20 Oct 2024

Last update 12 / 10 / 2023

Household Sports Practice Survey Methodology

Methodology Introduction

First: Scope

Second: Design

Third: Organization

Fourth: Data Collection

Fifth: Classification

Sixth: Review           

Seventh: Publication

Eighth: Assessment

Ninth Stage: Management






 Across all its statistical work, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) applies a unified methodology that it adjusts based on the nature of each statistical product. To do that, it uses the Handbook of Statistical Work Procedures, which is in line with internationally approved procedures. Statistical products go through eight major stages, in addition to a ninth stage; the comprehensive “management” stage, as illustrated in the following figure and subsequent explanations:











The first three stages (scope, design and organization) are collaborative stages between GASTAT and its clients who are data users from development entities. The fourth stage (data collection) is a collaborative stage between GASTAT and the statistical population, whether they are households or establishments, to complete data and information. The remaining stages (disaggregation, reviewing and publication) are statistical and are undertaken by GASTAT. Afterwards, the eighth stage (assessment) is again done in collaboration with the clients. The management stage is administrative and organizational and spans all other stages. Those stages have been applied to the Household Sport Practice Survey as follows:

This is the kick-start stage for producing the household sport activity practice survey, and the first collaborative stage between the General Authority for Statistics and the partner entity - i.e the General Sports Authority. In this stage, workshops and meetings were held by both entities in order to understand the partner entity’s needs and requirements as a data user, and to take its feedback into consideration to ensure the realization of all the household sport practice survey objectives, which include:

  • Providing recent statistical data on sport practice for the household by (gender, nationality, educational status, age, marital status, in addition to some questions related to the household’s practice of sport activity.)

  • Providing statistics of individuals who practice sports on a regular basis; at least once a week.

  • Providing data about the numbers of individuals who practice sports activities in specialized public facilities or (clubs/sport centers) that provide a proper place for practicing sport.

  • Providing data about how often the individual practices sport during the week.

  • Identifying reasons that hinder the individual from practicing sport.

  • Identifying the percentage of individuals who practice sports in the Kingdom accurately in order to be presented to decision-makers with a view to achieving the Kingdom Vision 2030, which sets a clear goal of enhancing the level of sports practice for at least once a week from 13% to 40%.

This stage is for designing statistical work as an integrated product. It also includes identifying the statistical population, designing the statistical framework and the survey sample  along with its questionnaire, identifying the method and tools of data collection and identifying the sampling units. Clients are made partners in all those procedures to benefit from their observations to meet all requirements and ensure that they are part of the statistical product.


The most important outputs of this stage are:
1.    Statistical Population:

The target statistical population of the Household Sports Practice Survey is all (Saudi or non-Saudi) individuals who are normal residents of KSA.


2.     Statistical Sources:
The bulletin obtains its data from the Household Sport Practice Survey, which is a field survey conducted annually by the General Authority for Statistics and listed under its knowledge statistics. Information in this survey is collected from a sample of households withdrawn from the updated framework of 2016 based on the Census Framework of Population and Houses 2010, representing households of all administrative regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and completing an electronic questionnaire with several questions.


3.     Household Sport Practice Survey Terminology and Concepts:
3.1.  Sport activity:

Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that causes the acceleration of breathing and heartbeats as running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming and traditional sport as football, handball and basketball… etc. and others.

3.2.  Individual practicing sport activity:
A person who makes a physical activity starting from age of 15 and above As for the time spent in practicing sport, it depends on the person himself and the goal he seeks to achieve from practicing sport. Given the need to establish a period of time to measure the practice of sport activity, a period of 30 minutes a day has been set as a minimum for most days of the week  (at least five days).

3.3.  Sports clubs:
Clubs that have a special and official organization, located in a province, locality or district and are officially recognized by the General Authority of Sport and by the federation they follow.

3.5.  Sports centers:
Venues that include a number of multi-purpose closed halls in which members and visitors can practice different kinds of sport activities and are available for daily fees or monthly or annual subscription (private sport centers).

3.6.  Workplace facility:
Sport facility at work whether in a private or government sector (with no charge or for nominal fees), it may be indoor fitness center with only one kind of sport.

3.7.  Laziness:
The position of sitting or laying down at home or at work, including the time spend in sitting down, plating cards or watching TV, but does not include sleep time.

3.8.  Core exercises:
Exercises dedicated to core muscles, which strengthen the muscles in the back and trunk, abdomen and shoulders and the spinal muscles.


4.    Indicators:


Indicator Description or calculation method

Percentage of individuals who practice sport activity in the Kingdom

This is done by asking individuals in the survey sample about sport activity practice, after which the percentage of individuals who practice sport (the percentage of sport activity practitioners out of the total individuals in the survey sample) is identified. Afterwards, weights are applied according to regions and collected data is expanded.

Percentage of Saudis (males and females) who practice sports in the Kingdom out of total Saudis

This is done by asking Saudi individuals (males and females) in the survey sample about sport activity practice, after which the percentage of Saudi individuals who practice sport (the percentage of Saudi (male and female) sport activity practitioners out of the total Saudi individuals in the survey sample) is identified. Afterwards, weights are applied according to regions and collected data is expanded.

Percentage of Saudi males who practice sports in the Kingdom out of total Saudis

This is done by asking Saudi males in the survey sample about sport activity practice, after which the percentage of Saudi males who practice sport (the percentage of Saudi male sport activity practitioners out of the total Saudi males in the survey sample) is identified. Afterwards, weights are applied according to regions and collected data is expanded.

Percentage of Saudi females who practice sports in the Kingdom out of total Saudi females

This is done by asking Saudi females in the survey sample about sport activity practice, after which the percentage of Saudi females who practice sport (the percentage of Saudi female sport activity practitioners out of the total Saudi females in the survey sample) is identified. Afterwards, weights are applied according to regions and collected data is expanded.

Percentage of individuals who practice sport activity in the Kingdom by type of sport activity Kingdom-wide

Calculated by asking individuals who practice sport activity about the type of the sport activity, after which weights are applied according to regions, and the collected data is enlarged.

Percentage of Saudi males who practice sports in for each age category the Kingdom

This is done by asking Saudi males in the survey sample, by age category, about sport activity practice, after which the percentage of Saudi males who practice sport (the percentage of Saudi male sport activity practitioners out of the total Saudi males for each age category in the survey sample) is identified. Afterwards, weights are applied according to regions and collected data is expanded.

Percentage of Saudi females who practice sports in for each age category the Kingdom

This is done by asking Saudi females in the survey sample, by age category, about sport activity practice, after which the percentage of Saudi females who practice sport (the percentage of Saudi female sport activity practitioners out of the total Saudi females for each age category in the survey sample) is identified. Afterwards, weights are applied according to regions and collected data is expanded.

Reasons for not practicing sport activity for individuals who do not practice sport activity kingdom-wide

Calculated by asking individuals who do not practice sport activity about reasons for not doing so, after which weights are applied according to regions, and the collected data is enlarged.

The many indicators and data provided by the survey can be reviewed in the publication tables.


5.  Adopted Statistical Classifications:

Classification is defined as being an arranged set of related categories used for data collection according to similarity. It is the basis for collecting and publishing data in all statistical fields, such as economic activity, products, expenditures, jobs or health,  etc. It allows for classifying data and information through putting them into meaningful categories to produce useful statistics, considering that data collection requires precise and methodological arrangement in accordance with their common features so that the statistics can be reliable and comparable. The household sport practice survey is subject to international standards in terms of collecting and classifying its data as it uses the following classification: 


National guide for countries and nationalities:

 It is an international and unified classification that includes countries and their affiliated territories, and is based on (ISO 3166) Country codes. The classification gives codes to countries and their affiliated territories. Using these codes and numbers instead of the country name is more beneficial for statistical purposes; as it saves time and limits errors. The purpose of using this classification in the household sport practice survey is to classify individuals as Saudis or non-Saudis.


6.   Survey Questionnaire Design:

Field Data Collection Questionnaire: The survey form was prepared and designed by household sports activity practice survey experts at GASTAT. International recommendations, standards, and definitions were taken into consideration in the design of the survey, which was also presented to experts and stakeholders to obtain their insights and comments. Questions were then redrafted based on a specific scientific approach aimed at unifying question formats used by researchers.  

The questionnaire was divided into six thematic sections to improve the efficiency of complying with technical standards during the field work stage; these sections are:

Household members basic data

Educational, marital and job status of the household members

Regular practice of sport activity

Extent of sport awareness

Use of applications and motivations for sport activity practice

Laziness and reasons for not practicing sport activities

The complete questionnaire can be viewed and downloaded through GASTAT’s official website


After the survey form was approved, it was transformed into an electronic copy that can be reached through the tablet-based data collection system, which will allow:

  1. Reviewing the work zone of the field researcher (survey sample).
  2. Ability to access the sample (household) using the map service on the tablet device.
  3. Completing data of high quality using data check rules and navigation to automatically detect input errors and illogical inputs while the completion of the data is underway.
  4. Easy communication between supervising entities by exchanging notes with field researchers.


7. Coverage: 
7.1. Spatial Coverage:

The household sports activity practice Survey data covers households across the 13 administrative regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which are: (Riyadh, Makkah, Madinah, Qassim, Eastern Province, Asir, Tabuk, Hail, Northern Borders, Jazan, Najran, Al-Baha, and Al-Jouf). A scientifically selected sample representing the region’s households is visited in each region. 


7.2. Temporal Coverage: 

  • Basic data for all household members are based to the researcher’s time of visit to the household. 
  • General characteristics of individuals in the household, such as the marital status, educational status and job status, based on the week preceding the household visit.
  • Data related to sport activities practicing, sport awareness, use of applications and motivations for practicing sport, in addition to laziness and reasons for not practicing sport activities based to the last 12 months preceding the researcher’s visit to the household.


8. Statistical Framework: 

  • The 2018 update of the General Population and Housing Census Framework was used. 
  • Lists, maps and analytical standards of the units were developed for the selection of data providers (households).
  • The required metadata were identified in order to create and verify the statistical framework and test framework and then used in the current survey round.


9. Sample Design: 

  1. The optimal plan was designed and documented for the selection of sample units from which data will be collected, ensuring that efficient and highly effective estimations are obtained. Therefore, the survey population was divided into non-overlapping parts characterized by the homogeneity of their units. Every part was considered a layer, and every layer was treated as an independent population where a random sample was drawn separately from every layer. At the end, all drawn sampling units were integrated to form the total sample. 
  2. The selection of sample units from the statistical frameworks designed to cover the target statistical population was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the primary sampling units were selected. These are the enumeration areas resulting from the process of coding and enumerating buildings and real-estate units. (1300) enumeration areas were selected from all the administrative regions in the Kingdom using a proportional size method and weighting the number of Saudi households. In the second stage, the final sampling units were randomly drawn from the statistical areas, which are the households in the enumeration areas that were chosen in the first stage using the regular random sample. (20) households were chosen from each enumeration area, totaling (26000) households at the Kingdom level.
  3. The optimal sample unit selection methodology was prepared with the aim of providing high-quality outputs with minimum burden on data providers using methods of rotation and overlap control.
    • Data required metadata for establishing the statistical framework was selected and the sample was specified.
    • The sample was then tested, evaluated, validated and used in the current survey round

Sampling units in the Household Sports Practice Survey:

The basic sampling units are the enumeration areas. They are sampling units drawn in the first stage of designing the survey sample. Households are considered secondary and ultimate sampling units at the same time. They are sampling units drawn in the second stage of designing the survey sample. Each secondary sampling unit is considered a part of the basic sampling units.


Third Stage: Organization:

The final preparation stage and precedes household visits and data collection. In this stage, the required workflow procedures are established for preparing the household sport practice survey, starting with the collection stage and ending with the assessment stage and the organization and grouping of those procedures. The optimal sequence of those procedures is chosen to arrive at a methodology that achieves the goals of the statistical product. A review was made in this stage of the procedures that were taken upon the preparation of the previous version of the household sport practice survey to develop the work procedures in the current version. Those procedures were also described and documented to facilitate any updates in future rounds. The statistical workflow procedures were tested and examined to ensure their compliance with the requirements of preparing the household sport practice survey, approve the procedures of the statistical workflow, and develop a roadmap for implementation.

Testing the efficiency of input systems and the process of transmitting, synchronizing and reviewing data through either the tablet or office system of the household sports activity practice survey are the main procedures in this stage.


Fourth Stage: Data Collection:

First: The survey sample was chosen by identifying 26000 households as a selected sample that represents the survey population at the level of the Kingdom and is distributed among the administrative regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as follows: 

Administrative Region

Number of Households

Administrative Region

Number of Households

Administrative Region

Number of Households





















Northern Borders




Eastern Province















Second: The workers who were nominated as field researchers and have visited households to collect the household sports activity practice survey data, were selected on the basis of several practical and objective standards related to the nature of the work, such as:

  • Educational level.
  • Fieldwork experience.
  • Personal attributes, such as: Good conduct, good senses and physical and psychological fitness.
  • Candidate’s success in the training program of the household sport activity practice survey
  • The candidate must not be under 20 years old. 


Third: All candidates (GASTAT staff and collaborators from government entities) were qualified and trained through special training programs as follows:

  • A week-long training program was held for competent staff members at GASTAT’s headquarters. 
  • Similar training programs are held for collaborating inspectors, observers, and researchers from all the regions of Saudi Arabia. 

The training programs offered to field researchers tasked with collecting the household health survey data include: Practical and hands-on lectures on technical, technological, administrative, and awareness materials that are used in data collection processes. Field researchers are also introduced to the survey’s objectives, the data collection method, and how to use maps and reach the holdings. The training programs also include a detailed explanation of all questions on the questionnaire, as well as any technical and administrative tasks. Field researchers are also trained on how to deal with the public and how to ask the questions in record time. 


At the beginning of the training program, all trainees are provided with tablet devices that enable them to do the following:

  • Read the instruction manual and know its content as it will guide the researcher during the data collection process.
  • Read the electronic questionnaire of the survey and explore how to fill it during pertinent steps of the workshops that accompany the training program. 
  • Log in to the “Training Program’s Automated Assessment System”, where the trainees can express their opinions about the training program through assessing its level in order to improve the quality of future training programs.
  • Log in to the “Trainees’ Automated Assessment System” at the end of the training program, which is used to determine the trainees’ comprehension level of the survey’s concepts and instructions.

Staff members are nominated to participate in the survey based on their results that are automatically obtained from the “Trainees’ Automated Assessment System” to guarantee promptness, precision, and impartiality upon appointing the candidates and their competences.


Fourth: Direct contact with the household was adopted to complete the survey questionnaire and collect data. Field researchers visited the households located within the survey sample after reaching them using the coordinates recorded on the tablets and the guiding maps, introducing themselves and proving their IDs using official GASTAT documents. They also clarified the aim of their visit, and presented an overview of the survey and its objectives. The household data was then collected through the electronic questionnaire.


Fifth: All field researchers used tablet devices to collect the survey questionnaire data according to timeframes specified based on the number of family members as well as their demographic, social and economic characteristics.


Sixth: * Field researchers at all work locations in the Kingdom used the “synchronization” feature available on the tablet devices to download and transfer the completed data of the households directly to the database linked to them at GASTAT’s headquarters where they are stored to be reviewed and processed at a later stage.


Seventh: Electronic check rules were applied to guarantee the accuracy, consistency, and rationality of the data entered in the household sports practice survey questionnaire. They are electronic rules that identify contradictions and they were designed by using a logical link between the answers of the questionnaire and its variables to help field researchers directly identify any errors upon completing the survey data with the household. Those programmed rules don’t allow any mistakes to go through when an answer contradicts with another piece of information or another answer in the questionnaire.


Eighth: The collected data were verified through being reviewed by the field researcher, their inspector and the survey supervisor in the supervision area. All work areas were subjected to a monitoring and reviewing process from the Data Quality Room at GASTAT’s headquarters. The room also controls and monitors the performance of all working groups in the field during the data collection process, starting from the first day and until the last.


Data Quality Room:

An operations room that works in a way synchronized with the field works of surveys. It is equipped with electronic follow-up tools and monitoring and tracking screens. The observers and quality specialists in the room review the consistency of data and detect error cases and extreme values during the data collection process in the field. That is done by instantly and immediately following up on the data filled by the field researcher to check the researcher’s commitment to the instructions on the survey, ensure the rationality and accuracy of data, ensure the implementation of the schedule of arranged visits to the families or establishment, ensure the reliability and rationality of data, and to review some important survey indicators to ensure data accuracy. The room undertakes several tasks, mainly: 

  • Review the collected data and send notes to all working teams in the field through the automated desk system connected with the tablets carried by researchers, so they get the notes quickly at their work sites.
  • Contacting households by phone and asking them some of the questions on the questionnaire to check that the researchers collected the data correctly and complied with the instructions during their visits. These calls also seek to obtain any missing data and to thank data providers for their collaboration.
  • Responding to field inquiries, whether those of the field researchers or the heads of households.
  • Checking the accuracy of the location where the questionnaire was completed by matching the location’s coordinates to those registered in the sample file.



Data (raw data) are classified depending on the classification and coding inputs that were carried out during data collection whether the National Code for Countries and Nationalities depending on the (Country Codes - ISO 316) or other classifications and codings as the geographical classification of data (such as data distributions region-wide) or the qualitative of descriptive characterization such as defining the gender or social status of the individual to be presented in suitable tables in order to summarize, understand and conclude the results and compare them with other data to get statistical indications about the study society and to return to them in the form of tables without a need to look at the original forms, which most probably carry some data such as:  Names and addresses of individuals, which violates the principle of confidentiality of statistical data.

During this stage, specialists from the department of knowledge statistics conduct data processing and analysis based on several procedures, as follows:

  • Sorting and arranging data in a particular sequence or into different groups or categories.
  • Summarizing detailed data into key points.
  • Combining many data segments and ensuring their interconnection.
  • Processing lost or missing data.
  • Processing illogical data.
  • Converting data into a form that has statistical significance.
  • Organizing, presenting and interpreting data.

One of the most important data processing procedures that have been carried out is “data anonymization”. To ensure data confidentiality, GASTAT removes identifiers from the survey input fields, such as the name and address of the head of the household and other identifiers to protect people’s privacy.

First: Verifying data outputs 
After reviewing and verifying the collected data for the Household Sports Activity Practice Survey, GASTAT calculates and extracts the results, after which it uploads and stores them on the database. The final reviewing processes are conducted by knowledge statistics specialists using modern technologies and software designed for the purposes of review and audit.


Second: Dealing with confidential data
Pursuant to Royal Decree No.23 dated 07/12/1397, GASTAT is committed to the absolute confidentiality of all completed data and not using them except for statistical purposes. Therefore, data are safely stored on GASTAT’s servers.

Individual data on establishments shall not be disclosed in any way. Materials set for publication are only aggregated statistical tables at the level of the Kingdom, the administrative regions and the major cities based on its characteristics.


First: Preparing and setting data for publication:
In this stage, GASTAT uploads data results from the Household Sports Activity Practice Survey database. It then prepares publication tables and graphics for the data and indicators, and adds description and methodology information as seen in this Bulletin. These were then prepared in both Arabic and English. 


Second: Preparing Media Kit and Announcing the Date of the Release:
The publication date of the bulletin is already set up by GASTAT on its official website at the beginning of the Calendar Year. During this period, the Authority is preparing the media kits to announce the date of releasing the bulletin through media, in addition to its various platforms in social networking sites. The bulletin will be published firstly on GASTAT’s official website in different formats, such as Excel format to be easily reached for all clients and those who are interested in household sports activity practice statistics. It will be uploaded on the website’s statistics library as well.


Third: Communicating with the clients and providing the bulletin to them:
GASTAT places great importance on communicating with clients who use its data. Therefore, upon publication of the Household Sports Activity Practice Survey Bulletin, GASTAT will communicate with clients to provide them with the Bulletin. It will also receive questions and enquiries from clients regarding the Bulletin and its results through various communication channels, also used to request data. Enquiries are received through: 

  • GASTAT official website: www.stats.gov.sa 
  • GASTAT’s official email: info@stats.gov.sa
  • Client support email: cs@stats.gov.sa
  • Visiting GASTAT’s headquarters in Riyadh or one of its branches in the regions of the Kingdom.
  • Official Letters.
  • By Statistical Phone: (920020081)


Fourth: Published content preservation
GASTAT’s Documents and Archives Center stored and archived the data of this bulletin to refer to it at any time upon request. GASTAT took that step due to the importance of saving this data electronically to easily refer to it whenever needed.


Eighth Stage: Assessment:

After the bulletin is released and received by all GASTAT’s clients, the clients are contacted again in this stage which allows for assessing the whole statistical process that was carried out, with the aim of constant improvement to obtain high-quality data. The improvements may include  methodologies, processes, systems, statistical researchers’ skill and statistical frameworks. This stage is done in collaboration with data users and GASTAT’s clients through a number of steps:


First: Collecting measurable assessment inputs
Key feedback and comments are collected and documented across all stages, and especially during the Data Collection stage, such as: comments and remarks presented by data collectors and their field supervisors, in addition to data collected and documented during the assessment stage such as the remarks deduced by specialists concerned with reviewing, checking and analyzing data collected from the field and administrative records. Finally, comments and remarks presented by data users are collected and documented after publication, in addition to what is being monitored via media outlets or the clients’ remarks which GASTAT receives through its main channels.


Second: Conducting the assessment
The collected evaluation input was analyzed, and the results of this analysis were compared to previous expectations. Accordingly, potential improvements and solutions were identified and discussed with experts and stakeholders were involved. In this stage, the performance of clients’ use of the household sports activity practice survey’s results and their satisfaction is measured. Based on that, recommendations are developed to enhance the quality of the next  household sports activity practice survey data results.


Ninth Stage: Management:

A comprehensive stage spanning over all the stages of producing the household sport practice survey bulletin. This stage determines the general production plan, including the feasibility study, risk management, means of funding, disbursement mechanisms, as well as the development performance indicators, quality parameters, human resources map necessary for production, following up on the execution of tasks assigned to all departments in every stage, and preparing reports to ensure that GASTAT fulfills its commitments towards its clients. 


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