27 Dec 2024

Last update 12 / 09 / 2017

Requirements of Field and Desk Work in Household Energy Survey

Field and desk work requires awareness of the survey implementation instructions, including field milestones, building and housing numbering system and how to access the target household, as well as the instructions of data collection and how to use tablets. Survey staff must capitalize on the following vital requirements to coordinate field and desk works:
1.Circulars issued by official agencies.
2.Personal ID of filed operators.
3.Surveyor's Area of Operation (Form 1).
4.Map or sketch of Surveyor's Area of Operation.
6.The English form and its filling-in instructions.
7.Instruction manual.
8.Technical and administrative form.
9.Manuals of codes for nationalities, scientific disciplines, professions and economic activities.
10.CDs of the training program lectures.

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