06 Oct 2024

Last update 12 / 09 / 2017

Approach and method of the Household Economy Survey, and time framework of field work

GAStat has released the Household Economy Survey 2017 with the aim of developing study of the economic status of households on a regular basis.

The survey, that covers 24,000 households, will kick off on April 13, 2017, and lasts for 23 days, till May 05, 2017. Its results will be released in August 2017. And the survey will be be conducted on a quarterly basis.

The survey covers all KSA regions (totaling 13). The administrative division of the Kingdom provided for by the Regions Law, issued by virtue of the Royal Decree no A/92, dated Shaaban 27, 1412H, shall serve as the basis of geographical and statistical distribution for the census data collection and publishing.

The survey target a sample of households representing all KSA regions, in accordance with the updated framework of the General Census of Population and Housing 1431H (2010), in light of the Royal Decree no. 23, dated Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1379H, authorizing GAStat to conduct various censuses, surveys and statistical research. The collected data shall be kept and classified at GAStat, to be used for statistical purposes only. The time reference of the Household Economy Survey (number of household members, housing characteristics, etc) is the household visit and review date.

The GAStat approach in conducting the Household Economy Survey consists of 9 stages:

  1. Scope: Understanding and confirming the statistical needs, and exploring the possible solutions.
  2. Design: Designing all subsequent statistical stages.
  3. Prior Experiment: Applying a miniature of the survey, and making use of its results in modifying the survey design, and avoid the potential shortcomings.
  4. Organization: Preparing and testing statistical work guides and manuals.
  5. Collection: Preparing and testing statistical work guides and manuals.
  6. Categorization: Processing the collected data, to convert it from primary to statistical data.
  7. Review: Processing the collected data, to convert it from primary to statistical data.
  8. Data analysis: Studying data and extracting reports.
  9. Publishing: Prepare the products for publishing.
  10. Assessment: Testing all stages of the statistical process.
  11. Management: Managing all statistical processes on an ongoing basis.

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