18 Jul 2024

Last update 18 / 07 / 2023

Metadata Report of Household Energy Statistics


Based on the mission of the General Authority for Statistics, which is to provide updated statistical products and services with added value characterized by accuracy, comprehensiveness and credibility, in accordance with the best international standards and practices leading in the development of the statistical sector to support decision-making, and to achieve the Authority’s vision of being the most distinguished and innovative statistical reference to support economic development and social sciences in Saudi Arabia.


The General Authority for Statistics is pleased to publish its release of the results and methodology of the household energy Statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the year 2021. The household energy Statistics with its outputs is one of the important statistical products conducted in the field of energy statistics that are included in the authority’s Statistics plan.


The Household Energy Statistics Bulletin provides statistics on the dwelling, its components that are cooled and heated, the sources of electricity, the uses of fuel in the dwelling, the quantities of consumption of different forms of energy and its uses in various household activities and the energy-consuming appliances in the household sector. (PV) in the dwelling, the uses of solar energy and biomass, and the extent of thermal insulation in the dwelling.


The authority hopes that the bulletin's data will help decision-makers and researchers in formulating policies for the household energy Statistics. It also contributes to building a statistical database for energy statistics in the household sector, which can be used in preparing and planning future development programs in the Kingdom, and supporting the trends and efforts made by all agencies. The state and the private sector.

The General Authority for Statistics extends its thanks and appreciation to all partners and customers from the concerned authorities for their cooperation with it in the completion of this Statistics and extends its sincere thanks to the heads of families for their response to the Statistics form, as their cooperation had the greatest impact after God’s success in issuing the results of the household energy Statistics.






In all its statistical work, GASTAT applies a unified methodology suitable for the nature of each statistical product using the Statistical Procedures Guide approved by international organizations. Statistical products undergo 8 main phases, in addition to a ninth comprehensive phase, “Management”, as shown in the following diagram and explanation underneath:



The first three stages (scope, design and organization) are cooperative ones; conducted by

GASTAT jointly with the developmental bodies benefiting from its data. Likewise, the fourth stage (data collection) is a cooperative stage conducted by the Authority jointly with the statistical population (households and establishments) to get the data and information. The following three stages (categorization, review and publishing) are purely statistical ones, undertaken by the Authority. Then, the eighth stage (assessment) is conducted jointly with the beneficiaries. ‘Management’ is an organizational/ managerial stage running throughout all previous stages. Those stages have been applied to the Household Energy Survey as follows:


First stage: Scope 

Deemed to be the kick-off stage for producing the Household Energy Survey Bulletin, this stage is also

the first cooperative stage between GASTAT  and the Ministry of Energy, the Water and Electricity Regulatory Authority, research centers in universities, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research , King Salman Energy City (SPARK), and King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, and others


This stage involved workshops and meetings between the Authority and the aforementioned relevant parties, in an endeavor to identify their needs, requirements and expectations, being the foremost beneficiaries of the results of the Household Energy Survey. GASTAT has made sure to take the views of those parties, in order to realize the goals of the Household Energy Survey, which are:


  1. To provide data on dwelling characteristics, such as type components and areas air-conditioned or air-heated.
  2. To obtain realistic estimates on consumption of the various forms of energy in the domestic sector.
  3. To identify the impact of economic, social and geographical variables on energy consumption.
  4. To provide data on household consumption of various fuel types.
  5. To provide data on energy consumption in the domestic sector to complete statistics on the primary consumption coverage of various energy forms, which contributes to the preparation of energy balance.
  6. To identify patterns of energy consumption and the forms of energy used in the domestic sector.
  7. To identify the community behavior in energy consumption by type and source.
  8. To create a statistical database with indicators on energy consumption in the domestic sector across the Kingdom’s provinces, including:
    • Data on household consumption of various petroleum products.
    • Data on household consumption of electricity.
    • Data on household consumption of biomass (firewood, coal agricultural waste).
    • Energy consumption by type (fuel, electricity, firewood, and coal .... etc)).
    • Usage of fuel and other forms of energy by activity (cooking air-conditioning, lighting, heating, food preservation).
  9. To measure the extent households across the Kingdom are willing to use photovoltaic energy at home.
  10. To measure the percentage of households using thermal isolation.


Second stage: The design 


It is during this stage that a complete design for the statistical product is set forth. During this stagethe statistical population is defined, the statistical framework is outlined, the Statistics sample is determined, the Statistics form is designed, the data collection method and tools are selected, and the sampling units are determined. The beneficiaries are engaged in all processes, and their feedback is taken into account, so that the product would live up to their expectations.

Key outputs of this stage are:


1.The statistical population


The targeted statistical population of the Household Energy Survey is made up of all individuals (Saudis and non-Saudis) who are based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


2.Sources of statistics


The Bulletin’s data are derived from the household telephone Statistics conducted by GASTAT on an annual basis as of 2017, this Statistics is one of the Spatial and resources statistics. Through a sample representing all KSA regions, this Statistics collects data from households. An e-form is filled out by answering it questions. Once data from those forms are collected, a database on the energy consumption in the Kingdom’s domestic sector is built up, showing the key indicators of the Household Energy Statistics as well as the patterns and forms of energy consumption. 


3. Terms and definitions related to the Household Energy Statistics

Household energy consumption: The energy consumed by the population for domestic purposes only (water heating, warming, air-conditioning, lighting, cooking, etc.) It includes the energy consumption of the residential, industrial, commercial and service sectors that contain households.


Fuel: It refers to any type of material used to produce energy through a thermo-chemical or nuclear reaction.


Gasoline: The gasoline used for running engines or vehicles is a blend of light hydrocarbons distilled between 35 - 215 °C


Diesel (fuel oil): A liquid hydrocarbon fuel produced by distilling crude oil. It is heavy oil that is distilled between 200 - 380 °C. Its flash point is permanently higher than 50 °C, and its specific weight is higher than 82 °C.


Kerosene: A medium-viscosity oil distilled between 150 - 300 °C. Its specific weight is approximately 8.0, and its flash point is higher than 38 °C.


Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): LPG consists of a mixture of gases, and is extracted from natural gas or from crude oil fractionation. It mainly consists of Propane and Butane or a mixture thereof. It is used as a fuel for heating and household cooking, and as a fuel for some types of engines. It is additionally used as a raw material in some chemical industries. LPG is often available in the form of metal cylindrical canisters, or in the form of surface or underground tanks.

Electric energy: The work required to move an electric charge through a conductor in a given time, and its unit is kilowatt-hours.

Electricity consumption = power (kilowatt) x time (hours)

Photovoltaic energy: Photovoltaic cells are made up of solar panels designed to convert the Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) directly into electric energy. These panels can be combined into fields that are directly connected to the national grid using inverters that convert the solar power into a grid-compatible alternating current. The foremost aim is to have installed sufficient photovoltaic capacity to be able to generate power.

Thermal insulation: The use of materials that reduce the leakage of heat through the walls into the building during summer, and the other way round during winter.

Firewood: All types of firewood used as a fuel.

Charcoal: A solid material the main component of which is carbon. It is  produced through destructive distillation of firewood while being secluded from air.

Agricultural residues: Solid residues from trees and fruits, such as residues squeezed olives.The benefits of such residues are many: they can be used for generating energy for bread-baking in traditional tabun ovens. They may also be used as fertilizers for trees or fodder for animals.


4. Indicators

 Following are some of the key indicators adopted by GASTAT in the Household Energy Survey:


  1. Percentage of households connected to the public electricity network
  1. Percentage of households using solar energy at home
  1. Percentage of households that use gas in the cooking process
  1. Percentage of households that use electricity in the cooking process
  1. Percentage of households using biomass products (firewood, coal and agricultural waste)
  1. Percentage of households that use an independent electric meter for the home.
  1. Percentage of households that use a shared electric meter with several homes.
  1. Percentage of households that have an electrical voltage regulator at home.
  1. Percentage of households that use electrical energy-saving devices at home.
  1. Percentage of households that use thermal insulation at home.
  1. Percentage of families who want to use photovoltaic (solar) energy at home.



5. Statistics  questionnaire design

The Statistics questionnaire was prepared and designed by the Household Energy Survey specialists in the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT). When designing the questionnaire, the relevant international recommendations and standards in the field of household energy Statistics were taken into consideration. The form was presented to an expert in energy Statistics, during his visit to the Authority, as well as to the related bodies and the relevant bodies to take into account their feedback and observations. The questions have been outlined in a scientific, precise manner, with a view to standardizing the questions asked by researchers.



The form was divided into seven sections based on the topic to increase its efficiency in achieving the technical specifications of the data collection


Basic household data




Dwelling data


Geographic details of the counting area


Consumption of firewood, coal and agricultural residues



Electricity consumption


Fuel consumption


Final result of the household visit


View and download the complete form from the GASTAT official website:





Once approved, the Statistics form was converted into an e-form, so that they can be used through the tablet-based developed data collection system, which offers a variety of features, including:


  1. Review of the researcher's work area.
  2. Dial-up to the family using the Cisco Jaber communications system.
  3. Complete the data with high quality using the rules of data checking and navigation (to automatically detect input errors and illogical inputs the moment the data is completed)
  4. Communication between the supervisory categories by sending and receiving notes with the researcher.


6. Survey Coverage:

Territorial coverage:

The Household Energy Statistics Bulletin covers the data related to household energy consumption throughout the Kingdom’s 13 administrative regions, which are: Riyadh, Makkah, Madinah, Qassim, Eastern Region, Asir, Tabuk, Hail, Northern Borders, Jazan, Najran, Al-Baha, and Al-Jouf. This is done through the contact of a sample of households from each region, which are chosen by a scientific method in order to be a sample representing the households of the region.


Time covarage:

The data of the Household Energy Survey are based as follows:

1. Data of the Household Energy Statistics regarding the dwelling and household and their characteristics are based on the date of contact with the family.


2.Data of the Household Energy Survey regarding the usage of fuel electricity and biomass fuel (firewood, coal and agricultural residues) are based on the    lastyear .


7. Statistical framework:

  • The framework of the process of inventorying and numbering buildings and real estate units 2020, was used as a list that contains all the vocabulary of the community.
  • The metadata required to create the statistical framework, create the test framework, validate and use it for the current Statistics cycle has been defined.


8. Sample design:

  • The Statistics community was divided into non-overlapping parts that are characterized by relative homogeneity in their units, and each part is a layer, and each layer is treated as an independent community.
  •  A random sample was drawn from each layer independently, and at the end all the drawn sampling units were combined to form the total sample.
  • The sample units were selected from among the statistical frameworks that were designed to cover the target statistical community in two stages. In the first stage, the primary sampling units (enumeration areas) were selected from the framework of the process of listing and numbering buildings and real estate units, and using a regular random sample (1100) areas were selected Counting from the main sample of (9560) enumeration areas distributed over all layers in all administrative regions using the proportional method by weighting the number of Saudi families in them, then in the second stage selecting the final sampling units, which are the families in the enumeration areas that were selected in the first stage Using a simple random sample of (28) families from each enumeration region, that is, a total of (30,800) families at the level of the Kingdom.
  • The optimal methodology has been prepared for selecting sample units in order to provide the outputs with the required quality, while reducing the burdens on data providers, through statistical methods known to statisticians such as using rotation methods and monitoring interference.
  • The metadata required to apply the statistical framework and sample allocation and selection have been identified
  • The sample was tested and evaluated, validated and used in the current iteration of the project.


Sample units in the Household Energy Survey    :

The primary sample unit is the enumeration areas, which are the sample units that were taken in the first stage from the sample design. The (households) are the secondary and final sample units, which are sample units that were taken in the second stage of the sample design, and each secondary sample unit is considered a part of the primary sample unit.


Third stage: Organization 


It is the last stage of the preparation that precedes the process of household contacts and data collection. This stage involves preparation of the work processes and procedures necessary for outlining the Household Energy Survey, which begins with the next stage (the ‘collection stage’) and ends with the ‘evaluation stage’. The organization stage involves, also, organizing all such procedures, and determining their appropriate sequence; such that helps come up with a methodology that meets the objectives of the Household Energy Survey, The procedures were then described and documented, so that to be updated in the coming versions of this Statistics. After that, the statistical procedures were tested to make sure that they meet the requirements of the Household Energy Survey. Finally, those procedures were approved, and a road-map for implementation was set forth.


The key procedures of this stage include: testing the efficiency of the data-entry systems, as well as testing and review of the data transfer and synchronization processes, carried out through the office system.


Fourth stage: Collection 


First: The Statistics sample was selected by specifying (30,800) families as a selected and representative sample of the Statistics community at the level of the Kingdom and distributed according to the administrative regions as follows:



Administrative region

Number of households

Administrative region

Number of households

Administrative region

Number of households





















Northern Borders




Eastern Region









Second: Candidates were selected as researchers who contacted families to collect data (household energy Statistics) based on several practical and objective criteria related to the nature of work, such as:

  • Educational level.
  • Previous experience in household energy statistics.
  • Personal qualities, such as: good conduct, sound senses, medical and psychological fitness.
  • The candidate must pass the training program of the Household Energy Statistics.
  • The age of the candidate should not be less than 20 years.


Third: All candidates were qualified and trained to work in collecting Statistics data, according to the following:

  • Holding a training program for researchers, which included providing guidance and awareness lectures, during which the instruction booklet is explained, the objectives of the Statistics and the method of data collection, and a detailed explanation of all the questions of the form are explained.
  • Conducting a practical application on how to complete the electronic Statistics form.


The performance of the researchers was also tested during training, their performance was evaluated, and their comprehension of the form was checked before starting the communication and data collection process.




The training programs that were provided to researchers in charge of all household energy statistics data include: practical and applied lectures on the technical, technology, administrative and awareness materials used in the data collection processes. The researchers are also introduced to the statistics objectives and the method of data collection. and administrative procedures, as well as training on methods of communicating with data providers and how to submit questions in record time.






Fourth: Direct contact with the household in the process of completing the Statistics questionnaire and data collection: Each researcher contacted the households within the sample of the Statistics,The method of direct contact with the family was adopted in the process of completing the Statistics questionnaire and collecting data, whereby the researchers in charge of this process make a phone call to the heads of the households, and then the researcher introduces himself, clarifies his goal of communication, gives an overview of the Statistics and its objectives, and takes permission to complete the required data directly using the form Electronic Household Energy Statistics , and the Statistics questionnaire data are completed based on the specified time reference,To download and transfer the updated data for the family directly to the database and store it in preparation for review and processing.


Fifth : All Researchers used Laptops to complete Statistics questionnaire data based on the time reference specified according to the number of household members and their demographic, social and economic characteristics.


Sixth: Field researchers throughout the Kingdom used the ‘synchronization’ feature available on tablets in order to upload and transfer the completed data directly to the relevant database in GASTAT headquarters, to be stored for reviewing and processing.


Seventh: E-review rules were applied to ensure consistencyaccuracy and plausibility of the provided data. They were designed to ‘detect contradiction of answers’, by creating logical relations among the answers and variables of the form. Those rules are meant to help the researcher to instantly detect errors when filling out forms with the data provided by the head of the household. By applying those programmed rules, an answer shall not be accepted if it contradicts with another previously provided answer in the form.


Eighth: The collected data were validated by reviewing them through the researcher himself inspector overseeing him, and supervisor of the Statistics in the supervision area. Further, the entire work cycle was monitored and reviewed by the Data Quality Control Room in the GASTAT headquarters. The room also oversees and monitors the performance of all filed crews on the ground directly as they proceed with data collection from the first day to the last day.


Data Quality Team:

it is an operations team that works concurrently with the work of surveys and is equipped with all electronic follow-up methods, monitoring and tracking screens, in which observers and qualit specialists review the consistency of data and discover errors and extreme values ​​during the data collectio process by following up what is filled out by the researcher in a timely and immediate manner. It aims to verif that researchers follow the instructions related to the Statistics, verify the logic and correctness of the data, ensure the application of the scheduled communication schedule for the family, ensure the reliability and rationality of the data, and review some important Statistics indicators to ensure the accuracy of the data, and the Data Quality Room performs several tasks, most notably


  • Reviewing the collected data, and sending notes to the work teams at various levels through the office automated system linked to the researchers' computers, so that they can quickly receive the notes at their work sites.
  • Contacting the families, and asking some questions in the form to them to verify the safety of the researcher's completing the data, the extent of his commitment to the instructions, obtaining the missing data that has not yet been received, and thanking the heads of the families for their cooperation.
  • Responding to inquiries, either from researchers or from heads of households.



Fifth stage: Disaggregation 


The tabulation of the raw data for the household energy Statistics relied on the classification and coding inputs made during the data collection process so that it was tabulated based on the geographical distribution of the data (such as the distribution of data at the level of administrative regions) or any qualitative or descriptive classification.



The specialists in the Department of Energy Statistics, during this stage, also carried out the process of data processing and analysis, which was based on several procedures, as follows:

  • Sorting and arranging data in a sequence or in different groups or categories.
  • Summarize the detailed data into main points or data.
  • Combine many pieces of data and make them interconnected.
  • Processing missing or incomplete data.
  • Processing of illogical data.
  • Transforming or altering data into data with statistical significance.
  • Organizing, displaying and interpreting data.

The data is presented in appropriate tables; To facilitate the process of summarizing, understanding and comprehending it, deducing results from it, comparing it with other data, and coming out of it with statistical implications for the study population. It is also easy to refer to it in the form of tables without the need to look at the original forms, which often contain some data such as: the names and addresses of individuals, and the names of those who give data, which violates the principle of confidentiality of statistical data.

Also, one of the most important data processing procedures that were “data anonymised” is that in order to maintain the confidentiality of the data, the authority has removed the identity identifiers from the data set entered from the Statistics data / such as concealing the name and address of the head of the family, and other identifiers of his identity; This is to ensure that the privacy of individuals is protected.


Sixth stage: Revision


First: Data Output Validation

Having reviewed the collected data of the Household Energy Survey, and checked their accuracy, GASTAT processed the collected data and calculated the results. Then, the outputs were uploaded and stored on the database. After that, specialists in energy statistics conducted a final review, using advanced technology and software designed for the purposes of review and auditing.


Second: Dealing with Confidential Data:

In compliance with the Royal Decree no. 23, dated 07 Dhul-Hijjah 1397AH, GASTAT shall be obliged to keep the confidentiality of all collected data, and not to use them for any purpose other than the statistical purposes. Therefore, the collected data were stored on the Authority’s secure servers.



Under no circumstances can that be allowed to disclose about any data of the households or their members. It is worth mentioning that the publications are statistical tables at the level of Saudi Arabia and its administrative regions and main cities by demographic characteristics.






Seventh stage: Publication


First: Preparing and Processing Results Designed for Publishing 

During this stage, GASTAT downloaded data results from the database of Household Energy Survey. Then, publishing tables and graphs of the data and indicators were prepared and processe . Descriptions were then added, and the methods were explained, in Arabic and English.


Second: Media Kit Preparation and Announcing the Bulletin 

Having announced at its website at the beginning of this year the date of publishing of the Household Energy Survey Bulletin, GASTAT prepares - during this stage - the media materials necessary for publishing the bulletin at all media outlets, as well as the GASTAT social media platforms. The bulletin is announced on the date assigned for publishing, whereupon the bulleting goes public in different formats (including an Excel open format), starting with the GASTAT official website.

By so doing, GASTAT seeks to reach out to all beneficiaries and those interested in household energy consumption. Finally, the bulletin is added to the statistical library on the GASTAT website.

Third: Communication with Beneficiaries and Providing them with the Bulletin:

GASTAT attaches great importance to communication with its beneficiaries. In this spirit, once the Household Energy Survey Bulletin is published, the Authority communicates it to its clients and beneficiaries. Not only that, it also receives their inquiries about the bulleting and results through the various channels of communication.



Requests and inquiries shall be received through:


  • GASTAT official website:  www.stats.gov.sa
  • Official email:  www.stats.gov.sa 
  • Client support email: cs@stats.gov.sa 
  • Official visit to the GASTAT Headquarters in Riyadh, or any of its branches in the Kingdom’s regions 
  • Official letters; or
  • GASTAT phone: 920020081


Eighth stage: Assessment 


Having published the results and communicated them to all beneficiaries and clients, GASTAT shall approach them once again to obtain their feedback. It is during this stage that the entire statistical process is assessed, with a view to prompting continuous improvement, and getting data that are more and more accurate. Improvements may be introduced to the adopted methodologies, statistical frameworks, etc. This stage, as such, is carried out by GASTAT jointly with its clients and beneficiaries, by following the steps explained below.


First: Collection of Measurable Assessment Inputs:

The most important comments and notes are collected and documented from their sources in different stages, for example comments and notes given by data collectors and their supervisors. Also, notes written by specialists responsible for reviewing, auditing, and analyzing data collected from the team. Finally, comments and notes collected and documented by data users after publishing the Bulletin, or social media comments and clients’ feedback that sent to the Authority through its main channels.


Second: Assessment:

The collected inputs are analyzed to determine the proper improvements and solutions. Proposed solutions are discussed by all competent GASTAT incumbents, from the relevant departments, as well as with the Authority’s partners and beneficiaries. This step involves, also, measuring the clients’ use of the Household Energy Survey Bulletin, and their satisfaction thereof, in addition to contacting the beneficiaries and clients, and providing the necessary clarifications.

Culminating these processes, recommendations are set forth with a view to ensuring a higher level of data quality for the coming version of the bulletin.


Ninth stage: Management 

This is a comprehensive stage running through all production stages of the Household Energy Survey Bulletin. As part of this stage, the overall production plan is outlined. This plan covers a feasibility study, risk management, financing methods, expenditures, and key performance indicators (KPIs) of the Statistics. That is to be added to outlining a framework for the manpower required for production of the bulletin, following up the tasks assigned to the various departments at each stage, and preparing regular reports to ensure that GASTAT meets its duties towards its clients and beneficiaries.

عنوان الملف: 
Metadata Report of Household Energy Statistics
نوع الصفحة: 
بيانات الوصفية

التقييم الصفحات