26 Dec 2024

Last update 19 / 09 / 2017

Explaining fieldwork style

It is important to define the methods and tools used in the process of updating data and information of the service directory as follows:

  1. Services Directory It contains all assigned localities in the inspector's work area as there is only one locality (city or village) in every page with data about this locality, which include the name of the administrative region, province name, center's name, locality name and their numbers as well as the geographical data of the locality as the location, how far it is from the administrative unit affiliated with the locality, direction, type of road and nearest locality where health and educational services are available. This is followed by data of the public education services, which are a table of all schools of all public education stages by sex (males and females), higher education services, including the number of students and teaching staff members (males and females), and health services, including hospitals, health care and Red Crescent centers, hospitals and private centers in this locality. At the bottom of the page, social, administrative, agricultural and public services are mentioned. The question about the number of available services in the locality must be answered.
  2. Directory of localities: It includes all localities in the inspector's work area with the name of the locality, its administrative affiliation in regard to distance, direction, type of road and location.   
  3. Templates of notes: These templates have been allocated for notes that have appeared during the process of office updating of the directory data and information. They are classified in according with geographical and distinguished data, type and place of service, type of note and the proper solution
  4. File of issued instructions: It includes all instructions related to the work flow as well as copies of instructions issued by related agencies to places that will be visited for data collection as well as a report of the field visit to administrative headquarters that will be visited.

After this comes the first steps of the fieldwork by having the emirate officials visit the administrative region by the supervisor and his deputy with an Interior Ministry decree for facilitating his mission. He explains his mission and asks for circulating an order to provinces and centers to facilitate the mission of GASTAT employees by supplying them with required data and information.

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