Tourism Statistics (Establishments)
Annual survey
It is a specialized survey that provides data on all tourism activities to prepare indicators that help in identifying the growth rates of each tourism activity. It also provides data for extracting indicators in calculating the contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product.
Non-Profit Sector Organizations
Annual survey
The non-profit sector is an annual survey that provides statistics and economic data related to the non-profit sector organizations in Saudi Arabia.
International Trade in Services
Measuring international trade transactions between residents and non-residents to obtain payments and receipts for services and to provide statistical data that feeds the services item of the main accounts in the balance of payments of Saudi Arabia.
Digital Economy Survey 2022
It is a statistical survey aims to measure the activities of economic establishments that largely depend on technology and data in Saudi Arabia. Data for the year 2022 will be collected by surveying a sample of these establishments representing various economic sectors and activities as well as different governorates in Saudi Arabia.