Cabinet decree no. (211) of 13/1/1437H gave the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) the right to conduct surveys in the economic, social and population fields on behalf of the kingdom and publishing them periodically. Based on this right, GASTAT has installed programs and surveys that aim to create a statistical database in all fields, including data and statistics of the internal trade with a view to providing support in developing a study of the economic status of the commercial establishments, which will provide updated statistical data for helping decision-makers to reduce unemployment and increase employment in the private sector in the internal trade activity as well as knowing the volume of the internal trade (retail and wholesale). As part of GASTAT field surveys, GASTAT is working to conduct the Internal Trade Survey. International recommendations and standards of the International Labor Organization have been taken into account while preparing the survey methodology and designing the survey form.
Date of survey:
18/7/2017 – 20/8/2017
Internal Trade Activity Survey
12600 establishments
28 -jan- 2018
Field researchers from GASTAT
Internal Trade Activity Survey form includes 15 main sections that are filled by using hand devices "tablet". The form includes:
1-Economic Activity
2-General data
3-Average number of workers during the year
B-Qualifications and competences of employee
4-Average number of workers during the year
5-Readiness of establishment for internal trade
6-Commodity and Service Requirements In Year
7-Transfer Expenses
8-Procurements and sales (revenues)
9-The most important traded goods (bestselling) during the year
10-Sales by Internet during the year
11-Transfer Revenues
12-Paid capital and the percentage of participation in the capital ownership
13-Alteration in assets and liabilities
14-Assets and liabilities by sector
15-Evaluations of government services
1.Providing updated statistical data to help decision-makers reduce unemployment and increase employment in the private sector in the internal trade activity.
2.Knowing the volume of internal trade activity (wholesale and retail).
3.Measuring the extent of contribution of the internal trade activity to local production
The survey covers all the administrative regions of Saudi Arabia by using a sample of establishments in these regions. The administrative regions are divided into thirteen regions as follows:
5.Eastern Region
9.Northern Borders
1.Scope: Recognizing the statistical requirements, and determining the possible solutions
2.Design: Designing all subsequent steps of the statistical process.
3.Organization: Preparing and testing all statistical work procedures
4.Collection: Data collection and verification.
5.Categorization: Data processing for converting data from initial data to statistical data.
6.Revision: Results verification and explanation.
7.Publishing: Preparing outputs for publishing
8.Evaluation: Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of all stages of the statistical process.
9.Management: Administering all steps of the statistical process continuously.