04 Jul 2024

Last update 13 / 10 / 2016

General Population and Housing Census Methodology

What is the General Population and Housing Census?
Glossary of Terms
Population and Housing Census Methodologies
How to benefit from the results of the Population and Housing Census?



It is the process of counting every living person within borders of a specific country at a specific time. It investigates individuals' social and economic characteristics during the period of reference separately from other family members. 

What is the General Population and Housing Census?

It refers to the total process of collecting, processing, dissemination and analyzing demographic, economic and social data on population and their distribution to various geographic areas in a given time, i.e, counting each alive individual within the boundaries of a particular country at specific time and date then registering their social and economic characteristics of each individual, during the period of reference, separately from the characteristics of other family members.

Glossary of Terms:

Administrative Region:
Part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that is administered by a government agency that is directly attached to the Ministry of Interior.

Part of the region, classified as category (A), and is subdivided into.

Administrative entity that reports to a governorate.

Populated locality:
Any place inhabited by population. A locality could be fixed or permanent (such as a city, village, or farm), and it could be changing or non-permanent (such as a non-permanent water supply).

For census purposes, 'city' refers herein to every locality with a municipality, or whose population exceed 5.000 persons.

It is part of the city where a group of buildings, streets and roads exist. It is given a specific name, and is usually surrounded by main roads and/or streets that set it apart from other neighborhoods.

It is a statistical partition of a district which is used in a city for census purposes. It is an area of a section of a district surrounded by streets from all directions.

A building or a number of contiguous buildings that are not separated by streets. It takes various shapes including a square, rectangle, circle or irregular-shaped space as in old neighborhood. The block might also be an open space.

A group of more than 10 populated housing units that share a recognized name.

Covered populated locality:
A group of 10 or less housing units, including government and private occupied workspaces.

A building or a group of sparse buildings inhabited by farm-owner or farmers. It is located away from village or city, and may consist of one or more farms.

Water Supply:
A well or a group of wells that provide animals with drinking water and around which nomadic families can live in no buildings.

Nomadic Area:
An area where nomadic people (aka. Bedouins) are accustomed to live during specific seasons every year in search for pasture to graze animals, or for new tribal locations were water is available.

A building is every structure; whether permanent or temporary, single- or multi-storey, with one or more rooms, and has one or more doors through which to access it. A building might and might not be inhabited; and it could be intended for housing, or for economic, social or religious purposes.

Housing Unit:
It is a building or part of a building with separate door - whether it is furnished for housing, work or both purposes - that could also be uninhabited or under construction. Every inhabited place shall be counted a property unit while carrying out the survey, even if it was not established for that purpose.

It is a single- or multi-room unit which is primarily prepared for one family and has one separate door, whether it was still under construction, occupied or inhabited during the survey and enumeration. The dwelling might accommodate one or more families, one or or more businesses, or a family and a business simultaneously. For the census purposes, every inhabited building during the numbering period shall be counted as a dwelling, even if it was not set up for that purpose.

Lodging house:
A housing unit in which a group of people can stay, with no blood-relation to one another, and having nothing in common except the residence they share. Usually, they share the same stuff and facilities for living.

As per the actual enumeration method, a 'household' refers to a person or a group of persons - with or without kinship binding them to one another - who share residence during the enumeration.

Head of the family:
At least 15-year person who is considered the chief member by other members of the family and looks after whoever living with him. Mother shall be considered the head of the family provided that it consists of a women and her children.

Time reference:
Date and time when social and economic characteristics of an individual are recorded.

Population and Housing Census Methodologies:

Saudi Arabia has been committed to conducting population censuses at specific times in accordance with its international and regional obligations, out of its recognition of the important role played by such censuses, as the primary source of demographic data, in planning the development process, evaluating the success of plans in achieving their objectives and providing demographic information to be used in various economic, social and demographic fields.
Saudi Arabia has recently been committed to conducting the census every ten years by using the the actual census method in conducting the population censuses in the kingdom, given its simplicity and feasibility . Still, there are some exceptions that are mentioned in the scope of the census.
Through this census method, people are counted by their whereabouts at the census day (at the middle of the time record day) whether the person is a permanent resident in this place or it was a coincidence to be at the place. The census is carried out through face-to-face meetings, and the use of a census form that passes through several stages until it is finally prepared as follows: 

  • Having the form designed by the Population and Vitality Department
  • Having the form reviewed by the census department and referring it to all statistical departments in the Authority
  • Having the initial form approved by the Authority, and submitting it to the Minister of Economy and Planning
  • Submitting the form to the relevant authorities.
  • Presenting the form to a committee of part-time consultants working for the Authority.

In classifying economic, professional and educational data, the latest international classifications are used, namely:

  • The National Classification of Economic Activities- Rev.4.
  • The Saudi Vocational Classification Guide and the International Standard Classification of Occupations - ILO 1988
  • The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)
  • Nationality classification according to the UN Standard Country Codes.

How to benefit from the results of the Population and Housing Census?

First: Population characteristics data:

  1. Geographic distribution data:
  • The geographic distribution is used as an indicators for local service planning and distribution among different administrative units. Roads, schools, hospitals and other public facilities depend on population census.
  • The new census' geographical distribution comparing to previous years' census results is used in calculating the average growth rates according to different administrative divisions which give out precise population estimates.

2. Family size and composition:

  • The study of family size gives an indication on the rates of change average number of persons predictions and consequently number of units.
  • Measuring the household size according to the head of the family serves the next step of understanding the composition and analysis of the nuclear family, extended family and blended family (the collective household) and the prevalent pattern is an embracing trait of the whole community. 

3. Age-distribution data:

  • The classification of population by age (age of education) is important to measure understanding of the future educational plans for school age persons.
  • The tabulation of the five-tabs age classification of the population census is adopted to analyze population changes and evaluate the future population censuses in addition to the calculation of the vital amended details, for example, the fertility rate according to age.
  • So far as social and economic studies are concerned, the age-distribution data help study dependency issues, patterns and trends of consumption and the labor power. 

4. Nationality data:

  • Identifying demography (statistical study of populations) by nationality in addition to the number and percentage of Saudis vis-à-vis non-Saudi nationals. 
  • Measuring the labor force by nationality - the Saudi as compared with non-Saudi labor force - to use the resulting data as an indicator for the public training and professional programs. 

5. Disability status

  • Recognizing the size and prevalence of disability in the community. 
  • Recognizing the size and prevalence of disability according to the demographic distributions. 
  • Framing a conceptual guide about families that support members with disabilities for the purposes of specialized researches on the same disability. 
  • Identifying the demographic, social and economic characteristics of people with disabilities. 

6. The place of birth, previous residence, usual residence

  • These data provide an overview of the population movements and the internal migration among administrative regions.
  • Determining the level of population stability in their places of residence and the volume of their movements. 

7. Educational status:

  • Education status is basic characteristic of a population as it gives data on illiterate people, where they live, age, social and economic status which helps in studying the phenomena to set the suitable counter-plan. 
  • Making comparative analysis of illiteracy data stemmed from this and previous censuses to measure effectiveness and progress achieved by the state in literacy programs. 
  • Having a record for people holding degrees and specialties to benefit from experience and rare skills. 
  • The manpower data tabulation by education status is key factor to measure efficiency of manpower and effects of education on their professional levels. 

8. Economic characteristics data:

  • Employment status portrays an image about an important section of skilled population to get productive jobs. They shoulder the responsibility of economic activities and supporting other non-employed population. The available data could be used in assessing the best approach for employment and would be of great benefit when tabulated by gender, level of education, age categories, martial status and ratio of participation to the manpower. 
  • Identifying the manpower professional structure and consistency with the actual needs of the necessary state's development programs. 
  •  Naming professions that should be put in focus of training programs provided for Saudis. 
  • The professional structure provides a guide according to the education status of the unemployed people to establish projects and enterprises that can provide place for their power of production. 
  • The distribution by economic activity is a key factor for the domestic product and national income analysis depending on the economic participation ratio of active population at every sector. Also, the data signals to the industry trend and economic development possibilities.
  • Having the size of migration measured according to the professional structure and economic activity would help in making national migration policy. 

9. Newborns over the past twelve months:
   Data about newborns assist in estimating the total, average and detailed fertility rates among Saudi females

10.Marital status:

  • The tabulation of marital status data by gender and age draws an image about the demand and reluctance for marriage in addition to the phenomenal study of widowhood and divorce.
  • The tabulation of marital status data by gender, age and education status mirrors the effects on the prevalent patterns of marriage in the community. 
  • The population distribution by martial status is important to study its effect on fertility rates and consequently the population growth. 
  • Having data on population martial status in social and economic studies is important. For example: the marriage rates are key indicator that more housing units are needed. 

11. Information society: 

  • Identify patterns of the society's culture and entertainment means.
  • Identify the impact of the information society on education and various aspects of life and improving the cultural level among the community members; and
  • Give indicators about the community.

12. Mortality over the past twelve months:

  • Estimate Infant mortality rates by sex;
  • Calculate detailed mortality rates by age and sex; and
  • Develop life table by sex for Saudi residents . 


Second: Residential characteristics:

  • Measure the growth and development rates in the areas of housing in terms of the type of the family house, construction material and the extent of improvement in the residential facilities with regard to the number of rooms, the source of electricity and the sewage type; and
  • Analyze demographic and residential characteristics to get out indicators of the society welfare. 


عنوان الملف: 
General Population and Housing Census Form

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