01 Sep 2024

Last update 12 / 09 / 2017

23 terms and definitions used in Education and Training Survey

Administrative Region:Part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that is administered by a government agency which is directly attached to the Ministry of Interior such as Riyadh and Makkah ... etc. Each administrative region has a capital city.
Governorate:Part of the region, the second-level of the subdivisions and reports directly to region, such as Al-Kharj Governorate of Riyadh Region. 
Municipality:It is the administrative body affiliated with the province such as Al Hayathem Center of Al Kharj province. Some are affiliated with the emirate directly such as Irqah center, which is directly affiliated with the Emirate of Riyadh Region.
Populated locality:A static population cluster such as a city, village or a farm, or non-static like a nomadic cluster.
Village:A clustered human settlement with a commonly recognized name, and a population of no less than 50 thousand, or no less than 10 inhabited dwellings.
City:Every locality that has a municipality or a population of more than 5,000 is considered a city. Cities have been defined during preparations for the census 1431H.
District (Neighborhood):Part of a city that includes building, streets and roads, with a commonly recognized name chosen and announced by the municipality. It is usually surrounded with main streets dividing it from other neighborhoods. Citywide, districts numbering starts with 001 and ends with the number of the last one in a city.
Sector:A GASTAT-specific statistical division used for statistical purposes in cities. It is a geographically clustered area which represents a part of a district, and usually enclosed by main streets. At the district level, sectors serial numbering starts with 01 and ends with the number of the last one in a district.
Block: A geographical area surrounded by streets, and comprises a building or a number of contiguous buildings that are not separated by streets. It takes various shapes including a square, rectangle, circle or irregular-shaped space as in old neighborhoods. The block might also be an open space. At the sector level, blocks numbering starts with (001). and ends with the number of the last one in a sector..
Building:A building is every structure; whether permanent or temporary, single- or multi-storey, with one or more rooms, and has one or more doors through which to access it. A building might and might not be inhabited; and it could be intended for housing, or for economic, social or religious purposes ... etc., such as a complex, a palace, a villa, a popular house, a tent, a hut, a shack, a shanty, a government body, a shop, a mosque… etc.
It is noted that building annexes such as garage, shop or a villa extension are not considered separate buildings
Residential unit (dwelling):It is a building or part of a building built for housing or work or both and has a separate door This unit may be inhabited by one family or more, by an establishment or more or by a family and establishment at the same time and It could be formed of one room or more. Every inhabited place is considered a dwelling even if it is not originally prepared for living such as shops and workshops. Residential units have been given serial numbers within the building. The types of dwellings according to the census are.

  1. A building constructed for a household as villa and house
  2. Part of a building as an apartment, floor and room (such as rooms built on rooftops)
  3. Mobile building as a tent, shutter and shack
  4. Building or part of a building inhabited by a family and was not originally prepared for living as (shops, factory, school, workshop, bakery, restaurant and many work sites inhabited by workers 

A 'household' refers to a person or a group of persons - with or without kinship binding them to one another - who share residence. The household includes:

  1. Saudis and non-Saudis who have a normal stay with family
  2. Saudi nationals who usually live with the household but they were absent while the survey was conducted for being temporarily outside the kingdom such as businessmen, tourists, people who travel for medication, students studying abroad.
  3. Individuals who usually live with the household but have been absent while the survey was conducted for taking night shifts, such as guards, physicians, nurses, fishers and airport staff. 
  4. Servants, drivers and the like who are members of the same household. 

Head of the household:It refers to the person regarded by the family members as its chief member. Usually, he is responsible for undertaking the responsibility of the household and his age must not be under (15) years old. If the family consists of children and their mother, and they are cared for by a relative who does not live with them, such a relative shall not be deemed as the head of the family, nor shall he be recorded as one of its members, since he shall be recorded with his own family. In this case, the mother shall be deemed as the head of the family. 
Age:It is the time period calculated between date of birth and date of visit. It is presented in years, regardless of months and days.
Nationality:It is the individual's legal right of belonging to a particular country. It is usually defined by the passport the person already has, or has the right to obtain.
Regular attendant:He is the regular attendant to institutions or accredited and regular educational programs, whether governmental or private for the sake of studying by any means of education 
Talented:Talented students are those who have readiness and unusual capabilities or distinguished performance other than their peers in a field or more than one of the fields appreciated by the society, particularly the fields of mental excellence, creativity, academic achievement and special skills and abilities.
Training:It is a structured organizational effort that aims to facilitate the acquisition of skills and obtaining knowledge, which helps improve performance. It is a modern and effective method to improve and develop any field of the different life fields.
Supervisor's Area of Operation :It consists of an administrative region and covers a number of areas for inspectors and researchers.
Work area of deputy supervisor:Work area of the deputy supervisor is composed of a number of supervisors' areas. It is (5) areas in the average within the supervisor's work area.
Inspector's Area of Operation:It includes a number of counting areas. On average, it includes a sample of (560 - 700) households distributed among (5) researchers, serialized in the deputy inspector's area of operation.
Researcher's Area of Operation:It involves a number of counting areas selected for survey from (5 to 7) areas, based on each area's circumstances. Researchers are serialized within the inspector's area of operation.
Counting area:It is the smallest statistical division used in the census 1431H that has been updated during the process of updating the framework of census 1437H. It is composed of a geographical space and includes a number of buildings, dwellings and an average of (150) households of which a sample has been taken. The number of the sampled households is (25) in every numeration area.




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