
Total Results : 813

The index of wholesale prices for primary and (time series)

excel | Wholesale Price Index

excel | Wholesale Price Index Mayo 2012

excel | Wholesale Price Index June 2012

General index of wholesale prices quarterly

excel | Wholesale Price Index

Whole sale Price Index, Aug 2016

Wholesale Price Index, November 2019

The record for the cost of living, Jan 2017

Indices of the cost of living by major spending departments

Indices of the cost of living for all Population

Indices of the cost of living for all Population

The record for the cost of living

The record for the cost of living

An error occurred while processing the template.
For "#if" condition: Expected a boolean, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):
==> catId1  [in template "11099719610328#20119#127288" at line 29, column 102]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if catId1  [in template "11099719610328#20119#127288" at line 29, column 97]
1<#assign AssetCategoryLocalService=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalService")> 
3<div class="dl-card card-white"> 
4            <#if entries?has_content> 
6               <#list entries as entry> 
7                  <#if entry.getModelResource()=='Web Content Article' || entry.getModelResource()=='محتوى الويب'> 
8                     <#assign journalArticleLocalService=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") StructureLocalService=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.service.DDMStructureLocalService") /> 
9                     <#if (entry.classPK)??> 
10                        <#assign article=journalArticleLocalService.getLatestArticle(entry.classPK?number) structure=StructureLocalService.getStructure(article.getDDMStructure().getPrimaryKey()) structureName=structure.getName() /> 
11                                  <#assign article=journalArticleLocalService.getLatestArticle(entry.classPK?number) structure=StructureLocalService.getStructure(article.getDDMStructure().getPrimaryKey()) structureName=structure.getName() /> 
12                           <#if structureName?contains("Information board")> 
13														 	<#assign categories=AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle",entry.classPK) /> 
14                      <#list categories as sortedCat> 
15                           <#assign cat=sortedCat /> 
16                            <#assign catId=sortedCat /> 
17                           <#assign treePath=cat.treePath /> 
18													<#assign tempList = treePath?split('/')/> 
19													<#if tempList?size==5> 
20																												<#assign catId1=tempList[tempList?size-2]/> 
22														<#break/> 
23															<#elseif tempList?size==6> 
24															<#assign catId1=tempList[tempList?size-3]/> 
25															<#break/> 
27														</#if> 
28                     </#list> 
29												<#if catId1> 
30                                          <a href="/publication?category=${catId1}&index=4" target="_blank" class="p-4"> 
31                                 <div class="card p-4"> 
32                                    <div class="d-flex"> 
33                                       <div class="card-body"> 
34                                          <h3 class="fs-lg fw-700">${entry.getTitle() }</h3> 
36                                       </div> 
37                                    </div> 
38                                 </div> 
39                              </a> 
40													</#if> 
42                     </#if> 
43									</#if> 
44										</#if> 
45								</#list> 
46							<#else> 
47								<h2> 
49	<@liferay.language key="no-results-found"/> 
50								</h2> 
52									</#if> 
53         </div> 

No Results Found