28 Jul 2024

Last update 21 / 09 / 2017

What does "time reference" in Households and Individuals ICT Access and Usage Survey refer to?

Households and Individuals ICT Access and Usage Survey for 2017 data are based on the following: 

  1. Household ICT data are based on the date of completing the form data (date of the visit to the household)
  2. Main data of household members concerning their number and general characteristics such as age, gender, nationality, educational status, and marital status are based on the date of completing the form data (date of the visit to the household).
  3. The employment status data are based on the week previous to the visit to the household.
  4. Data concerning household and individuals usage of ICT (such as using the Internet, cell phone data, and computer data) are based on the last three months previous to the visit to the household.
  5. Data concerning household usage of postal services are based on the last 12 months previous to the visit to the household.

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