04 Jul 2024

Last update 15 / 06 / 2017

Census of Establishments Methodology





The Census of Establishments is carried out periodically (once every five years) through collecting, preparing, tabulating, and analyzing the most significant indicators which reflect the characteristics of establishments practicing a certain economic activity during a specific period all over KSA.



  • To create a database to be used in conducting studies and researches;
  • To provide an integrated and up-to-date framework for the economic establishments operating in KSA as it covers establishments names and their addresses, economic activity and workers number for the purpose of defining the framework of the other economic censuses;
  • To provide an integrated and up-to-date framework for the economic establishments operating in KSA with the aim of selecting samples for specialized economic researches. Their data are collected periodically from establishments in a certain manner;
  • To compare the results with the previous censuses in order to measure the economic growth;
  • To study the size of Saudi and non-Saudi workers in the private sector and their distribution by economic activities;
  • To determine how many workers are involved in each economic activity;.
  • To identify the size of establishments engaged in each economic activity; and
  • To determine the size of establishments involved in each economic sector.
  • Form a workgroup of competent specialists to undertake the responsibility of developing the Establishments Census Program;
  • Find, collect, document and process all data and recommendations having to do with the Establishments Census Program;
  • Highlight key uses of the Program;
  • Review terms and definitions of the Program;
  • Form specific committees for following up the Program activities (both inside and outside GAStat);
  • Draw up the budget;
  • Outline a timetable for the Program activities;
  • Determine the Program manpower;
  • Prepare training materials for field work;
  • Develop plans for implementing the Program's fieldwork activities;
  • Develop plans for the desk-work necessary for processing the Program activities (coding, data processing, etc.); and
  • Determine the data collection method.




To maintain a wider scope of enumeration for the Establishments Census 2010, every establishment located in the city under enumeration (whether the establishment is found working, closed, or empty during the enumeration time) shall be counted. For data collection, the enumerator shall pay a visit to the establishment, and conduct an interview with the employer, manager or any person responsible for the establishment. After introducing himself and showing his ID, he shall put down the required data in the Census form. In case required data are unavailable at the time of the visit, the enumerator shall pay another visit to collect all required data.

In case the enumerated establishment is closed, the enumerator shall put down in the form the details that he could collect from the establishment board, and then revisit the establishment for collecting the required data until they get complete, or till the end of the enumeration period (whichever is sooner). Then he could add a note in the Census form determining whether the establishment is temporarily or permanently closed.


Key Findings of the Census

  1. Number of establishments by economic activity
  2. Number of establishments grouped by region
  3. Number of establishments grouped by neighborhood
  4. Number of establishments grouped by the establishment description
  5. Number of workers by gender and economic activity
  6. Number of workers by gender and region
  7. Number of workers by gender and the economic activity
  8. Number of workers by gender and region 


How to Benefit from results of the establishments census:

Benefiting from the results of this Census are many government agencies, such as the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH), for outlining a framework for the Tourist Establishments Survey, as well as the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA). Besides, it offers economic data to be used by the Saudi ministries and government agencies, as well as international organizations. Results of the Establishments Census are to be used, also, in relevant comparative studies.


عنوان الملف: 
Census of Establishments Form

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