26 Dec 2024

Last update 19 / 09 / 2017

What are stages of preparing the directory?

First: Office Work:
This stage is restricted to the office work and preparations preceding field work. It includes the following steps:

  1. Addressing related agencies for obtaining required data and information from their main sources as this process needs continuous follow-up for obtaining them due to the existence of a gap between related agencies in the speed of providing data of the survey year as a result of unpreparedness. If not available on time, they may be obtained from the branches and offices of these bodies spread all over the Kingdom;
  2. Updating data of education services by a program that connects the unified directory number of the school with the locality in the directory's database
  3. Updating data of governmental and private health services in the database of the government services statistics system for survey year
  4. Updating data of governmental and private higher education services in the database of the government services statistics system for survey year
  5. Updating all governmental and private services in the services directory that came from related agencies in the database of the government services statistics system for survey year. 
  6. Observing and registering all notes of all services, which appear during the process of updating, preparing and classifying data by regions and affiliated administrative units (province - center - locality). 
  7. Addressing related agencies for generalizing its branches all around the kingdom with a view to facilitating and cooperating with the mission of GASTAT employees to supply them with required data and information as the interior ministry, education ministry, health ministry and other governmental agencies

The plan of implementing the field works of updating data and information of the 16th directory of services in cities and villages requires training employees participating in this process such as supervisors, their deputies or inspectors on all required missions and works whether technical or administrative with a view to guaranteeing the implementation of these works according to the set instructions. The training will be held at GASTAT headquarters in Riyadh for four days according to the set training table.
Second: Field work:

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