27 Jul 2024

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Statistical knowledge

Data Quality Control in Household Sports Practice Survey

Quality control – done in conjunction with data collection – is one of key stages of implementing the Household Sports Practice Survey, when a fully automated system is adopted with certain regulations to control data entry, to find errors and notes on forms and to fix them under a supervisor after recurring to the household if necessary....

Form of Household Sports Practice Survey

The survey form contains 3 sections as follows: Basic information of household members Education and marital status. Practice of sports activity.

The most important concepts and definitions in survey

Sports activity: World Health Organization defines "sports activity" as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that causes the acceleration of breathing and heartbeats as running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming and traditional sports as football, handball and basketball.. etc. Individual practicing physical activity:He is the one who...

The most important uses of survey data

Knowing the percentage of those who practice sports by sex in all the administrative regions in the kingdom. Knowing the percentage of those who practice sports by the relationship with the head of the household in all the administrative regions in the kingdom. Knowing the percentage of those who practice sports by nationality in all the...