GASTAT works on obtaining national statistical indicators in all fields to reach realistic indicators that reflect the real situation to be adopted in improving policies and taking decisions and providing suitable services for people, institutions, or various sectors. Therefore, it is the pleasure of GASTAT to provide this analytic reports concerning The Elderly Survey for 2017.
Date of survey:
14/4/2017 – 18/5/2017
The Elderly Survey
33,575 households
Every three years
Field researchers from GASTAT
The Elderly Survey form includes a number of main sections to be filled by using hand devices "tablet" in nearly -60-65 minutes. The form includes:
1)Questions concerning details of the household members and the basic characteristics of the individual including: Name, kinship to the household head, gender, age, nationality, educational status, occupational status, and marital status.
2) Question concerning the disability or the functional difficulties in accordance with the Washington Group long list taking into account the peculiarity of the Saudi society. The question of the long lists has been adopted in addition to using some secondary questions that demonstrate information important for the bodies concerned with disability. The questions include: Problems in sight, difficulty in hearing, difficulties in moving and the tools used for movement, difficulties in communication with others, difficulties in concentration and remembering, difficulties in self-care, suffering from anxiety and depression, the duration of and reasons behind the disability, the services provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and the type of such services, the kinship between the father and the mother, the regular place of residence, and whither there was a previous diagnosis demonstrating a disability.
3) Questions appertaining to the elderly including the following questions: Diseases and their nature, the need for help, participation in volunteering work, and the relation to the nursing homes or the specialized associations.
The Elderly Survey Objectives:
1)Providing data on the demographic, economic and social structure of the population, on the level of Saudi Arabia and the various administrative regions, and getting several demographic indicators and measurements, such as: ;
•The normal growth rates and natural increase of the elderly.
•Age and gender population structure (of the elderly aged 65 and over).
•The population structure regarding the marital, educational and employment status (the elderly aged 65 and over)
•Identifying the marriage and divorce levels of the elderly (aged 65 and over).
Providing data on the elderly rate in the Kingdom in terms of its levels, types, and causes, as well as social, economic and demographic characteristics.
To study effects of the housing and environment characteristics on the different demographical characteristics of the elderly through:
•Providing data on residence place and the surrounding environment of the elderly (aged 65 and over).
•Identifying the residence circumstances and the surrounding environment of the elderly (aged 65 and over).
•Providing data required for innovating programs that ameliorate the elderly situation in Saudi Arabia.
Providing data and indicators needed to set, develop and evaluate population estimates and projections nationwide by means of:
•Identifying the population age and gender structure of the elderly.
•Identifying the level of mortality rates of the elderly.
Making comparison between the demographic indicators made out previous surveys and population and housing census 1431 A.H.
Creating a demographic database for the elderly in order to meet the requirements of the State and the needs of the planners and researchers to the basic demographic and social data necessary for the development plans;
Providing demographic data and indicators periodically for measuring the change in the demographic characteristics with the passage of time, and for carrying out local, regional and international comparisons.
The survey covers all the administrative regions of Saudi Arabia by using a sample of households in these regions based on the updated framework of the census for year 1431H (2010). The administrative regions are divided into thirteen regions as follows:
5.Eastern Region
9.Northern Borders
1.Scope: Identifying the statistical requirements, and determining the possible solutions
2.Design: Designing all subsequent steps of the statistical process.
3.Organization: Preparing and testing all statistical work procedures
4.Collection: Data collection and verification.
5.Categorization: Data processing for converting data from initial data to statistical data.
6.Review: Results verification and explanation.
7.Publishing: Preparing outputs for publishing
8.Evaluation: Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of all stages of the statistical process.
9.Administration: Administering all steps of the statistical process continuously.