18 Jul 2024

Last update 5 / 05 / 2024

Metadata Report of Umrah Statistics


The service of pilgrims and Umrah performers is one of the most noble services that the Kingdom is proud to provide. Where all efforts and capabilities are made to ensure that the needs are covered and facilities are provided for pilgrims and Umrah performers to perform their rituals. Umrah contributes to moving the economic and cultural activity. It is also considered one of the most important factors for the comprehensive economic development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, it is considered one of the axes of Saudi Vision 2030 that aims to enable about (30) million Umrah performers to perform Umrah by 2030. As Saudi Arabia is located in a very special and strategic location among the world's continents, it can be easily reached by one billion and two hundred million Muslims who are waiting to perform Umrah. This leads to economic mobility in various fields as a result of the increasing number of Umrah performers, which might result in developing and expanding airports and ports, urban growth, provision of thousands of jobs and investment opportunities.

GASTAT would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all concerned partners and clients from relevant entities for their cooperation in the completion of this publication. GASTAT welcomes any suggestions or comments that may improve the content of this publication or future publications on the following email (info@stats.gov.sa).




GASTAT implements all its statistical work in accordance with an unified work methodology that is consistent with the nature of each statistical product, and thus relies on the statistical work procedures manual that conforms with the approved work procedures of international organizations, where the statistical product passes through Eight basic stages in addition to a ninth stage represented in the stage of "Comprehensive management" as illustrated in the following figure, and the subsequent explanation:



The first three stages (Scope, Design and Organization) are cooperative ones; conducted by GASTAT jointly with the developmental bodies benefiting from its data. Likewise, the fourth stage (Data Collection) is a cooperative stage conducted by GASTAT jointly with the statistical population (households and establishments) to get the data and information. The following three stages (Tabulation, Revision and Publication) are purely statistical ones, undertaken by GASTAT. Then, the eighth stage (Assessment) is conducted jointly with the beneficiaries. ‘Management’ stage is an organizational/ managerial stage running throughout all previous stages. Those stages have been applied to the Umrah statistics as follows:

First Stage: The Scope:

Deemed to be the kick-off stage for producing the Umrah statistics, this stage is also the first cooperative stage between GASTAT and the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah as an official source of data. At this stage, meetings were held between GASTAT and the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah to understand their needs, identify their requirements and consider their views to ensure that all objectives of the Umrah statistics are achievedm which are as follows:

  1. Provide statistics on Umrah performers from inside and outside the kingdom that contribute to meet the requirements of the kingdom's Vision 2030.
  2. Identify the total number of Umrah performers annually by adding the numbers of internal Umrah performers to the numbers of Umrah performers from abroad.
  3. Help concerned entities identify the needed manpower and facilities to serve Umrah performers, ensure their safety and comfort.
  4. Meet the Kingdom's key statistics requirements on internal Umrah performers' numbers and characteristics needed for development plans.
  5. Provide researchers, users and stakeholders with the statistical data.


Second Stage: The Design

It is during this stage that a complete design for the statistical product is set forth. At this stage, the statistical population is defined, the data collection method and tools are selected, The beneficiaries are engaged in all processes, and their feedback is considered, so that the product would live up to their expectations. The main outputs of this stage are:

2.1. Statistical Community

The targeted statistical community of this publication include all (Saudi and non-Saudi) individuals who habitually live in Saudi Arabia.

2.2. Statistics Sources

Umrah statistics rely on administrative records on Umrah at the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, which it provides to GASTAT automatically through templates/forms for collecting record data on an annual basis, considering that the ministry is a main source of data, so that GASTAT calculates its indicators and releases them in the Umrah statistics publication. Administrative records are the data and information registered and updated at the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah and generated through the official electronic registration and documentation processes followed in this entity.


2.2.1. Identifying the required data from the administrative records

The General Authority for Statistics has identified data from the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, which is a main source of data for Umrah performers from abroad, according to a number of variables in terms of the number of Umrah performers from abroad by sex, age groups, length of stay, and port of entry. And the number of Internal Umrah performers by sex, nationality (Saudi/non-Saudi), the administrative region the Umrah performer is coming from for those who are within the borders of the kingdom, as well as the number of times they performed Umrah, age groups, months of Umrah during the year, and the number of Umrah performers in Ramadan according to each third of the Hijri month in the year.


2.3.  Terminology and concepts related to the Umrah Statistics

2.3.1.  Administrative region:

A part of Saudi Arabia run by a governmental agency affiliated to the Ministry of the Interior. In each administrative region there is a city representing the region's headquarter. The kingdom is divided into 13 administrative regions.

2.3.2. Governorate:

Part of the administrative region. It is the first administrative level within the administrative region components, and follows the region administratively.

2.3.3. Municipality:

 The administrative entity that reports to a governorate, or reports directly to the Emirate headquarter.

2.3.4. Populated locality:

A static population cluster such as a city, village or a farm, or non-static like a cluster around a water source

2.3.5. City:

Refers herein to every locality with a municipality, or whose population exceeds 5.000 persons.

2.3.6. Head of Household:

It refers to the person regarded by the household members as its chief member. Usually, he is responsible for taking decisions on household affairs and his age must not be under 15 years old. If the household

consists of children and their mother, she shall be considered the head of the household.


2.3.7. Umrah performer:

 A person - Saudi or Non-Saudi, male or female - who performs Umrah during the year of the statistics.


2.3.8. Individuals who performed Umrah:

All individuals who performed Umrah during the year of the statistics from the households that live in Saudi Arabia.


2.3.9. Population:

 It refers to all individuals, Saudi and non-Saudi population, living in the Kingdom at the time of the



2.4. Indicators

The most prominent results of the Umrah statistics according to the following characteristics and variables:

2.4.1. Distribution of internal Umrah performers:

According to a number of characteristics and variables (sex, nationality (Saudi/non-Saudi), administrative region, age groups as well as the number of times they performed Umrah, the months of Umrah during the year, and the number of Umrah performers in Ramadan according to each third of the Hijri month in the year.

2.4.2. Distribution of Umrah performers from abroad:

According to a number of characteristics and variables (sex, length of stay, age groups, port of entry).

2.5. Statistical Classifications Used

Classification is a ranked set of relevant categories used to collect data according to similarity, and it forms the basis for data collection and dissemination in all statistical areas such as: (economic activity, products, expenditures, professions or health, ... etc.), the classification of data and information allows them to be placed in meaningful categories in order to produce useful statistics, as data collection requires a precise and systematic arrangement according to its common characteristics in order for the statistics to be reliable and comparable,  as the umrah performers were classified into internal and external  performers, and also classified as Saudis, non-Saudis, males and females.


Third Stage: Organization

It is the final preparation stage which precedes the data collection. In this stage, the required workflow procedures are established for preparing the Umrah Statistics, starting with "the collection stage" and ending with "the assessment stage" and the organization and grouping of those procedures. The optimal sequence of those procedures are decided to reach a methodology that achieves the goals of the Umrah Statistics. A review was made in this stage of the procedures that were taken upon the preparation of the previous version of the Umrah Statistics to develop the work procedures in the current version. Those procedures were also described and documented to facilitate any updates in future rounds. The statistical workflow procedures were tested and examined to ensure their compliance with the requirements of preparing the Umrah statistics in its final form, approve the procedures of the statistical workflow, and develop a roadmap for implementation.


Fourth Stage: Data Collection

GASTAT coordinated with the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah; In order to obtain the data of the Umrah Statistics Publication, which included the data of Umrah performers from abroad according to a number of variables (sex, length of stay, age groups, port of entry). And the Internal Umrah performers (sex, nationality (Saudi/non-Saudi), the administrative region the Umrah performer is coming from for those who are within the borders of the kingdom, as well as the number of times they performed Umrah, age groups, months of Umrah during the year, and the number of Umrah performers in Ramadan according to each third of the Hijri month in the year. They were saved on the authority's databases, and auditing and reviewing processes were carried out in accordance with the scientific statistical method and recognized quality standards, in coordination with the data-issuing entity.


Fifth Stage: Tabulation

The raw data tabulation of Umrah statistics relied on classification and coding inputs made during the data collection process, so that they were classified on the basis of the classification of the Umrah performers into internal Umrah performers and Umrah performers from abroad, and also classified as Saudis, non-Saudis , males and females. Or any other classification or coding: such as geographical classification of data (e.g. distribution of data at the administrative region level), qualitative and descriptive classification of such as sex identification.

During this stage, specialists in the Tourism, Hajj and Umrah Statistics Department carried out the process of data processing and analysis based on several procedures, as follows:

  • Sort and arrange data in groups or different categories by economic activities.
  • Summarize detailed data into main points or main data.
  • Link between many parts of data and make them connected.
  • Process incomplete or missing data.
  • Process illogical data.
  • Convert data into statistically significant data.
  • Organize, display and interpret data.

The data is presented in appropriate tables; to facilitate the process of summarizing, understanding and comprehending it, drawing results from it, comparing it with other data, and extracting from it with statistical implications for the study population. And also to facilitate referring to data in the form of tables. Data anonymization is one of the most important procedures. To keep data confidential, GASTAT removed the identifiers from the data set entered from the administrative records data, and other identifiers to maintain individuals’ privacy.


Sixth stage: Revision

First: Data outputs validation

After the data collected in the fifth stage was processed and verified, GASTAT at this stage calculated and extracted the results, uploaded outputs and stored them to the database, and then the final audits were carried out by specialists in Tourism, Hajj and Umrah Statistics Department using modern and software techniques designed for reviewing and auditing purposes.

Second: Dealing with confidential data

According to the Royal Decree No. 23 dated 07-12-1397, data must always be kept confidential, and must be used by GASTAT only for statistical purposes. Therefore, the data are protected in the data servers of GASTAT.

Seventh Stage: Publication

First: Preparation of the results designed for publishing

In this stage, GASTAT downloaded the results from the database of the Umrah statistics, coordinating, organizing and reviewing the administrative records data contained in the Umrah Statistics publication. Next, it

prepared tables and charts of data and indicators, then added the metadata and methodology as they appear in this Publication, in both English and Arabic.

Second: Preparation of Media Materials and Announcement of the Publication's Issuance Date

GASTAT already announced the Publication's issuance date on its official website at the beginning of the year. In this stage, GASTAT prepares media materials to announce the Publication's issuance on various platforms, including social media. GASTAT then publishes the Publication on the defined date on its website using different formats, such as open data in Excel files, to ensure easy dissemination and access for all clients and anyone interested in Umrah statistics. The Publication is also uploaded to the website's statistics library.

Third: Communicating with clients and providing them with the publication

GASTAT believes in the importance of communicating with the clients who use its data. Therefore, once the Umrah Statistics Publication is released, GASTAT communicates with the clients and provide them with the Publication. GASTAT receives the questions and enquiries of the clients about the Publication and its results through the following channels:

  • GASTAT's official website: www.stats.gov.sa
  • GASTAT's official email: info@stats.gov.sa
  • Client support email: cs@stats.gov.sa
  • GASTAT's headquarters in Riyadh or one of its branches in the country.
  • Official letters.
  • Statistical phone: (920020081)


Eighth Stage: Assessment

After the Publication is released and received by all GASTAT's clients, the clients are contacted again at this stage which allows for assessing the whole statistical process that was carried out, with the aim of constant improvement to obtain high-quality data. The improvements may include: methodologies, processes, systems, statistical researchers' skill and statistical frameworks. This stage is done in collaboration with data users and GASTAT’s clients through a number of steps:

First: Collection of Measurable Assessment Inputs

In this step, the most important comments and notes are collected and documented from their sources in different stages, for example comments and notes given by data collectors and their supervisor fields as well as data providers. In addition, notes written by specialists responsible for reviewing, auditing and analyzing data collected either from field or administrative records. Finally, comments and notes collected and documented by data users after publishing the data. Comments of clients indicated in different media means are also considered.

Second: Assessment

Collected assessment inputs were analyzed, and the results of this analysis were compared with pre-anticipated results. Accordingly, potential improvements and solutions were identified and discussed with experts and concerned parties. In this stage, the performance of clients' use of the results of the Umrah Statistics Publication is measured, and their satisfaction with it, communicating with dissatisfied clients, and providing them with clarifications.

Based on that, recommendations are developed to enhance the quality of the results of the next round of the Umrah Statistics Publication.

Ninth Stage: Management

It is a comprehensive stage required to carry out each stage of Umrah statistics production. During this stage, the plan of production is developed, which includes the feasibility study, risk management, financing methods, in addition to expenditure mechanisms. The plan also covers the development of performance indicators, quality criteria, and manpower map required for production. Through this plan, the implementation process of the tasks assigned to different departments at each stage will be reported to ensure that GASTAT meets its clients’ requirements  .

عنوان الملف: 
Metadata Report of Umrah Statistics
نوع الصفحة: 
بيانات الوصفية

التقييم الصفحات