
الهيئة العامة للإحصاء تطلق مختبر الابتكار

تطلق الهيئة العامة للإحصاء اليوم الاثنين الموافق 20/1/2025 مختبر الابتكار كأول مختبر ابتكار متخصص في الإحصاء في المملكة والذي يهدف إلى تعزيز الشراكة المجتمعية مع الباحثين والمهتمين في المجال الإحصائي وعلوم البيانات من منسوبي الجامعات والجمعيات الإحصائية والمراكز البحثية ومراكز الابتكار، من خلال تمكينهم من الابتكار الإحصائي، وذلك انطلاقًا من سعيها إلى مواكبة التغيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في المجتمع، والابتكار في المقاييس والمؤشرات باستمرار لتقديم قراءات إحصائية ومنتجات ذات دقة وجودة عالية تساعد في تحقيق مستهدفات التنمية الشاملة والمستدامة التي تلبي متطلبات رؤية السعودية 2030. 
ويعمل مختبر الابتكار على تحديد مواضيع إحصائية تحت الدراسة ومشاركتها مع الفئات المستهدفة من خلال تقديم طلبات للمشاركة مع الفرق المختصة بطلباتها للتشارك مع الفريق المختص بالهيئة  لعمل مشروع أولي للفكرة وتقييم مخرجاته، بهدف استخدامها في عملية الإنتاج الإحصائي، وبعد الانتهاء من استقبال طلبات الباحثين عبر منصة الابتكار الإحصائي، واختيار المرشحين، يتم تكوين فرق عمل مشتركة بين كلٍ من المتقدمين، وموظفي الهيئة المختصين، لتطوير فكرة المشروع في مدة لا تتجاوز (6) أسابيع, وسعيًا إلى تعزيز هذا التعاون سيقوم مختبر الابتكار بإدراج هذا الحل المبتكر في المنتجات الإحصائية بعد تقييم اللجنة الفنية. 
وسيكون لمشاريع مختبر الابتكار دور فاعل في تطور العمل الإحصائي في المملكة، بما ينعكس على تطوير المنهجيات الإحصائية والخروج ببيانات ومؤشرات ومنتجات تقرأ الواقع الحالي الاقتصادي والاجتماعي وتمكين الابتكار المجتمعي في منتجات الهيئة.
وتدعو الهيئة العامة للإحصاء الراغبين في التقدم على المشاريع المطروحة للاطلاع على كافة التفاصيل وآلية المشاركة من خلال البوابة الإلكترونية (منصة الابتكار الإحصائي) عبر زيارة الرابط التالي https://www.stats.gov.sa/web/guest/innovation-platform
مشيرة الى ترحيبها بكافة الاستفسارات وطلب المعلومات من خلال التواصل مع ممثليها بالاتصال على الرقم الموحد للهاتف الإحصائي (199009) أو عبر البريد الإلكتروني لدعم العملاء(info@stats.gov.sa) أو البريد الإلكتروني لمختبر الابتكار(innovationlab@stats.gov.sa) .

82.33% of children (24-59 months) are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the Early Childhood Development and Child Well-Being Statistics Publication for 2024. According to the results of the publication, the percentage of children aged (36-59 months) enrolled in early childhood education programs is 9.54%, with males representing 10.68% compared to 8.35% for females. 
The publication also indicated that the participation rate in organized learning, one year before the official enrollment in primary education, is 64.03%. This rate has seen an increase among Saudi females aged 5 years, reaching 65.58% compared to other groups. 
The results showed that 32.07% of children aged (5-7) use digital technology devices for one to two hours each day, while 25.78% of these children use these devices for less than one hour daily. Additionally, the publication revealed that 82.31% of males are on the right growth path in the areas of health, learning, psychological well-being, and social development, while 82.35% of females are on the right path in these areas. 
The results also indicated that a positive and stimulating home environment for children aged (36-59 months) involves their mothers, fathers, or any other adult family member participating in activities such as reading or looking at picture books, storytelling, singing and nursery rhymes, taking children outside, playing with them, naming objects and counting, and drawing. 

The percentage of children aged (36-59 months) living in a positive and stimulating home environment for learning is 82.90%. By sex, females achieved a rate of 83.40% compared to 82.42% for males. 
The results showed that 23.56% of children under the age of five own one or two children's books, while the percentage of those owning three or more books drops to 9.89%.  It is worth noting that early childhood development is a multidimensional process that results in gradual growth in children's motor, cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and organizational skills and abilities during the first few years of life.


GASTAT IPI increases by 3.4% in November 2024

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released today the results of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) for November 2024. According to the publication, the IPI increased by 3.4% compared to the same month of the previous year (November 2023), driven by growth in mining and quarrying activities, manufacturing activities, and water supply, sewage, and waste management activities.
The publication results showed a 1.2% year-on-year increase in the sub-index for mining and quarrying activities and a 7.2% rise in the sub-index for manufacturing activities. Meanwhile, the sub-index for electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supplies recorded a 2.1% decline, whereas the sub-index for water supply, sewage, and waste management activities increased by 10.5%.
On the other hand, the results indicated a 3.8% increase in the index for oil-related activities and a 2.4% rise in the index for non-oil activities compared to November of the previous year.
It is worth noting that GASTAT issues the Industrial Production Index on a monthly basis. This economic indicator reflects the relative changes in the volume of industrial production, based on data collected from the Industrial Production Survey. The survey targets a sample of industrial establishments engaged in key activities, including mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply, as well as water supply, sewage, waste management, and remediation activities.

GASTAT Consumption of non-renewable groundwater decreases by 7% in 2023

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the Water Accounts Publication 2023. According to the results, agricultural consumption of non-renewable groundwater decreased by 7% in 2023, amounting to 9,356 million cubic meters compared to 2022. Renewable groundwater accounted for 21% of the total groundwater extracted in 2023, while non-renewable groundwater extraction decreased by 6%, reaching 10,849 million cubic meters in the same year. Additionally, desalinated water constituted 50% of the distributed water quantity in 2023, compared to 44% in 2022.
The publication’s results revealed that water consumption for agricultural purposes in 2023 reached 12,298 million cubic meters. The agricultural sector accounted for 0.5% of the total water expenditure, while the industrial sector's water expenditure represented 61.4%. Household expenditure on water usage amounted to 38.1%.
The results indicated a 31% increase in the supply of desalinated seawater in 2023, reaching 3,785 million cubic meters. Desalinated seawater accounted for 22% of the total water supply from natural resources, while non-renewable groundwater made up 62% of the total water supply from natural resources in 2023. Additionally, the consumption of reused water rose by 12%, reaching 555 million cubic meters compared to 495 million cubic meters in 2022.
It is worth noting that the Water Accounts Publication provides both quantitative and monetary data on water at the national level for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in accordance with the National Classification of Economic Activities (ISIC4), the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), and the Central Framework (2012).

الهيئة العامة للإحصاء تطلق مختبر الابتكار

تطلق الهيئة العامة للإحصاء اليوم الاثنين الموافق 20/1/2025 مختبر الابتكار كأول مختبر ابتكار متخصص في الإحصاء في المملكة والذي يهدف إلى تعزيز الشراكة المجتمعية مع الباحثين والمهتمين في المجال الإحصائي وعلوم البيانات من منسوبي الجامعات والجمعيات الإحصائية والمراكز البحثية ومراكز الابتكار، من خلال تمكينهم من الابتكار الإحصائي، وذلك انطلاقًا من سعيها إلى مواكبة التغيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في المجتمع، والابتكار في المقاييس والمؤشرات باستمرار لتقديم قراءات إحصائية ومنتجات ذات دقة وجودة عالية تساعد في تحقيق مستهدفات التنمية الشاملة والمستدامة التي تلبي متطلبات رؤية السعودية 2030. 
ويعمل مختبر الابتكار على تحديد مواضيع إحصائية تحت الدراسة ومشاركتها مع الفئات المستهدفة من خلال تقديم طلبات للمشاركة مع الفرق المختصة بطلباتها للتشارك مع الفريق المختص بالهيئة  لعمل مشروع أولي للفكرة وتقييم مخرجاته، بهدف استخدامها في عملية الإنتاج الإحصائي، وبعد الانتهاء من استقبال طلبات الباحثين عبر منصة الابتكار الإحصائي، واختيار المرشحين، يتم تكوين فرق عمل مشتركة بين كلٍ من المتقدمين، وموظفي الهيئة المختصين، لتطوير فكرة المشروع في مدة لا تتجاوز (6) أسابيع, وسعيًا إلى تعزيز هذا التعاون سيقوم مختبر الابتكار بإدراج هذا الحل المبتكر في المنتجات الإحصائية بعد تقييم اللجنة الفنية. 
وسيكون لمشاريع مختبر الابتكار دور فاعل في تطور العمل الإحصائي في المملكة، بما ينعكس على تطوير المنهجيات الإحصائية والخروج ببيانات ومؤشرات ومنتجات تقرأ الواقع الحالي الاقتصادي والاجتماعي وتمكين الابتكار المجتمعي في منتجات الهيئة.
وتدعو الهيئة العامة للإحصاء الراغبين في التقدم على المشاريع المطروحة للاطلاع على كافة التفاصيل وآلية المشاركة من خلال البوابة الإلكترونية (منصة الابتكار الإحصائي) عبر زيارة الرابط التالي https://www.stats.gov.sa/web/guest/innovation-platform
مشيرة الى ترحيبها بكافة الاستفسارات وطلب المعلومات من خلال التواصل مع ممثليها بالاتصال على الرقم الموحد للهاتف الإحصائي (199009) أو عبر البريد الإلكتروني لدعم العملاء(info@stats.gov.sa) أو البريد الإلكتروني لمختبر الابتكار(innovationlab@stats.gov.sa) .

82.33% of children (24-59 months) are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the Early Childhood Development and Child Well-Being Statistics Publication for 2024. According to the results of the publication, the percentage of children aged (36-59 months) enrolled in early childhood education programs is 9.54%, with males representing 10.68% compared to 8.35% for females. 
The publication also indicated that the participation rate in organized learning, one year before the official enrollment in primary education, is 64.03%. This rate has seen an increase among Saudi females aged 5 years, reaching 65.58% compared to other groups. 
The results showed that 32.07% of children aged (5-7) use digital technology devices for one to two hours each day, while 25.78% of these children use these devices for less than one hour daily. Additionally, the publication revealed that 82.31% of males are on the right growth path in the areas of health, learning, psychological well-being, and social development, while 82.35% of females are on the right path in these areas. 
The results also indicated that a positive and stimulating home environment for children aged (36-59 months) involves their mothers, fathers, or any other adult family member participating in activities such as reading or looking at picture books, storytelling, singing and nursery rhymes, taking children outside, playing with them, naming objects and counting, and drawing. 

The percentage of children aged (36-59 months) living in a positive and stimulating home environment for learning is 82.90%. By sex, females achieved a rate of 83.40% compared to 82.42% for males. 
The results showed that 23.56% of children under the age of five own one or two children's books, while the percentage of those owning three or more books drops to 9.89%.  It is worth noting that early childhood development is a multidimensional process that results in gradual growth in children's motor, cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and organizational skills and abilities during the first few years of life.


GASTAT IPI increases by 3.4% in November 2024

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released today the results of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) for November 2024. According to the publication, the IPI increased by 3.4% compared to the same month of the previous year (November 2023), driven by growth in mining and quarrying activities, manufacturing activities, and water supply, sewage, and waste management activities.
The publication results showed a 1.2% year-on-year increase in the sub-index for mining and quarrying activities and a 7.2% rise in the sub-index for manufacturing activities. Meanwhile, the sub-index for electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supplies recorded a 2.1% decline, whereas the sub-index for water supply, sewage, and waste management activities increased by 10.5%.
On the other hand, the results indicated a 3.8% increase in the index for oil-related activities and a 2.4% rise in the index for non-oil activities compared to November of the previous year.
It is worth noting that GASTAT issues the Industrial Production Index on a monthly basis. This economic indicator reflects the relative changes in the volume of industrial production, based on data collected from the Industrial Production Survey. The survey targets a sample of industrial establishments engaged in key activities, including mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply, as well as water supply, sewage, waste management, and remediation activities.

GASTAT Consumption of non-renewable groundwater decreases by 7% in 2023

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the Water Accounts Publication 2023. According to the results, agricultural consumption of non-renewable groundwater decreased by 7% in 2023, amounting to 9,356 million cubic meters compared to 2022. Renewable groundwater accounted for 21% of the total groundwater extracted in 2023, while non-renewable groundwater extraction decreased by 6%, reaching 10,849 million cubic meters in the same year. Additionally, desalinated water constituted 50% of the distributed water quantity in 2023, compared to 44% in 2022.
The publication’s results revealed that water consumption for agricultural purposes in 2023 reached 12,298 million cubic meters. The agricultural sector accounted for 0.5% of the total water expenditure, while the industrial sector's water expenditure represented 61.4%. Household expenditure on water usage amounted to 38.1%.
The results indicated a 31% increase in the supply of desalinated seawater in 2023, reaching 3,785 million cubic meters. Desalinated seawater accounted for 22% of the total water supply from natural resources, while non-renewable groundwater made up 62% of the total water supply from natural resources in 2023. Additionally, the consumption of reused water rose by 12%, reaching 555 million cubic meters compared to 495 million cubic meters in 2022.
It is worth noting that the Water Accounts Publication provides both quantitative and monetary data on water at the national level for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in accordance with the National Classification of Economic Activities (ISIC4), the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), and the Central Framework (2012).