the General Authority for Statistics stressed that these efforts are part of GASTAT’s endeavor to provide accurate, comprehensive, high-quality and transparent statistical information and data. On the other hand, the Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Investment Dr. Saad Al-Shahrani said that access to high-resolution data is crucial not only to measure progress and development, but also to monitor and improve the performance of the domestic economy, and to track investment performance, which accounts for about 25% of the Kingdom's GDP. Over the past two years, the Ministry of Investment has worked according to the new methodology to analyze more than 70 thousand financial lists of many companies. Covering the past 15 years, indicating that the results of this mega-project will support decision makers, analysts and specialists in the preparation of studies and analyses, and will also form the infrastructure for working to identify investment priorities and follow up on performance for the sectors and countries invested in the Kingdom. The preparation and development of the new methodology is based on the Kingdom's unprecedented economic transformation under Vision 2030, which represents the road map and the plan for growth and economic diversification and includes: "The Kingdom seeks to adopt global best practices to achieve the highest standards of transparency and governance." Besides improving the quality and transparency of data, Vision 2030 aims to increase the contribution of FDI to GDP, reaching 5.7%, and to increase the private sector's contribution to GDP from 40% to 65% by 2030, becoming one of the world's 15 largest economies. Saudi Arabia is a leader in updating FDI data through the analysis of financial lists as a source of annual data, with few States following this methodology. This reflects the Kingdom's progress and its reliance on modern methodologies according to global best practices, with the collection and analysis of FDI data and their dissemination in detail expected by the end of this year.
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GASTAT issues indicators of health determinants and childhood development in KSA for 2023


General Authority for Statistics announced today on its official website (stats.gov.sa) the publication of the health determinants indicators in the Kingdom for the year 2023. The results of the publication indicated that the prevalence of obesity among KSA adult population reached 23.7%, and this percentage is similar between males and females. However, the percentage of individuals with ideal weight was significantly higher among females at 39.6% compared to males at 29.5%. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity among children under the age of fifteen reached 7.3%, while the percentage of children who are underweight was 41%. On the other hand, the results of the Early Childhood Development and Child Well-being Statistics publication for the year 2023 revealed that the percentage of children, females and males in the Kingdom who are developmentally on track in health, learning, and psychosocial and social well-being reached 80.1, 83%, and 77.3%, respectively. Tabuk region recorded the highest value for the Early Childhood Development Indicator at a rate of 83.9%, while Jazan region recorded the lowest value at a rate of 75.9%. Furthermore, the percentage of children in the Kingdom under the age of five who have the ability to speak at least one language well made up 78%, with the percentage of males reaching 75.5%, compared to 80.6% of females.

General Authority for Statistics and Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity sign a memorandum of cooperation


Yesterday, Wednesday, November 16, 2023, the General Authority for Statistics signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones, on the sidelines of the Black Hat global conference and exhibition held in Riyadh. The agreement aims to enhance integration between the two parties in the field of cybersecurity through the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and relevant information . It also aims to create opportunities for the development and implementation of joint programs and initiatives that contribute to the development of national human resources capabilities in cybersecurity. The memorandum was signed on behalf of the General Authority for Statistics by Mr. Ahmed Al-Ibrahim, Director-General of Cybersecurity and Data Governance, while it was signed on behalf of the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones by Mr. Khaled Al-Sulaim, Deputy Executive President for Business Sector at the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity. The memorandum included the development and exchange of experiences between the two parties, providing opportunities for the employees of both organizations in the field of cybersecurity, exchanging support, technical experiences, and knowledge in areas of mutual interest, as well as providing consultations in each party's areas of expertise.

Saudi Arabia and Estonia discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the statistical field


Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, received Mr. Jan Reinhold, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, in a meeting held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023,in Riyadh, to discuss ways to enhance joint work in the statistical sector and opportunities for developing cooperation in the field of statistical data. During the meeting, the two sides discussed enhancing the level of joint coordination between the their countries in the field of statistical data, working on continuous development of bilateral relations, and using modern technology in disseminating indicators, organizing statistical data and its governance, as well as a number of topics of mutual interest in the statistical field between the two countries. Dr. Fahad Al-Dossari emphasized the importance of the joint relations between the two countries and the importance of cooperation in the field of statistics. He opened broader and more welcoming prospects for cooperation with European countries, in addition to effective cooperation in the field of statistical information and data between the two countries. It is worth mentioning that the trade exchange between Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Estonia amounted to 133 million SAR until September 2023, with total exports to Estonia reaching 59 million SAR, while Saudi Arabia’s imports from Estonia amounted to 73 million SAR.

Under the presidency of Kingdom 48th meeting of Board of Trustees of Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research holds in Jeddah


The 48th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) was held in Jeddah. Heads of official Arab statistical centers participated in the meeting. In the opening session, Dr. Fahad Abdullah Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, delivered an opening speech welcoming the participating delegations and wishing them successful meetings and a pleasant stay in their second home, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The 48th meeting began with a review of the activities carried out by the Institute during the year 2022, including training courses, studies, and technical consultations provided by the Institute to various Arab statistical agencies in the field of statistical work. The Board of Trustees discussed the Institute's work plan and budget for implementation during the fiscal year 2023/2024. In addition, discussions were held on statistical activities and initiatives in Arab countries and common statistical issues to contribute to providing accurate data necessary for implementing comprehensive economic and social development plans at the Arab regional level. It also aimed to support official statistical systems in Arab countries in fulfilling their developmental duties at both the national and regional levels by providing accurate data and indicators that contribute to enhancing opportunities for better policymaking. It is worth mentioning that the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics plays an important role in developing and building the capacities of human resources in Arab statistical agencies. This is achieved by meeting their training and technical consultation needs in the field of methodologies, concepts, and tools for managing official statistical work. The Institute also develops and implements research and statistical studies relevant to the interests of statistical agencies, in line with their needs. Additionally, it contributes to raising awareness of statistical work by participating in various seminars and conferences held at the regional and international levels.
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GASTAT signs a cooperation agreement with Health Insurance Council


General Authority for Statistics and Health Insurance Council signed a cooperation agreement between the two parties at the headquarters of the Health Insurance Council. The agreement was signed by Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, and Dr. Shabab Al-Ghamdi, Secretary-General of the Health Insurance Council. The collaboration is a continuation of the significant role that both entities have played in supplying indicators and statistical data. The statistical data and indicators related to the health sector are of high importance to policymakers and decision-makers. Integrating the efforts of both entities enhances the quality and reliability of the data and indicators. Additionally, the agreement includes the exchange of technical and knowledge expertise and working together to improve statistical products and provide technical support in the statistical aspects related to the services of the Health Insurance Council. It also aims to enhance the level of joint coordination in the field of exchanging statistical data, which contributes to providing information and enhancing the services provided to beneficiaries of health insurance.
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BOD of GASTAT holds its 26th meeting


The Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics held its 26th meeting, chaired by His Excellency the Minister of Economy and Planning, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics, Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim. Several topics were discussed related to the development of statistical work and enhancing the role of the Authority. The Board reviewed the progress made in the projects and strategic initiatives that the Authority is currently working on as part of its strategic transformation. They also discussed the statistical products that will be developed and issued in the coming phase, which will meet the requirements of government and private entities and align with international standards. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for Statistics is in charge of designing and implementing field surveys, conducting statistical studies and research, collecting and analyzing data, documenting and tabulating it, and extracting indicators. It is also responsible for all activities related to documenting and preserving statistical information and data, as well as preparing national statistical manuals and classifications according to international standards.
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GASTAT signs MoC with Saudi Broadcasting Authority


General Authority for Statistics has signed a memorandum of cooperation(MoC) with Saudi Broadcasting Authority, aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two entities and promoting coordination and integration of efforts in their respective fields. The (MoC) was signed by Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, and Mr. Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority. It includes several areas of collaboration, including the exchange of support and technical and scientific expertise, cooperation in conducting statistical surveys related to providing statistical data and indicators for the media and advertising market, viewership rates, and viewer satisfaction. It also includes the exchange of advice, including research and studies, and the provision of opportunities for employees of both parties to participate in training courses, seminars, scientific conferences, and workshops organized by each party. In this context, Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, emphasized that the statistical work carried out by the Authority is an important component in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 by building statistical indicators and measuring them. He pointed out that the media sector receives great attention due to its pivotal role and its effective contribution in enhancing knowledge and building awareness among society towards various sectors and their work, including the General Authority for Statistics and its role in providing statistical data and indicators. He added that this (MoC) will support both entities in fulfilling their roles. Mr. Mohammed bin Fahd Al-Harithi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, affirmed that this (MoC) emphasizes the importance of integration between government entities, which positively reflects on the success of joint work. It also supports the strategy of the Authority in enhancing cooperation with other government entities to keep up with the process of development and change that the Authority is going through. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for Statistics is the statistical Authority in the Kingdom, and the only official reference for implementing statistical work, as well as its technical and regulatory supervisor. It has multiple tasks, including collecting statistical data and information from public and private entities and individuals, analyzing and studying this data to calculate various statistical indicators, as well as providing statistical consultations and reports for surveys, research, and other data and statistical services within its scope of work. The Saudi Broadcasting Authority has recently been working on strengthening cooperation with government entities in various sectors, keeping pace with the development witnessed by the Kingdom in all fields. The Authority is dedicating all its efforts to anything that enhances the Kingdom's position and highlights the continuous work to achieve the ambitious Vision 2030, which is inseparable from the roles of active media entities.
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GASTAT discusses ways of joint cooperation with Kingdom of Bahrain


His Excellency Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, met with Mr. Mohammed Ali AlQaed CEO of the Information & eGovernment Authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain, on the sidelines of the 9th Global Conference on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX). They discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the statistical sector and reviewed opportunities to develop collaboration in the field of statistical data and various topics of mutual interest in the statistical field between the two countries. At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Fahad Aldossari congratulated the Kingdom of Bahrain on the successful hosting of the (SDMX) conference, commending the efforts of the Information & eGovernment Authority, which contributed to the success of the first-ever hosting of the event in the Middle East. He expressed his hopes that the conference would achieve its objectives and contribute to the international efforts aimed at developing the exchange of statistical data and metadata. During the meeting, both sides discussed enhancing the level of coordination in the field of statistical data and metadata, as well as working on the continuous development of bilateral relations. They also discussed developing methods and techniques for calculating indicators, including household income and expenditure surveys, and providing up-to-date statistical data to enhance joint efforts in sustainable development goals between the two countries. This includes the continuous development of mechanisms for calculating indicators, exchanging statistical data and metadata, and governing them, as well as developing cloud computing techniques and continuously benefiting from modern technologies. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, visited the Kingdom of Bahrain leading a statistical delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the 9th Global Conference on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX), organized by the Information & eGovernment Authority in Bahrain. The conference is a global event held every two years under the Global SDMX Initiative, launched in 2002, and managed by a group of international organizations with the aim of unifying and updating mechanisms and processes for exchanging statistical data and metadata between international organizations and official statistical agencies.
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Saudi Arabia adopts new methodology for calculating FDI data


In consultation with IMF, Saudi Arabia worked on a new methodology for calculating FDI statistics through cooperation between the Ministry of Investment, the General Authority for Statistics and the Saudi Central Bank. Saudi Arabia indicated that this methodology aims to improve the quality and transparency of its FDI data according to global best practices, explaining that its final data will be published this year. UNCTAD, the World Investment Report's issuer, has confirmed that the new methodology follows international standards, according to the IMF Balance of Payments Manual. The World Bank also agreed with and welcomed the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund in its report on the Kingdom, which in turn forms the basis of the new methodology. In a statement on this occasion, His Excellency the Minister of Investment Engineer Khaled bin Abdulaziz Al Falih, stated that the new methodology is part of a series of ongoing reforms and improvements to improve the quality and transparency of data in the Kingdom, under Vision 2030, and to achieve the objectives and initiatives of the National Investment Strategy, launched by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. He emphasized that improving the transparency and quality of FDI statistics in the Kingdom would contribute to investors' empowerment and decision makers to make their decisions better, which supports improving the attractiveness of the Kingdom's investment environment and attracting investors from all over the world in line with the Kingdom's objectives by launching the National Investment Strategy, the development of special economic zones, the national initiative of global supply chains and the launch of mega-projects. He stated that the data confirmed the improved performance of the Kingdom in the formation of fixed capital and foreign direct investment, thereby enhancing the Kingdom's position as a leading investment destination, adding that the Kingdom is keen to keep investors up to date on the most important indicators and data in the Saudi economy, and the availability of many quality investment opportunities, through a platform "Invest in Saudi Arabia", which offers investment opportunities across the Middle East. President of the General Authority for Statistics Dr. Fahad Aldossari said that the methodology for calculating the FDI index was adopted after technical consultations with the IMF. The methodology is one of the best international practices in calculating FDI statistics, in line with the IMF Balance of Payments manual. The methodology would contribute to enhancing the accuracy, detail and comprehensiveness of FDI indicators, noting that FDI statistics would serve decision makers in designing policies that would create an attractive investment environment and highlight the Kingdom's investment opportunities. Through this methodology, GASTAT sought to diversify data sources, increase reliance on register-based sources and provide and disseminate more detailed statistics such as FDI stock and flows by economic activity and the Kingdom's investing States. It also provides FDI indicators more periodically through specialized quadrennial surveys. The President of the General Authority for Statistics stressed that these efforts are part of GASTAT’s endeavor to provide accurate, comprehensive, high-quality and transparent statistical information and data. On the other hand, the Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Investment Dr. Saad Al-Shahrani said that access to high-resolution data is crucial not only to measure progress and development, but also to monitor and improve the performance of the domestic economy, and to track investment performance, which accounts for about 25% of the Kingdom's GDP. Over the past two years, the Ministry of Investment has worked according to the new methodology to analyze more than 70 thousand financial lists of many companies. Covering the past 15 years, indicating that the results of this mega-project will support decision makers, analysts and specialists in the preparation of studies and analyses, and will also form the infrastructure for working to identify investment priorities and follow up on performance for the sectors and countries invested in the Kingdom. The preparation and development of the new methodology is based on the Kingdom's unprecedented economic transformation under Vision 2030, which represents the road map and the plan for growth and economic diversification and includes: "The Kingdom seeks to adopt global best practices to achieve the highest standards of transparency and governance." Besides improving the quality and transparency of data, Vision 2030 aims to increase the contribution of FDI to GDP, reaching 5.7%, and to increase the private sector's contribution to GDP from 40% to 65% by 2030, becoming one of the world's 15 largest economies. Saudi Arabia is a leader in updating FDI data through the analysis of financial lists as a source of annual data, with few States following this methodology. This reflects the Kingdom's progress and its reliance on modern methodologies according to global best practices, with the collection and analysis of FDI data and their dissemination in detail expected by the end of this year.
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GASTAT issues indicators of health determinants and childhood development in KSA for 2023


General Authority for Statistics announced today on its official website (stats.gov.sa) the publication of the health determinants indicators in the Kingdom for the year 2023. The results of the publication indicated that the prevalence of obesity among KSA adult population reached 23.7%, and this percentage is similar between males and females. However, the percentage of individuals with ideal weight was significantly higher among females at 39.6% compared to males at 29.5%. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity among children under the age of fifteen reached 7.3%, while the percentage of children who are underweight was 41%. On the other hand, the results of the Early Childhood Development and Child Well-being Statistics publication for the year 2023 revealed that the percentage of children, females and males in the Kingdom who are developmentally on track in health, learning, and psychosocial and social well-being reached 80.1, 83%, and 77.3%, respectively. Tabuk region recorded the highest value for the Early Childhood Development Indicator at a rate of 83.9%, while Jazan region recorded the lowest value at a rate of 75.9%. Furthermore, the percentage of children in the Kingdom under the age of five who have the ability to speak at least one language well made up 78%, with the percentage of males reaching 75.5%, compared to 80.6% of females.

General Authority for Statistics and Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity sign a memorandum of cooperation


Yesterday, Wednesday, November 16, 2023, the General Authority for Statistics signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones, on the sidelines of the Black Hat global conference and exhibition held in Riyadh. The agreement aims to enhance integration between the two parties in the field of cybersecurity through the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and relevant information . It also aims to create opportunities for the development and implementation of joint programs and initiatives that contribute to the development of national human resources capabilities in cybersecurity. The memorandum was signed on behalf of the General Authority for Statistics by Mr. Ahmed Al-Ibrahim, Director-General of Cybersecurity and Data Governance, while it was signed on behalf of the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones by Mr. Khaled Al-Sulaim, Deputy Executive President for Business Sector at the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity. The memorandum included the development and exchange of experiences between the two parties, providing opportunities for the employees of both organizations in the field of cybersecurity, exchanging support, technical experiences, and knowledge in areas of mutual interest, as well as providing consultations in each party's areas of expertise.

Saudi Arabia and Estonia discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the statistical field


Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, received Mr. Jan Reinhold, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, in a meeting held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023,in Riyadh, to discuss ways to enhance joint work in the statistical sector and opportunities for developing cooperation in the field of statistical data. During the meeting, the two sides discussed enhancing the level of joint coordination between the their countries in the field of statistical data, working on continuous development of bilateral relations, and using modern technology in disseminating indicators, organizing statistical data and its governance, as well as a number of topics of mutual interest in the statistical field between the two countries. Dr. Fahad Al-Dossari emphasized the importance of the joint relations between the two countries and the importance of cooperation in the field of statistics. He opened broader and more welcoming prospects for cooperation with European countries, in addition to effective cooperation in the field of statistical information and data between the two countries. It is worth mentioning that the trade exchange between Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Estonia amounted to 133 million SAR until September 2023, with total exports to Estonia reaching 59 million SAR, while Saudi Arabia’s imports from Estonia amounted to 73 million SAR.

Under the presidency of Kingdom 48th meeting of Board of Trustees of Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research holds in Jeddah


The 48th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) was held in Jeddah. Heads of official Arab statistical centers participated in the meeting. In the opening session, Dr. Fahad Abdullah Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, delivered an opening speech welcoming the participating delegations and wishing them successful meetings and a pleasant stay in their second home, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The 48th meeting began with a review of the activities carried out by the Institute during the year 2022, including training courses, studies, and technical consultations provided by the Institute to various Arab statistical agencies in the field of statistical work. The Board of Trustees discussed the Institute's work plan and budget for implementation during the fiscal year 2023/2024. In addition, discussions were held on statistical activities and initiatives in Arab countries and common statistical issues to contribute to providing accurate data necessary for implementing comprehensive economic and social development plans at the Arab regional level. It also aimed to support official statistical systems in Arab countries in fulfilling their developmental duties at both the national and regional levels by providing accurate data and indicators that contribute to enhancing opportunities for better policymaking. It is worth mentioning that the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics plays an important role in developing and building the capacities of human resources in Arab statistical agencies. This is achieved by meeting their training and technical consultation needs in the field of methodologies, concepts, and tools for managing official statistical work. The Institute also develops and implements research and statistical studies relevant to the interests of statistical agencies, in line with their needs. Additionally, it contributes to raising awareness of statistical work by participating in various seminars and conferences held at the regional and international levels.
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GASTAT signs a cooperation agreement with Health Insurance Council


General Authority for Statistics and Health Insurance Council signed a cooperation agreement between the two parties at the headquarters of the Health Insurance Council. The agreement was signed by Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, and Dr. Shabab Al-Ghamdi, Secretary-General of the Health Insurance Council. The collaboration is a continuation of the significant role that both entities have played in supplying indicators and statistical data. The statistical data and indicators related to the health sector are of high importance to policymakers and decision-makers. Integrating the efforts of both entities enhances the quality and reliability of the data and indicators. Additionally, the agreement includes the exchange of technical and knowledge expertise and working together to improve statistical products and provide technical support in the statistical aspects related to the services of the Health Insurance Council. It also aims to enhance the level of joint coordination in the field of exchanging statistical data, which contributes to providing information and enhancing the services provided to beneficiaries of health insurance.
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BOD of GASTAT holds its 26th meeting


The Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics held its 26th meeting, chaired by His Excellency the Minister of Economy and Planning, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics, Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim. Several topics were discussed related to the development of statistical work and enhancing the role of the Authority. The Board reviewed the progress made in the projects and strategic initiatives that the Authority is currently working on as part of its strategic transformation. They also discussed the statistical products that will be developed and issued in the coming phase, which will meet the requirements of government and private entities and align with international standards. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for Statistics is in charge of designing and implementing field surveys, conducting statistical studies and research, collecting and analyzing data, documenting and tabulating it, and extracting indicators. It is also responsible for all activities related to documenting and preserving statistical information and data, as well as preparing national statistical manuals and classifications according to international standards.
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GASTAT signs MoC with Saudi Broadcasting Authority


General Authority for Statistics has signed a memorandum of cooperation(MoC) with Saudi Broadcasting Authority, aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two entities and promoting coordination and integration of efforts in their respective fields. The (MoC) was signed by Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, and Mr. Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority. It includes several areas of collaboration, including the exchange of support and technical and scientific expertise, cooperation in conducting statistical surveys related to providing statistical data and indicators for the media and advertising market, viewership rates, and viewer satisfaction. It also includes the exchange of advice, including research and studies, and the provision of opportunities for employees of both parties to participate in training courses, seminars, scientific conferences, and workshops organized by each party. In this context, Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, emphasized that the statistical work carried out by the Authority is an important component in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 by building statistical indicators and measuring them. He pointed out that the media sector receives great attention due to its pivotal role and its effective contribution in enhancing knowledge and building awareness among society towards various sectors and their work, including the General Authority for Statistics and its role in providing statistical data and indicators. He added that this (MoC) will support both entities in fulfilling their roles. Mr. Mohammed bin Fahd Al-Harithi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, affirmed that this (MoC) emphasizes the importance of integration between government entities, which positively reflects on the success of joint work. It also supports the strategy of the Authority in enhancing cooperation with other government entities to keep up with the process of development and change that the Authority is going through. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority for Statistics is the statistical Authority in the Kingdom, and the only official reference for implementing statistical work, as well as its technical and regulatory supervisor. It has multiple tasks, including collecting statistical data and information from public and private entities and individuals, analyzing and studying this data to calculate various statistical indicators, as well as providing statistical consultations and reports for surveys, research, and other data and statistical services within its scope of work. The Saudi Broadcasting Authority has recently been working on strengthening cooperation with government entities in various sectors, keeping pace with the development witnessed by the Kingdom in all fields. The Authority is dedicating all its efforts to anything that enhances the Kingdom's position and highlights the continuous work to achieve the ambitious Vision 2030, which is inseparable from the roles of active media entities.
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GASTAT discusses ways of joint cooperation with Kingdom of Bahrain


His Excellency Dr. Fahad Aldossari, President of the General Authority for Statistics, met with Mr. Mohammed Ali AlQaed CEO of the Information & eGovernment Authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain, on the sidelines of the 9th Global Conference on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX). They discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the statistical sector and reviewed opportunities to develop collaboration in the field of statistical data and various topics of mutual interest in the statistical field between the two countries. At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Fahad Aldossari congratulated the Kingdom of Bahrain on the successful hosting of the (SDMX) conference, commending the efforts of the Information & eGovernment Authority, which contributed to the success of the first-ever hosting of the event in the Middle East. He expressed his hopes that the conference would achieve its objectives and contribute to the international efforts aimed at developing the exchange of statistical data and metadata. During the meeting, both sides discussed enhancing the level of coordination in the field of statistical data and metadata, as well as working on the continuous development of bilateral relations. They also discussed developing methods and techniques for calculating indicators, including household income and expenditure surveys, and providing up-to-date statistical data to enhance joint efforts in sustainable development goals between the two countries. This includes the continuous development of mechanisms for calculating indicators, exchanging statistical data and metadata, and governing them, as well as developing cloud computing techniques and continuously benefiting from modern technologies. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Fahad Aldossari, the President of the General Authority for Statistics, visited the Kingdom of Bahrain leading a statistical delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the 9th Global Conference on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX), organized by the Information & eGovernment Authority in Bahrain. The conference is a global event held every two years under the Global SDMX Initiative, launched in 2002, and managed by a group of international organizations with the aim of unifying and updating mechanisms and processes for exchanging statistical data and metadata between international organizations and official statistical agencies.