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Gastat launches an annual household survey until 2020

In a Step Towards qualitative statistical work to measure the economic and social impacts on the household Gastat launches an annual household survey until 2020 The General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) started last week to visit 24,000 households in all regions of the Kingdom to conduct a survey aimed at households to build economic and social indicators. GaStat called upon all citizens and residents to cooperate with statisticians working in the field in the different 13 regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including their cities and governorates. The visits of more than 355 statisticians to households will continue until 8 Sha'ban 1438H corresponding to 4 May 2017. HE Dr. Fahad Altekhaifi, President of GaStat, explained that this survey is an extension of the tools of supporting decision-makers in developing the study of the economic and social status of households periodically to support the national transformation program by providing economic indicators and readings for households on a yearly basis. In addition, it will track and evaluate the changes in the social and economic indicators of households and their consumption behavior until 2020. His Excellency also explained that the Household Economy Survey is one of the new products that have been designed in cooperation with some government entities in line with international practices in such surveys to meet the needs of general economic changes. Therefore, the survey covers eight main aspects: household list data, education data, labor data, data on housing characteristics, income and expenditure data, living conditions data, household economic activity data, and future household outlook data. This survey is a complementary to other surveys implemented by Gastat. He also added that the results of the survey will be published in next August. On the other hand, GaStat met with a number of Household Economy Survey beneficiary government entities:" Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Trade and Investment, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labor and Social Development" when launching field work, in order to introduce the survey and its expected results, describing it as one of the most important national surveys. GaStat stressed that all data are treated as an information base for decision-makers in all relevant government agencies, which benefit citizens and residents. Gastat also notes that all statistical researchers hold official badges and are officially authorized to collect data to be stored and kept confidentially in accordance with general statistics system issued by the Council of Ministers. GaStat also made available through its official website www.stats.gov.sa the opportunity to access the field research forms on which the data will be collected. All households and establishments can contact the toll free number 8001240440 for any inquiries about this work or any other inquiries. It should be noted that the General Authority for Statistics follows the international standards approved in the selection of the sample for all its statistical work as part of the statistical society, which is selected according to the of statistical sampling methods and is required to be representative of the society being studied and include the characteristics of the community until the results are published as official statistics and published through its website.
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Saudi Arabia is “the second country on the Arab world level and the thirty eighth internationally” within the very high-level human development countries

According to the human development report issued by a UN program with a remarkable progress Saudi Arabia is “the second country on the Arab world level and the thirty eighth internationally” within the very high-level human development countries Saudi Arabia registered the second rank on the Arab world level and the thirty eighth internationally within the very high-level human development countries according to the human development report issued by the UN developmental program 2016. Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi, GaStat president, clarified that Saudi Arabia has reached that remarkable progress which was reflected in the human development report issued by the UN developmental program 2016. He added, Saudi Arabia was classified within the countries that have the highest levels of human development.  His Excellency assured that the report is one of the annual reports issued by the UN developmental program since 1990. In addition to the main topics it discusses and resolves annually, the program includes many statistical tables of various indicators, the most important of which is a table that contains the human development guide classified by the level of human development all over the world. This guide is considered a standard that summarizes all achievements in the field of development through three main dimensions: individual health life, knowledge acquisition, and the proper living standard.  He indicated that this improvement in the Saudi level of human development is continuous one. During the past three years, Saudi Arabia registered the (39th) rank last year, the (55th) rank in 2010, and the (77th) rank in 2005. This progress is attributed to the noticeable improvement in all elements of the human development guide which are represented in the expected age of birth, the expected average of studying years which means the expected number of studying years that a child is expected to spend since he/she starts going to school, supposing that the rates of this process by age groups remain stable during all times. The guide elements also include the gross national income per capita which is calculated by the purchase power rate in Dollar.  It is worth mentioning that the human development report divides the world into four groups by value of human development guide’s indicator. Countries with low-level human development have a value of (0R550), whereas countries with intermediate-level human development, their value ranges between (0R550) and (0R699). However, countries with high-level human development have a guide value that ranges between (0R700) and (0R799), and countries with a very high-level of human development have a value of (0R800) or more. The Saudi indicator mentioned in the 2016 report registered (0R847).  Dr. Fahad stressed that this report reflects the level of human development that Saudi Arabia witnesses in many fields. It shows the exerted efforts on many levels. These efforts were achieved as a response to the continuous directions of the custodian of the two holly mosques, his crown prince, and his deputy crown prince. It also reflects the goals upon which the 2030 Saudi vision is made, the vision that represents a promising document that aims at achieving the sustainable development and coping with all rapid developmental changes internationally.
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Riyadh Announces 14 Recommendations at the Conclusion of the First GCC Statistical Forum

Based on 3 Strategic Pillars Riyadh Announces 14 Recommendations at the Conclusion of the First GCC Statistical Forum The First GCC Statistical Forum held in Riyadh concluded by announcing 14 recommendations, co-drafted by decision and policy makers, academia, private sector, in addition to the leaders of the statistical data and information authorities, systems and centers in the GCC countries and international and regional organizations. The participants in the Forum, organized by the General Authority for Statistics in Saudi Arabia and the GCC Statistical Center, stressed the importance, moving forward, of strengthening and increasing the effectiveness of the ongoing efforts in the various related fields, based on three strategic pillars (Partnerships, Development and Harmonization, and Resources). The participants also agreed on the importance of holding the Forum on a regular basis ever two years, to monitor progress and achievements in the areas of joint work and collaboration, and discuss the latest developments in the demand for and the production and dissemination of official statistics. The next forum will take place, in Muscat, in March 2019. This announcement came along with the Forum participants’ acknowledgment of the extra burden put on the national statistical authorities, centers and systems by the ever increasing and evolving demand for better quality statistics. The recommendations on the Partnerships Pillar stressed the need to (i) Strengthen the cooperation and dialogue mechanisms between statistics users and producers at the national level, so that the needs of users are met and the priorities are set in a better way; (ii) Enhance coordination and cooperation between producers of statistics in countries, to share knowledge and best practice, avoid duplication of efforts, and increase the quality of official statistics; (iii) Improve coordination and cooperation at the regional and international levels, to keep pace with and ensure contribution to and benefit from relevant developments, and to exchange expertise and experiences; (iv) Explore the potential of public private partnerships in statistics, to increase the frequency of data and develop new data sources; and (v) Foster collaboration and partnerships with the academic community in the GCC region, to serve a wide array of objectives including improving statistical literacy, adding value to statistical production, increasing the correct use of data, and strengthening training and capacity development.    In terms of the Development and Harmonization Pillar, the participants recommended to (i) Improve the quality and comparability of official statistics, to meet the needs of users; (ii) Incorporate contemporary international statistical standards and classifications; (iii) Enhance the use of administrative registers to produce official statistics; (iv) Take full advantage of modern statistical tools and technologies; and (v) Promote the correct use of statistics and statistical awareness and culture in society. Finally, regarding the Sources Pillar, the participants’ recommendations included to (i) Operate statistical agencies in an efficient, cost-effective and results-based manner; (ii) Attract and keep qualified GCC nationals in the statistical work; (iii) Increase the effectiveness and coverage of capacity development programs; and (iv) Explore alternative sources of funding and cost sharing outside the framework of official statistics including with the private sector. For the recommendations of the first Gulf Statistical Forum | Press here
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Gastat launches an annual household survey until 2020

In a Step Towards qualitative statistical work to measure the economic and social impacts on the household Gastat launches an annual household survey until 2020 The General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) started last week to visit 24,000 households in all regions of the Kingdom to conduct a survey aimed at households to build economic and social indicators. GaStat called upon all citizens and residents to cooperate with statisticians working in the field in the different 13 regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including their cities and governorates. The visits of more than 355 statisticians to households will continue until 8 Sha'ban 1438H corresponding to 4 May 2017. HE Dr. Fahad Altekhaifi, President of GaStat, explained that this survey is an extension of the tools of supporting decision-makers in developing the study of the economic and social status of households periodically to support the national transformation program by providing economic indicators and readings for households on a yearly basis. In addition, it will track and evaluate the changes in the social and economic indicators of households and their consumption behavior until 2020. His Excellency also explained that the Household Economy Survey is one of the new products that have been designed in cooperation with some government entities in line with international practices in such surveys to meet the needs of general economic changes. Therefore, the survey covers eight main aspects: household list data, education data, labor data, data on housing characteristics, income and expenditure data, living conditions data, household economic activity data, and future household outlook data. This survey is a complementary to other surveys implemented by Gastat. He also added that the results of the survey will be published in next August. On the other hand, GaStat met with a number of Household Economy Survey beneficiary government entities:" Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Trade and Investment, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labor and Social Development" when launching field work, in order to introduce the survey and its expected results, describing it as one of the most important national surveys. GaStat stressed that all data are treated as an information base for decision-makers in all relevant government agencies, which benefit citizens and residents. Gastat also notes that all statistical researchers hold official badges and are officially authorized to collect data to be stored and kept confidentially in accordance with general statistics system issued by the Council of Ministers. GaStat also made available through its official website www.stats.gov.sa the opportunity to access the field research forms on which the data will be collected. All households and establishments can contact the toll free number 8001240440 for any inquiries about this work or any other inquiries. It should be noted that the General Authority for Statistics follows the international standards approved in the selection of the sample for all its statistical work as part of the statistical society, which is selected according to the of statistical sampling methods and is required to be representative of the society being studied and include the characteristics of the community until the results are published as official statistics and published through its website.
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Saudi Arabia is “the second country on the Arab world level and the thirty eighth internationally” within the very high-level human development countries

According to the human development report issued by a UN program with a remarkable progress Saudi Arabia is “the second country on the Arab world level and the thirty eighth internationally” within the very high-level human development countries Saudi Arabia registered the second rank on the Arab world level and the thirty eighth internationally within the very high-level human development countries according to the human development report issued by the UN developmental program 2016. Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi, GaStat president, clarified that Saudi Arabia has reached that remarkable progress which was reflected in the human development report issued by the UN developmental program 2016. He added, Saudi Arabia was classified within the countries that have the highest levels of human development.  His Excellency assured that the report is one of the annual reports issued by the UN developmental program since 1990. In addition to the main topics it discusses and resolves annually, the program includes many statistical tables of various indicators, the most important of which is a table that contains the human development guide classified by the level of human development all over the world. This guide is considered a standard that summarizes all achievements in the field of development through three main dimensions: individual health life, knowledge acquisition, and the proper living standard.  He indicated that this improvement in the Saudi level of human development is continuous one. During the past three years, Saudi Arabia registered the (39th) rank last year, the (55th) rank in 2010, and the (77th) rank in 2005. This progress is attributed to the noticeable improvement in all elements of the human development guide which are represented in the expected age of birth, the expected average of studying years which means the expected number of studying years that a child is expected to spend since he/she starts going to school, supposing that the rates of this process by age groups remain stable during all times. The guide elements also include the gross national income per capita which is calculated by the purchase power rate in Dollar.  It is worth mentioning that the human development report divides the world into four groups by value of human development guide’s indicator. Countries with low-level human development have a value of (0R550), whereas countries with intermediate-level human development, their value ranges between (0R550) and (0R699). However, countries with high-level human development have a guide value that ranges between (0R700) and (0R799), and countries with a very high-level of human development have a value of (0R800) or more. The Saudi indicator mentioned in the 2016 report registered (0R847).  Dr. Fahad stressed that this report reflects the level of human development that Saudi Arabia witnesses in many fields. It shows the exerted efforts on many levels. These efforts were achieved as a response to the continuous directions of the custodian of the two holly mosques, his crown prince, and his deputy crown prince. It also reflects the goals upon which the 2030 Saudi vision is made, the vision that represents a promising document that aims at achieving the sustainable development and coping with all rapid developmental changes internationally.
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Riyadh Announces 14 Recommendations at the Conclusion of the First GCC Statistical Forum

Based on 3 Strategic Pillars Riyadh Announces 14 Recommendations at the Conclusion of the First GCC Statistical Forum The First GCC Statistical Forum held in Riyadh concluded by announcing 14 recommendations, co-drafted by decision and policy makers, academia, private sector, in addition to the leaders of the statistical data and information authorities, systems and centers in the GCC countries and international and regional organizations. The participants in the Forum, organized by the General Authority for Statistics in Saudi Arabia and the GCC Statistical Center, stressed the importance, moving forward, of strengthening and increasing the effectiveness of the ongoing efforts in the various related fields, based on three strategic pillars (Partnerships, Development and Harmonization, and Resources). The participants also agreed on the importance of holding the Forum on a regular basis ever two years, to monitor progress and achievements in the areas of joint work and collaboration, and discuss the latest developments in the demand for and the production and dissemination of official statistics. The next forum will take place, in Muscat, in March 2019. This announcement came along with the Forum participants’ acknowledgment of the extra burden put on the national statistical authorities, centers and systems by the ever increasing and evolving demand for better quality statistics. The recommendations on the Partnerships Pillar stressed the need to (i) Strengthen the cooperation and dialogue mechanisms between statistics users and producers at the national level, so that the needs of users are met and the priorities are set in a better way; (ii) Enhance coordination and cooperation between producers of statistics in countries, to share knowledge and best practice, avoid duplication of efforts, and increase the quality of official statistics; (iii) Improve coordination and cooperation at the regional and international levels, to keep pace with and ensure contribution to and benefit from relevant developments, and to exchange expertise and experiences; (iv) Explore the potential of public private partnerships in statistics, to increase the frequency of data and develop new data sources; and (v) Foster collaboration and partnerships with the academic community in the GCC region, to serve a wide array of objectives including improving statistical literacy, adding value to statistical production, increasing the correct use of data, and strengthening training and capacity development.    In terms of the Development and Harmonization Pillar, the participants recommended to (i) Improve the quality and comparability of official statistics, to meet the needs of users; (ii) Incorporate contemporary international statistical standards and classifications; (iii) Enhance the use of administrative registers to produce official statistics; (iv) Take full advantage of modern statistical tools and technologies; and (v) Promote the correct use of statistics and statistical awareness and culture in society. Finally, regarding the Sources Pillar, the participants’ recommendations included to (i) Operate statistical agencies in an efficient, cost-effective and results-based manner; (ii) Attract and keep qualified GCC nationals in the statistical work; (iii) Increase the effectiveness and coverage of capacity development programs; and (iv) Explore alternative sources of funding and cost sharing outside the framework of official statistics including with the private sector. For the recommendations of the first Gulf Statistical Forum | Press here
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Under the patronage of the custodian of the two holly mosques His Excellency minister of economy and planning inaugurates the GCC statistical forum events