01 Sep 2024

Last update 12 / 09 / 2017

Instructions of office review & office system coding


Office review is considered a main pillar for the success of any statistical process and a main stage in the process of data preparation. Through this review, we make sure that the researcher is implementing the instructions of data collection and finding and correcting errors according to the set instructions and rules. The office system includes a number of pages through which the Authority official, supervisor or inspector conducts the office review automatically on a PC or tablet during and after the survey.

The process of office review starts with the data collection. He who conducts the review must make sure of the accuracy and consistency of the data. After completing the collection of household information on the first day, the researcher makes an initial review before transferring the data. After this, the official in charge, supervisor, inspector and reviewer can review the data and takes notes on a daily basis.

According to the set timetable for the survey, the inspector can make the final electronic review after the end of the data collection process.


Goals of the review can be summarized as follows:

-Making sure of data accuracy

-Finding and correcting errors

-Easing the burden of automatic collection by the Authority


Main points that should be taken into consideration during office review in household power survey as follows:

1-Incluiveness of count areas for the supervisor. The supervisor or his aide should cooperate with the technical support to make sure that the count areas have been fully distributed among researchers.

2-Overall households in each count area. It should be made sure that the researcher has got all the households in his area, whether the households who have been met or not.

3-Review of the household status (section seven 701) and reviewing the completion percentage for each researcher

4-Making sure all fields have been completed

5-Making sure the researcher has made the right choice for house information in section 2, which starts from field 201-220.

6-Reviewing the logic of accommodation data in field 205

7-In field 2013, the source of potable water is (1-public network). In field 212, source of water is not (1-public network)

8-In field 217, cooking fuel in one of these cases is : 1-gas or 2-electricity. In most cases, the kind of houses in field 201 could be 1-popular house, 2-villa, 3-floor in popular house, 4- floor in a villa or 5-apartment.

9-Monitoring the average household members all across the area of the researcher and explaining the reasons in case the average household members are less than expected

10-Data of section 3 will be registered automatically through the data of household power survey

11-Review of logic of data of section 4 for fuel usage

12-In field 401: do you use the diesel-fuel oil in your house. The choices of the electricity source in field 215 must be 3-private generator, or 5-others and it should be explained and show whether the explanation is related to the usage of diesel-fuel oil

13-In field 419, do you use LPG in your house. There must be the choice 1-gas in field 217

14-Reviewing the logic of data in section 5 on the usage of electricity and making sure of its logic and its relation to the household data in section 2

15-In field 501, is there electricity in your house. In field 215, there must be the choices 1-public network, 2-private network, 3- private generator

16-Reviewing the logic on the use of woods, coals and agricultural waste in section 6 and making sure of the logic of information and its relation to the household data in section 2.

17-In field 601, do you use woods, coals and agricultural waste in your house. In field 217, the choices of the used cooking fuel are 3-woods or 4-others, which are explained as either coal or agricultural waste.

18-In field 605, what are woods, coals and agricultural waste used for. The choices are listed in field 606 as 1-cooking and grilling. There are no choices in field 217 for the used cooking fuel, 3-woods, 4-others, which are explained as either coal or agricultural waste.

19-In field 605, what are woods, coal and agricultural waste used for. The choices are listed in 606 as 2-heating. There is no accommodation information in field 205 or fields 208-209.

20-Researcher has to write the final results of his visit to the sampled household in section 7

21-Researcher has to write down the name of the respondent, his phone number and the visit date.

22-Reviewing the items of all questions because there could be a case which is the same in items listed in the field. Therefore, the correction could be done in the office.

23-Making sure that the filling in the electronic form is conducted according to the set instructions.

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