18 Jul 2024

Last update 27 / 03 / 2019

GASTAT: Wholesale Price Index Increases in February 2019


GASTAT: Wholesale Price Index Increases in February 2019

On Wednesday, the 13th of Rajab 1440 H/ 20th of March 2019 AD, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released its the monthly indicator of Saudi wholesale price index for February and it was published on its website www.stats.gov.sa . The indicator recorded (116.5) points with 0.1% increase in February 2019, compared to last month (January) where it recorded (116.4) points. The indicator includes five main sections; agriculture and fisheries products, raw materials and metals, Food products, beverages, tobacco and textiles, metal products, machinery and equipment, and other goods. 
The report attributed that increase to the outcome of the changes of the five main sections composing this indicator; metal products, machinery and equipment increased to 1.0%. On the other hand, raw materials and metals decreased by 1.0%, agriculture and fisheries products went down 0.5%, and other goods 0.5%. However, food products, beverages, tobacco and textiles remained without any changes. 
Saudi Arabia's wholesale price index measures the average changes in the prices of goods and services sold in primary markets and takes into account the change in price only. Accordingly, all changes resulting from differences in quality, quantity discount, Shipping method, and other influencing factors in order to obtain the net price only after excluding all the mentioned effects. This number is general for all and is prepared in all parts of the Kingdom.
It is worth mentioning that the wholesale price index is used to monitor the changes in the prices of local or imported goods, which are dealt with in the market, and consequently to determine the price trends and the conditions of the market variables. The wholesale price index is one of the important tools used to prepare national accounts, by clearing income and national groups from the impact of price changes.


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