27 Apr 2024

Last update 3 / 12 / 2017

Labor Force Survey

The General Authority for Statistics (GAStat) works to survey the workforce with a view to understanding the volume of manpower and its demographic, social and economic characteristics, rates of unemployment and employment, economic partnership and dependency as well as many statistical indicators, which reflect changes in the labor market in the kingdom in order to help in the process of planning, organizing the labor market and preparing programs for human resources development.

Date of survey:
From 8/12/2017 to 2/1/2018


Survey of manpower: 2nd quarter


Survey Period

September 30, 2017

650 field researchers working to collect data from the targeted categories

23 days

A tablet for filling in forms and data entry and an office system for monitoring and quality

I: Geographical and characteristic data
II: Accommodation information
III: Household information
IIII: Fuel usage in 2016
V: Electricity usage in 2016
VI: Usage of woods, coals and agricultural wastes in 2016
VII: Final results of household visits (Preview status)

The manpower survey seeks to achieve a number of goals:
1-Providing detailed data about national and foreign workers according to demographics and social and economic characteristics
2-Measuring the rates of employment and unemployment and economic partnership and dependency
3-Providing data about training programs for job-seekers
4-Recognizing the previous experience of job-seekers, who had previously worked
5-Providing data about employees and the unemployed according to their qualifications and specialties
6-Recognizing the professional makeup and economic activity of employees according to a number of variables
7-Recognizing the average monthly salary for employees
8-Providing data about the average weekly work hours according to employees’ profession and economic activity
9-Providing detailed data about job-seekers
10-Providing data about organized and disorganized labor

The field survey will cover the kingdom’s 13 administrative regions: Riyadh, Makkah, Madinah, Qassim, Eastern Region, Asir, Tabuk, Hael, Northern Border Region, Jazan, Najran, Baha and Jawf

1-Data collection
2-Field and office review of statistical work
3-Cataloguing and proceeding data
4-Monitoring quality of statistical data
5-Data analysis
6-Issuance of survey results
7-Publishing data on websites and giving them to clients of the General Authority for Statistics


صفحات وعي إحصائي: 
Importance of manpower survey and its benefits for Saudi economy and sustainable development
Main questions addressed by manpower survey (survey goals)
Manpower Survey Mechanism, Methodology, and Fieldwork Timeframe
General terminology and definitions used in manpower survey
تصنيفات السكان حسب منهجية مسح القوى العاملة
فريق عمل مسح القوى العاملة - الفئات والمسؤوليات
استمارة مسح القوى العاملة
القواعد المستخدمة في ترقيم وحصر المباني المساكن بمسح القوى العاملة
آلية الوصول إلى الأسرة الواقعة في العينة المسحية
متطلبات العمل المكتبي والميداني في مسح القوى العاملة
تعليمات المراجعة المكتبية والترميز على النظام المكتبي
Data quality control in manpower survey
Duties of the field researchers in manpower survey
Use of maps in manpower survey
Rules used in numbering & counting buildings & houses in manpower survey
General instructions for manpower survey researchers
Mechanism to Access a Household Listed in a Survey Sample
Statistical indications of manpower survey reflect changes in the labor market in the kingdom
Results of manpower survey contribute in the process of planning and organizing labor market and preparing programs for resources development
Manpower survey poses questions about the relationship between individuals and workforce
Researchers in manpower survey rely on a tablet, a PC and maps for collecting data about individuals
Researchers collect survey data by visiting 33350 households in the kingdom
Manpower survey covers the Riyadh district (urban and rural areas) with a view to calculating the rates of unemployment
Manpower survey poses questions about the relationship between Riyadh population and workforce

التقييم الصفحات