03 Jul 2024

Last update 15 / 09 / 2021

The National Classification for the Economic Activities (ISIC4)


The National Classification for the Economic Activities is derived from the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, forth version (ISIC4) and issued by the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Its main purpose is to provide a set of sections, groups, branches and categories of activities that can be used to collect and publish statistics according to the activities. The Classification for Economic Activities can be defined as the way in which counting units can be collected according to a serial order and defined by homogeneous groups with a view to creating a general framework for comparison of statistical data at the local, regional and international levels, where the data of the economic activity can be divided according to the guide prepared for this to specific levels in a manner similar to the characteristics of economic activities classified in one rank. This similarity is in the type and use of goods and services produced, related services, intermediate inputs, technology used and funding methods.
The establishment or the unit of the economic activity type is the basis of this classification, where the units involved in the formation of the different economic sectors are classified in the appropriate place in the classification according to the main economic activity that they operate, regardless of ownership or method of work.
The classification aims at providing a set of statistical data according to the economic aspects of production, workers, wages, physical capital assets, profits, losses and budgets, as well as providing a comprehensive framework for economic activities.
 The classification consists of sections, groups and categories at the level of the fourth limit in addition to branches, economic activity and its description.

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Real estate activities 681041 Residential Real estate development using modern construction method Description :

Residential real estate development using modern methods of construction to transfer the effort expended in construction operations from construction site to supervised manufacturing facilities Such as (Purchasing lands, arranging for project financing and agreement with construction contractors), and does not include construction activity

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 681 - Real estate activities with own or leased property 6810 - Real estate activities with own or leased property
Real estate activities 681042 Commercial Real estate development using modern construction methods Description :

Commercial real estate development using modern methods of construction to transfer the effort expended in construction operations from construction site to supervised manufacturing facilities Such as (Purchasing lands, arranging for project financing and agreement with construction contractors), and does not include construction activity

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 681 - Real estate activities with own or leased property 6810 - Real estate activities with own or leased property
Real estate activities 681043 Real estate contributions Description :

A real estate development project in which a group of people participates in order to achieve a benefit, and that is by owning a property and developing it into residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, etc., then selling and ending the contribution, and this does not include real estate investment funds

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 681 - Real estate activities with own or leased property 6810 - Real estate activities with own or leased property
Real estate activities 682010 Real Estate Brokerage Description :

The practice of mediating the completion of a real estate transaction between the two parties, in exchange for a commission. This includes electronic mediation through technical means such as websites, social media platforms and so on

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682010 Real Estate Brokerage Description :

The practice of mediating the completion of a real estate transaction between the two parties, in exchange for a commission. This includes electronic mediation through technical means such as websites, social media platforms and so on

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682010 Real Estate Brokerage Description :

The practice of mediating the completion of a real estate transaction between the two parties, in exchange for a commission. This includes electronic mediation through technical means such as websites, social media platforms and so on

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682020 Management of real estate activities for commission Description :

Taking over the financial and administrative affairs of the property on behalf of its owner or beneficial owner

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682030 Real Estate valuation Description :

Valuation of all real estate intrests, rights and obligations related to it along with all permenant improvements and extensions

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682041 Real property registration services Description :

Record real property and spatial data for each real property in Saudi Arabia in a consolidated database and carry out all logistical services for registration prescribed in the Registration System

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682042 Real Estate consultancy Description :

Provide recommendation, opinion or advice related to the real estate sector, which is provided by the real estate consultant to the client by any means, whether written or otherwise

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682042 Real Estate consultancy Description :

Provide recommendation, opinion or advice related to the real estate sector, which is provided by the real estate consultant to the client by any means, whether written or otherwise

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682043 Marketing of tourism Real estae by time share Description :

Marketing: an act of convince others to purchase a timeshare real- estate unit for one or more periods in accordance with a time share low using approved marketing methodologies including competitions, gits, and prizes

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682044 Real Estate Auctions Description :

conduct a public auction on a property for sale or rental, to reach its price to the highest extent. This includes electronic auctions

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682045 Real Estate Facilities Management Description :

The technical affairs of the property are handled on behalf of the owner of its benefits, such as the management of internal networks such as water, gas, electricity, air conditioning, telephone, computer networks, television, sanitation, rainwater disposal, waste disposal, irregularities, delivery of mail, parcels or goods, etc.

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682046 Real Estate Marketing and advertising Description :

Promote Real Estate products using advertising and promotional means.

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Real estate activities 682047 Real Estate Analysis Description :

Presenting an opinion related to the real estate sector, which is presented to the public through the media, social media, or any other media

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities 682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Professional, scientific and technical activities 691010 legal representation and advice

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
M - Professional, scientific and technical activities 69 - Legal and accounting activities 691 - Legal activities 6910 - Legal activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities 691020 general preparation of legal documents

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
M - Professional, scientific and technical activities 69 - Legal and accounting activities 691 - Legal activities 6910 - Legal activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities 691030 patents

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
M - Professional, scientific and technical activities 69 - Legal and accounting activities 691 - Legal activities 6910 - Legal activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities 691041 Notification of declarations, dates, orders and judicial documents required for execution

Hierarchy of the Economic Activity

Chapter Division Group Class
M - Professional, scientific and technical activities 69 - Legal and accounting activities 691 - Legal activities 6910 - Legal activities

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