28 Jul 2024


GASTAT president honors Albatel after a successful career path that lasts for 40 years

In the presence of a number of leaders and employees of the General Authority for Statistics, GASTAT President, Dr. Konrad Pesendorfer, honored Mr. Abdullah Albatel, the president’s advisor, and ex- vice-president, on the occasion of reaching the retirement age, at GASTAT headquarters in Riyadh....

The General Authority for Statistics is seeking the opinion and comments of the public for the proposed Statistics Law

Based on the principles of openness and transparency, the General Authority for Statistics is inviting the public to express their opinions and suggestions regarding the proposed statistics law via e-mail (SLR@stats.gov.sa), before 09/04/1442 AH corresponding to 24/11/2020....

GASTAT Releases the Real-Estate Price Index report for the 3rd Quarter 2020

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released on Thursday, 5 Rabie Al-Awal 1442H, , corresponding to 22/10/2020, the report of the Index of the Real- Estate Price Q3 2020 in Saudi Arabia and published it on its official website www.stats.gov.sa.com...

GASTAT releases the results of Labor Market Statistics Q1 2020

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the "Labor Market Statistics Q1 2020” on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. Data in these statistics do not yet reflect the impact of Covid-19 crisis as they were collected early in the first quarter. The total unemployment rate stood at ...

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