01 Sep 2024

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23 terms and definitions used in Education and Training Survey

Administrative Region:Part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that is administered by a government agency which is directly attached to the Ministry of Interior such as Riyadh and Makkah ... etc. Each administrative region has a capital city....

The Importance of Education and Training Survey and its Advantages for the Saudi Economy and Achieving Sustainable Development

Education Survey is the first survey conducted by GASTAT about the educational and training characteristics of society members through which a number of important educational indicators can be obtained with a view to fulfilling the local, regional and international needs and needs of planners, policy-makers and decision-makers regarding...

What is the meaning of timeline in Education Survey?

Data of the Education and Training Survey form is divided in terms of the timeline to: ...

What is the scope of the Education Survey?

The survey covers all the thirteen administrative regions by using a sample of households in these regions based on the updated framework of the census for year 1431H (2010). The administrative regions are divided into 13 regions as follows: