27 Jul 2024

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Statistical knowledge

What is the scope of the Umrah Survey?

The survey covers all the thirteen administrative regions by using a sample of households in these regions based on the updated framework of the census for year 1431H (2010)....

What is the legal authority by which GASTAT abides for conducting Umrah Survey?

According to the general statistics law issued by the cabinet, GASTAT is the official agency entitled to carry out surveys and statistics. All information and data given by the citizen, resident or establishment are kept and dealt with in absolute secrecy....

Household Elderly Survey Mechanism, Methodology, and Fieldwork Time frame

GASTAT launched the Household Elderly Survey for 2017 to provide updated accurate data. ...

Data Quality Control in the Household Elderly Survey

Quality control – done in conjunction with data collection – is one of key stages of implementing the Household Elderly Survey, when a fully automated system is adopted with certain regulations to control data entry, to find errors and notes on forms and to fix them under a supervisor after recurring to the household if necessary....