01 Sep 2024

Last update 12 / 09 / 2017

Mechanism to Access a Household Listed in a Survey Sample

A- In Cities:
A household listed in the survey sample is accessed using the researcher’s work area form 1 as well as the maps, so that the researcher should start with the household with the lowest serial number by adopting the following household feature data: Neighborhood, sector or block number based on location on the map, as well as the building and residence number. 
The researcher starts with neighborhood holding the lowest serial number if counting areas fall within more than one neighborhood. He also begins with the sector having the lowest serial number once the counting areas cover more than one sector in a given neighborhood. Likewise, he commences with the block carrying the lowest serial number, then the building with lowest number within a given block till he reaches the residential unit inhabited by the household list in the survey sample.
Based on the building numbering system used during updating the general population and housing census of 1438 A.H., which the researcher must be aware of, the controller stood by the north-western corner of the block, with all buildings on his right-hand side, heading eastward till the main entrance of first building in the block and numbered it 1. Then he numbered all residences in it. So, if such a building comprises of only on residence such as a villa or popular house, the researcher will find that the controller numbered it in a fraction with the residence number as the numerator and the building number as the denominator. But if the building consists of several residences, such as apartments or individual rooms, the researchers finds that the controller gave it an absolute number, and wrote a fraction on the main entrance with the total number of residences as the numerator and the building number as the denominator.
B- In Villages:
A household listed in the survey sample is accessed using the researcher’s work area form 1 as well as the sketches, so that he should start with the locality holding the lowest number if the counting area covers more than a locality. Hence, he starts with the building of the lowest number in a given locality. Then, he moves on to the residence within the building to reach the household list in the survey.
It should be noted that the building and housing numbering system used in villages is similar to the one used in cities, but the controller started numbering buildings from the north-western corner for both populated localities and covered populated localities. So, he numbered contiguous buildings on the north-western side of the locality, then moved on to another group, and son and so forth till the last building. 


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