GASTAT Releases Results of Household Health Survey, 2018
GASTAT Releases Results of Household Health Survey, 2018
GASTAT released the results of Household Health Survey, 2018 on its official website. The importance of this survey lies in the data and indicators provided for health. It includes indicators for health status of individuals, population suffering from chronic diseases, periodic health check-ups performed by individuals, in addition to indicators of family planning procedures, fertility rates, and child mortality.
Results showed that the percentage of (Saudi and non-Saudi) population (15+) who have good to very good health has increased, and that is based on their own assessments where the percentage hit (95%) compared to (%94.2) in 2017. In regard to Saudis, the percentage of Saudi males who have good to very good health reached to (%94.2) based on their own assessments, while the percentage of Saudi females who have good to very good health was at (%92.3) based on their own assessments.
Results also showed that (%24.3) of total population (15+) perform periodic check-ups to check their health at least once a year. Additionally, percentage of (Saudi and non-Saudi) population who are covered with health insurance reached (%38.6).
On the other hand, results of the survey indicated that the percentage of population who are suffering from chronic diseases in the age group (15+) has decreased to (%15.9) compared to (%16.4) in 2017.
Based on the survey’s results, total fertility rate of women between (15-49 years) was (1.92) birth per woman. As for Saudi females, the total fertility rate was (2.33) births per woman. The results indicated that (%32.9) of married women between (15-49 years) are using modern contraceptive methods.
Moreover, mortality rate among children under five years was (8.5) deaths per 1,000 live births, while mortality rate among infants under one year in Saudi Arabia was (6) deaths per 1,000 live births.
Results revealed that percentage of population (15+) who were diagnosed with diabetes reached (%8.5). The percentage of population (15+) who were diagnosed with heart diseases was at (%1.21). On the other hand, the percentage of population (15+) who were diagnosed with hypertension was (%7.6).
Household Health Survey also includes other indicators such as: distance between households and health centers, percentage of children under two years who are committed to vaccination, average number of hospital admissions per 1000 individuals, in addition to other indicators.

(16.8%) of Saudis contribute in voluntary works, and the average voluntary working hours of total population reached (52.2) hours during the twelve months preceding the survey
Within GASTAT surveys that are implemented for the first time
(16.8%) of Saudis contribute in voluntary works, and the average voluntary working hours of total population reached (52.2) hours during the twelve months preceding the survey
On Friday Shawwal 18th 1440 H corresponding June 21st 2019, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the results of “ Voluntary Works Survey 2018” on its official website www.stats.gov.sa . this survey is implemented kingdom-wide for the first time within the requirements of Saudi Vision 2030.
GASTAT vice president Mr. Abdullah Albatil said that this survey aims to identify the percentage of individuals’ contribution in voluntary works, provide up-to-date statistics on the percentage of volunteers out of total Saudi and non-Saudi population (males and females), and the average working hours of those volunteers. In addition, it identifies the nature of voluntary works performed by society members and the fields of practice. The survey also gives detailed data on voluntary works by occupations and economic activities. Hence, it supports decision and policy makers, researchers, and those who are interested in getting up-to-date and comprehensive statistics that are related to voluntary work in Saudi Arabia. The survey would enable both the public and the private sectors to study the variables of voluntary work to use them in preparing the future developmental, social, and economic programs in Saudi Arabia, increasing the efficiency of voluntary work, and providing the academic sectors with the requirements of social and economic studies and research. The vice president expressed his appreciation to all the concerned entities including the Ministry of Economy and Planning, the Ministry of Labour and Social Development, in addition to a number of voluntary institutions and associations for their participation in the survey questionnaire.
The results of Voluntary Work Survey 2018 showed that the percentage of total volunteers (Saudis and non-Saudis) out of total population (15 years and above) during the twelve months preceding the survey reached (14.7%). However, the percentage of Saudi volunteers (15 years and above, males and females) during the twelve months preceding the survey reached (16.8%), where Saudi males registered (22.6%) and Saudi females registered (10.8%).
According the survey results, the average working hours of total volunteers (Saudis and non-Saudis) reached (11.2) hours during the four weeks preceding the survey, whereas the average working hours of total volunteers (Saudis and non-Saudis) reached (52.2) hours during the twelve months preceding the survey. However, the average working hours of Saudi volunteers reached (11.4) hours during the four weeks preceding the survey, whereas the average working hours of Saudi volunteers reached (52.6) hours during the twelve months preceding the survey.
The results also demonstrated reasons of voluntary work for Saudis, where (40.6%) of Saudi volunteers (males and females) said that the desire to help others motivates them to volunteer. (28.7%) said that volunteering is a national obligation, whereas (8.5%) of Saudi volunteers think that volunteering is a good opportunity for communication. However, (4.3%) believe that volunteering contributes in developing one’s skills.
It is worth mentioning that the survey has covered all voluntary work fields which include any unpaid work performed by an individual in public social activities or for a certain governmental or private organization covering all humanitarian works such as providing people in need with support and donations which helps improving their lives. Saudi Arabia is well known for its volunteering works during Hajj and Umrah seasons.
GASTAT Releases Real Estate Price Index for Q2, 2019
GASTAT Releases Real Estate Price Index for Q2, 2019
General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the report of Real Estate Price Index for Q2 of 2019. The report was published on the official website of GASTAT www.stats.gov.sa.
The real-estate price index recorded an increase by (4.0%), compared to the previous quarter (Q1, 2019), where its indicator reached (80.4) in Q2, 2019, compared to (80.1) in Q1, 2019. This increase can be attributed to the changes in the main sectors composing the indicator, where housing sector in addition to commercial sector showed an increase by (2.0%) and (8.0%), respectively, whereas agricultural sector edged down to (1.0%), compared to Q1 of 2019.
In detail, residential sector witnessed an increase in residential lands as well as apartments, reaching (0.2%) and (0.5%), respectively in Q2, 2019 compared to the previous quarter. However, a decrease was recorded in three groups: residential buildings (0.3%), villas (2.7%), and houses (0.3%). Regarding commercial sector, commercial land plots and commercial centers rose by (0.8%) and (2.1%), respectively, while exhibitions (shops) dropped to (1.9%). At the level of agricultural sector, agricultural lands fell to (0.1%).
It is worth noting that the index is based on register-based data of real-estate transactions available at the Ministry of Justice. It is an essential tool that supports entities making economic and statistical decisions regarding the movements of real - estate prices and future forecasts during different periods of time. The index has three main sectors consisting of several types of real estate classes: housing sector which includes (plot of land, building, villa, apartment, and house), commercial sector including (plot of land, building, exhibition/commercial center and shop), in addition to agricultural sector with one category which is the agricultural land.

GASTAT Launches “Self-enumeration System” and e-portal for Saudi Arabia’s 2020 Census
GASTAT Launches “Self-enumeration System” and e-portal for Saudi Arabia’s 2020 Census
Minister of Economy and Planning and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) Muhammad Bin Mazyad Al-Tuwaijri launched on Mondy 14/10/1440H (June 17th ,2019) the e-portal for Saudi Arabia’s 2020 census, as an awareness platform for everything related to the fifth census of housing, populations, and establishments 1440H-2020 through its official websites www.stats.gov.sa
A detailed presentation for the e-portal including its objectives as well as the preparations of the census was reviewed by HE. In fact, the e-portal of Saudi census 2020 is an official platform for all census’s news and everything related to it including announcing and publishing results, it is also a platform for spreading statistical awareness in general, deputy of GASTAT for strategic communication and clients support Taiseer AL-Mofarrej said.
The e-portal has special windows for the past four censuses and their results, it also includes windows for news and awareness content that shed light on the preparations made until now for Saudi Arabia’s 5th census, AL-Mofarrej clarified. He also added that citizens and expatriates will be able to complete the census form online through (self-enumeration system) via the website on March 2020, which is considered one of the most important modern methods for population census, as it will enable heads of the households to register all data of the family without the need for the visit of the statistical researcher to their places. This system will be used as one of the tools to collect statistical data from households in Saudi Arabia’s census 2020. On the other hand, spreading the statistical awareness among the society will lead to success of the self-enumeration experience since knowledge of technology is now considered as a feature of the Saudi society in all age groups, he added.
It is worth mentioning that the Council of Ministers has approved the implementation of the General Population and Housing Census for 2020 as the fifth census of Saudi Arabia. Tuesday’s evening, 22 Rajab 1441 (17 March 2020) will be the beginning of the actual enumeration for the 5th census of population and housing in Saudi Arabia. This date shall be the approved date for the time reference of all census works, data and information.
2020 census will provide a huge database that will be used as a reliable reference to conduct studies and researches required by the development plans and programs in Saudi Arabia, in addition to statistical data and indicators for measuring the change in the characteristics of population that occurred by time, also to make international, regional, and local comparisons, as well as reviewing and evaluating future estimates of population.
Saudi Arabia has implemented the first official census in its comprehensive sense in 1394 AH (1974). The second census was in 1413H (1992). The third census was conducted in 1425H (2004). 1431H (2010) census was the fourth census and was carried out by the Department of Statistics and Information before being transformed into the General Authority for Statistics.

Saudi Arabia concludes its participation in the first meeting of the friends of the chair group on economic statistics of the United Nations within 11 countries
GASTAT provides development opportunities through big data
Saudi Arabia concludes its participation in the first meeting of the friends of the chair group on economic statistics of the United Nations within 11 countries
On Thursday May 30, 2019, Saudi Arabia, represented by the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT), concluded its participation in the first meeting of the friends of the chair group on economic statistics of the United Nations within 11 countries, which was held at UN headquarter in New York city. The three-day meeting discussed the institutional transformation issues of national statistical bodies, in addition to the new methods, services and roles played by such statistical agencies.
GASTAT president, Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi, who led the Saudi delegation, confirmed that GASTAT 's participations with international organizations and experts of the international statistical agencies in their meetings are useful opportunities to highlight KSA's efforts in development with statistical figures and to develop statistical work according to international standards. Altekhaifi said statistical offices are challenged by changes in data gathering brought about by new technology. He added that big data could replace traditional statistical activities as an innovative way of producing official statistics or providing additional information to support the currently available official statistics, hence new indicators might be produced to support all decision makers in different developmental fields. The shift towards big data to be one of GASTAT official statistics sources reflects Saudi Arabia tendencies to benefit from the digital transformation in producing economic, social, and cultural statistics that support government bodies in accepting the rapid developmental changes which must be applied and reflected through official statistics.
GASTAT president indicated that using big data as a new (complementary or alternative) source of data creates some challenges that should be overcome by statistical entities. These challenges include the methodological aspects of data, determining data access methods, unifying statistical concepts, completing and processing data and other practices, in addition to ensuring a certain level of quality and enabling international comparisons. However, the organizational factors include other fields such as updating the organizational structure, working on statistical capacity development, establishing collaborations with the private and public data sources, and communicating with users.
Altekhaifi mentioned that the national statistical agencies must overcome these challenges to guarantee the usefulness of big data in the production of official statistics, especially for databases, computing and digitization. Statistical entities need to adopt national statistical strategies that deal with plans, strategies, implementation methods and development mechanisms in the national statistical environment. In addition, they need to enhance coordination and partnerships between the national statistical agencies and the different sources of data, whether governmental or private. However, all databases of government and private statistical entities must be electronically linked, while maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of data when exchanging data. Furthermore, statistical indicators definitions, concepts, and methodologies must be unified among all partners to avoid misunderstandings of statistics that result from the use of different concepts and methodology. This includes the use of official international statistical classifications such as ISIC 4 by all partners from the public and private sectors to facilitate work on databases and get coordinated and comparable data that are ready for all statistical purposes. Moreover, it is important for all statistical entities to have a road map through which they can use big data to provide official data.
GASTAT has reviewed all Saudi Arabia’ efforts to benefit from big data by approving the National Strategy for Statistical Development, electronic linkage projects, and international classifications. In addition to unifying the definitions and methodologies, and encouraging the initiatives of digital transformation in all public and private sectors.
It is worth mentioning that many international experts in the statistical and economic fields have participated in the discussions of the first meeting of the friends of the chair group on economic statistics of the United Nations. Topics discussed included the future of economic statistics within the Sustainable Development Goals from the perspectives of the international organizations and the national statistical entities. They also included digital infrastructure, and maintaining an interactive economic system, in addition to discussing a number of experiments on the institutional transformation of the national statistical offices, and methods of using data sources.

GASTAT Releases Results of Umrah Statistics Bulletin (2018)
GASTAT Releases Results of Umrah Statistics Bulletin (2018)
On Tuesday 2nd of Ramadan, 1440H corresponding May 7, 2019, General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the results of Umrah Statistics Bulletin (2018). The report contains a number of Umrah-related indicators and results which have been taken from Umrah Survey (domestic Umrah performers), and the registered- based data of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah (foreign Umrah performers).
The total number of Umrah performers reached (18,311,111) performers, (6,765,614) of whom are from outside Saudi Arabia as showed in the registered- based data of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. On the other hand, the total number of domestic Umrah performers (Saudis and non-Saudis) hit (11,545,497) performers. The percentage of Umrah performers for Saudis as well as non-Saudis coming from inside Saudi Arabia recorded (46.17%) and (53.83%), respectively, according to the Umrah Statistics Bulletin’s results.
Vast majority of domestic Umrah performers (Saudis and residents) carry out Umrah within one day, with a percentage of (67.5%) out of the total number of Umrah times they performed during 2018. However, they prefer to perform Umrah during Ramadan, where their percentage accounted for (59%), the Umrah Survey’s results showed.
King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah registered the highest percentage regarding foreign Umrah performers with (62%), while the percentage of Umrah performers coming through Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Medina was (29.31%).
It is worth mentioning that all the Umrah Survey’s data are available on GASTAT’s website www.stats.gov.sa, to serve researchers and those who are interested in such data, and to provide decision makers with detailed field results.

GASTAT Releases the Results of the Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey (2018)
Issued every five years and considered the second most important statistical product, and its results contribute to the calculation of several social and economic indicators
GASTAT Releases the Results of the Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey (2018)
On Wednesday Sha’aban 26th, 1440 H (May 1st, 2019), the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced the results of the Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey (2018) in a press conference held in GASTAT’s headquarters in Riyadh city. At the beginning of the conference, HE the President of GASTAT, Dr Fahad Bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi, valued the main role of the households selected in the survey sample in reaching statistical results of high importance in a number of developmental directions. The Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey is one of the most important statistical household products of statistical agencies in all countries. The results of this survey provide the necessary statistical data for the development of economic and social development programs and plans aimed at achieving the well-being and progress of the communities. The data of this survey are the basis of many studies and research conducted by government agencies and international organizations. The statistical agencies classify it as one of the field surveys (households sampling) in social statistics, and provide data on patterns of expenditure in society and show the impact of demographic, social and economic factors on families.
According to international recommendations, the Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey is carried out every 5 years. It has been implemented in Saudi Arabia in 1970, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1999, 2007, and 2013). The collection of data takes (five quarters of two calendar years). The current survey was carried out within 13 months starting from February 28th, 2017 until March 31st, 2018.
HE explained that the length of data collection is due to the fact that many of the variables of the study are vulnerable to different seasons during the months or seasons of the year. There are goods and services people spend on during certain months of the year more than others. The household interview in the survey does not end with one field visit, but needs a number of visits to follow-up with the household during the period specified, to collect all the required data.
Altekhaifi added that all these factors necessitate the follow-up of field implementation for more than a year, including all seasons to measure the change in expenditure patterns and levels due to seasonal, occasional and periodic changes, which can be measured accurately in a relatively long period of time compared to the rest of the household surveys conducted by GASTAT throughout the year.
The president of GASTAT confirmed that the Authority has fulfilled its obligations in implementing the international standards adopted for indicators of household income and expenditure in order to enable international organizations to conduct a periodic comparison between all countries. The results of the survey, which were announced today, are the basis for a number of socio-economic statistical products. The results of the survey provide the data of qualitative weights used in the preparation of the consumer price index. Through this survey, the basket of goods and services is updated, which is a relatively fixed collection of consumer goods and services which are estimated on an annual basis. This basket is used to track inflation in each country. The goods of the basket are periodically adjusted based on the results of the Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey to take into account changes in consumer habits. The basket of goods and services is used as a basis to calculate the Consumer Price Index and wholesale prices.
The results of this survey also provide data on the patterns of expenditure in society, the impact of demographic, social and economic factors on the household, provide data on household expenditure on goods and services as a component of the final expenditure in GDP, and provide data necessary for national accounts related to the final consumption and household sector income.
He added that the results of the survey contribute mainly in identifying patterns of expenditure in society and indicating the impact of demographic, social and economic factors on them. It also provides policy and decision makers with all statistics on Saudi and non-Saudi household expenditure on consumer goods such as food, drinks, clothes, as well as non-consumer goods, such as remittances and capital goods such as purchasing of buildings, lands, stocks, donations, etc. Through these statistics, weights are provided showing the importance of consumer expenditure items, and it can be used to identify levels of income distribution and expenditure levels, by category (low, medium, high).
On the other hand, GASTAT confirmed that the results of this survey play a major role in supporting projects related to income and expenditure of households such as social protection, social development and family affairs projects. It also contributes to the development of important social indicators such as indicators of sustainable development goals, human development indicators and other international indicators.
The results of the Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey (2018) showed that the average monthly income of the household reached 11,984 SAR (eleven thousand nine hundred and eighty-four riyals), while the average monthly income of the Saudi household reached 14,823 SAR (fourteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-three riyals).
The results of the survey also showed that the average monthly income of "individuals with income" reached 6,346 SAR (six thousand three hundred and forty-six riyals), while the average monthly income of "Saudi individuals with income" reached 7,940 SAR (seven thousand nine hundred and forty riyals).
In terms of expenditure, the average monthly expenditure of households in Saudi Arabia reached 12,818 SAR (twelve thousand eight hundred and eighteen riyals), while the average monthly expenditure of the Saudi household reached 16,125 SAR (sixteen thousand and one hundred and twenty-five riyals). The average monthly “consumption” expenditure reached 11,728 SAR (eleven thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight riyals) , While the monthly “consumption” expenditure of the Saudi household reached 14,584 SAR (fourteen thousand five hundred and eighty-four riyals).
During the press conference, GASTAT clarified that the Authority made a number of measures to ensure the quality of the data. GASTAT used the method of the direct visit to the household, used tablets to complete survey questionnaire data based on the specific time frame, and applied (data auditing rules) to ensure consistency, accuracy and logicality of the data on the survey form (electronic rules that detect the discrepancy of answers). They have been built by linking the logical relationship between the answers to the questionnaire and its variables so that the field researcher and the observer can detect any error directly through the form during the collection of data from the head of the household. These programmed rules do not allow errors to be passed if the answer is inconsistent with information, or with another answer in the form. The data was verified by reviewing the collected data. All the work areas were subjected to a process of monitoring and reviewing from the data quality room at the headquarters of GASTAT. A sample of households were contacted by telephone and asked some questions in the questionnaire to verify the integrity of the researcher data, obtain lost data that have not been received yet if any, and validated the location where the questionnaire have been completed by matching the coordinates with the coordinates recorded in the sample file.
On the other hand, GASTAT published the results of the Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey (2018) on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. The result’s data has been provided in the form of open templates to be utilized in studies and analysis. It is worth mentioning that GASTAT intends to carry out the survey every three years from 2021 in accordance with the local, regional and international requirements of the data.

“The Role of Saudi Woman in Development” conference announces the indicator of woman development with five axes and (56) variables to support decision makers
With a collaboration between the National Observatory for Women, General Authority for Statistics, and Alwaleed Philanthropies
“The Role of Saudi Woman in Development” conference announces the indicator of woman development with five axes and (56) variables to support decision makers
On Saturday 22nd of Shaaban, 1440 H corresponding 27th of April, 2019, Minister of Labour and Social Development, Engineer Ahmed bin Sulaiman Alrajhi opened The conference of the Role of Saudi Woman in Development (Towards a Dynamic Society) in Riyadh. The conference was organized by the National Observatory for Women in King Saud University, General Authority for Statistics, and Alwaleed Philanthropies, with the participation of UN Woman. The National Observatory for Women’ indicators were launched in this conference. These indicators are considered tools that support the periodical measurement of Saudi woman participation in development. They are also considered one of the tools for developing strategies related to woman in Saudi Arabia to ensure the role of Saudi woman in development towards a dynamic society. These indicators complement all the National Observatory for Women’ previous indicators. However, the indicator that was launched today contains (56) variables distributed on five main axes; educational axis that supports the future of generations, health axis which concerns society protection, organizational axis which supports progress, economic axis for financial, industrial, and economic leadership in Saudi Arabia, in addition to the finally added one which is the social axis that contains the indicator of woman participation in development.
At the opening of the conference, Minister of Labour and Social Development asserted that (Saudi Vision 2030) has determined the road map and specified all national goals that empower woman, so that she becomes a real and active partner in developing our country. The vision also has developed executive programs and initiatives which will transfer all our hopes into real achievements. He added, we believe in women empowerment in our country with total conviction that is derived from the Islamic principles which give woman all her rights while offering her psychological and social protection. Since the foundation of our country, and its recent take off, the government has paid attention to woman basic rights and needs. To achieve this tendency, women empowerment programs have been designed especially in labour and education. Saudi woman nowadays registers high scores in both work and education. Moreover, she participates in many outstanding scientific research both locally and internationally. She also succeeds in the business sector, in addition to the management of corporations, banks and non-profit associations.
For his part, GATAT president, Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi indicated that the United Nations approved The Eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) until 2015. Many countries prepared reports to measure what goals have been achieved based on the issued official statistical indicators (either issued by official statistical entities, statistics of government entities, or statistics of international organizations). This experiment has undergone assessment and development. Committees and work teams have already started working on new SDGs until 2030 with (17 goals), and Saudi Arabia was one of the first countries who addressed SDGs. The SDGs governance was set by the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) as the responsible entity for SDGs file, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) as the responsible entity for building statistical indicators, in addition to other government ministries, authorities, and institutions which contribute in the planning and implementation of these goals in accordance with their nature of work. SDGs were also considered within the national strategies (Statistical indicators within the National Strategy of Statistical Development, and other strategies related to household, women, and childhood). As a result, Saudi Arabia submitted the voluntary report– within certain countries- last year in the United Nations. Dr. Fahad Altekhaifi stated that the model of the National Observatory for Women, and the tripartite partnership between the National Observatory for Women ,General Authority for Statistics, and Alwaleed Philanthropies for the survey study which included 15 thousand households from different Saudi regions- in addition to the works of this conference- represent an ideal model of the developmental Saudi administrative work Which affirms that the collaboration between different entities paves the way to overcome any challenges and achieve desired goals.
Mohammad Naciri, UN Women Regional Director for the Arab States and Asia-Pacific said that there are false impressions about women in GCC region and in Saudi Arabia particularly. The international media significantly contributed in spreading these impressions based on superficial analyses. He commended the efforts of the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the Women in Development Study. Furthermore, he confirmed that the results of the indicator adopted by (the National Observatory for Women, General Authority for Statistics, and Alwaleed Philanthropies) reflect the lived realities of Saudi women, and show improvement and progress in the fields of health and education.
On the other hand, HRH Princess Lamia bint Majed AL-Saud the Secretary General at Alwaleed Philanthropies pointed out that woman’s development indicator, which is the first of its kind came to express appreciation to the Saudi women’s efforts for their contributions in various fields and sectors. All data included in the indicator will help in launching distinctive initiatives and programs that will identify the social and economic obstacles facing women in Saudi Arabia as well as enhancing the cooperation with local and international partners to increase efficiency in dealing with these obstacles and overcome them with the possibility to measure the improvement and the impact of such initiatives, she added.
The results were based on three factors: first, gathering strong evidence about our current situation and next destination, which will guide us to reach to the target groups in the right place and time. Second, transparency, since we are very keen to share true stories about women in Saudi Arabia and discuss them in clearly to achieve the desired progress as we cannot take effective steps without understanding the full picture of it. Third, partnership that has emerged as a result of the importance of cooperation between the right institutions to reach to the desired results and change; as a matter of fact, this cannot be achieved without an effective collaboration between the relevant parties, HRH clarified.
The vice rector for Planning and Development at King Saud University Dr.Yousif Abdu Asiri mentioned that the National Observatory for Women’s participation in development (NOW) is a great platform that attracted experts of women’s affairs, monitor women’s participation and provide decision makers and relevant entities with results, indicators, statistics, and database to be as a supportive reference for the social research, developmental projects, and for everything related to family and community from regulations, institutions to initiatives. The observatory is consistent with 2030 vision in which it supports human researches and enables the developmental role of them, it became a clear symbol of the institutional research at King Saud University and has achieved a lot in a short period of time besides its effective efforts and positive role. During the opening of the conference, King Saud University has announced the launching of the new website of NOW which provides an interactive platform for researchers to modify the equations to calculate specific relations between the five dimensions of the indicator of woman’s participation in development, or to identify different categories, for example, calculating woman’s participation in development by age group or by educational level or by administrative region.
Additionally, results released in the conference of (Woman’s role in development “towards vital community”) included data provided by the General Authority for Statistics GASTAT which were obtained from field surveys. These data were analyzed by NOW by using a certain methodology and research tools. The results focus on key measurements of international studies related to men and women: health, education, economic opportunities, organizational structure, and social context. The study evaluates a number of variables between 8 to 20 variables in each one of these five dimensions.
The conference held two main sessions and three local sessions with a participation of a number of experts and officials. The first session includes (the main legislations of woman’s participation in development) which discusses: legislations that guarantee woman’s participation in the public judiciary, legislative frameworks of personal affairs, legislative frameworks of woman protection, the role of law in promoting women’s rights, and women’s rights in health care. On the other hand, the second session includes: (social capital and its role in promoting woman’s participation in development) which discusses: social capital “the modern approach to development”, sustainable development between community trust and interrelationships, and the social dimension of “the indicator of woman’s participation in development”. In addition, the local round table session has discussed in its first session the strategies and future aspirations of Saudi women, the second session was about woman’s participation in development from a global perspective, while the third session has showed some examples of woman’s participation in development.