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The employees of the General Authority for Statistics celebrate the 89th National Day


The employees of the General Authority for Statistics celebrate the 89th National Day The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) employees celebrated on Tuesday morning Muharram 25th, 1441H. (September 24th, 2019), the 89th National Day of Saudi Arabia at the headquarter of the Authority in Riyadh. The ceremony included many activities and various events. On his behalf and on behalf of all GASTAT’s employees as well as all the statistical sector in Saudi Arabia, president of GASTAT, Dr.Fahad Bin Sulaiman AL-Tekhaifi congratulated the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz and his crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz on this blessed occasion. On the other hand, GASTAT’s president confirmed that our wise government will continue to achieve Saudi Arabia’s aspirations and goals, and continue to support the process of development and prosperity, including unlimited support to develop the statistical sector in Saudi Arabia. He pointed out that the occasion of our National Day is a precious one and we are waiting for it every year to be inspired by the lessons of sacrifice, pride and glory and tell the next generations the stories of the great struggle led by the founder King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud – may he rest in peace, to build this great homeland on the soil of this blessed earth. It is worth mentioning that the head office of the General Authority for Statistics has been decorated in green and white, where all employees participated in the celebration and expressed their great feelings towards the country and the good leadership, as everyone also participated in the performance of the Saudi Ardha (a famous traditional dance show in Saudi Arabia), in addition to many other activities. The atmosphere of joy and happiness surrounded the place and touched  to the hearts of all participants.

GASTAT: A decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis to (12.3%) and an increase in the economic participation rate of Saudi females to (23.2%)


According to the results of the labour market bulletin for the second quarter of 2019, the unemployment rate of the total population decreased to (5.6%) GASTAT: A decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis to (12.3%) and an increase in the economic participation rate of Saudi females to (23.2%) On Thursday, Muharram 13th, 1441H. (September 12th, 2019), GASTAT released the Labour Market Bulletin for the second quarter of 2019 on its official website www.stats.gov.sa . The bulletin is based on the estimates of the Labour Force Survey conducted by GASTAT on a quarterly basis as well as the labour market data from the administrative records of the relevant entities (Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Ministry of Civil Service, General Organization for Social Insurance, Human Resources Development Fund, and National Information Center). The results of the second quarter of 2019, based on the estimates of the labour force Survey, showed a decrease in the unemployment rate of total population (15 years and above) which reached (5.6%) compared to (6%) in the first quarter of 2019. With regard to Saudis’ unemployment rate, the results showed a decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis (males and females who are 15 years old and above) reaching (12.3%) based on the estimates of the Labour Force Survey (2019, Quarter 2) compared to (12.5%) in the first quarter of the same year. The results of the survey also showed an increase in the economic participation rate of total Saudis (males and females (15+)) reaching (45.0%) in the second quarter of 2019 compared to (42.3%) in the previous quarter. The economic participation rate among Saudi females increased to reach (23.2%) compared to (20.5%) in the previous quarter.  Based on the data of the administrative records of the second quarter of 2019, the results of the bulletin also showed that the total number of employed Saudis (males and females) recorded a decrease reaching (3.090.248) employee in the second quarter of 2019 compared to (3,112,029) in the first quarter. According to the results of the bulletin and based on the data from the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarah and Sa’ed) and the data from the Human Resources Development Fund (Taqat), the total number of Saudi job seekers reached (1.002.855) based on the administrative records in Saudi Arabia during the second quarter of 2019. GASTAT has defined jobseekers as Saudi individuals (males and females) registered in job seeking programs of the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarh and Sa’ed) as well as Human Resources Development Fund (Taqat) where they entered their personal data, qualifications, experiences, and CVs electronically. Jobseekers included in the administrative records are not subjected to the internationally recognized criteria and conditions of the International Labor Organization (ILO); hence, not all of them are considered unemployed individuals. Therefore, not every job seeker is an unemployed individual; they may be looking for a work while still working in another job, as in the case of job seekers in the government sector where they work for their own business and not registered as employees in the governmental administrative records (Civil Service, Social Insurance, commercial registers, and municipal licenses).

GASTAT: More than (2 billion) litres of milk is produced by specialized cow farms, and more than (2,500) fish ponds in Saudi Arabia


Within the results of the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey 2018 GASTAT: More than (2 billion) litres of milk is produced by specialized cow farms, and more than (2,500) fish ponds in Saudi Arabia On Monday 25/12/1440 H corresponding 26/8/2019, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the results of the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey, 2018 on its official website (www.stats.gov.sa). It is a field survey through which data are collected by visiting all specialized agricultural projects’ holdings including (specialized cow farms, fish farms, farms of broiler chickens, ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons, and farms of laying hens and hatcheries) in all administrative regions of Saudi Arabia. The survey has been implemented during the fourth quarter of 2018. It provides data and indicators that are related to production of specialized agricultural projects to support decision and policy makers, and those concerned with the agricultural sector.  According to the results, the capacity of specialized cow farms reached (364,389) cows in 2017. The results also showed that cow milk production reached (2,074,562,485) liters in the specialized cow farms. However, calves’ production in the specialized cow farms reached (31,883) calves in 2017. As for specialized fish farms, number of ponds registered (2,508) ponds in 2017, whereas the size of ponds in the specialized fish farms recorded (8,848,456) square meter. The survey results also demonstrated that the total production of fish and shrimps in the specialized fish farms registered (61,381) tons in 2017, where shrimps recorded (71.7%) out of total production in the specialized fish farms.  Moreover, the survey included data on broiler chickens, ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons, where the capacity of broiler chicken farms reached (135,180,100) birds, while the production of ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons registered (2,849) tons in 2017.  Regarding the farms of laying hens and hatcheries, survey results revealed the total capacity of these farms as it registered (45,542,408) birds. The number of eggs produced by laying hens reached (224,169,150) eggs, while the number of chicks in these farms registered (222,440,150) birds.  It is worth mentioning that the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey, 2018 is the second agricultural survey implemented by GASTAT during the month of Thu Al-Hijjah. GASTAT plans to release the results of the Agricultural Production Survey by the beginning of next Hijri year 1441 H.
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GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for July,2019


GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for July,2019 General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly report of Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Saudi Arabia for July, 2019. The report was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. CPI increased by (%0.1) compared to last month (June,2019). In fact, the increase was from (105.9) in June,2019 to (106.0) in July,2019 with (%0.1) change, report showed. As a matter of fact, the report attributed this increase to the increase of the six sections composing it, which are: home furnishing and equipment with (%0.8), health section with (%0.8), transportation section (%0.7), goods and personal services section with (%0.6), culture and entertainment with (%0.5), and restaurants and hotels section with (%0.1). In contrast, two of the main sections witnessed a decline, which are: food and beverages section with (%0.3) as well as clothing and shoes section with (%0.2). On the other hand, tobacco, housing, water, electricity and gas, telecommunication, education sections remained stable with no change. As a matter of fact, consumer price index CPI is one of the significant economic statistics that is related to individuals’ daily life and provide the necessary information to monitor goods and services prices in Saudi Arabia’s retail market.

GASTAT: The total number of pilgrims for the 1440 AH Hajj season is 2,489,406, an increase of 4.96% from last year; the Kingdom has provided over 350 thousand employees to serve them


General Authority for Statistics: Total Number of Hajj Pilgrims in 1440 AH is 2,489,406, a 4.96% Increase Over Last Year; Kingdom Provides Over 350,000 Employees to Serve Them Of these, 1,855,027 pilgrims are from abroad, and 634,379 are from within the Kingdom GASTAT: The total number of pilgrims for the 1440 AH Hajj season is 2,489,406, an increase of 4.96% from last year; the Kingdom has provided over 350 thousand employees to serve them. [Total Number of Hajj Pilgrims] The General Authority for Statistics published number for Hajj on the year 1440 AH on Saturday, 9 Dhu al-Hijjah: a total of 2,489,406 pilgrims, 1,855,027 of which come from outside the Kingdom, 634,379 from within; 67% of pilgrims are non-Saudi. The number of male pilgrims out of the total was 1,385,234, and 1,104,172 were female. The total number of pilgrims in 1440 AH compared with the number of pilgrims last year (1439 AH), it is clear that the number has increased this by 117,731, since 1439’s total came-up to 2,371,675. [Foreign Pilgrims] In regards to pilgrims coming from outside the Kingdom, the number hailing from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was 31,884 (2%), Arab countries sans the GCC 414,750 (22%), Asian countries excepting Arab countries 1,126,633 (61%), African countries sans Arab states 187,414 (10%,), European countries 67,054 (4%), and North America, South America, and Australia 26,892 (1%). A total of 1,741,568 pilgrims arrived from outside Saudi Arabia through airports, while 96,209 of them arrived via land; seaports accounted for 17,250 pilgrims. Their arrival at Saudi Arabia varied by time; 614,919 arrived from outside of the Kingdom from the start of the season until 18 Dhu al-Qaada; 808,311 arrived from 19 to 29 Dhu al-Qaada; and a further 431,797 arrived from 1 to 8 Dhu al-Hijjah. [Local Pilgrims] In regards to pilgrims from within the Kingdom, which totaled 634379 pilgrims this year (including those residing temporarily there for Hajj), the number of non-Saudis was 423,376, with a further 211,003 Saudis. The Authority has limited the number of pilgrims coming to Mecca from within the Kingdom of Saudis and non-Saudis through the Hajj Statistics Centers located at the entrances to Mecca. The percentage of pilgrims coming from within the Kingdom through the Jeddah – Mecca highway was 34.7%; those through the Mecca-Holy Places road made-up 27.7%, the Mecca-Medina saw was 19.3%; and the three remaining roads—South-Mecca, Taif-Mecca, and old Jeddah-Mecca—made-up 15.7%. In addition, arrivals by way of the Haramain High Speed Railway train reached 2.6%. The General Authority for Statistics in its statistics for this year revealed that 7, 8, and 9 Dhu al-Hijjah saw the arrival of 82.5% of total local pilgrims coming to Mecca; cars entering Mecca this year totaled 39,978. [Manpower in Hajj] In regards to manpower during Hajj across all sectors, over 350,830 served during the 1440 AH Hajj season, representing over 47 governmental and private entities and 353 main and subservices. The total manpower supervising and conducing follow-up services to Hajj came from 6 bodies and 6336 employees; those working with general Hajj services were 257,763 from 21 bodies; the total manpower in the health and medical services was 30,908 and employee from three bodies; manpower providing pilgrim transport, post and logistics services (shipping, postal and logistics) hit 38,750 employees from eight destinations; ICT manpower hit 7,098 employees from four bodies; and 9,975 volunteers served the elderly and worked in guidance, pilgrims relations, translation, and in the health and media. [Statistical Methodology for Counting Pilgrims Numbers] The General Authority for Statistics said it uses a comprehensive counting method for all local pilgrims; using centers located at the entrances to the city of Mecca, the Authority counts the actual pilgrims inside. Foreign pilgrims are counted by the General Directorate of Passports, as mentioned previously, whose employees are present at all ports—land, sea and air. In addition, pilgrims from the city of Mecca are assessed by the General Authority for Statistics in periodic surveys. President of the General Authority for Statistics HE Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi thanked all security and governmental personnel conducting its Hajj mission this year. He praised the contributions made by more than 520 field researchers from the General Authority for Statistics, who completed the tasks assigned to them in the Hajj this year after working around the clock from the first of this month until today’s sunset (Day of Arafat). At the conclusion of all work related to GASTAT’s pilgrimage statistics program, the Authority prays that Allah accept the pilgrimage of all who came to Hajj, and to reconcile the efforts of all security and government agencies, plus all others in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who provide outstanding services for pilgrims.

Statistics: More than (200) main services representing the (general Hajj services), which is one of the five basic services provided by more than (257 thousand) employees working in (21) government and private parties.


Statistics: More than (200) main services representing the (general Hajj services), which is one of the five basic services provided by more than (257 thousand) employees working in (21) government and private parties. 21 government and private parties collaborate in providing (general Hajj services) during the Hajj season this year 1440H. The general Hajj services are one of the five main services provided to pilgrims (supervision and follow-up services for Hajj, public pilgrimage services, health services for pilgrims, and transport services for pilgrims). The General Authority for Statistics (GAS) announced on Monday 4 of Dhu al-Hijjah 1440 H within the "Register of Hajj Statistics 1440 H" the detailed data regarding the (general Hajj Services) and explained that more than 200 major services in the field of (general Hajj services) are offered to pilgrims, including: activities of the secretariats and municipalities, supervision and inspection, as well as other services such as electricity, water, religious and media awareness, security services, processing services and the creation of outlets for the reception of pilgrims, in addition issuing Hajj permits for domestic pilgrims, civil cases services, and a number of other support services. The total number of people providing public services reached 257,763 male and female employees, including 253,905 men and 3858 women working around the clock throughout the Hajj season, while the number of equipment and mechanisms used for these services reached 62,050 pieces of equipment and machinery, 7,727 vehicles, 2,640 motorcycles, 14,498 wireless devices, and 5,337 computers. The security services provided to the guests of Hajj are highlighted as the most important public services provided by the General Security. It carries out security and traffic plans and maintains public order in Mecca, Mashaer and Madinah. The number of police stations in Mecca and Mashaer reached 52, and the number of traffic centers reached 280. In addition to 75 security control centers at the borders and entrances of Makkah and Mashaer, the Directorate General of Passports is operating through more than 6041 staff officers, individuals and technicians to equip and prepare the outlets to welcome pilgrims and provide them with the necessary services to complete their departure procedures to their countries through seven land ports, three airports and two maritime ports, in which the General Authority of Customs participates with a workforce exceeding 2638 employees providing customs services, welcoming, and bidding farewell to the guests of Hajj. In the same ports the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture operates 14 sanitary quarantines to inspect animal and plant consignments coming into Mecca and Medina. In the field of providing civil defense services, approximately 16,325 members of the Directorate General of Civil Defense carry out preventive awareness programs as soon as pilgrims come to Saudi Arabia from their countries, and ensure the availability and completeness of safety requirements in their places of residence in Makkah, Medina, and the Holy Places. The number of civil defense centers within the Holy Places reached 105 centers, in addition to 556 preventive supervision points, and units of the emergency and support forces, as well as 64 centers in Mecca, 30 centers in Medina, and 25 centers for civil defense in the border ports and main roads. In terms of  providing and enabling government agencies to use technology, the National Information Center operates through more than 1465 technicians and administrators to secure and equip tablets to read the electronic pilgrimage permits in the sites of sorting and security control at the entrances of the Holy Capital, and processing and operation of all pilgrimage ports in all regions of the Kingdom with devices, fingerprint stations, and printers of various kinds, as well as information transmission services with modern technologies. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior for Civil Services provides its civil services electronically through 5 civil affairs offices in Mekkah and Medinah. These services include issuing and canceling Hajj permits for domestic pilgrims, and recording birth and death facts for foreign pilgrims and residents. In order to highlight the importance of the ritual of Hajj and broadcast it to all countries of the world, information and awareness services rise to the occasion, where the Ministry of Information equips the media centers in each of the Holy Places, Medina, and Jeddah, in addition to carrying out the censorship and authorization of publications that official and civil authorities, diplomatic missions and Hajj missions wish to distribute. It also provides media censorship of what is received with the pilgrims through the various outlets of the Kingdom. It also coordinates with the press organizations to issue press supplements directed to pilgrims in a number of languages, supervise their distribution in the outlets and places of pilgrims, and host a number of media from Arab and Islamic countries to perform and cover Hajj, while the Saudi Press Agency broadcast reports news and surveys of interest to guests highlighting the efforts of the Saudi government and its services and achievements, in addition to conducting press interviews with Hajj missions and pilgrims, and translating all of the above by broadcasting hundreds of news, reports, and press surveys of the audio-visual and print media on the website (SPA) in addition to social media in six languages: (Arabic, English, French, Russian, Chinese, and Persian). The Radio and Television Authority has a staff of up to 1237 employees including media people, administrators and technicians to broadcast the Hajj rituals through five satellite channels, six radio stations, and the Audio-Visual Production Organization organizes and facilitates the broadcast of Hajj rites through 247 satellite channels and 5 radio stations, in addition to issuing permits for foreign media missions, foreign channels, as well as issuing photographic permits for a number of local production companies, providing facilities to all media involved in covering the rituals of Hajj. In continuation of its awareness efforts, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs provides its services during the Hajj season through 1911 employees, by organizing various da'wah activities and answering religious inquiries through a toll-free phone, which amounts to more than 21,000 free contact hours during the Hajj season. In the field of guidance and provision of support services, the Saudi Arabian Scouts Association participates through 3289 Scouts to guide lost pilgrims and help them reach their premises, in addition to the distribution of Qur'an, books, and educational materials. They also contribute organizing pilgrims activities while they are within the sites of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, following-up random stalls and shops selling food, supervising the vendor inspection system, and fining the violators with the participation of the Holy Capital Municipality teams, in addition organizing the pilgrims navigation inside health facilities, assisting those who need transportation by vehicle or guidance and transporting them to their destinations with the support of the Ministry of Health, in addition to guiding pilgrims from the pilgrimage offices to Jamarat, issuing guides and maps for all government agencies to the pilgrims of Mina and Arafat, Mecca (Aziziyah) and Madinah (central region). The number of scout teams this year reached 179 scout squads. The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj and Umrah Research Center is working to provide research and studies services in order to develop an integrated information system to support decision makers in the field of Hajj and Umrah through 337 employees working since the early Hajj season which produced 45 researches and 19 specialized scientific forums.   As for facilities development services in Makkah and the holy sites, the Makkah Region Development Authority worked on shading the pedestrian slope from Aziziyah to the Jamarat facility, as well as shading the slopes of the ascent and descent of the Mashair train stations, maintenance and operation of the Jamarat facility and its supporting projects, maintenance and operation of the Holy Mashair train, in addition to all operating and cleanliness services in the Holy Places facilities which are carried out by 14,361 employees. Meanwhile, the Municipality of the Holy City, through 23,050 employees, provides municipal services to the guests of Hajj, including: General cleaning services, collection and transport of waste, and proper disposal to maintain high environmental standards. The Saudi Electricity Company operates five main stations with a workforce of 1616 employees. Water services are provided through 2,297 employees working in the National Water Company to operate and maintain water systems, and to clean and maintain toilets in Mina, Muzdalifa and Arafat.
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Al-Tkheefi: Statistical data for government services and counting the numbers of pilgrims and indicators of the management of the Hajj works are included in the "Statistical Register" of Hajj 1440 AH


The statistical record of Hajj 1440 AH, which was issued by the General Authority for Statistics on Friday   Al-Tkheefi: Statistical data for government services and counting the numbers of pilgrims and indicators of the management of the Hajj works are included in the "Statistical Register" of Hajj 1440 AH The General Authority for Statistics launched on Friday, Ghurat Dhu al-Hijjah 1440 AH, the statistic record for this year's Hajj season through its official website, which showed the dates of publication of the statistics of services provided by the government entities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the guests of Allah, in addition to the statistics of the pilgrims inside and outside, and a set of statistical indicators for the management of the work of the Hajj related to the data of the journeys of the passengers of the Haramain and the Al Mashaer train, and vehicles on the main roads of Mecca and Al Mashaer Al Mogaddasah and human density. Dr. Fahd bin Sulaiman Al-Tkheefi, Chairman of the General Authority for Statistics, explained that the statistical record, through its statistics, figures, data and smart indicators, is the summary of the statistical data that will be issued by the Authority during the Hajj season, and resulting from the implementation of three statistical projects in partnership with government and private entities working in the Hajj. The statistical register aims to clarify the efforts provided by more than 40 government and private entities to the pilgrims, where through the statistical register of Hajj on the official website of the Authority, the statistics of supervision and follow-up services, public services statistics, and health services statistics provided to the pilgrims, in addition to the transport services statistics, telecommunication and information technology services statistics, will be announced successively. And these services will be provided by the following entities: Makkah emirate, Madinah emirate, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,  General Authority for Statistics, General Authority of Customs, Food and Drug Authority, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Communications and Information Technology Commission, Control and Investigation Commission in Makkah region, Makkah Development Authority, Saudi Red Crescent Authority, General Security, General Directorate of Passports, General Directorate of Civil Defence, National Information Center, General Presidency of the Holy Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, Secretariat of Holy Capital, Jeddah Municipality, Makkah Electricity Company, Makkah and Taif Business Unit of National Water Company, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj and Umrah Research, Supreme Commission for the Control of Pilgrims Transport, Saudi Post Corporation, Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association, Saudi Arabian Airlines, King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah Islamic Port, mobile and Internet operators, and a number of private entities concerned with providing services to the guests of Allah.   After that, the numbers of the inside pilgrims from the seventh day of Dhu Al-Hijjah will be published periodically every six hours until the total number of pilgrims from inside and outside is announced on the evening of Arafa on the ninth day of Dhu Al-Hijjah, God willing. Al Tkheefi added that the Authority will issue the detailed bulletin of Hajj statistics on the morning of the tenth anniversary of the month of Dhu Al-Hijjah 1440 AH. Al Tkheefi also confirmed that all the data of the statistical register will be available through the official website of the Authority in the specified times according to the dates of the register in open formats to support the research centers and studies and the media to benefit from them and publish them.

GaStat: There are 13,776 Towers to Ensure Good Cellphone Coverage and 5G Technology in Mecca and the Holy Places for Pilgrims


Over 7000 Employees Working Around the Clock to Provide Telecommunications Services and Prepare 68 Offices GaStat: There are 13,776 Towers to Ensure Good Cellphone Coverage and 5G Technology in Mecca and the Holy Places for Pilgrims To raise the efficiency of ICT services in Mecca and the Holy Places, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology deployed 5G technology during this year’s Hajj in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Places, providing pilgrims with quality services. The ministry launched the second phase of the Smart Hajj initiative, which offers a number of applications, platforms and digital and awareness services. This year, the initiative included a volunteer training platform for pilgrims, a virtual reality platform to instruct pilgrims abroad on performing rites, as well as a platform for smart phone applications that would make it easier for pilgrims to benefit from a number of application during their journey. As per the statistics of the 1440 AH Hajj, provided to pilgrims by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the General Authority for Statistics, the total number of employees providing telecommunications and IT services to pilgrims during the season this year reached 7098 employees, working around the clock to provide advanced and adequate communications services. The Communications and Information Technology Commission supervises all services provided to the guests of Rahman in coordination with licensed telecommunications and IT service providers.  There is a total of 68 telecommunications offices in Mecca. The total number of mobile towers in the Great Mosque, Mecca, Mina, Muzdalifah, Arafat and Medina was 13,776 towers, ensuring mobile communication coverage, data coverage, and coverage of land, sea and airports, roads, and Meeqaths with full telecommunication and internet services; In regards to services provided, the Mecca branch of the Communications and Information Technology Commission in Mecca periodically checks sound and Internet indicators and verifies their effectiveness, surveys mobile network bandwidth between the Two Holy Mosques, monitors highways linking Mecca, Jeddah and Medina to ensure mobile service quality, addresses any harmful interference affecting network performance, and allows the use of temporary usage of certain frequencies for each mobile operator to increase network capacity and improve the level of services provided to pilgrims in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Places.  Authorized telecom operators in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are located in more than 68 points of sale across the Holy of Places to provide SIM cards, data, and top-up cards, in addition to providing technical support centers in various languages to serve pilgrims.  The General Authority for Statistics provides many details through the Hajj statistics register for 1440 AH, created to publish all statistics related to Hajj services provided by the government agencies to pilgrims, through its official website at www.stats.gov.sa

GaStat: The Kingdom has tasked 38,000 employees with transport, mail, shipping, and logistics services for Hajj pilgrims.


Transfer of pilgrims between the Holy Places (two million and one hundred thousand) via scheduled trip during Hajj, via 17,983 buses.  GaStat: The Kingdom has tasked 38,000 employees with  transport, mail, shipping, and logistics services for Hajj pilgrims. Transport, shipping, mail, logistics and logistics services in general are five of the most important services provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to pilgrims, and greatly facilitate the pilgrimage. The Kingdom has deployed 38,750 employees, working in seven specialized sectors to provide air and land transport, mail, shipping, and logistics services. This is according to the General Authority for Statistics’ numbers on the pilgrimage 1440 AH season, published on its official website on Wednesday 6 Dhu al-Hijjah 1440 AH.    Air transport, supervised by the General Authority of Civil Aviation, sees an expected total of 14,955 international and domestic flights for pilgrims. There are 8,209 flights to and from King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah. There are 8,209 transporting pilgrims domestically and internationally to and from Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Medina. 1435 employees are at the Jeddah airport, 840 at the Medina airport, working around the clock starting from the first of Dhu al-Qidah to provide an integrated system of services for pilgrims arriving by air. Work will continue until the middle of the next Muharram, including services provided at airports: To maintain the safety of arriving passengers, regulate the movement of aircraft, and monitor the performance of technical and electrical systems within airports, an addition to supervising the arrival and receipt of luggage and maintain cleanliness of airport facilities. The Hajj Terminal at King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah receives approximately 48,000 pilgrims daily. The complex of halls dedicated for pilgrims accommodates 3800 pilgrims per hour arriving, and 3500 pilgrims in departure, 12,000 passengers in areas outside the terminal; the modern halls accommodate 91,000 arrivals and 84,000 departures per day. They also can accommodate 312 flights at an average of 13 flights per hour. Sea transport is overseen by the Saudi Ports Authority (Mawani). It employs 292 employees in Jeddah Islamic Port to provide facilities for the arrival of pilgrims, reduce the procedure completion time, prepare facilities for the service and reception of pilgrims from the first moment of arrival at the port until their departure. The port started receiving pilgrims arriving by sea from mid-Dhu al-Qidah and lasts until the fourth of Dhu al-Hijjah. In regards to buses between the Kaaba and Holy Places, there are 2,100,000 trips via 17,983 buses during Hajj. There are 34,234 employees, drivers, supervisors handling bus transfers from the General Cars Syndicate and the Supreme Authority for the Control of Pilgrim Transport, which is working to establish a regulation to ensure the responsibility for the safety of vehicles used to transport pilgrims, control their movements, ensure that company owners sign ensuring the validity of their work buses, insure all buses, ensuring that companies' buses undergo periodic technical maintenance at the allocated stations, conduct field trips to to inspect buses passing approved checkpoints, operate a system for registration of buses and violations, and all the bus data adopted, including: Type of bus, license number, structure number, company affiliation, follow-up of bus operation at airports, port and road breaks, guidance and promotion centers, support centers, following-up the transport of pilgrims between Mecca and Medina and Jeddah, monitoring bus breakdowns, accidents—as soon as they occur—and coordinate with competent authorities to ensure the speedy completion of procedures, and to ensure the availability and adequacy of the signs indicating the cities of Hajj, as well as the availability of a guide for each bus, and coordination with specialists in guiding buses. In regards to transporting pilgrims between Medina and Mecca, the Haramain high-speed railway sees five daily trips to Mecca and five return trips to Medina; the train includes 4 stations with a total workforce of 456 male and female staff working throughout the year. Regarding logistics (courier, shipping, warehousing and logistics) provided to pilgrims, 494 employees of Saudi Post work in 61 post offices in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Places, with the support of 40 cars and 72 motorcycles. The system operates around the clock Hajj. Postal services include: The “Hajj Packages” service, which seeks to limit extra weight that pilgrims are forced to carry. The services offered to pilgrims also include Hady & Adah in Hajj in cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project For Utilization Of Hady & Adah through points of sale in all post offices spread across the Kingdom or at temporary stalls in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Places. A total of 41,927 parcels were sent and received during the last pilgrimage to and from Mecca. For more details of the statistics of the services provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to pilgrims, the General Authority for Statistics provided many details through the Hajj statistics register for 1440 AH, through its official website at www.stats.gov.sa

Authority for Statistics: Follow-up and field supervision on Hajj health services is one of the five key services offered to Hajj pilgrims. It includes over 33 basic services delivered by more than 6,000 supervisor and monitor


Authority for Statistics: Follow-up and field supervision on Hajj health services is one of the five key services offered to Hajj pilgrims. It includes over 33 basic services delivered by more than 6,000 supervisor and monitor Government and service entities in Saudi Arabia offer a vast pool of services to Hajj pilgrims. These services are generally divided into 5 basic services: follow-up and field supervision of Hajj, general Hajj services, Hajj health services, Hajj transport services, and Information and Communication Technology services in Mecca and holy sites. GAS announced on Sunday, 3 Dhu al-Hijjah under the 1440 H Hajj season statistics records on its official website www.stats.gov.sa that the size of workforce providing follow up and field supervision services for the guests of Allah this year has reached 6,336 supervisors and monitors, including 156 females. These are supervising Hajj-related work carried out by all government and service entities from the arrival of pilgrims and until their departure.Follow up and field supervision of government entities in question is divided between desk work and field work. The total number of vehicles dedicated for field work reached 1,222 vehicles, including tailored equipment, cars, and motorcycles. They have been also equipped with 2,400 wireless devices for direct communication. GAS indicated that 6 government entities are providing follow up and supervision services: The Emirate of Mecca Region, the Emirate of Medina Region, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, the Control and Investigation Board, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.The entities provide support and monitoring for Hajj and Umrah works in order to offer the best services for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims, supervise the performance of entities operating at outlets under the umbrella of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, identify shortcomings, supervise the transportation of pilgrims from their accommodation in Mecca to Mina (Tent City), supervise their return from Mina at the end of the pilgrimage to their accommodation in Mecca, oversee the transportation of pilgrims between holy sites in buses, prepare a plan for the boarding of pilgrims from pilgrim camps to Jamaraat Bridge, including boarding schedules and routes, oversee services provided to national pilgrims during their presence in holy sites to ensure high quality, address errors, and identify shortcomings, monitor the availability of supplied quantities of commodities, foodstuff, and meals in Mecca, Medina, holy sites, Jeddah, and Taif, monitor seasonal workforce during the Hajj season, check their workplaces and accommodation, perform overall monitoring of services offered during Hajj, and assist Committees charged with monitoring the distribution of holy site lands and camps.  It is worth mentioning that the main Hajj follow up and supervision services amount to over 33 services, from which many more services are derived. These services are carried out throughout the year, and not just during the Hajj season, through committees and teams emanating from the 6 government entities. - End -

General Authority for Statistics: Over 95 million Hajj pilgrims hosted and served by KSA over the last 50 years


From 1390 H until last year 1439 H   General Authority for Statistics: Over 95 million Hajj pilgrims hosted and served by KSA over the last 50 years The task of counting the numbers of pilgrims every year is one of the most important tasks assigned to the General Authority for Statistics (GAS). The task was entrusted to GAS in 1390 H back when it still operated under the designation of Department of Statistics and Information. This aimed at providing accurate information to assist all government entities in the planning and development of everything related to the service of the guests of Allah. The task continued throughout these years, witnessing year after year developments in counting and inventory methods and statistical outputs including data and indicators. The Authority is tasked with completing three statistical projects during every Hajj season (inventory of the numbers of pilgrims, statistics of services offered to pilgrims, and Hajj work management indicators) with the goal of providing the largest amount of data needed to support decision- and policy-makers in achieving the highest levels of accuracy and comprehensiveness. The Authority indicated that the total number of pilgrims served by the Kingdom during the last 50 years amounted to 95,853,017 pilgrims, noting that the numbers exceeded 2 millions in 19 Hajj seasons, while the numbers of pilgrims during the last 25 years reached 54,465,253 pilgrims.  Moreover, the numbers of pilgrims during the last 10 years reached 23,796,977 pilgrims, as per the GAS official statistics. The hajj statistics program is aimed at complementing all other future plans and programs in order to provide necessary services for the Hajj pilgrim, including social, health, security, food, and transport services.This is done by producing timed and accurate data on the numbers of pilgrims and estimated size of workforce needed to serve pilgrims and maintain their security and comfort during the Hajj season every year. The pilgrims data and numbers are also used by entities entrusted with studying basic installations and facilities in Mecca and holy sites and are taken into consideration when preparing necessary plans for this end. Accurate information and data on Hajj statistics is also provided to researchers, academics, beneficiaries, and those interested in the field and is used as well in the evaluation of activities and events held by pilgrim service entities and for learning about trends and patterns of national and foreign pilgrims. GAS will publish the final and official number of Hajj pilgrims on the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah in the evening through the bulletin of Hajj statistics which will include the following detailed results: Number of national pilgrims, number of foreign incoming pilgrims, number of pilgrims by gender, nationality, and country of departure, numbers and models of vehicles transporting pilgrims, and other detailed data.

GaStat: Over 30,000 employees are ready to provide health services for pilgrims, with 16 hospitals in Mecca and the Holy Sites, 125 health centers, and 132 ambulance centers


1,141 medical and first response field teams provide their services 24/7  GaStat: Over 30,000 employees are ready to provide health services for pilgrims, with 16 hospitals in Mecca and the Holy Sites, 125 health centers, and 132 ambulance centers The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is investing all its human and material capacities in the service of pilgrims to the Holy Sites, as government entities come together to offer health services to pilgrims. The General Authority for Statistics (GAS) announced on Tuesday 5 Dhu'l-Hijjah 1440 Hijri that the workforce dedicated to providing health services and first aid to pilgrims this Hajj season has reached 30,908 people (of whom 8,685 are women). The numbers were published on the Authority’s website (www.stats.gov.sa( and include employees form the Ministry of Health, the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, and the Saudi Food & Drug Authority. They are joined in providing health services by teams from the security and military sectors. This brings the total of medical and first response field teams at the Holy Sites during the Hajj season up to 1,141 teams. The GAS explained that health, treatment, and prevention services for pilgrims are offered by the Ministry of Health in the shape of free specialized medical services through a dedicated team of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, technicians, and administrative employees exceeding 27,797 individuals. Treatment services made available to pilgrims include:   open heart surgeries, cardiac catheterization, dialysis - both hemodialysis and peritoneal -, endoscopies, birth procedures, and other specialized medical services. Currently,  16 hospitals are available inside Mecca and the Holy Sites, along with 125 health  centers  fully equipped for medical and emergency response, and 68 field teams operating at the Holy Sites and inside and outside Mecca.  The Saudi Red Crescent Authority has itself dedicated 132 permanent and temporary first response centers, 370 ambulances, 20 bikes, and 2,811 individuals for emergency and medical services in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Sites.  All health and emergency response teams are operating 24/7 in Mecca and the Holy Sites until Wednesday 20 Dhu'l-Hijjah. The concerned authorities have already set the necessary comprehensive programs and plans to guarantee the provision of all capacities and requirements needed to deal with emergencies and disasters, if any, and to provide medical and emergency aid, treatment, and prevention services to Hajj and Umrah pilgrims and visitors. The plans have been rolled out effectively and efficiently based on a unified approach and using the most advanced medical and first aid provision methods. The services also seek to reinforce health security at the Holy Sites and the roads leading to them, and at land, air and maritime entry points. They are not limited to land services provided through ambulances but also cover Saudi Air Ambulance, motorbikes, fast response teams, and field teams at the Great Mosque and Al Masjid an Nabawi and their surroundings. These efforts rely on available human capacities and a group of male and female volunteers.  The Saudi Food & Drug Authority has assigned a team of 300 employees to monitor foods, medicine, and medical equipment and products imported by pilgrims and pilgrimage groups. This team is also in charge of supporting the concerned monitoring authorities in their inspection of establishments offering food to pilgrims in Mecca, Medina and the Holy Sites. The Authority’s seven key services include: inspecting foods, medicine, and medical equipment imported through entry points; health inspection of food establishments in the Mecca region; health inspection of food establishments in the Medina region; health inspection of animals sacrificed at Mina; field studies concerning food safety; raising awareness among pilgrims on the safety of food, medicine, and medical equipment and products; and inspecting transportation means entering Mecca and the Holy Sites. - End -

GASTAT releases the results of the Agricultural Holdings Survey for 2018


The survey is based on the "holding" as the economic unit of both plant and animal agricultural production  GASTAT releases the results of the Agricultural Holdings Survey for 2018 On Dhu al-Qidah 29, 1440 (August 1, 2019), the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued its results on the "Agricultural Holdings Survey for 2018" on its official website, www.stats.gov.sa. The Agricultural Holdings Survey is one of the periodic surveys conducted by GASTAT every three years. It aims to provide an updated database from the agricultural census framework 2014-2015 on the main characteristics of the agricultural holdings such as the number of agricultural holdings, their area, the legal entity and the type of holdings. It also provides data on agricultural workers, in addition to a large number of data that support decision makers, policymakers, workers in the agricultural sector and those interested in this field. GASTAT carried out the "Agricultural Holdings" survey of 2018 in accordance with the recognized international practices in the statistical agencies. Since the "holding" is the economic unit of the agricultural production in both plant and animal, it is under one administration and includes all animals in it and all lands used in whole or in part for agricultural production purposes regardless of the ownership, legal form or area. The results of the survey showed that the total number of agricultural holdings in Saudi Arabia’s administrative regions in 2017 was (283,788), with a total area of (34) million dunums. The percentage of traditional holdings is (88.4%) out of total number of agricultural holdings in Saudi Arabia with an area of (10.9) million dunums. Traditional holdings are the predominant type in most of the agricultural holdings in Saudi Arabia. This type of holdings does not have to take prior approval or licenses from the concerned parties and their activity may be plant, animal or mixed production. However, the specialized holdings (projects) reached  (11.6%) of the total number of agricultural holdings in Saudi Arabia with a total area exceeded (23.3) million dunums, including the specialized holdings (projects) that were approved and have been granted licenses from the concerned parties after the technical and economic study to establish such specialized holdings, whether it was specialized in plant production, animal, poultry farms, fish farming, or those projects which mainly follow modern non-traditional methods in the irrigation system, or they use agricultural mechanization and modern technology in agricultural production and they are specialized in the production whether exposed or protected agriculture,  raising cows to produce milk, or in fattening of calves, sheep and poultry . The results of the survey also showed that (93.38% )of the agricultural holdings were owned by the holders and (6.58%) of the holdings were leased. The remaining holdings percentage (0.04%) was distributed among the other land holding systems. Regarding legal entity, "Individuals" ranked first with (98%) of holders. In terms of the main purpose of production, (86.4%) of the landholdings production was allocated for "sale" and the rest of the holdings’ production was allocated for consumption, representing (13.6%). In terms of the main activity of agricultural holdings, the plant holdings reached the highest percentage (91.8% ) of the total number of agricultural landholdings, while animal holdings came second with (8%). The results of the survey revealed that (20.1%) of the holders work in agriculture as the main occupation, and the remaining percentage (79.9%) are holders their main occupation is other than agriculture. The results also showed that the percentage of Saudis working in agriculture as a main occupation reached (99.5%) of the total number of holders who work in agriculture as their main occupation. According to the detailed survey results on the main source used for irrigation water, the number of artesian and manual wells in agricultural landholdings reached (319,393). As for the agricultural holdings where the main source of irrigation depends on rain, it reached (96,627) holdings, with the area of holdings reaching (294,573) dunums out of the total irrigated areas.
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“GASTAT” & World Bank: Our collaboration Supports Government Entities in the Exchange of Statistical Data and highlighting their efforts at the international level


Signing a MoU to enhance Use of Data “GASTAT” & World Bank: Our collaboration Supports Government Entities in the Exchange of Statistical Data and highlighting their efforts at the international level The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) and the World Bank signed on Monday 5/11/1440 H (8/7/2019) a memorandum of understanding to regulate statistical data exchange and enhance the joint work to support government entities. The MoU regulates the provision of data and statistics on Saudi Arabia to the World Bank, the classification of statistical data, whether the survey data produced by GASTAT from economic and household surveys or data of administrative records collected by GASTAT from government entities. The agreement also includes the mechanisms for requesting data from sources, technical responsibilities, intellectual property rights and organization aspects of publication.  HE Dr. Fahad Bin Sulaiman Al-Tekhifi, President of GASTAT, affirmed that the organization of data exchange with international organizations is one of the strategic tracks of the work of GASTAT, which stems from Saudi Arabia’s position which is led by government entities under the guidance of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Furthermore, it reflects the role of GASTAT in increasing the pace of coordination and collaboration with the international organizations concerning data and statistical indicators of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, it reflects the importance of the World Bank’s work in highlighting these indicators in international comparison programs and in carrying out studies and research relevant to the common development aspects of all countries of the world. The Regional Director of the World Bank in the Gulf Region, Mr. Essam Abu Sulaiman, asserted that the collaboration with the General Authority for Statistics as the official statistical body of Saudi Arabia comes in order to highlight the efforts undertaken by Saudi Arabia in various fields of development, and in response to the increasing demand for statistical data, whether survey data or data from records released by government entities. He also added that the collaboration with the Saudi statistical body will play an active role in the data request operations and provision to the World Bank, and ensure their unification according to international classifications and standards. The Regional Director of the World Bank commended the procedures carried out by GASTAT which are in accordance with the international requirements and methodologies of statistical work applicable in all countries. The World Bank is a strong partner in the GCC for more than 50 years. Government entities in the GCC have benefited from the World Bank's global development knowledge and expertise through its technical assistance programs. These include the activities in the GCC in key areas that the Bank has extensive international technical expertise in them, including improving service delivery, encouraging diversification of economic activity, strengthening governance, strengthening social protection systems and pensions. The World Bank is also working with the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council to address interrelated issues, particularly in environmental protection.
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GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for June,2019


GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for June,2019 General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly report of CPI in Saudi Arabia for June, 2019. The report was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. CPI index increased by (%0.2) compared to last month (May,2019). GASTAT’s report indicated that the consumer price index CPI in Saudi Arabia increased from (105.7) in May,2019 to (105.9) in June,2019 with (%0.2) change. As a matter of fact, the report attributed this increase to the increase of the five sections composing it, which are: personal goods and services section with (%1.8), culture and entertainment section with (%1.5), transportation section with (%0.6), restaurants and hotels section with (%0.6), and food and beverages section with (%0.2). In contrast, three of the main sections witnessed a decline, which are: housing, water, electricity, and gas section with (%0.4), clothing and shoes section with (%0.2), finally home furnishing and equipment section with (%0.1). On the other hand, health, telecommunication, education, and tobacco sections remained stable with no change.
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GASTAT Releases Results of Household’ Culture and Entertainment Survey for 2018


Statistical Survey Issued by GASTAT for the First Time GASTAT Releases Results of Household’ Culture and Entertainment Survey for 2018 General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released results of “Household’ Culture and Entertainment Survey 2018”.  The survey was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. This survey complements the new statistical products implemented by the Authority to meet the local and international requirements of statistical data. It is first-of- its- kind survey in the field of household culture and entertainment, which will be conducted on a periodical basis every three years by GASTAT in line with the international methodology of culture statistics. The fundamental objective of the survey is to support decision makers, policy makers, researchers, and those who are interested in up-to-date data on statistics of household culture and entertainment in Saudi Arabia by (gender, nationality, educational status, age, and marital status). (35.36%) of Saudi Arabia’s population (Saudis and non-Saudis) had a home library during the 12 months. In detail, the percentage of reading books among Saudi individuals (15 +) was (58.18%) during the 12 months.  The percentage of both (Saudi and non-Saudi) individuals (15+) who read newspapers or magazines recorded (53.96%), out of total population of Saudi Arabia.  For Saudis, the total percentage of Saudi individuals (15+) who read newspapers or magazines accounted for (59.46%) during the 12 months, where (67.14%) of them were Saudi males, and (51.48%) of them were Saudi females.  However, the percentage of reading electronic newspapers or magazines was (66.58%), out of the total number of reading newspapers or magazines, while the percentage of reading printed newspapers or magazines reached (5.77%). As for both types, the total percentage of reading electronic or printed newspapers or magazines registered (27.65%), during 12 months, according to the results of the survey. (42,40%) of Saudi individuals (15+) visited theme parks for entertainment or culture as the most visited places in the residence of place during 12 months.  However, cultural landscapes are the most visited places for Saudi individuals (15+), recording a percentage of (57.21%), out of total Saudis who traveled inside Saudi Arabia to visit cultural or entertainment places during the 12 months. Likewise, cultural landscapes were one of the most visited places for Saudi individuals (15 +), where the total number of Saudis who traveled outside Saudi Arabia to visit cultural or entertainment places during the 12 months was (70.03%), based on the survey’s results. Watching television or listening to radio stations recorded the highest percentage as the most cultural and entertainment activities practiced by Saudi individuals during their free time at the level of Saudi Arabia, reaching (67.02%), out of the total number of Saudis who engaged in cultural or entertainment activities during the (12) months.    GASTAT is pleased to provide its clients of data users with the detailed results of the survey. The results will be available on its website, containing about 40 statistical indicators.
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8 governmental entities review 21 executive plans for Saudi Arabia Census 2020


256 days until the beginning of Saudi Arabia Census 2020 8 governmental entities review 21 executive plans for Saudi Arabia Census 2020 The president of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi confirmed that all preparation for the General Population, Housing, and Establishments Census 2020 are complete with the participation of a number of related governmental entities. 21 executive plans within the project’s preparatory stage have been prepared, including all tasks and requirements to the census implementation. These plans also cover all stages of work in details.  the executive committee of Saudi Arabia Census 2020 has held its first meeting on Wednesday Shawwal 30th 1440H at GASTAT head office, with the participation of Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Education, National Information Center, and Saudi Post. All issues of electronic linkage with the National Information Center, the plan of classifications and manuals, manpower and training, maps and postal address have been discussed, in addition to a number of topics related to information technology and field works. Altekhaifi said that the collaboration adopted by all governmental entities will enable them all from investing all means of modern technologies which provides a wide database that can be used as a reliable reference when conducting the studies and research required for Saudi Arabia developmental plans and programs, in addition to providing statistical data and indicators that measure the changes of population characteristics over time, making national and international comparisons, revising and evaluating the future population estimates, and providing detailed data that was not available before because of the nature of technologies and software that were used in the previous census ten years ago. GASTAT works with its partners to develop and build a unified geo-spatial database that covers all Saudi Arabia cities and villages, which makes a complete transformation while dealing with the geographical data of the digital image at all stages of the census, and enables data exchange with GASTAT clients in different sectors. His excellency expressed his appreciation for the great support that GASTAT and other governmental entities receive from our great leadership for the success of census works. It is worth mentioning that there are 256 days to go until the beginning of the census. The approval of His Royal Highness, the King of Saudi Arabia has been announced previously to specify the evening of Tuesday 22nd of Rajab, 1441 H corresponding 17th of March, 2020 to be the beginning of the actual enumeration works of the Fifth Population, Housing, and Establishments Census in Saudi Arabia. This date shall be approved as the time reference date for all census works, data, and information. A new portal has been launched specifically for all details of census works: https://saudicensus.sa/
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الهيئة العامة للإحصاء تصدر نتائج "مسح الإنتاج الزراعي" ثالث المسوح الزراعية الجديدة


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The employees of the General Authority for Statistics celebrate the 89th National Day


The employees of the General Authority for Statistics celebrate the 89th National Day The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) employees celebrated on Tuesday morning Muharram 25th, 1441H. (September 24th, 2019), the 89th National Day of Saudi Arabia at the headquarter of the Authority in Riyadh. The ceremony included many activities and various events. On his behalf and on behalf of all GASTAT’s employees as well as all the statistical sector in Saudi Arabia, president of GASTAT, Dr.Fahad Bin Sulaiman AL-Tekhaifi congratulated the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz and his crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz on this blessed occasion. On the other hand, GASTAT’s president confirmed that our wise government will continue to achieve Saudi Arabia’s aspirations and goals, and continue to support the process of development and prosperity, including unlimited support to develop the statistical sector in Saudi Arabia. He pointed out that the occasion of our National Day is a precious one and we are waiting for it every year to be inspired by the lessons of sacrifice, pride and glory and tell the next generations the stories of the great struggle led by the founder King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud – may he rest in peace, to build this great homeland on the soil of this blessed earth. It is worth mentioning that the head office of the General Authority for Statistics has been decorated in green and white, where all employees participated in the celebration and expressed their great feelings towards the country and the good leadership, as everyone also participated in the performance of the Saudi Ardha (a famous traditional dance show in Saudi Arabia), in addition to many other activities. The atmosphere of joy and happiness surrounded the place and touched  to the hearts of all participants.
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رئيس هيئة الإحصاء: نقف على أعتاب مرحلة جديدة لنتحدث عن منجزات وطننا بلغة الأرقام الإحصائية


GASTAT: A decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis to (12.3%) and an increase in the economic participation rate of Saudi females to (23.2%)


According to the results of the labour market bulletin for the second quarter of 2019, the unemployment rate of the total population decreased to (5.6%) GASTAT: A decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis to (12.3%) and an increase in the economic participation rate of Saudi females to (23.2%) On Thursday, Muharram 13th, 1441H. (September 12th, 2019), GASTAT released the Labour Market Bulletin for the second quarter of 2019 on its official website www.stats.gov.sa . The bulletin is based on the estimates of the Labour Force Survey conducted by GASTAT on a quarterly basis as well as the labour market data from the administrative records of the relevant entities (Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Ministry of Civil Service, General Organization for Social Insurance, Human Resources Development Fund, and National Information Center). The results of the second quarter of 2019, based on the estimates of the labour force Survey, showed a decrease in the unemployment rate of total population (15 years and above) which reached (5.6%) compared to (6%) in the first quarter of 2019. With regard to Saudis’ unemployment rate, the results showed a decrease in the unemployment rate of total Saudis (males and females who are 15 years old and above) reaching (12.3%) based on the estimates of the Labour Force Survey (2019, Quarter 2) compared to (12.5%) in the first quarter of the same year. The results of the survey also showed an increase in the economic participation rate of total Saudis (males and females (15+)) reaching (45.0%) in the second quarter of 2019 compared to (42.3%) in the previous quarter. The economic participation rate among Saudi females increased to reach (23.2%) compared to (20.5%) in the previous quarter.  Based on the data of the administrative records of the second quarter of 2019, the results of the bulletin also showed that the total number of employed Saudis (males and females) recorded a decrease reaching (3.090.248) employee in the second quarter of 2019 compared to (3,112,029) in the first quarter. According to the results of the bulletin and based on the data from the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarah and Sa’ed) and the data from the Human Resources Development Fund (Taqat), the total number of Saudi job seekers reached (1.002.855) based on the administrative records in Saudi Arabia during the second quarter of 2019. GASTAT has defined jobseekers as Saudi individuals (males and females) registered in job seeking programs of the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarh and Sa’ed) as well as Human Resources Development Fund (Taqat) where they entered their personal data, qualifications, experiences, and CVs electronically. Jobseekers included in the administrative records are not subjected to the internationally recognized criteria and conditions of the International Labor Organization (ILO); hence, not all of them are considered unemployed individuals. Therefore, not every job seeker is an unemployed individual; they may be looking for a work while still working in another job, as in the case of job seekers in the government sector where they work for their own business and not registered as employees in the governmental administrative records (Civil Service, Social Insurance, commercial registers, and municipal licenses).

GASTAT: More than (2 billion) litres of milk is produced by specialized cow farms, and more than (2,500) fish ponds in Saudi Arabia


Within the results of the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey 2018 GASTAT: More than (2 billion) litres of milk is produced by specialized cow farms, and more than (2,500) fish ponds in Saudi Arabia On Monday 25/12/1440 H corresponding 26/8/2019, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the results of the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey, 2018 on its official website (www.stats.gov.sa). It is a field survey through which data are collected by visiting all specialized agricultural projects’ holdings including (specialized cow farms, fish farms, farms of broiler chickens, ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons, and farms of laying hens and hatcheries) in all administrative regions of Saudi Arabia. The survey has been implemented during the fourth quarter of 2018. It provides data and indicators that are related to production of specialized agricultural projects to support decision and policy makers, and those concerned with the agricultural sector.  According to the results, the capacity of specialized cow farms reached (364,389) cows in 2017. The results also showed that cow milk production reached (2,074,562,485) liters in the specialized cow farms. However, calves’ production in the specialized cow farms reached (31,883) calves in 2017. As for specialized fish farms, number of ponds registered (2,508) ponds in 2017, whereas the size of ponds in the specialized fish farms recorded (8,848,456) square meter. The survey results also demonstrated that the total production of fish and shrimps in the specialized fish farms registered (61,381) tons in 2017, where shrimps recorded (71.7%) out of total production in the specialized fish farms.  Moreover, the survey included data on broiler chickens, ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons, where the capacity of broiler chicken farms reached (135,180,100) birds, while the production of ostriches, rabbits, quails, and pigeons registered (2,849) tons in 2017.  Regarding the farms of laying hens and hatcheries, survey results revealed the total capacity of these farms as it registered (45,542,408) birds. The number of eggs produced by laying hens reached (224,169,150) eggs, while the number of chicks in these farms registered (222,440,150) birds.  It is worth mentioning that the Specialized Agricultural Projects’ Survey, 2018 is the second agricultural survey implemented by GASTAT during the month of Thu Al-Hijjah. GASTAT plans to release the results of the Agricultural Production Survey by the beginning of next Hijri year 1441 H.
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GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for July,2019


GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for July,2019 General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly report of Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Saudi Arabia for July, 2019. The report was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. CPI increased by (%0.1) compared to last month (June,2019). In fact, the increase was from (105.9) in June,2019 to (106.0) in July,2019 with (%0.1) change, report showed. As a matter of fact, the report attributed this increase to the increase of the six sections composing it, which are: home furnishing and equipment with (%0.8), health section with (%0.8), transportation section (%0.7), goods and personal services section with (%0.6), culture and entertainment with (%0.5), and restaurants and hotels section with (%0.1). In contrast, two of the main sections witnessed a decline, which are: food and beverages section with (%0.3) as well as clothing and shoes section with (%0.2). On the other hand, tobacco, housing, water, electricity and gas, telecommunication, education sections remained stable with no change. As a matter of fact, consumer price index CPI is one of the significant economic statistics that is related to individuals’ daily life and provide the necessary information to monitor goods and services prices in Saudi Arabia’s retail market.

GASTAT: The total number of pilgrims for the 1440 AH Hajj season is 2,489,406, an increase of 4.96% from last year; the Kingdom has provided over 350 thousand employees to serve them


General Authority for Statistics: Total Number of Hajj Pilgrims in 1440 AH is 2,489,406, a 4.96% Increase Over Last Year; Kingdom Provides Over 350,000 Employees to Serve Them Of these, 1,855,027 pilgrims are from abroad, and 634,379 are from within the Kingdom GASTAT: The total number of pilgrims for the 1440 AH Hajj season is 2,489,406, an increase of 4.96% from last year; the Kingdom has provided over 350 thousand employees to serve them. [Total Number of Hajj Pilgrims] The General Authority for Statistics published number for Hajj on the year 1440 AH on Saturday, 9 Dhu al-Hijjah: a total of 2,489,406 pilgrims, 1,855,027 of which come from outside the Kingdom, 634,379 from within; 67% of pilgrims are non-Saudi. The number of male pilgrims out of the total was 1,385,234, and 1,104,172 were female. The total number of pilgrims in 1440 AH compared with the number of pilgrims last year (1439 AH), it is clear that the number has increased this by 117,731, since 1439’s total came-up to 2,371,675. [Foreign Pilgrims] In regards to pilgrims coming from outside the Kingdom, the number hailing from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was 31,884 (2%), Arab countries sans the GCC 414,750 (22%), Asian countries excepting Arab countries 1,126,633 (61%), African countries sans Arab states 187,414 (10%,), European countries 67,054 (4%), and North America, South America, and Australia 26,892 (1%). A total of 1,741,568 pilgrims arrived from outside Saudi Arabia through airports, while 96,209 of them arrived via land; seaports accounted for 17,250 pilgrims. Their arrival at Saudi Arabia varied by time; 614,919 arrived from outside of the Kingdom from the start of the season until 18 Dhu al-Qaada; 808,311 arrived from 19 to 29 Dhu al-Qaada; and a further 431,797 arrived from 1 to 8 Dhu al-Hijjah. [Local Pilgrims] In regards to pilgrims from within the Kingdom, which totaled 634379 pilgrims this year (including those residing temporarily there for Hajj), the number of non-Saudis was 423,376, with a further 211,003 Saudis. The Authority has limited the number of pilgrims coming to Mecca from within the Kingdom of Saudis and non-Saudis through the Hajj Statistics Centers located at the entrances to Mecca. The percentage of pilgrims coming from within the Kingdom through the Jeddah – Mecca highway was 34.7%; those through the Mecca-Holy Places road made-up 27.7%, the Mecca-Medina saw was 19.3%; and the three remaining roads—South-Mecca, Taif-Mecca, and old Jeddah-Mecca—made-up 15.7%. In addition, arrivals by way of the Haramain High Speed Railway train reached 2.6%. The General Authority for Statistics in its statistics for this year revealed that 7, 8, and 9 Dhu al-Hijjah saw the arrival of 82.5% of total local pilgrims coming to Mecca; cars entering Mecca this year totaled 39,978. [Manpower in Hajj] In regards to manpower during Hajj across all sectors, over 350,830 served during the 1440 AH Hajj season, representing over 47 governmental and private entities and 353 main and subservices. The total manpower supervising and conducing follow-up services to Hajj came from 6 bodies and 6336 employees; those working with general Hajj services were 257,763 from 21 bodies; the total manpower in the health and medical services was 30,908 and employee from three bodies; manpower providing pilgrim transport, post and logistics services (shipping, postal and logistics) hit 38,750 employees from eight destinations; ICT manpower hit 7,098 employees from four bodies; and 9,975 volunteers served the elderly and worked in guidance, pilgrims relations, translation, and in the health and media. [Statistical Methodology for Counting Pilgrims Numbers] The General Authority for Statistics said it uses a comprehensive counting method for all local pilgrims; using centers located at the entrances to the city of Mecca, the Authority counts the actual pilgrims inside. Foreign pilgrims are counted by the General Directorate of Passports, as mentioned previously, whose employees are present at all ports—land, sea and air. In addition, pilgrims from the city of Mecca are assessed by the General Authority for Statistics in periodic surveys. President of the General Authority for Statistics HE Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi thanked all security and governmental personnel conducting its Hajj mission this year. He praised the contributions made by more than 520 field researchers from the General Authority for Statistics, who completed the tasks assigned to them in the Hajj this year after working around the clock from the first of this month until today’s sunset (Day of Arafat). At the conclusion of all work related to GASTAT’s pilgrimage statistics program, the Authority prays that Allah accept the pilgrimage of all who came to Hajj, and to reconcile the efforts of all security and government agencies, plus all others in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who provide outstanding services for pilgrims.

Statistics: More than (200) main services representing the (general Hajj services), which is one of the five basic services provided by more than (257 thousand) employees working in (21) government and private parties.


Statistics: More than (200) main services representing the (general Hajj services), which is one of the five basic services provided by more than (257 thousand) employees working in (21) government and private parties. 21 government and private parties collaborate in providing (general Hajj services) during the Hajj season this year 1440H. The general Hajj services are one of the five main services provided to pilgrims (supervision and follow-up services for Hajj, public pilgrimage services, health services for pilgrims, and transport services for pilgrims). The General Authority for Statistics (GAS) announced on Monday 4 of Dhu al-Hijjah 1440 H within the "Register of Hajj Statistics 1440 H" the detailed data regarding the (general Hajj Services) and explained that more than 200 major services in the field of (general Hajj services) are offered to pilgrims, including: activities of the secretariats and municipalities, supervision and inspection, as well as other services such as electricity, water, religious and media awareness, security services, processing services and the creation of outlets for the reception of pilgrims, in addition issuing Hajj permits for domestic pilgrims, civil cases services, and a number of other support services. The total number of people providing public services reached 257,763 male and female employees, including 253,905 men and 3858 women working around the clock throughout the Hajj season, while the number of equipment and mechanisms used for these services reached 62,050 pieces of equipment and machinery, 7,727 vehicles, 2,640 motorcycles, 14,498 wireless devices, and 5,337 computers. The security services provided to the guests of Hajj are highlighted as the most important public services provided by the General Security. It carries out security and traffic plans and maintains public order in Mecca, Mashaer and Madinah. The number of police stations in Mecca and Mashaer reached 52, and the number of traffic centers reached 280. In addition to 75 security control centers at the borders and entrances of Makkah and Mashaer, the Directorate General of Passports is operating through more than 6041 staff officers, individuals and technicians to equip and prepare the outlets to welcome pilgrims and provide them with the necessary services to complete their departure procedures to their countries through seven land ports, three airports and two maritime ports, in which the General Authority of Customs participates with a workforce exceeding 2638 employees providing customs services, welcoming, and bidding farewell to the guests of Hajj. In the same ports the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture operates 14 sanitary quarantines to inspect animal and plant consignments coming into Mecca and Medina. In the field of providing civil defense services, approximately 16,325 members of the Directorate General of Civil Defense carry out preventive awareness programs as soon as pilgrims come to Saudi Arabia from their countries, and ensure the availability and completeness of safety requirements in their places of residence in Makkah, Medina, and the Holy Places. The number of civil defense centers within the Holy Places reached 105 centers, in addition to 556 preventive supervision points, and units of the emergency and support forces, as well as 64 centers in Mecca, 30 centers in Medina, and 25 centers for civil defense in the border ports and main roads. In terms of  providing and enabling government agencies to use technology, the National Information Center operates through more than 1465 technicians and administrators to secure and equip tablets to read the electronic pilgrimage permits in the sites of sorting and security control at the entrances of the Holy Capital, and processing and operation of all pilgrimage ports in all regions of the Kingdom with devices, fingerprint stations, and printers of various kinds, as well as information transmission services with modern technologies. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior for Civil Services provides its civil services electronically through 5 civil affairs offices in Mekkah and Medinah. These services include issuing and canceling Hajj permits for domestic pilgrims, and recording birth and death facts for foreign pilgrims and residents. In order to highlight the importance of the ritual of Hajj and broadcast it to all countries of the world, information and awareness services rise to the occasion, where the Ministry of Information equips the media centers in each of the Holy Places, Medina, and Jeddah, in addition to carrying out the censorship and authorization of publications that official and civil authorities, diplomatic missions and Hajj missions wish to distribute. It also provides media censorship of what is received with the pilgrims through the various outlets of the Kingdom. It also coordinates with the press organizations to issue press supplements directed to pilgrims in a number of languages, supervise their distribution in the outlets and places of pilgrims, and host a number of media from Arab and Islamic countries to perform and cover Hajj, while the Saudi Press Agency broadcast reports news and surveys of interest to guests highlighting the efforts of the Saudi government and its services and achievements, in addition to conducting press interviews with Hajj missions and pilgrims, and translating all of the above by broadcasting hundreds of news, reports, and press surveys of the audio-visual and print media on the website (SPA) in addition to social media in six languages: (Arabic, English, French, Russian, Chinese, and Persian). The Radio and Television Authority has a staff of up to 1237 employees including media people, administrators and technicians to broadcast the Hajj rituals through five satellite channels, six radio stations, and the Audio-Visual Production Organization organizes and facilitates the broadcast of Hajj rites through 247 satellite channels and 5 radio stations, in addition to issuing permits for foreign media missions, foreign channels, as well as issuing photographic permits for a number of local production companies, providing facilities to all media involved in covering the rituals of Hajj. In continuation of its awareness efforts, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs provides its services during the Hajj season through 1911 employees, by organizing various da'wah activities and answering religious inquiries through a toll-free phone, which amounts to more than 21,000 free contact hours during the Hajj season. In the field of guidance and provision of support services, the Saudi Arabian Scouts Association participates through 3289 Scouts to guide lost pilgrims and help them reach their premises, in addition to the distribution of Qur'an, books, and educational materials. They also contribute organizing pilgrims activities while they are within the sites of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, following-up random stalls and shops selling food, supervising the vendor inspection system, and fining the violators with the participation of the Holy Capital Municipality teams, in addition organizing the pilgrims navigation inside health facilities, assisting those who need transportation by vehicle or guidance and transporting them to their destinations with the support of the Ministry of Health, in addition to guiding pilgrims from the pilgrimage offices to Jamarat, issuing guides and maps for all government agencies to the pilgrims of Mina and Arafat, Mecca (Aziziyah) and Madinah (central region). The number of scout teams this year reached 179 scout squads. The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj and Umrah Research Center is working to provide research and studies services in order to develop an integrated information system to support decision makers in the field of Hajj and Umrah through 337 employees working since the early Hajj season which produced 45 researches and 19 specialized scientific forums.   As for facilities development services in Makkah and the holy sites, the Makkah Region Development Authority worked on shading the pedestrian slope from Aziziyah to the Jamarat facility, as well as shading the slopes of the ascent and descent of the Mashair train stations, maintenance and operation of the Jamarat facility and its supporting projects, maintenance and operation of the Holy Mashair train, in addition to all operating and cleanliness services in the Holy Places facilities which are carried out by 14,361 employees. Meanwhile, the Municipality of the Holy City, through 23,050 employees, provides municipal services to the guests of Hajj, including: General cleaning services, collection and transport of waste, and proper disposal to maintain high environmental standards. The Saudi Electricity Company operates five main stations with a workforce of 1616 employees. Water services are provided through 2,297 employees working in the National Water Company to operate and maintain water systems, and to clean and maintain toilets in Mina, Muzdalifa and Arafat.
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Al-Tkheefi: Statistical data for government services and counting the numbers of pilgrims and indicators of the management of the Hajj works are included in the "Statistical Register" of Hajj 1440 AH


The statistical record of Hajj 1440 AH, which was issued by the General Authority for Statistics on Friday   Al-Tkheefi: Statistical data for government services and counting the numbers of pilgrims and indicators of the management of the Hajj works are included in the "Statistical Register" of Hajj 1440 AH The General Authority for Statistics launched on Friday, Ghurat Dhu al-Hijjah 1440 AH, the statistic record for this year's Hajj season through its official website, which showed the dates of publication of the statistics of services provided by the government entities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the guests of Allah, in addition to the statistics of the pilgrims inside and outside, and a set of statistical indicators for the management of the work of the Hajj related to the data of the journeys of the passengers of the Haramain and the Al Mashaer train, and vehicles on the main roads of Mecca and Al Mashaer Al Mogaddasah and human density. Dr. Fahd bin Sulaiman Al-Tkheefi, Chairman of the General Authority for Statistics, explained that the statistical record, through its statistics, figures, data and smart indicators, is the summary of the statistical data that will be issued by the Authority during the Hajj season, and resulting from the implementation of three statistical projects in partnership with government and private entities working in the Hajj. The statistical register aims to clarify the efforts provided by more than 40 government and private entities to the pilgrims, where through the statistical register of Hajj on the official website of the Authority, the statistics of supervision and follow-up services, public services statistics, and health services statistics provided to the pilgrims, in addition to the transport services statistics, telecommunication and information technology services statistics, will be announced successively. And these services will be provided by the following entities: Makkah emirate, Madinah emirate, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,  General Authority for Statistics, General Authority of Customs, Food and Drug Authority, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Communications and Information Technology Commission, Control and Investigation Commission in Makkah region, Makkah Development Authority, Saudi Red Crescent Authority, General Security, General Directorate of Passports, General Directorate of Civil Defence, National Information Center, General Presidency of the Holy Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, Secretariat of Holy Capital, Jeddah Municipality, Makkah Electricity Company, Makkah and Taif Business Unit of National Water Company, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj and Umrah Research, Supreme Commission for the Control of Pilgrims Transport, Saudi Post Corporation, Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association, Saudi Arabian Airlines, King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah Islamic Port, mobile and Internet operators, and a number of private entities concerned with providing services to the guests of Allah.   After that, the numbers of the inside pilgrims from the seventh day of Dhu Al-Hijjah will be published periodically every six hours until the total number of pilgrims from inside and outside is announced on the evening of Arafa on the ninth day of Dhu Al-Hijjah, God willing. Al Tkheefi added that the Authority will issue the detailed bulletin of Hajj statistics on the morning of the tenth anniversary of the month of Dhu Al-Hijjah 1440 AH. Al Tkheefi also confirmed that all the data of the statistical register will be available through the official website of the Authority in the specified times according to the dates of the register in open formats to support the research centers and studies and the media to benefit from them and publish them.
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رئيس الهيئة العامة للإحصاء: توجيهات خادم الحرمين وولي عهده الأمين كانت المنطلق الذي عملت من خلاله كافة الجهات الحكومية لإنجاح موسم الحج


GaStat: There are 13,776 Towers to Ensure Good Cellphone Coverage and 5G Technology in Mecca and the Holy Places for Pilgrims


Over 7000 Employees Working Around the Clock to Provide Telecommunications Services and Prepare 68 Offices GaStat: There are 13,776 Towers to Ensure Good Cellphone Coverage and 5G Technology in Mecca and the Holy Places for Pilgrims To raise the efficiency of ICT services in Mecca and the Holy Places, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology deployed 5G technology during this year’s Hajj in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Places, providing pilgrims with quality services. The ministry launched the second phase of the Smart Hajj initiative, which offers a number of applications, platforms and digital and awareness services. This year, the initiative included a volunteer training platform for pilgrims, a virtual reality platform to instruct pilgrims abroad on performing rites, as well as a platform for smart phone applications that would make it easier for pilgrims to benefit from a number of application during their journey. As per the statistics of the 1440 AH Hajj, provided to pilgrims by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the General Authority for Statistics, the total number of employees providing telecommunications and IT services to pilgrims during the season this year reached 7098 employees, working around the clock to provide advanced and adequate communications services. The Communications and Information Technology Commission supervises all services provided to the guests of Rahman in coordination with licensed telecommunications and IT service providers.  There is a total of 68 telecommunications offices in Mecca. The total number of mobile towers in the Great Mosque, Mecca, Mina, Muzdalifah, Arafat and Medina was 13,776 towers, ensuring mobile communication coverage, data coverage, and coverage of land, sea and airports, roads, and Meeqaths with full telecommunication and internet services; In regards to services provided, the Mecca branch of the Communications and Information Technology Commission in Mecca periodically checks sound and Internet indicators and verifies their effectiveness, surveys mobile network bandwidth between the Two Holy Mosques, monitors highways linking Mecca, Jeddah and Medina to ensure mobile service quality, addresses any harmful interference affecting network performance, and allows the use of temporary usage of certain frequencies for each mobile operator to increase network capacity and improve the level of services provided to pilgrims in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Places.  Authorized telecom operators in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are located in more than 68 points of sale across the Holy of Places to provide SIM cards, data, and top-up cards, in addition to providing technical support centers in various languages to serve pilgrims.  The General Authority for Statistics provides many details through the Hajj statistics register for 1440 AH, created to publish all statistics related to Hajj services provided by the government agencies to pilgrims, through its official website at www.stats.gov.sa

GaStat: The Kingdom has tasked 38,000 employees with transport, mail, shipping, and logistics services for Hajj pilgrims.


Transfer of pilgrims between the Holy Places (two million and one hundred thousand) via scheduled trip during Hajj, via 17,983 buses.  GaStat: The Kingdom has tasked 38,000 employees with  transport, mail, shipping, and logistics services for Hajj pilgrims. Transport, shipping, mail, logistics and logistics services in general are five of the most important services provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to pilgrims, and greatly facilitate the pilgrimage. The Kingdom has deployed 38,750 employees, working in seven specialized sectors to provide air and land transport, mail, shipping, and logistics services. This is according to the General Authority for Statistics’ numbers on the pilgrimage 1440 AH season, published on its official website on Wednesday 6 Dhu al-Hijjah 1440 AH.    Air transport, supervised by the General Authority of Civil Aviation, sees an expected total of 14,955 international and domestic flights for pilgrims. There are 8,209 flights to and from King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah. There are 8,209 transporting pilgrims domestically and internationally to and from Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Medina. 1435 employees are at the Jeddah airport, 840 at the Medina airport, working around the clock starting from the first of Dhu al-Qidah to provide an integrated system of services for pilgrims arriving by air. Work will continue until the middle of the next Muharram, including services provided at airports: To maintain the safety of arriving passengers, regulate the movement of aircraft, and monitor the performance of technical and electrical systems within airports, an addition to supervising the arrival and receipt of luggage and maintain cleanliness of airport facilities. The Hajj Terminal at King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah receives approximately 48,000 pilgrims daily. The complex of halls dedicated for pilgrims accommodates 3800 pilgrims per hour arriving, and 3500 pilgrims in departure, 12,000 passengers in areas outside the terminal; the modern halls accommodate 91,000 arrivals and 84,000 departures per day. They also can accommodate 312 flights at an average of 13 flights per hour. Sea transport is overseen by the Saudi Ports Authority (Mawani). It employs 292 employees in Jeddah Islamic Port to provide facilities for the arrival of pilgrims, reduce the procedure completion time, prepare facilities for the service and reception of pilgrims from the first moment of arrival at the port until their departure. The port started receiving pilgrims arriving by sea from mid-Dhu al-Qidah and lasts until the fourth of Dhu al-Hijjah. In regards to buses between the Kaaba and Holy Places, there are 2,100,000 trips via 17,983 buses during Hajj. There are 34,234 employees, drivers, supervisors handling bus transfers from the General Cars Syndicate and the Supreme Authority for the Control of Pilgrim Transport, which is working to establish a regulation to ensure the responsibility for the safety of vehicles used to transport pilgrims, control their movements, ensure that company owners sign ensuring the validity of their work buses, insure all buses, ensuring that companies' buses undergo periodic technical maintenance at the allocated stations, conduct field trips to to inspect buses passing approved checkpoints, operate a system for registration of buses and violations, and all the bus data adopted, including: Type of bus, license number, structure number, company affiliation, follow-up of bus operation at airports, port and road breaks, guidance and promotion centers, support centers, following-up the transport of pilgrims between Mecca and Medina and Jeddah, monitoring bus breakdowns, accidents—as soon as they occur—and coordinate with competent authorities to ensure the speedy completion of procedures, and to ensure the availability and adequacy of the signs indicating the cities of Hajj, as well as the availability of a guide for each bus, and coordination with specialists in guiding buses. In regards to transporting pilgrims between Medina and Mecca, the Haramain high-speed railway sees five daily trips to Mecca and five return trips to Medina; the train includes 4 stations with a total workforce of 456 male and female staff working throughout the year. Regarding logistics (courier, shipping, warehousing and logistics) provided to pilgrims, 494 employees of Saudi Post work in 61 post offices in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Places, with the support of 40 cars and 72 motorcycles. The system operates around the clock Hajj. Postal services include: The “Hajj Packages” service, which seeks to limit extra weight that pilgrims are forced to carry. The services offered to pilgrims also include Hady & Adah in Hajj in cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project For Utilization Of Hady & Adah through points of sale in all post offices spread across the Kingdom or at temporary stalls in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Places. A total of 41,927 parcels were sent and received during the last pilgrimage to and from Mecca. For more details of the statistics of the services provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to pilgrims, the General Authority for Statistics provided many details through the Hajj statistics register for 1440 AH, through its official website at www.stats.gov.sa

Authority for Statistics: Follow-up and field supervision on Hajj health services is one of the five key services offered to Hajj pilgrims. It includes over 33 basic services delivered by more than 6,000 supervisor and monitor


Authority for Statistics: Follow-up and field supervision on Hajj health services is one of the five key services offered to Hajj pilgrims. It includes over 33 basic services delivered by more than 6,000 supervisor and monitor Government and service entities in Saudi Arabia offer a vast pool of services to Hajj pilgrims. These services are generally divided into 5 basic services: follow-up and field supervision of Hajj, general Hajj services, Hajj health services, Hajj transport services, and Information and Communication Technology services in Mecca and holy sites. GAS announced on Sunday, 3 Dhu al-Hijjah under the 1440 H Hajj season statistics records on its official website www.stats.gov.sa that the size of workforce providing follow up and field supervision services for the guests of Allah this year has reached 6,336 supervisors and monitors, including 156 females. These are supervising Hajj-related work carried out by all government and service entities from the arrival of pilgrims and until their departure.Follow up and field supervision of government entities in question is divided between desk work and field work. The total number of vehicles dedicated for field work reached 1,222 vehicles, including tailored equipment, cars, and motorcycles. They have been also equipped with 2,400 wireless devices for direct communication. GAS indicated that 6 government entities are providing follow up and supervision services: The Emirate of Mecca Region, the Emirate of Medina Region, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, the Control and Investigation Board, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.The entities provide support and monitoring for Hajj and Umrah works in order to offer the best services for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims, supervise the performance of entities operating at outlets under the umbrella of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, identify shortcomings, supervise the transportation of pilgrims from their accommodation in Mecca to Mina (Tent City), supervise their return from Mina at the end of the pilgrimage to their accommodation in Mecca, oversee the transportation of pilgrims between holy sites in buses, prepare a plan for the boarding of pilgrims from pilgrim camps to Jamaraat Bridge, including boarding schedules and routes, oversee services provided to national pilgrims during their presence in holy sites to ensure high quality, address errors, and identify shortcomings, monitor the availability of supplied quantities of commodities, foodstuff, and meals in Mecca, Medina, holy sites, Jeddah, and Taif, monitor seasonal workforce during the Hajj season, check their workplaces and accommodation, perform overall monitoring of services offered during Hajj, and assist Committees charged with monitoring the distribution of holy site lands and camps.  It is worth mentioning that the main Hajj follow up and supervision services amount to over 33 services, from which many more services are derived. These services are carried out throughout the year, and not just during the Hajj season, through committees and teams emanating from the 6 government entities. - End -

General Authority for Statistics: Over 95 million Hajj pilgrims hosted and served by KSA over the last 50 years


From 1390 H until last year 1439 H   General Authority for Statistics: Over 95 million Hajj pilgrims hosted and served by KSA over the last 50 years The task of counting the numbers of pilgrims every year is one of the most important tasks assigned to the General Authority for Statistics (GAS). The task was entrusted to GAS in 1390 H back when it still operated under the designation of Department of Statistics and Information. This aimed at providing accurate information to assist all government entities in the planning and development of everything related to the service of the guests of Allah. The task continued throughout these years, witnessing year after year developments in counting and inventory methods and statistical outputs including data and indicators. The Authority is tasked with completing three statistical projects during every Hajj season (inventory of the numbers of pilgrims, statistics of services offered to pilgrims, and Hajj work management indicators) with the goal of providing the largest amount of data needed to support decision- and policy-makers in achieving the highest levels of accuracy and comprehensiveness. The Authority indicated that the total number of pilgrims served by the Kingdom during the last 50 years amounted to 95,853,017 pilgrims, noting that the numbers exceeded 2 millions in 19 Hajj seasons, while the numbers of pilgrims during the last 25 years reached 54,465,253 pilgrims.  Moreover, the numbers of pilgrims during the last 10 years reached 23,796,977 pilgrims, as per the GAS official statistics. The hajj statistics program is aimed at complementing all other future plans and programs in order to provide necessary services for the Hajj pilgrim, including social, health, security, food, and transport services.This is done by producing timed and accurate data on the numbers of pilgrims and estimated size of workforce needed to serve pilgrims and maintain their security and comfort during the Hajj season every year. The pilgrims data and numbers are also used by entities entrusted with studying basic installations and facilities in Mecca and holy sites and are taken into consideration when preparing necessary plans for this end. Accurate information and data on Hajj statistics is also provided to researchers, academics, beneficiaries, and those interested in the field and is used as well in the evaluation of activities and events held by pilgrim service entities and for learning about trends and patterns of national and foreign pilgrims. GAS will publish the final and official number of Hajj pilgrims on the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah in the evening through the bulletin of Hajj statistics which will include the following detailed results: Number of national pilgrims, number of foreign incoming pilgrims, number of pilgrims by gender, nationality, and country of departure, numbers and models of vehicles transporting pilgrims, and other detailed data.

GaStat: Over 30,000 employees are ready to provide health services for pilgrims, with 16 hospitals in Mecca and the Holy Sites, 125 health centers, and 132 ambulance centers


1,141 medical and first response field teams provide their services 24/7  GaStat: Over 30,000 employees are ready to provide health services for pilgrims, with 16 hospitals in Mecca and the Holy Sites, 125 health centers, and 132 ambulance centers The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is investing all its human and material capacities in the service of pilgrims to the Holy Sites, as government entities come together to offer health services to pilgrims. The General Authority for Statistics (GAS) announced on Tuesday 5 Dhu'l-Hijjah 1440 Hijri that the workforce dedicated to providing health services and first aid to pilgrims this Hajj season has reached 30,908 people (of whom 8,685 are women). The numbers were published on the Authority’s website (www.stats.gov.sa( and include employees form the Ministry of Health, the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, and the Saudi Food & Drug Authority. They are joined in providing health services by teams from the security and military sectors. This brings the total of medical and first response field teams at the Holy Sites during the Hajj season up to 1,141 teams. The GAS explained that health, treatment, and prevention services for pilgrims are offered by the Ministry of Health in the shape of free specialized medical services through a dedicated team of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, technicians, and administrative employees exceeding 27,797 individuals. Treatment services made available to pilgrims include:   open heart surgeries, cardiac catheterization, dialysis - both hemodialysis and peritoneal -, endoscopies, birth procedures, and other specialized medical services. Currently,  16 hospitals are available inside Mecca and the Holy Sites, along with 125 health  centers  fully equipped for medical and emergency response, and 68 field teams operating at the Holy Sites and inside and outside Mecca.  The Saudi Red Crescent Authority has itself dedicated 132 permanent and temporary first response centers, 370 ambulances, 20 bikes, and 2,811 individuals for emergency and medical services in Mecca, Medina, and the Holy Sites.  All health and emergency response teams are operating 24/7 in Mecca and the Holy Sites until Wednesday 20 Dhu'l-Hijjah. The concerned authorities have already set the necessary comprehensive programs and plans to guarantee the provision of all capacities and requirements needed to deal with emergencies and disasters, if any, and to provide medical and emergency aid, treatment, and prevention services to Hajj and Umrah pilgrims and visitors. The plans have been rolled out effectively and efficiently based on a unified approach and using the most advanced medical and first aid provision methods. The services also seek to reinforce health security at the Holy Sites and the roads leading to them, and at land, air and maritime entry points. They are not limited to land services provided through ambulances but also cover Saudi Air Ambulance, motorbikes, fast response teams, and field teams at the Great Mosque and Al Masjid an Nabawi and their surroundings. These efforts rely on available human capacities and a group of male and female volunteers.  The Saudi Food & Drug Authority has assigned a team of 300 employees to monitor foods, medicine, and medical equipment and products imported by pilgrims and pilgrimage groups. This team is also in charge of supporting the concerned monitoring authorities in their inspection of establishments offering food to pilgrims in Mecca, Medina and the Holy Sites. The Authority’s seven key services include: inspecting foods, medicine, and medical equipment imported through entry points; health inspection of food establishments in the Mecca region; health inspection of food establishments in the Medina region; health inspection of animals sacrificed at Mina; field studies concerning food safety; raising awareness among pilgrims on the safety of food, medicine, and medical equipment and products; and inspecting transportation means entering Mecca and the Holy Sites. - End -

GASTAT releases the results of the Agricultural Holdings Survey for 2018


The survey is based on the "holding" as the economic unit of both plant and animal agricultural production  GASTAT releases the results of the Agricultural Holdings Survey for 2018 On Dhu al-Qidah 29, 1440 (August 1, 2019), the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued its results on the "Agricultural Holdings Survey for 2018" on its official website, www.stats.gov.sa. The Agricultural Holdings Survey is one of the periodic surveys conducted by GASTAT every three years. It aims to provide an updated database from the agricultural census framework 2014-2015 on the main characteristics of the agricultural holdings such as the number of agricultural holdings, their area, the legal entity and the type of holdings. It also provides data on agricultural workers, in addition to a large number of data that support decision makers, policymakers, workers in the agricultural sector and those interested in this field. GASTAT carried out the "Agricultural Holdings" survey of 2018 in accordance with the recognized international practices in the statistical agencies. Since the "holding" is the economic unit of the agricultural production in both plant and animal, it is under one administration and includes all animals in it and all lands used in whole or in part for agricultural production purposes regardless of the ownership, legal form or area. The results of the survey showed that the total number of agricultural holdings in Saudi Arabia’s administrative regions in 2017 was (283,788), with a total area of (34) million dunums. The percentage of traditional holdings is (88.4%) out of total number of agricultural holdings in Saudi Arabia with an area of (10.9) million dunums. Traditional holdings are the predominant type in most of the agricultural holdings in Saudi Arabia. This type of holdings does not have to take prior approval or licenses from the concerned parties and their activity may be plant, animal or mixed production. However, the specialized holdings (projects) reached  (11.6%) of the total number of agricultural holdings in Saudi Arabia with a total area exceeded (23.3) million dunums, including the specialized holdings (projects) that were approved and have been granted licenses from the concerned parties after the technical and economic study to establish such specialized holdings, whether it was specialized in plant production, animal, poultry farms, fish farming, or those projects which mainly follow modern non-traditional methods in the irrigation system, or they use agricultural mechanization and modern technology in agricultural production and they are specialized in the production whether exposed or protected agriculture,  raising cows to produce milk, or in fattening of calves, sheep and poultry . The results of the survey also showed that (93.38% )of the agricultural holdings were owned by the holders and (6.58%) of the holdings were leased. The remaining holdings percentage (0.04%) was distributed among the other land holding systems. Regarding legal entity, "Individuals" ranked first with (98%) of holders. In terms of the main purpose of production, (86.4%) of the landholdings production was allocated for "sale" and the rest of the holdings’ production was allocated for consumption, representing (13.6%). In terms of the main activity of agricultural holdings, the plant holdings reached the highest percentage (91.8% ) of the total number of agricultural landholdings, while animal holdings came second with (8%). The results of the survey revealed that (20.1%) of the holders work in agriculture as the main occupation, and the remaining percentage (79.9%) are holders their main occupation is other than agriculture. The results also showed that the percentage of Saudis working in agriculture as a main occupation reached (99.5%) of the total number of holders who work in agriculture as their main occupation. According to the detailed survey results on the main source used for irrigation water, the number of artesian and manual wells in agricultural landholdings reached (319,393). As for the agricultural holdings where the main source of irrigation depends on rain, it reached (96,627) holdings, with the area of holdings reaching (294,573) dunums out of the total irrigated areas.
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“GASTAT” & World Bank: Our collaboration Supports Government Entities in the Exchange of Statistical Data and highlighting their efforts at the international level


Signing a MoU to enhance Use of Data “GASTAT” & World Bank: Our collaboration Supports Government Entities in the Exchange of Statistical Data and highlighting their efforts at the international level The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) and the World Bank signed on Monday 5/11/1440 H (8/7/2019) a memorandum of understanding to regulate statistical data exchange and enhance the joint work to support government entities. The MoU regulates the provision of data and statistics on Saudi Arabia to the World Bank, the classification of statistical data, whether the survey data produced by GASTAT from economic and household surveys or data of administrative records collected by GASTAT from government entities. The agreement also includes the mechanisms for requesting data from sources, technical responsibilities, intellectual property rights and organization aspects of publication.  HE Dr. Fahad Bin Sulaiman Al-Tekhifi, President of GASTAT, affirmed that the organization of data exchange with international organizations is one of the strategic tracks of the work of GASTAT, which stems from Saudi Arabia’s position which is led by government entities under the guidance of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Furthermore, it reflects the role of GASTAT in increasing the pace of coordination and collaboration with the international organizations concerning data and statistical indicators of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, it reflects the importance of the World Bank’s work in highlighting these indicators in international comparison programs and in carrying out studies and research relevant to the common development aspects of all countries of the world. The Regional Director of the World Bank in the Gulf Region, Mr. Essam Abu Sulaiman, asserted that the collaboration with the General Authority for Statistics as the official statistical body of Saudi Arabia comes in order to highlight the efforts undertaken by Saudi Arabia in various fields of development, and in response to the increasing demand for statistical data, whether survey data or data from records released by government entities. He also added that the collaboration with the Saudi statistical body will play an active role in the data request operations and provision to the World Bank, and ensure their unification according to international classifications and standards. The Regional Director of the World Bank commended the procedures carried out by GASTAT which are in accordance with the international requirements and methodologies of statistical work applicable in all countries. The World Bank is a strong partner in the GCC for more than 50 years. Government entities in the GCC have benefited from the World Bank's global development knowledge and expertise through its technical assistance programs. These include the activities in the GCC in key areas that the Bank has extensive international technical expertise in them, including improving service delivery, encouraging diversification of economic activity, strengthening governance, strengthening social protection systems and pensions. The World Bank is also working with the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council to address interrelated issues, particularly in environmental protection.
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GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for June,2019


GASTAT: releases Consumer Price Index(CPI) Monthly Report for June,2019 General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its monthly report of CPI in Saudi Arabia for June, 2019. The report was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. CPI index increased by (%0.2) compared to last month (May,2019). GASTAT’s report indicated that the consumer price index CPI in Saudi Arabia increased from (105.7) in May,2019 to (105.9) in June,2019 with (%0.2) change. As a matter of fact, the report attributed this increase to the increase of the five sections composing it, which are: personal goods and services section with (%1.8), culture and entertainment section with (%1.5), transportation section with (%0.6), restaurants and hotels section with (%0.6), and food and beverages section with (%0.2). In contrast, three of the main sections witnessed a decline, which are: housing, water, electricity, and gas section with (%0.4), clothing and shoes section with (%0.2), finally home furnishing and equipment section with (%0.1). On the other hand, health, telecommunication, education, and tobacco sections remained stable with no change.
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GASTAT Releases Results of Household’ Culture and Entertainment Survey for 2018


Statistical Survey Issued by GASTAT for the First Time GASTAT Releases Results of Household’ Culture and Entertainment Survey for 2018 General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released results of “Household’ Culture and Entertainment Survey 2018”.  The survey was published on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. This survey complements the new statistical products implemented by the Authority to meet the local and international requirements of statistical data. It is first-of- its- kind survey in the field of household culture and entertainment, which will be conducted on a periodical basis every three years by GASTAT in line with the international methodology of culture statistics. The fundamental objective of the survey is to support decision makers, policy makers, researchers, and those who are interested in up-to-date data on statistics of household culture and entertainment in Saudi Arabia by (gender, nationality, educational status, age, and marital status). (35.36%) of Saudi Arabia’s population (Saudis and non-Saudis) had a home library during the 12 months. In detail, the percentage of reading books among Saudi individuals (15 +) was (58.18%) during the 12 months.  The percentage of both (Saudi and non-Saudi) individuals (15+) who read newspapers or magazines recorded (53.96%), out of total population of Saudi Arabia.  For Saudis, the total percentage of Saudi individuals (15+) who read newspapers or magazines accounted for (59.46%) during the 12 months, where (67.14%) of them were Saudi males, and (51.48%) of them were Saudi females.  However, the percentage of reading electronic newspapers or magazines was (66.58%), out of the total number of reading newspapers or magazines, while the percentage of reading printed newspapers or magazines reached (5.77%). As for both types, the total percentage of reading electronic or printed newspapers or magazines registered (27.65%), during 12 months, according to the results of the survey. (42,40%) of Saudi individuals (15+) visited theme parks for entertainment or culture as the most visited places in the residence of place during 12 months.  However, cultural landscapes are the most visited places for Saudi individuals (15+), recording a percentage of (57.21%), out of total Saudis who traveled inside Saudi Arabia to visit cultural or entertainment places during the 12 months. Likewise, cultural landscapes were one of the most visited places for Saudi individuals (15 +), where the total number of Saudis who traveled outside Saudi Arabia to visit cultural or entertainment places during the 12 months was (70.03%), based on the survey’s results. Watching television or listening to radio stations recorded the highest percentage as the most cultural and entertainment activities practiced by Saudi individuals during their free time at the level of Saudi Arabia, reaching (67.02%), out of the total number of Saudis who engaged in cultural or entertainment activities during the (12) months.    GASTAT is pleased to provide its clients of data users with the detailed results of the survey. The results will be available on its website, containing about 40 statistical indicators.
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8 governmental entities review 21 executive plans for Saudi Arabia Census 2020


256 days until the beginning of Saudi Arabia Census 2020 8 governmental entities review 21 executive plans for Saudi Arabia Census 2020 The president of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi confirmed that all preparation for the General Population, Housing, and Establishments Census 2020 are complete with the participation of a number of related governmental entities. 21 executive plans within the project’s preparatory stage have been prepared, including all tasks and requirements to the census implementation. These plans also cover all stages of work in details.  the executive committee of Saudi Arabia Census 2020 has held its first meeting on Wednesday Shawwal 30th 1440H at GASTAT head office, with the participation of Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Education, National Information Center, and Saudi Post. All issues of electronic linkage with the National Information Center, the plan of classifications and manuals, manpower and training, maps and postal address have been discussed, in addition to a number of topics related to information technology and field works. Altekhaifi said that the collaboration adopted by all governmental entities will enable them all from investing all means of modern technologies which provides a wide database that can be used as a reliable reference when conducting the studies and research required for Saudi Arabia developmental plans and programs, in addition to providing statistical data and indicators that measure the changes of population characteristics over time, making national and international comparisons, revising and evaluating the future population estimates, and providing detailed data that was not available before because of the nature of technologies and software that were used in the previous census ten years ago. GASTAT works with its partners to develop and build a unified geo-spatial database that covers all Saudi Arabia cities and villages, which makes a complete transformation while dealing with the geographical data of the digital image at all stages of the census, and enables data exchange with GASTAT clients in different sectors. His excellency expressed his appreciation for the great support that GASTAT and other governmental entities receive from our great leadership for the success of census works. It is worth mentioning that there are 256 days to go until the beginning of the census. The approval of His Royal Highness, the King of Saudi Arabia has been announced previously to specify the evening of Tuesday 22nd of Rajab, 1441 H corresponding 17th of March, 2020 to be the beginning of the actual enumeration works of the Fifth Population, Housing, and Establishments Census in Saudi Arabia. This date shall be approved as the time reference date for all census works, data, and information. A new portal has been launched specifically for all details of census works: https://saudicensus.sa/