19 Oct 2024

Last update 12 / 09 / 2017

GaStat Discusses the General Statistics system draft

In Collaboration with 19 Government Entities to Develop the Statistical Sector
GaStat Discusses the General Statistics system draft
Within the framework of activating the statistical sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) held a workshop on Wednesday, 28 Sha’ban 1438H corresponding to 24 May 2017 with 19 government entities and specialized consultation bodies. The workshop was held to discuss the draft of the general statistics system in preparation for its submission to GaStat’s board of directors then for the concerned entities for approval.
H.E. Dr. Fahad Altekhaifi, GaStat President, expressed his gratitude to the workshop participants and asserted that developing the statistical sector is a joint responsibility between relevant entities. He also added that the aim of this workshop is to ensure that the proposed system draft meets all requirements which maximizes its benefit. Furthermore, he explained that the proposed system draft is comprehensive and keeps up with the latest developments in statistical systems in order to activate statistical work and deepen its impact on planning and enhancing statistical awareness. It also regulates the relationship between GaStat, as a supervisor and organizer of the statistical sector in Saudi Arabia, and all constituents of the statistical sector which includes beside GaStat; statistical administrative units in all government entities, private sector and academic sector.
GaStat’s President also confirmed that the current system provides a solid structure for statistical work with the amendments that have been made over the past years. The regulation which was issued by the Council of Ministers Decision No. 11 issued in Muharram 13th, 1437H enhanced and completed the process of developing statistical work. The regulation included a number of subjects that covered a group of regulatory provisions and the most important of these subjects: emphasizing that the Authority has a public juridical personality, and a financial and administrative independence, it is the entity in charge of statistical affairs, the only official reference to implement statistical work, and it’s the only technical supervisor and regulator of statistical work, it is managed by a board of directors which by the regulation has the powers and authority on the statistical sector and its components in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The regulation gave the Authority the task of establishing a permanent coordinating committee. It also gave it the responsibility of establishing a central system for information which is connecting electronically with all concerned entities. In addition to implementing statistical work, the regulation also assigned other tasks to the Authority which include: applying recognised international standards which include statistical work methodology, survey design and implementation, conducting research and studies, analyse data and information, all information and data documentation work, collecting statistical data and information that covers all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its different sources and classify it and section it, either from surveys and censuses or from administrative records in public entities and private establishments, analyse this data and extract its indicators, prepare evidences and national statistical classifications according to international standards, using it and developing whenever needed, prepare statistical bulletins and reports of surveys and research and publish it. The regulation also gave the Authority the right to provide statistical services, conduct surveys, prepare statistical research and studies, provide data from its databases to establishments and business sector in a commercial manner and shall benefit from its financial revenues in financing statistical and information services provided. In addition, it is responsible of transmitting knowledge and provide recommendations to public entities to develop all information system and statistical work methodology to achieve a comprehensive, accurate and unified statistical system and to develop public awareness of the importance of statistics, and to monitor and follow up all published data on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the competent regional and international bodies and coordination with the concerned entities. This regulation reflects the leadership's keenness to develop the main infrastructure of all development decisions considering that the statistical products and services given by GaStat is a solid base to support all national development decisions and support policymakers with information that is considered as the compass of development work, which makes this regulation an added value at the development level  on one hand and the activation of the national strategy for statistical development on the other.  


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