03 Jul 2024

Last update 15 / 09 / 2021

The National Classification for the Economic Activities (ISIC4)


The National Classification for the Economic Activities is derived from the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, forth version (ISIC4) and issued by the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Its main purpose is to provide a set of sections, groups, branches and categories of activities that can be used to collect and publish statistics according to the activities. The Classification for Economic Activities can be defined as the way in which counting units can be collected according to a serial order and defined by homogeneous groups with a view to creating a general framework for comparison of statistical data at the local, regional and international levels, where the data of the economic activity can be divided according to the guide prepared for this to specific levels in a manner similar to the characteristics of economic activities classified in one rank. This similarity is in the type and use of goods and services produced, related services, intermediate inputs, technology used and funding methods.
The establishment or the unit of the economic activity type is the basis of this classification, where the units involved in the formation of the different economic sectors are classified in the appropriate place in the classification according to the main economic activity that they operate, regardless of ownership or method of work.
The classification aims at providing a set of statistical data according to the economic aspects of production, workers, wages, physical capital assets, profits, losses and budgets, as well as providing a comprehensive framework for economic activities.
 The classification consists of sections, groups and categories at the level of the fourth limit in addition to branches, economic activity and its description.

Search in ISIC 4

Mining and quarrying 099011 Test drilling of mineral explorations and precious metals

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
B - Mining and quarrying 9 - Mining support services 99 - Support activities of other mining and quarrying works 990 - Support activities of other mining and quarrying works
Manufacturing 101011 Operating slaughterhouses (slaughtering and preparing lamb meat)

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101012 Operating slaughterhouses (slaughtering and preparing poultry, rabbits and birds)

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101021 Production of poultry and rabbit meat and fresh birds

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101022 Production of poultry and rabbit meat and chilled and frozen birds

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101030 Slaughtering and preparing hunting animals, includes (whales whose meat has been prepared onshore or aboard ships)

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101041 Production of fresh meat

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101042 Production of chilled and frozen meat Description :

Whole or chopped meat that is kept in cool to 1 C Freezer to -18 C

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101043 Keeping and preparing meat and its products in different ways as drying and canning Description :

Meat free from bone, cartilage and connective tissue, and packed in suitable containers

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101044 Cutting, preparing, and packing meat and poultry Description :

Shops that provide cutting, processing, packing and packaging service for meat and poultry of
(all kinds (fresh, chilled and frozen

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101051 Production of sausage and hamburger from meat Description :

A processed, boneless ground meat made from beef and lamb and mixed with other ingredients such as spices

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101052 Production of flour and semolina from meat Description :

Powder produced from grains such as wheat, corn or barley

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101053 Production of mortadella from meat Description :

Processed boneless ground meat obtained from beef, lamb, goat and camel.

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101054 Preparing and keeping animal heads and shins Description :

Cut it into parts and keep it in suitable packages

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101060 Manufacture of edible animal fats Description :

Consumed fats as they are or used in food processing and do not include poultry and fish

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 101070 Preparation of raw leather and wool

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 101 - Meat keeping and processing 1010 - Meat keeping and processing
Manufacturing 102010 Keeping fish and fish products by caning Description :

Fish thermally processed, which prevents all germs, and is packed in sealed containers

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 102 - Processing and keeping fish, crustaceans and Mollusca 1020 - Processing and keeping fish, crustaceans and Mollusca
Manufacturing 102020 Keeping fish and fish products by drying, smoking or salting Description :

Fresh or frozen fish that has been prepared and preserved by smoking, drying or salting

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 102 - Processing and keeping fish, crustaceans and Mollusca 1020 - Processing and keeping fish, crustaceans and Mollusca
Manufacturing 102030 Keeping fish and fish products by cooling or freezing Description :

Fish that have been prepared and kept by cooling at 1 C or frozen at -18 C

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 102 - Processing and keeping fish, crustaceans and Mollusca 1020 - Processing and keeping fish, crustaceans and Mollusca
Manufacturing 102040 Production of fish fillets and fresh and frozen pickled fish Description :

Cut the fish and market it fresh or keep frozen

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products 102 - Processing and keeping fish, crustaceans and Mollusca 1020 - Processing and keeping fish, crustaceans and Mollusca

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