15 Sep 2024

Last update 13 / 11 / 2017

Manpower Survey Mechanism, Methodology, and Fieldwork Timeframe

The General Authority for Statistics has launched the manpower survey in the first quarter of 2017 with a view to estimating the size of workforce and the rates of employment and unemployment in addition to many statistical indications that reflect the changes in the labor market in the kingdom in a way that its final results help in the process of planning and organizing the labor market and preparing programs for resources development.

The survey starts from 19/02/2017 to 24/03/2017 for 35 days. It targets 33350 domestic households. Its results will be issued on 31/12/2017. The survey will be conducted quarterly.

It covers all the 13 administrative regions. The kingdom's administrative region, which was built on the system of regions under the royal decree no. (A/92) for 27/8/1412H, is used as a base for the geographical and statistical distribution for collection and publication of census data.

The survey targets a random sample of households in these regions in line of the census of 1431H (2010) and under the royal decree no. 23 for 7/12/1379H which allows the Authority to conduct surveys and statistical researches and that this information remains secret in the hands of the General Authority for Statistics and can only be used for statistical purposes.

Data of the manpower survey in regard to accommodation and household information and their characteristics is based on the date of visiting the household. The Authority relies in conducting the survey on a number of stages as follows:

1. Data Collection Stage.

2. Statistic field and desk audit.

3. Data Tabulation & Processing

4. Statistical Data Quality Control

5. Data analysis.

6. Issuing Survey Results.

7. Data online Publication and Circulation among GASTA clients.

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