19 Apr 2024

Last update 29 / 04 / 2018

Employment and Wages Survey

Cabinet decree no. (211) of 13-1-1437H gave the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) the right to conduct surveys in the economic, social and population fields on behalf of the kingdom and publishing them periodically. Based on this right, GASTAT has conducted programs and surveys aiming to provide a statistical data base in all fields including wages and employment statistics to upgrade data bases and statistical indicators, and to be available for researchers, planners, and decision makers in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, in the course of conducting field surveys, GASTAT is working on a field survey for wages and employment. It has put into consideration that the survey methodology and the form design shall be in accordance with the international recommendations and standards issued by the International Labor Organization (ILO). 


Date of survey:

18/7/2017 – 20/8/2017

Employment and Wages Survey

8,000 establishments

28 January, 2018

700 - 750 field researchers collaborated with GASTAT

Employment and wages survey form encompasses 4 main departments, to be answered by using tablets, the form includes:
First: Establishment Information
Second: Details of the workers during the time reference
Third: Details of the vacant jobs for potential workers during the time reference
IV: Details of the future jobs during the financial year 2017/2018

1.Measuring average monthly wage by gender and nationality.
2.Measuring average monthly wage by occupation and economic activity
3.Measuring average monthly wage by age and educational level
4.Evaluating wages levels and work conditions for workers in public and private sectors establishments
5.Indicating total basic and additional working hours according to nationality and economic activity
6.Comparing average wages for all workers over various periods
7.Studying wages orientations and its changes over time
8.Comparing earning average for workers according to nationality and educational level:
9.Providing the needed statistical data and information on all economic activities for government bodies and agencies as well as researchers.
10.To utilize such data in conducting national, regional and international comparisons, and carry out studies and analyses.

The survey covers all administrative regions of Saudi Arabia using a sample of the establishments in such regions, as they are divided into 13 regions as follows:
5.Eastern Region
9.Northern Borders

1.Scope: Recognizing and pointing out the statistical requirements, and determining the possible solutions
2.Design: Designing all subsequent steps of the statistical process.
3.Organization: Preparing and testing all statistical work procedures
4.Collection: Data collection and verification.
5.Categorization: Data processing for converting data from initial data to statistical data.
6.Revision: Results verifications and explanation.
7.Publishing: Preparing outputs for publishing
8.Evaluation: Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of all stages of the statistical process.
9.Management: Administering all steps of the statistical process continuously.

All employment and wages survey findings are deemed as information base for decision and policy makers.
We warrant the confidentiality of the information stated in employment and wages survey and other field surveys conducted by GASTAT. We recognize and esteem the value of transparency.
Your cooperation with the field surveyors to collect data for the employment and wages survey participates in aiding decision makers.
Your recognition of the importance of the information and data used in employment and wages survey participates in enhancing development and attracting more investments.
Right decisions are based on accurate information. Your Cooperation in collecting data through employment and wages survey enhances national development
Development depends mainly on data and information. Your answers on the field Employment and Wages Survey contributes to supporting decision and policy makers.
We continue providing statistics and data through employment and wages survey for a strong and steady economy.
The data that the establishment provides about its economy in the Employment and Wages Survey aids decision-makers in continuous development and improvement
Employment and Wages Survey contributes in providing indicators and statistics for decisions makers in accordance with the vision of SAUDI ARABIA for 2030.
Your cooperation with the field surveyors contributes in taking developmental decisions.

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